Difference between std::mutex lock function and std::lock_guard<std::mutex>? - multithreading

Basically, the title is self-explanatory.
I use it in following way:
The code is in Objective-C++.
Objective-C classes make concurrent calls to different purpose functions.
I use std::mutex to lock and unlock std::vector<T> editing option across entire class, as C++ std containers are not thread safe.

Using lock_guard automatically unlocks the mutex again when it goes out of scope. That makes it impossible to forget to unlock it, when returning, or when an exception is thrown. You should always prefer to use lock_guard or unique_lock instead of using mutex::lock(). See http://kayari.org/cxx/antipatterns.html#locking-mutex
lock_guard is an example of an RAII or SBRM type.

The std::lock_guard is only used for two purposes:
Automate mutex unlock during destruction (no need to call .unlock()).
Allow simultaneous lock of multiple mutexes to overcome deadlock problem.
For the last use case you will need std::adopt_lock flag:
std::lock(mutex_one, mutex_two);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockPurposeOne(mutex_one, std::adopt_lock);
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lockPurposeTwo(mutex_two, std::adopt_lock);
On the other hand, you will need allocate yet another class instance for the guard every time you need to lock the mutex, as std::lock_guard has no member functions. If you need guard with unlocking functionality take a look at std::unique_lock class. You may also consider using std::shared_lock for parallel reading of your vector.
You may notice, that std::shared_lock class is commented in header files and will be only accessible with C++17. According to header file you can use std::shared_timed_mutex, but when you will try to build the app it will fail, as Apple had updated the header files, but not the libc++ itself.
So for Objective-C app it may be more convenient to use GCD, allocate a couple of queue for all your C++ containers at the same time and put semaphores where needed. Take a look at this excellent comparison.


A thread_guard Equivalent To lock_guard / unique_lock

The standard library provides a mutex class, with the ability to manually lock and unlock it:
std::mutex m;
// ...
However, the library apparently also recognizes that a common case is just to lock the mutex at some point, and unlock it when leaving a block. For this it provides std::lock_guard and std::unique_lock:
std::mutex m;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
// ...
// Automatic unlock
I think a fairly common pattern for threads, is to create one (either as a stack variable, or a member), then join it before destructing it:
std::thread t(foo);
// ...
It seems easy to write a thread_guard, which would take a thread (or a sequence of threads), and would just call join on its own destruction:
std::thread t(foo);
thread_guard<std::thread> g(t);
// ...
// Join automatically
Is there a standard-library class like it?
If not, is there some reason to avoid this?
This issue is discussed in Scott Meyer's book "Modern Effective c++"
The problem is that if there would be another default behavior (detach or join) would cause hard to find errors in case you forget that there is a implicit operation. So the actual default behavior on destruction is asserting if not explicitly joined or detached. And no "Guard" class is there also because of that reason.
If you always want to join it's safe to write such a class yourself. But when someone uses it and wants to detach people can forget that the destructor will implicitly join it. So that's the risk in writing such function.
As an alternative you can use a scope_guard by boost or the folly library (which I personally prefer more) and declare in the beginning explicitly your intention and it will be executed. Or you can write a policy based "Guard" class where you have to explicitly state what you want to do on destruction.

How can we know we are inside a spinlock?

I have a function which is called by multiple functions. Some functions call it with spinlock held and some without any lock. How can I know if my function is called with spinlock held?
I have a big piece of code written some time back. It has some functions which are called with and without locks from different code paths. The functions allocate skbs with GFP_KERNEL flag only considering the cases without locks. It is causing issues when called with spin_lock(). I need to handle both the cases to avoid sleeping inside a spin_lock.
How can I know if my function is called with spinlock held?
You cannot, not directly. You would need to set a flag in some structure yourself that indicates whether you hold the lock or not.
You are better off creating 2 functions. One that you call if you hold the lock, one that you call if you don't hold the lock.
//b->lck must be taken
void foo_unlocked(struct bar *b)
//do your thing, assume relevant lock is held
//b->lck must not be taken
void foo(struct bar *b)
I need to check only preemption disabled or irqs disabled. Based on that I can allocate memory with GFP_KERNEL or GFP_ATOMIC. Hence I don't need to rely on when spin_lock or another lock. Using in_atomic() and irqs_disabled() functions, I can achieve it. Thanks

Use a Monitor like a Semaphore?

When using monitors for most concurrency problems, you can just put the critical section inside a monitor method and then invoke the method. However, there are some multiplexing problems wherein up to n threads can run their critical sections simultaneously. So we can say that it's useful to know how to use a monitor like the following:
What can we use inside the monitors so we can go about doing this?
Side question: Are there standard resources tackling this? Most of what I read involve only putting the critical section inside the monitor. For semaphores there is "The Little Book of Semaphores".
As far as I understand your question, any solution must satisfy this:
When fewer than n threads are in the critical section, a thread calling monitor.enter() should not blockā€”i.e. the only thing preventing it from progressing should be the whims of the scheduler.
At most n threads are in the critical section at any point in time; implying that
When thread n+1 calls monitor.enter(), it must block until a thread calls monitor.exit().
As far as I can tell, your requirements are equivalent to this:
The "monitor" is a semaphore with an initial value of n.
monitor.enter() is semaphore.prolaag() (aka P, decrement or wait)
monitor.exit() is semaphore.verhoog() (aka V, increment or signal)
So here it is, a semaphore implemented from a monitor:
monitor Semaphore(n):
int capacity = n
method enter:
while capacity == 0: wait()
capacity -= 1
method exit:
capacity += 1
Use it like this:
shared state:
monitor = Semaphore(n)
each thread:
The other path
I guess that you might want some kind of syntactic wrapper, let's call it Multimonitor, so you can write something like this:
method critical_section_a:
method critical_section_b:
And your run-time environment would ensure that at most n threads are active inside any of the monitor methods (in your case you just wanted one method). I know of no such feature in any programming language or runtime environment.
Perhaps in python you can create a Multimonitor class containing all the book-keeping variables, then subclass from it and put decorators on all the methods; a metaclass-involving solution might be able to do the decorating for the user.
The third option
If you implement monitors using semaphores, you're often using a semaphore as a mutex around monitor entry and resume points. I think you could initialize such a semaphore with a value larger than one and thereby produce such a Multimonitor, complete with wait() and signal() on condition variables. But: it would do more than what you need in your stated question, and if you use semaphores, why not just use them in the basic and straightforward way?

Double-Checked Locking Pattern in C++11?

The new machine model of C++11 allows for multi-processor systems to work reliably, wrt. to reorganization of instructions.
As Meyers and Alexandrescu pointed out the "simple" Double-Checked Locking Pattern implementation is not safe in C++03
Singleton* Singleton::instance() {
if (pInstance == 0) { // 1st test
Lock lock;
if (pInstance == 0) { // 2nd test
pInstance = new Singleton;
return pInstance;
They showed in their article that no matter what you do as a programmer, in C++03 the compiler has too much freedom: It is allowed to reorder the instructions in a way that you can not be sure that you end up with only one instance of Singleton.
My question is now:
Do the restrictions/definitions of the new C++11 machine model now constrain the sequence of instructions, that the above code would always work with a C++11 compiler?
How does a safe C++11-Implementation of this Singleton pattern now looks like, when using the new library facilities (instead of the mock Lock here)?
If pInstance is a regular pointer, the code has a potential data race -- operations on pointers (or any builtin type, for that matter) are not guaranteed to be atomic (EDIT: or well-ordered)
If pInstance is an std::atomic<Singleton*> and Lock internally uses an std::mutex to achieve synchronization (for example, if Lock is actually std::lock_guard<std::mutex>), the code should be data race free.
Note that you need both explicit locking and an atomic pInstance to achieve proper synchronization.
Since static variable initialization is now guaranteed to be threadsafe, the Meyer's singleton should be threadsafe.
Singleton* Singleton::instance() {
static Singleton _instance;
return &_instance;
Now you need to address the main problem: there is a Singleton in your code.
EDIT: based on my comment below: This implementation has a major drawback when compared to the others. What happens if the compiler doesn't support this feature? The compiler will spit out thread unsafe code without even issuing a warning. The other solutions with locks will not even compile if the compiler doesn't support the new interfaces. This might be a good reason not to rely on this feature, even for things other than singletons.
C++11 doesn't change the meaning of that implementation of double-checked locking. If you want to make double-checked locking work you need to erect suitable memory barriers/fences.

Delphi threading - which parts of code need to be protected/synchronized?

so far I thought that any operation done on "shared" object (common for multiple threads) must be protected with "synchronize", no matter what. Apparently, I was wrong - in the code I'm studying recently there are plenty of classes (thread-safe ones, as the Author claims) and only one of them uses Critical Section for almost every method.
How do I find what parts / methods of my code needs to be protected with CriticalSection (or any other method) and which not?
So far I haven't stumbled upon any interesting explanation / article / blog note, all google results are:
a) examples of synchronization between thread and the GUI. From simple progressbar to most complex, but still the lesson is obvious: each time you access / modify the property of GUI component, do that in "Synchronize". But nothing more.
b) articles explaining Critical Sections, Mutexes etc. Just a different approaches of protection/synchronization.
c) Examples of very very simple thread-safe classes (thread safe stack or list) - they all do the same - implement lock / unlock methods which do enter/leave critical section and return the actual stack/list pointer on locking.
Now I'm looking for explanation which parts of code should be protected.
could be in form of code ;) but please don't provide me with one more "using Synchronize to update progressbar" ... ;)
thank you!
You are asking for specific answers to a very general question.
Basically, apart of UI operations, you should protect every shared memory/resource access to avoid two potentially competing threads to:
read inconsistent memory
write memory at the same time
try to use the same resource at the same time from more than one thread... until the resource is thread-safe.
Generally, I consider any other operation thread safe, including operations that access not shared memory or not shared objects.
For example, consider this object:
TThrdExample = class
FValue: Integer;
procedure Inc;
procedure Dec;
function Value: Integer;
procedure ThreadInc;
procedure ThreadDec;
function ThreadValue: Integer;
ThreadValue: Integer;
Inc, Dec and Value are methods which operate over FValue field. The methods are not thread safe until you protect them with some synchronization mechanism. It can be a MultipleReaderExclusiveWriterSinchronizer for Value function and CriticalSection for Inc and Dec methods.
ThreadInc and ThreadDec methods operate over ThreadValue variable, which is defined as ThreadVar, so I consider it ThreadSafe because the memory they access is not shared between threads... each call from different thread will access different memory address.
If you know that, by design, a class should be used only in one thread or inside other synchronization mechanisms, you're free to consider that thread safe by design.
If you want more specific answers, I suggest you try with a more specific question.
Best regards.
EDIT: Maybe someone say the integer fields is a bad example because you can consider integer operations atomic on Intel/Windows thus is not needed to protect it... but I hope you get the idea.
You misunderstood TThread.Synchronize method.
TThread.Synchronize and TThread.Queue methods executes protected code in the context of main (GUI) thread. That is why you should use Syncronize or Queue to update GUI controls (like progressbar) - normally only main thread should access GUI controls.
Critical Sections are different - the protected code is executed in the context of the thread that acquired critical section, and no other thread is permitted to acquire the critical section until the former thread releases it.
You use critical section in case there's a need for a certain set of objects to be updated atomically. This means, they must at all times be either already updated completely or not yet updated at all. They must never be accessible in a transitional state.
For example, with a simple integer reading/writing this is not the case. The operation of reading integer as well as the operation of writing it are atomic already: you cannot read integer in the middle of processor writing it, half-updated. It's either old value or new value, always.
But if you want to increment the integer atomically, you have not one, but three operations you have to do at once: read the old value into processor's cache, increment it, and write it back to memory. Each operation is atomic, but the three of them together are not.
One thread might read the old value (say, 200), increment it by 5 in cache, and at the same time another thread might read the value too (still 200). Then the first thread writes back 205, while the second thread increments its cached value of 200 to 203 and writes back 203, overwriting 205. The result of two increments (+5 and +3) should be 208, but it's 203 due to non-atomicity of operations.
So, you use critical sections when:
A variable, set of variables, or any resource is used from several threads and needs to be updated atomically.
It's not atomic by itself (for example, calling a function which is guarded by critical section inside of the function body, is an atomic operation already)
Have a read of this documentation
If you use messaging to communicate between threads then you can basically ignore synchronisation primitives completely because each thread only accesses its internal structures and the messages themselves. In essence this is far easier and more scalable architecture than using synchronisation primitives.
