DNS and Google Cloud Platform load balancer - dns

I am trying to use google cloud platform for the first time and seem a bit hung up on something that I would think should be easy.
I created an instance group and am trying to create a load balancer to point both http and https traffic to that instance group. When I configured the front end for the load balancer I added both http and https; however, doing so created two ip addresses and I can only point the DNS to one of these records. I am assuming I am just missing a simple step, as I am used to working with AWS.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Think I answered my own question. I just pointed to the https ip address and both http and https requests ended up working.


GCP: Allowing Public Ingress Web Traffic from the Load Balancer ONLY

Disclaimers: I come from AWS background but relatively very new to GCP. I know there are a number of existing similar questions (e.g, here and here etc) but I still cannot get it work since the exact/detailed instructions are still missing. So please bear with me to ask this again.
My simple design:
Public HTTP/S Traffic (Ingress) >> GCP Load Balancer >> GCP Servers
GCP Load Balancer holds the SSL Cert. And then it uses Port 80 for downstream connections to the Servers. Therefore, LB to the Servers are just HTTP.
My question:
How do I prevent the incoming HTTP/S Public Traffic from reaching to the GCP Servers directly? Instead, only allow the Load Balancer (as well as it's Healthcheck Traffic)?
What I tried so far:
I went into Firewall Rules and removed the previously allowing rule of Ports 80/443 (Ingress Traffic) from And then, added (allowed) the External IP address of Load Balancer.
At this point, I simply expected the Public Traffic should be rejected but the Load Balancer's. But in reality, both seemed to be rejected. Nothing reached the Servers anymore. The Load Balancer's External IP wasn't seemed to be recognised.
Later I also noticed the "Healthchecks" were also not recognised anymore. Therefore Healthchecks couldn't reach to Servers and then failed. Hence the Instances were dropped by Load Balancer.
Please also note that: I cannot pursue the approach of simply removing the External IPs on the Servers. (Although many people say this would work.) But we still want to maintain the direct SSH accesses to the Servers (by not using a Bastion Instance). Therefore I still need the External IPs, on each and every Web Servers.
Any clear (and kind) instructions will be very much appreciated. Thank you all.
You're able to setup HTTPS connectivity between your load balancer and your back-end servers while using HTTP(S) load balancer. To achieve this goal you should install HTTPS certificates on your back-end servers and configure web-servers to use them. If you decided to completely switch to HTTPS and disable HTTP on your back-end servers you should switch your health check from HTTP to HTTPS also.
To make health check working again after removing default firewall rule that allow connection from to ports 80 and 443 you need to whitelist subnets and which are source IP ranges for health checks. You can find step by step instructions how to do it in the documentation. After that, access to your web servers still be restricted but your load balancer will be able to use health check and serve your customers.

Google cloud platform load balacing to remove redirect port 8443 from domain name

I have a tomcat server with port 8080 which is running on a Google cloud platform VM instance. Also i have enabled SSL for my server. In that i have deployed my web application. When i enter my domain name in browser my application will be running.
But it will be appended with the port 8443. It looks like hostname:8443. By using load balancing in GCP i can able to achieve it. But i am new to GCP so i don't know how to configure and all. Eventhough i have configured but it shows some error like problem with backend service.
Kindly anyone can help me to resolve this.
If I understand correctly you would like to know whether in the DNS record you need to add VM instance External IP or Load Balancer’s External IP address. If my understanding is correct, in order to use Load Balancer, you need to put the load balancer’s External IP in your DNS A record.
Regarding your 1 backend service is unhealthy, I would request you to check ‘Firewall rules’ section of GCP’s Creating Health Checks documentation. You need to create ingress firewall rules applicable to all VMs being load balanced to allow traffic from health check prober IP ranges. You did mentioned which load balancer you are using. You will find GCP load balancers offering from this link. Based on the Load Balancer you are using, you need to create an appropriate heal check firewall rule.
I would recommend posting this type of questions in ServerFault as StackOverflow is for Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers.

Internal DNS address for Google Cloud internal load balancers

According to this documentation page, every VM instance has a DNS entry of the following form:
This would look something like:
I want to know if there is an equivalent for internal load balancers. Looking at the documentation, there doesn't seem to be anything, but that looks like a pretty big oversight.
So, is there a way to access an internal LB in GCP via a DNS entry?
There is no entry in the GCE DNS metadata server for LBs. There is an open feature request for this at https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/35904974. You can Star that request to signal your interest and subscribe to updates.
Now you can do this with Cloud DNS
Create Zone and then add your IP, it can be anything from VM to LB. whatever you want to resolve under VPC.

AWS EC2 LoadBalancing SSL nodeJS - Where am I going wrong

I am fairly new to all this (being an app/mobile web developer).
I have setup an instance on EC2 which runs perfectly under http.
I want to add https support as I want to write a service worker.
I have used Amazons Certificate Manager to obtain a certificate
I have created an ELB and added a listener at 443 for https
I am not entirely sure whether my ELB and EC2 instance are connected. Following some instructions I attempted to create a CNAME rule in my Route53 setup but it would not accept it (pointing to the ELB DNS).
My understanding is that if they are then my http nodejs instance should now automatically support https.
This is currently not the case. My nodejs code is unchanged (it still only creates a http server listening at port 3002.
When I do a http call to the domain (http://example.com:3002) it works but a https call (https://example.com:3002) does not with a Site can not be reached failure.
This leads me to believe that the ELB and the EC2 are not associated. Can anyone suggest where I may have gone wrong as I have hunted the internet for 3 days and not found any step by step instructions for this.
You need to focus on this part of your question:
I am not entirely sure whether my ELB and EC2 instance are connected.
Following some instructions I attempted to create a CNAME rule in my
Route53 setup but it would not accept it (pointing to the ELB DNS).
Why are you not sure they are connected? You should be able to look at the health check section in the load balancer UI and see that the server instance is "connected" and healthy. If it isn't, then that is the first thing you need to fix.
Regarding the CNAME in Route53, what do you mean it wouldn't accept it? What are the details of that issue? Until you have your DNS pointing to the load balancer you won't actually be using the load balancer, so that's another issue you need to fix.
When I do a http call to the domain (http://example.com:3002) it works
but a https call (https://example.com:3002) does not with a Site can
not be reached failure.
If you had an error setting up the DNS then of course this isn't going to work. You shouldn't even be attempting to test this yet until you get the DNS configured.

Can CloudFlare perform automatic failover to a different backend?

I am looking for an easy way to fail over to a different DC quickly, does CloudFlare offer anything special in this regards with things like health checks or is it just like a standard DNS service?
Update: CloudFlare started a closed beta for the Traffic Manager feature which allows to do exactly this kind of failover:
AWS Failover:
The following solution seems to work well when you are hosting your backend system on AWS:
I setup a AWS Route 53 zone with a separate domain (e.g. failover-example.com). Route 53 allows you to setup health checks on the backend server (e.g. the load balancer) with DNS failover. AWS will remove the unhealthy backend system from the DNS record list.
In cloudflare I setup a CNAME for example.com record to failover-example.com and activate the cloudflare proxy on example.com.
The result is that the browser resolves the IP address of example.com to a cloudflare IP address. Cloudflare queries the AWS DNS server to lockup failover-example.com. Cloudflare fetches the content from the resolved IP address and returns the content back to the browser.
In my tests the switch to the other backend system occurs after ca. 20 seconds.
The separate domain is required because cloudflare does not route the traffic through the proxy when the CNAME is a subdomain of example.com.
I have tried to visualize the failover. In theory the failover works with any DNS failover capable service and not only with Route53:
The browser connects always with CloudFlare and hence a DNS failover of the backend system does never effect the browser of the user.
We don't have automatic failover at this time (something we're looking at). We can support the additional DNS entries in your zone file, of course, but you would currently have to manually make the change in that circumstance.
To add -- in the mean time, I'd recommend looking at https://runbook.io
Several other DIY options:
You'd want to decide if these are the right options for you, of course.
