Percona Xtradb cluster on raspberry pi - percona

I setup raspbian on my raspberry and I've tried to install percona xtradb cluster as mentioned in the percona site, but it looks like the package manager can't find suitable packages for the raspberry so here am I asking for help.
How can I install percona Xtradb Cluster on raspberry pi (armhf) ?

Solved, percona xtradb cluster for armhf is included in the ubuntu repository.


'Specified repository is not supported for current operating system' error

I am trying to install a Percona cluster on a VM following this guide, but when I get to
sudo percona-release setup pxc80
I am getting
Specified repository is not supported for current operating system!
My VM is running a ubuntu 22.04 server. What can I do to fix this?
There is not yet a PXC for Ubuntu 22.04. PXC is based on Percona Server, Percona Server is based on Oracle MySQL Community. MySQL Community is not yet available from Oracle for Ubuntu 22.04. PXC will not likely be available for Ubuntu 22.04 until 8.0.30 at the earliest.
George O. Lorch III
Director of Server Engineering, Percona Server for MySQL, Percona XtraDB Cluster, and Percona XtraBackup

Percona client installation failed in linux server with aarch64 architecture

I am trying to install Percona client on two different Linux servers with the same ubuntu version (20.04.2 LTS), but with different architecture. The percona client got successfully installed in the server with x86_64(amd64) architecture but failing to install in the server with aarch64 architecture. I am facing the following error in the server with aarch64-
Steps followed to install the percona client
Download Percona Repo Package
wget$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
Install Percona Repo Package
sudo dpkg -i percona-release_latest.$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb
Update apt-cache
sudo apt-get update
Install Percona Monitoring and Management Client
sudo apt-get install pmm2-client
I followed the installation steps given in the below link.
Please suggest a solution to install percona client in Ubuntu with aarch64 architecture.
Percona does not currently support the aarch64 architecture. You will not be able to install any Percona software for ARM-based processors. Please reach out to Percona on social media to voice your support for ARM as we base our roadmaps and support on user feedback.

How to install #hyperledger-fabric setup on centOS?

I have a server in my lab running centOS operating system, and i am connecting to the server using ubuntu installed on my windows laptop. I want to install hyperledger fabric on this lab server (centOS). but I am new to centOS as well ubuntu. have no idea, where to start and how. I need help to install hyperledger fabric platform on this centOS server.
have surf the Internet but not found any good information about centOS commands and support.
I need all steps to install hyperledger platform on centOS server.

PVFS2 on Raspberry Pi B+

is it possible to install PVFS2/OrangeFS on a Raspberry Pi cluster?
I already installed it on Linux but i really dont know how to install it on a Raspberry. Anyone got an idea or is it simple as installing it on the build system?

How do I set up RPM on a manual install CentOS 7

I am following the instructions from the CentOS website to manually install CentOS 7 ( but the guide seems to have some quality issues. I've partitioned the storage fine and now onto setting up RPM. Unfortunately I am at a loss on how to do this. I am doing this on VMware Workstation 10 and the host OS is Ubuntu 14.04.
