Parsing and Unmarshing CCD XML using Jaxb - cda

I have a requirement to read and parse CCD xml in my application. It gave me error initially for id attribute which I solved by renaming ID attribute.
But when I try to unmarshal CCD xml to java obj from generated Java classes I am not getting the value for the java object
As CCD xml is quite complex. So what's the best way to parse CCD xml? I am open to use Java. Please suggest.

I suggest using the MDHT CDA API
You can download the latest runtime
There is also the certification site which uses MDHT

Every time I have parsed a CDA/CCD I use directly XPath expressions to query content, for me this is the easiest and best performance solution.


Does Apache Freemarker support xlsx?

Cant find anything about it in their documentation. They state that they support xml, but they doesn't mention openxml based document formats.
On the top of that I couldnt manage to create mergefields in excel as the same way I was able to do it in docx.
FreeMarker doesn't care what kind of XML that is. XML is just a tree of nodes as far as it's concerned. It's a low level thing.

Do IBMSBT has a built in XML to JSON converter in JAVA?

I'm trying to figure out how to convert XML to JSON in IBMSBT because not all CNX api's and Object does not support tranformation out of the box. (example: Profile) I need to return JSON only.
So before I add yet another 3. party project. Do IBMSBT have a built in XML to JSON converter ?
Thanks for any reply helping me in the right direction
What #PaulBastide is saying: use the
package in, which is part of the SBT

Generate XSD from Java WITH documentation

I created an XSD schema and have put in some documentation via the tag.
from the XSD i generated Java classes using Jaxb (from within eclipse - jdk1.6)
i now plan to use my java classes as "source" and modify them as per requirements that come up
I will generate XSD back from modified Java classes to keep the XSD in-sync.
in this process any "documentation" on the XSD gets lost. (i.e. when i generate it from Java). Is there some way to get around this? Thanks.

Include the file name of the xsd schema I am processing with xslt

I am generating Objective-C class files with Saxon via XSLT and in a comment header would like to include information as to which xsd was used for their creation. Is there any way I can access the current filename during an xslt transformation?
Would be great if anyone had an idea...thanks!
Assuming XSLT/XPath 2.0 or later you can use document-uri(/) to find the URI of the input document and if you only want the file name then you could use tokenize(document-uri(/), '/')[last()].

Does anyone know where to get the XSD file describing the junitReport.xml file format expected by Hudson?

I need the XSD of junitReport.xml recognized by Hudson.
Does anyone know where can it be found?
At this link, someone has already tried to analyse the JUnit code to check for any references for it's XML schema. But an XSD is no requirement to create XML and apparently, it doesn't use one.
I've create a junit.xsd for Ant's junit task. It was created by examining the relevant Java code in Ant 1.8.2
