AFrame issue with crossorigin object model showing up but not the texture - collada

I'm having a problem with my obj models. I've set crossorigin="anonymous" for both my obj and mtl file. The model shows up perfectly if the obj/mtl/jpg are from my computer. however when i put these files on AWS s3 and change the permissions, it's telling me "DOMException: failed to execute 'textImage2D' on webRenderingContext': the cross-origin image at ........
i don't run into this problem with collada models just object models.

Check the paths in the MTL are all correct and point to the textures hosted in the right place.
Make sure that you have CORS-enabled on wherever you are serving your assets.


How to setup StencilJS components on S3 and CloudFront

I have a few components and I want to deploy them into S3 and make them reachable with CloudFront.
My problem is that I don't know what file(s) I need to upload to S3 and which file needs CloudFront needs to point to as entry point.
Here's my stencil.config.tsx:
import { Config } from '#stencil/core';
export const config: Config = {
namespace: 'stencil-test',
taskQueue: 'async',
outputTargets: [
type: 'dist',
esmLoaderPath: '../loader',
dir: './build/dist'
type: 'www',
serviceWorker: null // disable service workers
I tried executing npm run build that generated a couple of folders: build/loader and build/dist there's a lot of stuff within each folder but I have no idea how which folder and files are supposed to do what.
It was hoping the build command would generate a minified file that contained all the stuff needed (is this how it works?) so I could eventually do something like the following where I want to use my components:
<script type="module" src=''></script>
Can anyone offer some guidance or point me towards any resources?
The www output target is meant for generating apps and not really relevant for component libraries. To host your components, you should upload the whole generated dist folder. Only the files that the client needs are downloaded, which depends on the client and which components they access (lazy-loading). So you don't need to worry about the amount of files. See
To start, Stencil was designed to lazy-load itself only when the component was actually used on a page. There are many benefits to this approach, such as simply adding a script tag to any page and the entire library is available for use, yet only the components actually used are downloaded.
If you want to generate a single bundle containing all your components, there's an output target called dist-custom-elements-bundle. For the differences to dist you can have a look at the same docs link above.
One of the main differences is that loading the script doesn't automatically register the components for you, you'll have to either do it manually per component (using customElements.define(), or define them all using the defineCustomElements() export. The official documentation for that output target is

React dynamic image importing in development

I am building a React application which needs to display images dynamically which are stored, by the thousands, on a server-side file system. All of my attempts to successfully implement this have failed, including many which were taken from responses to similar questions.
Some details:
I used create-react-app to initialize my application. I am running in development mode (have not run npm-build). I'm using Express.js (Node.js) as a web-server, which I interact with through a proxy (only '/api' http requests use the proxy). My js code which attempts to 'require' the images is in the 'src' folder. The images are located in an 'images' folder in the default 'public' folder.
I thought I had found the solution when reading this page from create-react-app, as it states to use the public folder when 'You have thousands of images and need to dynamically reference their paths'. The page further instructs to use '%PUBLIC_URL%' or 'process.env.PUBLIC_URL' to access the 'public' folder. When using either of these I receive an 'Error: Cannot find module' message. Upon checking I notice that 'process.env.PUBLIC_URL' contains an empty string, and quickly notice that PUBLIC_URL is ignored in development mode.
I find this to be tremendously confusing, given that the 'Using the Public Folder' page is apparently describing the development phase of production, and yet it advises the use of something which is meaningless during development. Adding to my confusion, it appears as if the contents of that page resolved the issue for nearly all of those who have encountered a similar requirement in the past (example: 1, example: 2; both fail for me). Likewise, all attempts to to construct relative paths to the 'public' folder from the 'src' folder have yielded error messages. Failed code example:
let img = process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/images/Team.jpg';
<img src={require(`${img}`)} alt="X" />
Error: Cannot find module '/images/Team.jpg'
I never imagined showing images in React would be so difficult. Any help is truly very much appreciated.
I think you are correct, you just don't need the require, return <img src={process.env.PUBLIC_URL + '/img/logo.png'} />; as you can see their docs
If you open in your browser http://localhost:PORT/images/Team.jpg that should open.
That's the reason process.env.PUBLIC_URL is empty in development, because they resolve everything inside this folder directly.

Cloud Foundry - Folder structure and relative paths

This is somewhat related to an issue I'm having with CF on IBM Cloud here. My question after playing around with the folder structures is how exactly is CF building the app when it comes to relative paths?
For example, if i have the following folder structure
when I add <script type = 'text/javascript' src = '../index.js'></script> to the index.html file, I get GET net::ERR_ABORTED 404. This error does not happen when I move index.js into the public folder and change <script type = 'text/javascript' src = 'index.js'></script>.
The problem I have then is that when I try to require() any modules when the index.js file is in a sub-directory, it returns a Require is not defined error indicating that it is not getting the module from the node_modules cache which CF is suppose to build. Requiring any files in the same sub-directory also throws the same error. This does not seem to be a problem when the require() is used in the default app.js as the application loads without any errors.
I'm relatively new to the IBM Cloud Foundry tool but I'm following the same structure as when I pushed apps via Cloud9 IDE and didn't have any such issues there. I feel I might be missing something ridiculously simple like configuration of endpoint or package.json. However, I've been searching around for days and can't seem to find a solution.
Appreciate if you have any pointers. Thanks!
Due to my lack of understanding, I was trying to use require() on the client side hence the errors. Going to figure out how to use Browserify now. ;)

ExpressJS Static Serve Images

I know there are a bunch of questions on this topic but none seem to directly answer my problem.
I am trying to static serve images from NodeJS using ExpressJS. I've already successfully statically served a CSS file using:, "style")));
and accessing the file at URL/file.css. However when I try and do something similar for images using:'/images', express.static(path.join(__dirname, "images")));
and I try and access the file using URL/images/file.jpg - I just get an error saying
Cannot GET /images/file.jpg
I've also tried variants without the /images/ similar to the way I've done style and get the same problem. Unsure where I'm going wrong.
The answer was obvious but subtle. I was compiling typescript from ./ and putting it into /dist and sass from /style into /dist/style so I put my images folder at the root level, rather than inside dist. Problem solved.

Why can't I require files which are available due to app.use?

If a directory has been made available to a node application in the server.js file which sits in the main directory using:
app.use("/scripts",express.static(__dirname + "/scripts"));
and I attempt to use require from a file inside of that directory (/scripts/custom.js) using:
var Testing123 = require('../app/models/article');
Is there a reason this is not possible? and is there a solution to that problem?
Edit: In one of my views (views/tree.ejs) I use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="../scripts/custom.js"></script>
to access my Custom script which sits inside my scripts folder which is made available using express.static, Custom uses a web scraper to scrape articles and present them in circles (in the form of an image, title and link) on views/tree.ejs, I now want custom.js to save each article it creates to a mongodb database but to do so, it needs access to things like my Article Schema hence the problem above.
You cannot because Node.js scripts and browser scripts do not run in the same context. Your app.use call just exposes a /scripts route that serves assets statically on your HTTP Server.
Your scripts/custom.js script seems to be a browser-side script (Because you load it with a script tag inside an ejs view) but you want to use require inside it and this will not work as this is a Node.js function.
Have a look at LearnYouNode which is an excellent Node beginner tutorial so that you will understand how modules work in Node and know a bit more about the separation between server-side and client-side JS.
