Dealing with Dropdowns in Excel - excel

I want my worksheet to interact with the user input through the dropdown. Basically I need to copy and paste columns of data according to the input via the dropdown button.
This is my code
Sub DropDown84_Change()
If ActiveSheet.DropDowns("Drop Down 84").Value = 1 Then
Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("E48:B50").Value
ElseIf ActiveSheet.DropDowns("Drop Down 84").Value = 2 Then
Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("F48:F50").Value
ElseIf ActiveSheet.DropDowns("Drop Down 84").Value = 3 Then
Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("G48:G50").Value
ElseIf ActiveSheet.DropDowns("Drop Down 84").Value = 4 Then
Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("H48:H50").Value
Else: Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("J48:J50").Value
End If
End Sub
I receive a message
"Runtime error 1004, Unable to get the DropDowns property of the worksheet class"
Please help,

I hope you use ActiveX for this:
Sub ComboBox84_Change()
Select Case ActiveSheet.ComboBox84.Value
Case 1
Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("E48:B50").Value
Case 2
Sheets("data").Range("N28:N30").Value = Sheets("data").Range("F48:F50").Value
Case 3
'-- do for all of your cases--
End Select
End Sub


Trying to Print Multiple Sheets from user selection in Form Checkboxes in Excel VBA

So I have a form called "Print_Form" that has 20 checkboxes that upon form initialization take on the sheet names of the first 20 sheets of my workbook.
(no issue with the UserForm_Initialize() sub, this works fine)
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
CheckBox1.Caption = Sheets(1).Name
CheckBox2.Caption = Sheets(2).Name
CheckBox3.Caption = Sheets(3).Name
CheckBox4.Caption = Sheets(4).Name
CheckBox5.Caption = Sheets(5).Name
CheckBox6.Caption = Sheets(6).Name
CheckBox7.Caption = Sheets(7).Name
CheckBox8.Caption = Sheets(8).Name
CheckBox9.Caption = Sheets(9).Name
CheckBox10.Caption = Sheets(10).Name
CheckBox11.Caption = Sheets(11).Name
CheckBox12.Caption = Sheets(12).Name
CheckBox13.Caption = Sheets(13).Name
CheckBox14.Caption = Sheets(14).Name
CheckBox15.Caption = Sheets(15).Name
CheckBox16.Caption = Sheets(16).Name
CheckBox17.Caption = Sheets(17).Name
CheckBox18.Caption = Sheets(18).Name
CheckBox19.Caption = Sheets(19).Name
CheckBox20.Caption = Sheets(20).Name
End Sub
Where I am running into issues is in the following sub routine when the user clicks the print button in the form. The intention behind this button is to print all the sheets that the user has selected (i.e. the sheets that had their corresponding checkbox checked by the user). Currently, when I select multiple checkboxes and then click on the print button I get the following error; "Run-Time error '9': Subscript out of range.
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim cb As MSForms.Control
Dim SheetArray() As String
i = 0
'Search form for a checkbox
For Each cb In Me.Controls
i = i + 1
ReDim Preserve SheetArray(i)
'If the control is a checkbox
If TypeName(cb) = "CheckBox" Then
'and the checkbox is checked
If cb.Value = True Then
'Add the sheet to the sheet array (sheet name string was already added to the checkbox property caption; see UserForm_initialize)
SheetArray(i) = cb.Caption
End If
End If
Next cb
'Print Sheet Array
Unload Me
End Sub
If anyone has any ideas that would help me get this to work I would be very appreciative. Thank you in advance. :)
Try this:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To 20 'less typing....
Me.Controls("CheckBox" & i).Caption = Sheets(i).Name
Next i
End Sub
Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
Dim i As Integer, s As String, sep
For i = 1 To 20
With Me.Controls("CheckBox" & i)
If .Value Then
s = s & sep & .Caption
sep = "," 'add delimiter after first item
End If
End With
Next i
Sheets(Split(s, ",")).PrintOut
Unload Me
End Sub

Change label's caption with loop in a VBA userForm

I want my code to loop through a range of cells and every time show the content of the cell (that is a question) in a label's caption of a userForm and allow the user to choose the button of "Yes" (for knowing the answer) or "NO" (for not knowing the answer) and then the code use the user's response to perform some actions and then continue the loop for other cells.
For each iteration in for loop i need user be allowed to choose "Yes" or "No" or "Cancel" and then the userForms code continue running.
Here is some of the code:
Private Sub UserForm_Activate()
For i = 2 To n
Cells(i, 3) = Cells(i, 3) + 1
If Cells(i, 3) = 1 Then
UserForm1.Controls("question").Caption = Cells(i, 1).Value 'lable 1
UserForm1.Controls("answer").Caption = "" 'lable 2
'some codes...
elseIf Cells(i, 3) = 3 Then
UserForm1.Controls("question").Caption = Cells(i, 1).Value 'lable 1
UserForm1.Controls("answer").Caption = "" 'lable 2
end sub
and i need to run these codes whenever user clicks on a button on the form . then the rest of the above code be executed .
Private Sub ansYes_Click() 'If user clicks Yes show the answer and continue
UserForm1.Controls("answer").Caption = Cells(i, 2)
UserForm1.Controls("answer").Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub ansNo_Click() 'If user clicks No show the answer and continue
UserForm1.Controls("answer").Caption = Cells(i, 2)
UserForm1.Controls("answer").Visible = True
Cells(i, 3) = 0
Cells(i, 4) = 1
End Sub
Private Sub ansCancel_Click() 'If user clicks cancel unload userform and exit the for loop
Unload UserForm1
End Sub
You haven't shown us where you show the UserForm or how it is defined within your project and you haven't given a good description of the problem. This forces assumptions that may not be accurate.
Do not name your UserForm "UserForm1", give it a useful name. Henceforth, I will refer to this as "UserResponseForm"
Do not use default instance of a UserForm, use a variable and learn the difference between Dim As and Dim As New. The difference is significant and important.
Dim myForm As UserResponseForm
Dim myForm As New UserResponseForm
Using UserResponseForm's property window, find and rename your labels "Question" and "Answer"
In UserResponseForm's code use Ctrl + H to replace:
UserForm1.Controls("answer") with Me.Answer
Unload UserForm1 with Me.Hide
Move all of your code from Private Sub UserForm_Activate to a normal module. Give the module and the sub a useful name. I will refer to module as "QuestionaireCodeModule" and the sub as "RunTheQuestionnaire"
The QuestionaireCodeModule should look similar to this
Option Explicit
Private Const n As Long = 20 'you didn't show how n was populated or scoped so I put it here
Sub RunTheQuestionaire()
Dim i As Long
Dim myForm As New UserResponseForm
For i = 2 To n
Cells(i, 3) = Cells(i, 3) + 1
If Cells(i, 3) = 1 Or Cells(i, 3) = 3 Then 'added or condition for clarity
myForm.Question.Caption = Cells(i, 1).Value 'lable 1
myForm.Answer.Caption = vbNullString 'lable 2
'some codes...
'next three lines removed because they are redundant
'elseIf Cells(i, 3) = 3 Then
'UserForm1.Controls("question").Caption = Cells(i, 1).Value 'lable 1
'UserForm1.Controls("answer").Caption = "" 'lable 2
End If
If Not myForm.Visible Then Exit For
Next i
End Sub
That should be it but I can't say if this will work for you or not because you did not provide enough to work with and the code you provided in your example won't compile.

vba trouble working with cutomizable multiple Listbox with multiple macro

So here's my objective: I need to execute different macros deppending on a multiple choice ListBox. I am a begginner with vba and some tasks get a bit harder for me at the moment.
there's a multiple choice ListBox with 9 options. If you choose the option "Exfoliación", it executes the macro called "macro4". This is fully customizable, so if I choose from the ListBox the option "Exfoliación" and "Estanqueidad", it will execute the macros 4 and 3 (the ones related to them).
I've seen some example surfinf the Internet, but they're about ListBox's working with columns, sheets, and so on. But there weren't much explanations working with macros.
The user selects the options and presses a Submit button in the worksheet called "Botón". the choices from the Listbox are marked with vector(i)=1. With a for loop the choices are read and executes the corresponding macros to those choices with the array a(i) that contains the names of those macros.
Sub Submit()
'Getting selected items in ListBox1
Dim vector(1 To 11) As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim a(1 To 9) As String
'Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
vector(i) = 0
Next i
With Sheets("Botón").ListBox1
Select Case (ListBox1.Text)
Case "Tornillo Resorte": vector(1) = 1
Case "Categoría Manguito": vector(2) = 1
Case "Estanqueidad": vector(3) = 1
Case "Exfoliación": vector(4) = 1
Case "Material vaina": vector(5) = 1
Case "Diseño EC": vector(6) = 1
Case "Curva Q vs Enriquecimiento": vector(7) = 1
Case "Curva Criticidad": vector(8) = 1
Case "Curva de carga t. enfriamiento": vector(9) = 1
Case "Condicioón de transporte": vector(10) = 1
Case "ATI": vector(11) = 1
Case ""
MsgBox "nothing selected"
Case Else
MsgBox Me.ListBox1.Text
End Select
Dim MN As String
For i = 1 To N 'Fill the array
a(i) = "macro" & i
MN = "Módulo5" 'Module where i have the worksheet I'm working with
Dim N As Integer
N = 11
For i = LBound(a) To UBound(a)
If vector(i) = 1 Then
Application.Run MN & "." & a(i)
End If
Next i
End Sub
I find trouble with the Select Case (ListBox1.Text) statement.
It doesn't compile and don't know how to call the listBox with Select Case.
thank you in advance for your help :)
Edit: with a new code. Method with selection:
`Private Sub Command Button1_Click() 'This is a button that opens the multilist with the different options. It works correctly
Dim mylist As Variant
mylist=Array("Tornillo Resorte",...,"Condicioón de transporte")
End Sub
Sub Submit() ''here's the macro with the button assigned to execute the selection. This is where I get the problem.
With Sheets("Botón").ListBox1
MN = "Módulo5" 'Module where i have the worksheet I'm working with
For X = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1
If ListBox1.Selected(X) = True Then
Application.Run MN & "." & .ListIndex + 1
MsgBox "No se ha seleccionado ningún filtro"
End If
Next X
End With
End Sub
If you only wanted to select one macro - and assuming the macros are named sequentially macro1 to macrox, then you can just do this:
Sub Submit()
With Sheets("Botón").ListBox1
if .listindex = -1 then
MsgBox "nothing selected"
MN = "Módulo5" 'Module where i have the worksheet I'm working with
Application.Run MN & "." & .listindex +1
End If
End With
End Sub
If you want to do more than one then you need to loop through the .selected array calling the macros sequentially

VBA - Hide pages (tabs) in a frame based on Combobox selection

I've got VBA code written to make a hidden tab appear based on a combo box selection. There are seven options in the combo box that each corresponds to seven hidden tabs in the frame.
Private Sub CBO_EntryType_Change()
Dim iPage As Integer
If Me.CBO_EntryType.Value = "Abstracts" Then
iPage = 1
ElseIf CBO_EntryType.Value = "Awards" Then
iPage = 2
ElseIf CBO_EntryType.Value = "Career Fairs" Then
iPage = 3
ElseIf CBO_EntryType.Value = "Editorials" Then
iPage = 4
ElseIf CBO_EntryType.Value = "Rankings" Then
iPage = 5
ElseIf CBO_EntryType.Value = "Tradeshows" Then
iPage = 6
ElseIf CBO_EntryType.Value = "Social Media" Then
iPage = 7
End If
Me.MultiPage1.Pages(iPage).Visible = True
End Sub
What I seem to be having trouble with is, how do I make sure the other tabs are hidden? Since people can only click one option in the combo box, but they might click one by mistake, and then click the correct one. Only one tab should be visible based on the selected item in the combo box. The other six should be hidden.
I'm thinking a For-Each-Next loop at the end of the sub that disables any tab that doesn't match the iPage variable but I'm having difficulty figuring out how to address the frame and pages in the For Each Next loop. What would the variable declaration be?
Untested, so may need minor tweaks...
Private Sub CBO_EntryType_Change()
Dim iPage, arrPages, x As Long
arrPages = Array("Abstracts", "Awards", "Career Fairs", "Editorials", _
"Rankings", "Tradeshows", "Social Media")
'find the index in the array...
iPage = Application.Match(Me.CBO_EntryType.Value, arrPages, 0)
'if got a match then loop over the pages and show/hide
If Not IsError(iPage) Then
For x = 0 To Me.MultiPage1.Pages.Count-1
Me.MultiPage1.Pages(x).Visible = ((x+1) = iPage)
Next x
End If
End Sub
EDIT - #jstola and I think alike...
Below code assumes the Caption of the Pages in the Multipage reflects the list in CBO_EntryType:
Private Sub CBO_EntryType_Change()
Dim iPage As Long
For iPage = 0 To Me.MultiPage1.Pages.Count - 1
With Me.MultiPage1.Pages(iPage)
.Visible = (.Caption = CBO_EntryType.Value)
End With
End Sub

VBA Option Button does not get centered

I have a worksheet that has two rows of option buttons. Option buttons 1 - 11 are on row 7 and option buttons 12 - 22 are on row 9 of the sheet. My code loops through and centers each option button in its appropriate cell by calling the centerOfCell function.
When I run my program Worksheets("Orders") gets passed into the CenterOptionButton procedure, and all of the option buttons get centered EXCEPT for option button 1. I cannot figure out why this happens.
Sub CenterOptionButton(wks As Worksheet)
Dim i As Byte
With wks
Select Case .Name
Case "RDC", "SKU"
optionCount = 8
Case "Orders"
optionCount = 11
Case Else
End Select
For i = 1 To optionCount
.OLEObjects("OptionButton" & i).Left = centerOfCell(.Cells(7, i + 1))
.OLEObjects("OptionButton" & i + optionCount).Left = centerOfCell(.Cells(9, i + 1))
Next i
End With
End Sub
If I then run the below procedure all by itself substituting out wks with Worksheets("Orders"), everything works perfectly. Any idea on what the issue could be?
Sub test()
Dim i As Byte
With Worksheets("Orders")
Select Case .Name
Case "RDC", "SKU"
optionCount = 8
Case "Orders"
optionCount = 11
Case Else
End Select
For i = 1 To optionCount
.OLEObjects("OptionButton" & i).Left = centerOfCell(.Cells(7, i + 1))
.OLEObjects("OptionButton" & i + optionCount).Left = centerOfCell(.Cells(9, i + 1))
Next i
End With
End Sub
Try to copy the other option button and replace the first option button. The issue might get resolved. As for why it is happening I would not know. Excel has been know to through up unknown errors. I would normally recreate the file or object and the issue is usually solved.
