I'm looking for some functionality in Julia comparable to Matlab's
save('myfile.mat', 'myvar1', 'myvar2')
For example, using HDF5.jl, it is easy to do
#write filename myvar1 myvar2
But this requires that I know exactly which variables I want to write to the file.
I'd like to be able to choose which variables to write at run time, in a function scope, and specify their names using symbols or strings.
vars = [:myvar1, :myvar2]
#write filename vars
What would be the best way to accomplish this?
I know that I can use save from JLD.jl as save("file.jld", "myvar1", myvar1). But I want to be able to save a list of variables that are not known at compile time, allowing a single call to save (or similar):
if condition
myvar1 = 1
vars = [:myvar1]
myvar1 = 1
myvar2 = 2
vars = [:myvar1, :myvar2]
# what goes here?
save(filename, vars...)
You may want to take a look at the JLD package, which builds on HDF5 with better support of user-defined Julia types. Both HDF5 and JLD provide functions for save that take run-time names for variables.
You can use serialize and deserialize:
vars = Dict()
if condition
myvar = 1
vars[:myvar1] = myvar1
myvar1 = 1
myvar2 = 2
vars[:myvar1] = myvar1
vars[:myvar2] = myvar2
f = open( filename, "w" )
serialize( f, vars )
close( f )
to read:
f = open( filename, "r" )
vars = deserialize( f )
close( f )
if you don't need to save variable names you can use array instead of dict: vars = []
Very new to matlab and still learning the basics. I'm trying to write a script which calculates the distance between two peaks in a waveform. That part I have managed to do, and I have used xlswrite to put the values I have obtained onto an excel file.
For each file, I have between about 50-250 columns, with just two rows: the second row has the numerical value, and the first has the column headings, copied from original excel files I extracted the data from.
Some of the columns have similar, but not identical, headings, e.g. 'green227RightEyereading3' and 'green227RightEyereading4' etc. Is there a way I can group columns with similar headings, e.g. which have the same number/colour in the heading (I.e.green227) and either 'right eye' or 'left eye', and calculate an average of their numerical values? Link to file here: >https://www.dropbox.com/s/ezpyjr3raol31ts/SampleBatchForTesting.xls?dl=0>
>[Excel_file,PathName] = uigetfile('*.xls', 'Pick a File','C:\Users\User\Documents\Optometry\Year 3\Dissertation\A-scan3');
>[~,name,ext] = fileparts(Excel_file);
>sheet = 2;
>FullXLSfile = [PathName, Excel_file];
>[number_data,txt_data,raw_data] = xlsread(FullXLSfile,sheet);
>HowManyWide = size(txt_data);
>NumberOfTitles = HowManyWide(1,2);
>xlRangeA = txt_data;
>Chickens = {'Test'};
>for f = 1:xlRangeA; %%defined as top line of cells on sheet;
>Text = xlRangeA{f};
>HyphenLocations = find(Text == '-');
>R = HyphenLocations(1,1) -1;
>Chick = Text(1:R);
>Chick = cellstr(Chick);
>B = length(Chick);
>TF = strncmp(Chickens,Chick,B);
>if any(TF == 1); %do nothing
>Chickens = {Chickens;Chick};
Here also is a link to the file that is created when I run my entire script. The values below the headings are the calculated thickesses of the tissue I'm analysing. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4p6iu9kk75ecyzl/Choroid_Thickness.xls?dl=0
Thanks very much
If the different characters are located at the very end (or the very beginning) of the heading, you can go with strncmp buit-in function and compare only part of the string. See more here. But please, provide some code and a part of your excel file. It would help.
Also, if I am not mistaken, you are saving all the data into excel and then re-call it again in order to sort it. Maybe you should consider saving only the final result in excel, it will save you some time, especially if you want to run your script many times.
Here is the code I came up with. It is not the best possible solution for sure, but it works with the file you uploaded. I have omitted the unnecessary lines and variables. The code works only if the numbers of each reading have the same amount of digits. They can be 4 digits as long as every entry has 4 digits. Since in each file you have waves of the same color, the only thing that you care about is whether the reading was recorded with the left or the right eye (correct?). Based on that and the code you wrote, the comparison concerns the part of the string that contains the words "Right" or "Left", i.e. the characters between the hyphens.
[Excel_file,PathName] = uigetfile('*.xls', 'Pick a File',...
'C:\Users\User\Documents\Optometry\Year 3\Dissertation\A-scan3');
sheet = 1;
FullXLSfile = [PathName,Excel_file];
[number_data,txt_data,raw_data] = xlsread(FullXLSfile,sheet);
%% data manipulation
NumberOfTitles = length(txt_data);
TextToCompare = txt_data{1};
r1 = 1; % counter for Readings1 vector
r2 = 1; % counter for Readings2 vector
for ff = 1:NumberOfTitles % in your code xlRangeA is a cell vector not a number!
Text = txt_data{ff};
HyphenLocations = find(Text == '-');
Text = Text(HyphenLocations(1,1):HyphenLocations(1,2)); % take only the part that contains the "eye" information
TextToCompare = TextToCompare(HyphenLocations(1,1):HyphenLocations(1,2)); % same here
if (Text == TextToCompare)
Readings1(r1) = number_data(ff); % store the numerical value in a vector
r1 = r1 + 1; % increase the counter of this vector
Readings2(r2) = number_data(ff); % same here
r2 = r2 + 1;
TextToCompare = txt_data{1}; % TextToCompare re-initialized for the next comparison
mean_readings1 = mean(Readings1); % Find the mean of the grouped values
mean_readings2 = mean(Readings2);
I am positive that this can be done in a more efficient and delicate way. I don't know exactly what kind of calculations you want to do so I only included the mean values as an example. Inside the if statement you can also store the txt_data if you need it. Below I have also included a second way which I find more delicate. Just substitute the %%data manipulation part with the part below if you want to test it:
%% more delicate way
Text_Vector = char(txt_data);
TextToCompare2 = txt_data{1};
HyphenLocations2 = find(TextToCompare2 == '-');
TextToCompare2 = TextToCompare2(HyphenLocations2(1,1):HyphenLocations2(1,2));
Text_Vector = Text_Vector(:,HyphenLocations2(1,1):HyphenLocations2(1,2));
Text_Vector = cellstr(Text_Vector);
dummy = strcmpi(Text_Vector,TextToCompare2);
Readings1 = number_data(dummy);
Readings2 = number_data(~dummy);
I hope this helps.
I am trying to get average a specific value in a long string and cannot figure out how to pull a value out of the middle of the string. I would like to pull out the 27 from this and the other strings and add them
fid = fopen('MonthlyHistory.html');
for i=1:2
str = fgets(fid);
c = strsplit(str,',');
fprintf('Average Daily Temperature: %d\n',mean);
Method 1: use readtable
I'm guessing this is pulled from weather underground? Take your csv file and make sure it is saved with a .csv ending. Then what I would do is:
my_data = readtable('MonthlyHistory.csv');
This reads the whole file into the highly convenient table variable type. Then you can do:
average_daily_temp = my_data.MeanTemperatureF; %or whatever it is called in the table
I find tables are a super convenient way to keep track of tabular data. (plus readtable is pretty good).
Method 2: continue your approach...
fid = fopen('mh2.csv');
str = fgets(fid); % May need to read off a few lines to get to the
str = fgets(fid); % numbers
my_data = []; %initialize an empty array
str = fgets(fid); % read off a line
if(str == -1) % if str is -1, which signifies end of file
break; %exit loop
ca = strsplit(str,','); % split string into a cell array of strings
my_data(end+1,:) = str2num(ca{3}); % convert the 3rd element to a number and store it
Now my_data is an array holding the 3rd element of each line.
You can use textscan, you might be able to simplfy your code using this as well, but for a single string, it works like this:
str2double(T{1}{3}) %// the value we want is the 3rd field
I have a string which is this:
a = 'Sound_impro_Act'
I want to divide this into multiple strings which are the words that are seperated by '_' and assign these to different variables.
The end result will be like this:
b = 'Sound'
c = 'impro'
d = 'act'
You may also use regexp which is faster than strsplit
a = 'Sound_impro_Act';
parts = regexp(a,'_','split');
[b,c,d] = deal(parts{:});
The last line comes from #Divakar's answer. Lots of thanks!
Use strsplit and then deal to put them into different variables -
split_strings = strsplit(a,'_')
[b,c,d] = deal(split_strings{:})
strsplit function can do it for you:
An example:
a = 'Sound_impro_Act';
b= strsplit(a, '_');
now you can access all splited values using b(1), b(2), b(3)
I have an cell array composed by several strings
names = {'2name_19surn', '3name_2surn', '1name_2surn', '10name_1surn'}
and I would like to sort them according to the prefixnumber.
I tried
[~,index] = sortrows(names.');
sorted_names = names(index);
but I get
sorted_names = {'10name_1surn', '1name_2surn', '2name_19surn', '3name_2surn'}
instead of the desired
sorted_names = {'1name_2surn', '2name_19surn', '3name_2surn','10name_1surn'}
any suggestion?
Simple approach using regular expressions:
r = regexp(names,'^\d+','match'); %// get prefixes
[~, ind] = sort(cellfun(#(c) str2num(c{1}), r)); %// convert to numbers and sort
sorted_names = names(ind); %// use index to build result
As long as speed is not a concern you can loop through all strings and save the first digets in an array. Subsequently sort the array as usual...
names = {'2name_2', '3name', '1name', '10name'}
number_in_string = zeros(1,length(names));
% Read numbers from the strings
for ii = 1:length(names)
number_in_string(ii) = sscanf(names{ii}, '%i');
% Sort names using number_in_string
[sorted, idx] = sort(number_in_string)
sorted_names = names(idx)
Take the file sort_nat from here
names = {'2name', '3name', '1name', '10name'}
sorted_names = {'1name', '2name', '3name','10name'}
You can deal with arbitrary patterns using a regular expression:
names = {'2name', '3name', '1name', '10name'}
match = regexpi(names,'(?<number>\d+)\D+','names'); % created with regex editor on rubular.com
match = cell2mat(match); % cell array to struct array
clear numbersStr
[numbersStr{1:length(match)}] = match.number; % cell array with number strings
numbers = str2double(numbersStr); % vector of numbers
[B,I] = sort(numbers); % sorted vector of numbers (B) and the indices (I)
clear namesSorted
[namesSorted{1:length(names)}] = names{I} % cell array with sorted name strings