Packagist api -> search by (a OR b) - packagist

I read the packagist api docs.
You can search by tags:
And I found that you can search by multiple tags:[]=symfony&tags[]=json
Which will list packages that contains both symfony and json tags.
But how can I list packages that contains symfony or json tags ?
Packagist docs says that it uses solr
The search index uses Solr 3.6, so you will have to install that on
your server. If you are running it on a non-standard host or port, you
will have to adjust the configuration. See the NelmioSolariumBundle
for more details.
But I can't find how to use solr queries in the api tags filter.
Edit: tags filter won't do the work - code


How to find Azure Build Items for a specific repo

I am trying to fetch the list of all build items in Azure, and using Postman the following URL shows me the result:
But there is one problem, the query shows me the build for all our company projects whereas I am only intersted in one
The query returns for all projects, but I am only interested in build for Project B
How can I specify this information in the API? I tried the filters and it doesn't work.
Also the same for tags
If you take a look at the API Build List documentation, you can see the optional parameters that can be passed to this request
In this case, you would want to filter on builds from the project B repository, which requires the repositoryType parameter to be passed as well. As such you'd be looking to call{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/builds?repositoryID={repoID}&repositoryType=Git&api-version=6.0
Where the repoID can be found be going into project settings-->repository, clicking the project B repo and copying the value that appears in the website URL after repo=

How to list files from enterprise GitHub repository without cloning

I am trying to list the files present on an enterprise GitHub repository. I tried using GitHub API but base URL for it is where as base URL would be different for me and when I put that URL it says couldn't resolve. How can I achieve it for a URL in below format
Below example works for me but the URL that I have it doesn't work
curl -k
For an on-premise GitHub Enterprise, the documentation mentions
REST API endpoints — except Management Console API endpoints — are prefixed with the following URL:
In your case:
From there, using the Git Database API -- list tree, you can list all files, as illustrated here.

Drupal Search API Query

How to customize search api query?
I have already added index from backend also added server.
By following this link but didn't get any solution.

Using Apache Camel CMIS with Sharepoint 2013

I can successfully access Sharepoint 2013 AtomPub interface from Chrome REST clients, the following URL gives me the file I want:
However, using the same URL in the Camel CMIS route gets me HTTP 302 (File not found) and diverts me to an error page.
The route I tried is:
Running Wireshark to see what is going on, it seems that Camel CMIS is not passing the query string part to the server, and may consider it options to the CMIS component (as per the component's usage guide).
So, what is the correct way of using Camel CMIS component with Sharepoint?
Have you tried adding parameter "query" to the uri like this
According to :
query | The cmis query to execute against the repository. If not specified, the consumer will retrieve every node from the content repository by iterating the content tree recursively

Drupal - What is Server and index in Search Api Drupal

I spent 2 days studying "Seach Api Module" in Drupal
Somebody can explain for me , What is Purpose of "Server"
and "Index" in "Search APi Module",
Why we need to Create "Server" and "Index", and We Can I find them, Does
"Index" create a xml file like Solr Server
Thanks in advance!
The Server is what's doing the searching and where the content defined by the index is being held. An example would be Database Search or Search API Solr.
The Index defines what fields are going to be indexed, as well as other settings pertaining to your search such as facets. It is tied to a type of content, like node, taxonomy terms, or users.
If you have Search API installed, you can find the settings at There you can add your Server and define your Index.
