Swift 3.0-Switch statement without default statement getting error 'Switch must be exhaustive, consider adding default clause' - switch-statement

Following is the code used for executing Switch statement in playground. I executed few switch statements without using default. My doubt is why it is optional for some and mandatory for other statements.Thanks in advance!.
let someNumber = 3.5
switch someNumber {
case 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 :
print("Prime numbers")
case 4 , 6 , 24 , 12 , 66 :
print("Normal numbers")
Counter statement executed successfully without using default
let yetAnotherPoint = (3,1)
switch yetAnotherPoint {
case let (x,y) where x == y :
print("(\(x),\(y)) is on the line x == y")
case let (x,y) where x == -y :
print("(\(x),\(y)) is on the line x == -y")
case let (x,y):
print("(\(x),\(y)) is just some arbitrary point")

As other stated in comments, you should use default because in your cases you're not exposing every possible Double. But if you like more the way you did it in your second example you could do it like so:
let someNumber = 3.5
switch someNumber {
case 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 :
print("Prime numbers")
case 4 , 6 , 24 , 12 , 66 :
print("Normal numbers")
case let x:
print("I also have this x = \(x)")
Just for the reference, here's how this scenario is most often handled:
let someNumber = 3.5
switch someNumber {
case 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 :
print("Prime numbers")
case 4 , 6 , 24 , 12 , 66 :
print("Normal numbers")
print("I have an unexpected case.")

1 == 1
God knows why you need a default.


Reverse Integer python

I am trying to solve the Leetcode "Reverse Integer" challenge in python.
I took look at the solution they supplied.
Their answer was written in Java.
I do not know why they use the following test-condition:
if (rev > Integer.MAX_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10 && pop > 7)) return 0;
if (rev < Integer.MIN_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MIN_VALUE / 10 && pop < -8)) return 0;
I wrote my python code without that same test condition.
It failed when I tested a negative number.
class Solution:
def reverse(self, x: int) -> int:
rev = 0
while( x != 0 ):
pop = x % 10
x //= 10
rev = rev * 10 +pop
return rev
I do not understand why that particular test-condition exists in their code.
The goal is to reverse the order of digits in an integer.
Some examples are shown below:
Example 1:
Input: x = 123
Output: 321
Example 2:
Input: x = -123
Output: -321
Example 3:
Input: x = 120
Output: 21
Example 4:
Input: x = 0
Output: 0
class Solution {
public int reverse(int x) {
int rev = 0;
while (x != 0) {
int pop = x % 10;
x /= 10;
if (rev > Integer.MAX_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10 && pop > 7)) return 0;
if (rev < Integer.MIN_VALUE/10 || (rev == Integer.MIN_VALUE / 10 && pop < -8)) return 0;
rev = rev * 10 + pop;
return rev;
Branch conditions are sometimes easier to understand when they are drawn as tree-diagrams instead of one line formulas.
Also, we can write the tree like this:
├── OR
│ ├── (rev > Integer.MAX_VALUE/10)
│ └── AND
│ ├── rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE / 10
│ └── pop > 7
Imagine that rev is a container, like a cookie-jar, or a carboard box.
There is a maximum number of cookies which can be crammed into the cookie jar.
When rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE it means that the cookie jar is full.
The condition rev == Integer.MAX_VALUE/ 10 is represent the idea that the cookie-jar can only fit one more cookie.
Instead of stuffing cookies into cookie jars, we are stuffing digits (such as 5) into an integer.
The integer is the container.
Note that when you append zero to an integer in base 10, it is the same as multiplying by 10. For example, 25 becomes 250
Suppose that the largest integer allowed is 2,147,483,647
Note that 214,748,364 is equal to 2,147,483,647 / 10
When you divide by 10, the decimal part of the number is discarded.
When rev is 214,748,364, then you can append any integer the right-most end, as long as that digit is less than or equal to 7.
Old Element
New Element
New Container
The "status" column in the table above
In their code, when they wrote (pop > 7) it probably should have been (pop > Integer.MAX_VALUE % 10)
Suppose that the largest integer allowed is 2,147,483,647
Then, 2,147,483,647 % 10 is equal to 7.
There are many, many different ways to reverse the digits of a number.
One solution, in python, is shown below:
x = int(reversed(str(x)))

Lock Challenge in Alloy

I would like to solve the following lock challenge using Alloy.
My main issue is how to model the integers representing the digit keys.
I created a quick draft:
sig Digit, Position{}
sig Lock {
d: Digit one -> lone Position
run {} for exactly 1 Lock, exactly 3 Position, 10 Digit
In this context, could you please:
tell me if Alloy seems to you suitable to solve this kind of problem?
give me some pointers regarding the way I could model the key digits (without using Ints)?
Thank you.
My frame of this puzzle is:
enum Digit { N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9 }
one sig Code {a,b,c:Digit}
pred hint(h1,h2,h3:Digit, matched,wellPlaced:Int) {
matched = #(XXXX) // fix XXXX
wellPlaced = #(XXXX) // fix XXXX
fact {
hint[N6,N8,N2, 1,1]
hint[N6,N1,N4, 1,0]
hint[N2,N0,N6, 2,0]
hint[N7,N3,N8, 0,0]
hint[N7,N8,N0, 1,0]
run {}
A simple way to get started, you do not always need sig's. The solution found is probably not the intended solution but that is because the requirements are ambiguous, took a shortcut.
pred lock[ a,b,c : Int ] {
a=6 || b=8 || c= 2
a in 1+4 || b in 6+4 || c in 6+1
a in 0+6 || b in 2+6 || c in 2+0
a != 7 && b != 3 && c != 8
a = 7 || b=8 || c=0
run lock for 6 int
Look in the Text view for the answer.
upate we had a discussion on the Alloy list and I'd like to amend my solution with a more readable version:
let sq[a,b,c] = 0->a + 1->b + 2->c
let digit = { n : Int | n>=0 and n <10 }
fun correct[ lck : seq digit, a, b, c : digit ] : Int { # (Int.lck & (a+b+c)) }
fun wellPlaced[ lck : seq digit, a, b, c : digit ] : Int { # (lck & sq[a,b,c]) }
pred lock[ a, b, c : digit ] {
let lck = sq[a,b,c] {
1 = correct[ lck, 6,8,2] and 1 = wellPlaced[ lck, 6,8,2]
1 = correct[ lck, 6,1,4] and 0 = wellPlaced[ lck, 6,1,4]
2 = correct[ lck, 2,0,6] and 0 = wellPlaced[ lck, 2,0,6]
0 = correct[ lck, 7,3,8]
1 = correct[ lck, 7,8,0] and 0 = wellPlaced[ lck, 7,8,0]
run lock for 6 Int
When you think solve complete, let's examine whether the solution is generic.
Here is another lock.
If you can’t solve this in same form, your solution may not enough.
Hint1: (1,2,3) - Nothing is correct.
Hint2: (4,5,6) - Nothing is correct.
Hint3: (7,8,9) - One number is correct but wrong placed.
Hint4: (9,0,0) - All numbers are correct, with one well placed.
Yes, I think Alloy is suitable for this kind of problem.
Regarding digits, you don't need integers at all: in fact, it is a bit irrelevant for this particular purpose if they are digits or any set of 10 different identifiers (no arithmetic is performed with them). You can use singleton signatures to declare the digits, all extending signature Digit, which should be marked as abstract. Something like:
abstract sig Digit {}
one sig Zero, One, ..., Nine extends Digit {}
A similar strategy can be used to declare the three different positions of the lock. And btw since you have exactly one lock you can also declare Lock as singleton signature.
I like the Nomura solution on this page. I made a slight modification of the predicate and the fact to solve.
enum Digit { N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9 }
one sig Code {a,b,c: Digit}
pred hint(code: Code, d1,d2,d3: Digit, correct, wellPlaced:Int) {
correct = #((code.a + code.b + code.c)&(d1 + d2 + d3))
wellPlaced = #((0->code.a + 1->code.b + 2->code.c)&(0->d1 + 1->d2 + 2->d3))
fact {
some code: Code |
hint[code, N6,N8,N2, 1,1] and
hint[code, N6,N1,N4, 1,0] and
hint[code, N2,N0,N6, 2,0] and
hint[code, N7,N3,N8, 0,0] and
hint[code, N7,N8,N0, 1,0]
run {}
Update (2020-12-29):
The new puzzle presented by Nomura (https://stackoverflow.com/a/61022419/5005552) demonstrates a weakness in the original solution: it does not account for multiple uses of a digit within a code. A modification to the expression for "correct" fixes this. Intersect each guessed digit with the union of the digits from the passed code and sum them for the true cardinality. I encapsulated the matching in a function, which will return 0 or 1 for each digit.
enum Digit {N0,N1,N2,N3,N4,N5,N6,N7,N8,N9}
let sequence[a,b,c] = 0->a + 1->b + 2->c
one sig Code {c1, c2, c3: Digit}
fun match[code: Code, d: Digit]: Int { #((code.c1 + code.c2 + code.c3) & d) }
pred hint(code: Code, d1,d2,d3: Digit, correct, wellPlaced:Int) {
// The intersection of each guessed digit with the code (unordered) tells us
// whether any of the digits match each other and how many
correct = match[code,d1].plus[match[code,d2]].plus[match[code,d3]]
// The intersection of the sequences of digits (ordered) tells us whether
// any of the digits are correct AND in the right place in the sequence
wellPlaced = #(sequence[code.c1,code.c2,code.c3] & sequence[d1, d2, d3])
pred originalLock {
some code: Code |
hint[code, N6,N8,N2, 1,1] and
hint[code, N6,N1,N4, 1,0] and
hint[code, N2,N0,N6, 2,0] and
hint[code, N7,N3,N8, 0,0] and
hint[code, N7,N8,N0, 1,0]
pred newLock {
some code: Code |
hint[code, N1,N2,N3, 0,0] and
hint[code, N4,N5,N6, 0,0] and
hint[code, N7,N8,N9, 1,0] and
hint[code, N9,N0,N0, 3,1]
run originalLock
run newLock
run test {some code: Code | hint[code, N9,N0,N0, 3,1]}

Switch case help in visual c++

The question is
int i = 6, x = 11;
switch(i % 3 ? 0 : 1)
case 0: x /=2; break;
case 1: x +=3;
case 2: x *=4;
cout << "x = " << x;
So the answer i should be getting is x=5, however, from the answer script it said it should be x= 56.
Why is that?
Both statements:
x +=3;
x *=4;
are executed. This is why (see here for conditional operator reference and here for the switch statement).
In the expression
i % 3 ? 0 : 1
i % 3 is the condition. Being an integer value, it's considered false if equal to zero, true otherwise. In your case i has value 6, thus i % 3 is 0, thus the condition is false and the value after the : is taken to be evaluated in the switch statement.
The value after the : is 1, so the code jumps to case 1 and executes x += 3. Now x is 11+3=14.
But there is no break statement before case 2, so the execution simply goes on with x *= 4 and x becomes 14*4=56.

changing robin karp(without modulo operator) to Rabin-karp algorithm(with moduo opeartor) for string matching

I am trying to solve a string matching problem using Rabin-karp algorithm.
I made use of horner's method for calculating hash function,but i forgot to use modulo operator..its like this now.
(this is for starting pattern length of the big string)
1 for(i=0;i<l1;i++)
2 {
3 unsigned long long int k2 = *(s1+i);
4 p1 += k2 * k1;
5 k1 = (k1 * 31);
6 }
where s1 is a string containing characters,and its like
s1[0](k1^0) + s1[1](k1^1) and so on....
and i did the same for the pattern we need to find..
0 unsigned long long int j;
1 for(j=0;j<l1;j++)
2 {
3 unsigned long long int k3 = *(str+j);
4 p2 += k3 * k4;
5 k4 = (k4 *31);
6 }
Now i am going through strings of length = pattern length in the big string.
Code for that is..
0 long long int ll1 = strlen(s1),ll2=strlen(str);
1 for(j=1;j<=ll2;j++)
2 {
3 printf("p1 and p2 are %d nd %d\n",p1,p2);
4 if ( p2 == p1)
5 {
6 r1 = 1;
7 break;
8 }
9 long int w1 = *(str+j-1);
10 p2 -= w1;
11 p2 = p2/31;
12 long int lp = *(str+j+l1-1);
13 p2 += ((lp *vp));
14 }
15 if ( r1 == 0)
16 {
17 printf("n\n");
18 }
19 else
20 {
21 printf("y\n");
22 }
23 }
where str is the big string,s1 is pattern string.
I tested for multiple inputs an i am getting correct answers for all of them but its taking a lot of time..i then realized its because of high calculations needed when the pattern string is too long and if we use a modulo operator we can minimize those calculations..**my question is how to incorporate modulo operator in this code while searching for patterns?
My entire code:
Please help me out with this,i tried searching in net but could not find help.
Thanks in Advance!

iterating through class members in groovy

I have a class named Vowels which contains 5 variables representing each vowel. User inputs a sentence, some voodoo magic happens and a method counts the vowels a prints them:
[a = 9, e = 5, i = 7, o = 5, u = 6]
After that the user is requested to input a random integer and another method does all 4 basic math operations as below:
a --> 9 * 3 = 27
a --> 9 / 3 = 3
a --> 9 + 3 = 12
a --> 9 - 3 = 6
So far I have managed to make this happen with 20 printlns (1 for each operation for each vowel), but could this be somehow optimized with a loop?
I found some info about reflection, but I don't really understand it.
The members of your object are available by calling getProperties. Every object has a property named class, which you can ignore, and the order is not defined, so 'e' might appear in the properties before 'a'. Example:
class Vowels {
int a, e, i, o, u
def v = new Vowels(a: 9, e: 5, i: 7, o: 5, u: 6)
v.properties.each { name, value ->
if (name != 'class') {
println "$name --> $value * 3 == ${value * 3}"
