File paths must be fully qualified - Puppet - puppet

I have just started with puppet and I have an elementary question on using variables in a class. This is my class
# == Class: mysql::configure_mysql
class mysql::configure_mysql inherits mysql {
$mysql_backup = "/var/mysql_backup"
#Create directories
file { 'mysql_backup':
path => '($mysql_backup)',
ensure => 'directory',
I am getting an error
Error: Failed to apply catalog: Parameter path failed on File[mysql_backup]: File paths must be fully qualified, not '($mysql_backup)'
Can someone please help me with how to declare a variable and use it?
I have used this for reference:

'' is a string literal in coding languages. You need the variable $mysql_backup to be resolved. Your resource was literally using the string ($mysql_backup). You also need to remove those parantheses as they are only a syntax error. For these reasons, '($mysql_backup)' needs to be changed to $mysql_backup. You could also put double quotes around the variable, but there would be no point to it.
file { 'mysql_backup':
path => $mysql_backup,
ensure => 'directory',
Puppet also uses the title of a file resource as the path, so you could shorten your resource to:
file { $mysql_backup: ensure => 'directory' }

The file's title must be the absoloute path to your file.
file { '/your/full/file/path/here':
path => "${mysql_backup}"
ensure => 'directory',

The path should be set with:
path => $mysql_backup,
The reason it didn't work in your case was that variables (like $mysql_backup) are not interpolated in single quotes. Changing the single quotes to double quotes would help, but then you would also need to remove the extraneous (..) brackets.


Puppet tries to rename sites-avaialbe folder

I am running Puppet on staging server, for some reasons puppet starts trying removing sites-available folder and I have no idea why. Any hint will be helpful.
Error: Could not set 'file' on ensure: Is a directory # rb_file_s_rename - (/etc/nginx/sites-available20180808-12536-11p54v, /etc/nginx/sites-available) at 12:/etc/puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/vhost.pp
Error: Could not set 'file' on ensure: Is a directory # rb_file_s_rename - (/etc/nginx/sites-available20180808-12536-11p54v, /etc/nginx/sites-available) at 12:/etc/puppet/modules/nginx/manifests/vhost.pp
define nginx::vhost($docroot, $port = 80, $template = 'nginx/vhost_php.erb', $allow = [], $deny = [], $aliases = [])
include nginx
file { "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${name}":
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => 644,
content => template($template),
require => Package['nginx'],
notify => Service['nginx'],
file { "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/${name}":
ensure => 'link',
target => "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${name}",
require => File["/etc/nginx/sites-available/${name}"],
notify => Service['nginx'],
As #MattSchuchard remarked in comments, the error messages show that Puppet thinks you've asked it to convert a directory into a file. Furthermore, it appears to be associating that action with the first File resource in your manifest, which declares
file { "/etc/nginx/sites-available/${name}":
# ...
You will note that that resource appears to be trying to manage a file inside the directory, rather than the directory itself, but that discrepancy would be resolved if the automagic $name variable happened to take an empty string as its value. That's what I presume is happening.
You don't show the relevant declaration(s) of the nginx::vhost resources, but I think you'll find that the problem is there. The (slightly) broader context of those error messages would probably confirm this diagnosis: it normally contains a path-like specification of the resource in which the error occurred, and that would include the relevant resource title.

How to work around vcsrepo "duplicate declaration" evaluation error?

I am installing from github using puppet-vcsrepo. The code looks something like this:
class demo_class(
$my_repo = undef,
$my_tag = undef,
vcsrepo { "$my_repo",
path => "/home/user/$my_repo",
source => '$my_repo.git',
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
# then declare resources specific to my_tag
This works just fine when called only once, but I am iterating over a list and installing dependencies so this resource sometimes gets declared twice. I think this is roughly equivalent to the code below.
class {"demo_class":
my_repo => test_repo,
my_tag => test_tag1,
class {"demo_class":
my_repo => test_repo,
my_tag => test_tag2,
Doing this yields a server-side "Duplicate declaration" error because vcsrepo is trying to map the the same path twice. However, this is exactly the behavior I want: for both resources declared by demo_class to require the same repo in the same location. This is so that I can declare one or more resources using demo_class and be sure the repo given by my_repo (which may be common to multiple my_tags) is there.
How can I modify this class so that I can call it twice without hitting an error?
I see the problem.
I reproduced the issue using this code:
define my_vcs_repo ($myRepo, $myTag) {
vcsrepo { "$myRepo-$myTag":
path => "/home/user/$myRepo",
source => "$myRepo.git",
revision => $myTag,
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
$data = [
myRepo => testRepo,
myTag => testTag1,
myRepo => testRepo,
myTag => testTag2,
$data.each |$i, $ref| {
$myRepo = $ref['myRepo']
$myTag = $ref['myTag']
my_vcs_repo { "$myRepo-$i":
myRepo => $myRepo,
myTag => $myTag,
That then results in:
Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, Cannot alias Vcsrepo[testRepo-testTag2] to ["/home/user/testRepo"] at /
Users/alexharvey/git/modules/foo/spec/fixtures/modules/foo/manifests/init.pp:3; resource ["Vcsrepo", "/home/user/testRepo"] already declared at /Users/alexharvey/git/modules/foo/spec/fixtures/modules/foo/
manifests/init.pp:3 at /Users/alexharvey/git/modules/foo/spec/fixtures/modules/foo/manifests/init.pp:3:5 at /Users/alexharvey/git/modules/foo/spec/fixtures/modules/foo/manifests/init.pp:26 on node alexs-macbook-pro.local
The problem is that you are asking Puppet to clone the same Git module to a directory but with two different tags checked out. That does not make sense.
The fix is that you need to specify a unique path in the vcsrepo path attribute, e.g.:
vcsrepo { "$myRepo-$myTag":
path => "/home/user/$myRepo-$myTag",
source => "$myRepo.git",
revision => 'production',
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
By the way, I notice you are using camelCase for your variables. Don't do that. Aside from the fact that it is not idiomatic for Puppet, there are things that will break in some versions of Puppet/Rspec puppet that I have seen.
Use snake_case for your variable names and class parameter names.
The question has been edited, and it is now a question about how to declare the same vcsrepo in more than one class.
In general, try to refactor so that you do not need to do this in the first place. In other words, just move it out of this class and put it somewhere that is only expected to be declared once.
If you cannot do this for some reason, then you can also use virtual resources, which will allow you to declare it in multiple classes that will be declared on the same node.
To do that, you just have to rewrite what you have there as:
#vcsrepo { $my_repo:
path => "/home/user/$my_repo",
source => "$my_repo.git",
ensure => latest,
provider => git,
realize Vcsrepo[$my_repo]
Keep in mind that you will not be able to declare the class demo_class twice on the same node either. You would need to turn it into a defined type, as I did above.
It is mentioned in the comments below that you can also use ensure_resource and ensure_resources; see docs in stdlib.

Duplicate declaration error with puppet

I try to create a folder then trying to copy some files into it like below.
$tempfolder = "D:/TempFolder/"
file { [ $tempfolder ]:
ensure => "directory",
file { [ $tempfolder ]:
ensure => present,
recurse => true,
source => "E:/TestFiules",
When I try to run this, it is giving below error
Error: Duplicate declaration: File [ D:/TempFolder/ ] is already declared.
What is the wrong in the usage?
For reference:
Thus you could do
file { "$tempfolder":
ensure => directory,
recurse => true,
source => "E:/TestFiules",
The ensure => directory also ensures that it will be present, so you don't have to declare it again.
A node can only have one resources with the same name declared, in this case the $tempfolder.
Either the $tempfolder is created empty (your first declaration) or created and populated with your E:/TestFiule content (the second declaration).
Note that you can drop the array syntax it's often used to create multiple directory at once or ensure an order like creating a tree
I came across this message when, but the error was:
Error: Duplicate declaration: File[] is already declared in file init.pp:40; cannot redeclare at init.pp:46 on node (redacted)
The file it was looking up was not defined, because my Hiera configuration was incorrect. As a result it was declaring two files named "".
Verify that Hiera is passing values correctly.

puppet, getting the $name when instantiating a resource type with an array

using puppet, i need to create three files, with this content:
/tmp/f1.txt: hello /tmp/f1.txt
/tmp/f2.txt: hello /tmp/f2.txt
/tmp/f3.txt: hello /tmp/f3.txt
i try as follows:
$my_files = ["$path/f1.txt", "$path/f2.txt", "$path/f3.txt"]
file { $my_files:
ensure => file,
content => "hello $name\n",
however this does not work because $name is undefined.
is there a variable that gets instantiated for each 'iteration' and that i can use?
ps: i am aware that i could create a new resource type as follows:
define file_with_content {
file { $name:
ensure => file,
content => "hello $name\n",
$my_files = ["$path/f1.txt", "$path/f2.txt", "$path/f3.txt"]
file_with_content { $my_files: }
but this requires creating a new resource type,
and I cannot do this in my context (which is not explained here).
the question is, how to modify the first code to make it work, without defining a new resource type, nor executing shell code?
You only can access the namevar for defined types. For Puppet's resources, the results are unpredictable - for example, $name for File will give you main, or the current stage. Additionally, you cannot pass/utilize extra parameters to Puppet's resources as they have their own set of parameters already.
The standard solution has been to wrap the File declaration in a defined type like here, like your first. Perhaps you can explain why that cannot be used, so some other solution could be devised?

Puppet Can't Find Variable for Template

Just getting started with Puppet, and I'm having trouble with my first template. It should be very easy, but I can't figure it out.
I have a module "base" at
There's other stuff, but it's not necessary.
class base {
include base::install, base::service, base::config, base::params
class base::config {
include base::params
File {
require => Class["base::install"],
ensure => present,
owner => root,
group => root,
file { "/etc/puppet/puppet.conf":
mode => 0644,
content => template("base/puppet.conf.erb"),
require => Class["base::install"],
nofity => Service["puppet"],
class base::params {
$puppetserver = "pup01.sdirect.lab"
Finally the interesting part of the template at base/templates/puppet.conf.erb
server=<% puppetserver %>
The error message:
err: Failed to parse template base/puppet.conf.erb: Could not find
value for 'puppetserver' at
/etc/puppet/modules/base/manifests/config.pp:13 on node ...
I don't get what the problem is. I've copied this part straight out of the Pro Puppet book.
Could someone show me where $puppetserver should be defined and how?
The issue is that the name "puppetserver" needs to be fully qualified so Puppet can find the value, since it's defined in a different scope to the one the template is evaluated in.
The variable is defined in base::params so can only be referred to simply as "puppetserver" in that scope. When you're evaluating the template from within base::config, you're in a different scope and so you can't refer to the variable simply by its short name. The "include" adds the other class to the catalog, but doesn't change these rules.
This means to access it, you fully qualify it with the class name: base::params::puppetserver. If you were using it in the manifest itself, this would be $base::params::puppetserver. You'll see similar examples in Pro Puppet in the ssh::config and ssh::service classes where it refers to "ssh_service_name" in the params class (pages 43-45).
To access the variable in a template it's a bit different, use scope.lookupvar("base::params::puppetserver"). Taking your full example and adding a missing equals sign (to output the value) in the template:
server=<%= scope.lookupvar("base::params::puppetserver") %>
There's a bit more information about scoping on the Scope and Puppet as of 2.7 page.
(Edit: looks like it's listed on the confirmed errata page too with the same solution.)
Answer #1 is technically correct, but results in very verbose templates.
You can shorten them by bringing variable values from other classes into your own class scope:
class base::config {
include base::params
$puppetserver = $base::params::puppetserver
And then use them in your template as expected:
server=<% puppetserver %>
You could also use inherits:
class puppet::config inherits puppet::params {
In this way you don't have to define $puppetserver again in this class.
