I am using phpmailer and passing body simple text message without html.Then mail send create double line breaks - phpmailer

I am using phpmailer and passing body simple text message without html.Then mail send create double line breaks. But my content have one line break, please help its perfect on localhost but on server create error.


Send message with multiple local images in a single line - discord.js

Is this possible to send messages with multiple local images in a single line?
I'm using MessageAttachment here is the code
const attachment = new MessageAttachment(EmojiPack1/green/g_a.png)
message.reply({files: [attachment]})
I'm using it in a for loop But it sends a message with the line breaker
Can you please guide me on how to make it a single message of a single line having multiple images?
Have to make it in a single line.
like this
Thank you.
There is no way to send images inline, instead you should use custom emojis.
You can use a private server for the bot that has all these letters as custom emojis. Then to get the emoji string put a backslash in front of it to get a string like this: <a:THIS:930734808169086986>

Break line within the same WhatsApp message using PyWhatKit.sendwhatmsg_to_group

I wanted to send a message to a group using PyWhatKit's sendwhatmsg_to_group but have not found a reliable way of breaking the line inside the message (a Shift+Enter operation), so that the resulting sent message is something like:
instead of Hello and World being separate messages. I tried using \r\n, \n, no luck.

Sending both a body and attachment using mail (Linux)

I want to send an email from Linux with body and attachment. However, it only sends either one of the two. When I have both in the command, only the attachment is sent. I'm working with a log file as body and a CSV file as an attachment. I have tried the following;
mail -a "FROM: Name <name#email.com>" -s "subject of email" "recipient#email.com" -A /home/Export/attachment.csv <<< "$BODY_SUCCES"
For which the variable $BODY_SUCCESS is a log file. I have also tried making it work with mutt and mailx, but neither seemed to work, unfortunately. I can't figure out what's going wrong here. Can anyone help?

How to check the size of an email maybe with or without attachment when it is received by fuglu scanner plugin?

Using Python code how to check the size of an email? It may contain an attachment or no attachment(s). In SMTP handshake the 'From' has an attribute 'SIZE' which is optional. Without parsing the entire mail for checking the attachment size, is it possible to check the size of the entire email? What is the specific code? When we use:
in the examine method of fuglu plugin, I wish to override as follows:
msg = suspect.get_original_source()
mail = email.message_from_string(msg.decode("latin-1"))
WE get string. whcih I convert using:
mail_size = len(str(mail).encode('utf-8'))
Is this the right approach? Please advise.

Use Japanese characters in subject and attach file with mailx in RedHat Linux

I am trying to use the mailx command for sending email with attachment (zipped) and am facing two issues, below is the command I use:
| mailx -s $SUBJECT_1 -r " " $SENDER $RECIPIENT
My email subject contains space and Japanese characters.
The variable $SUBJECT_1 has the following statement
Subject: [Budget] Subtype Error and some JAPANESE CHARECTERS
I get bet following error:
contains invalid character '\203'
Moreover for testing purpose I changed the statement of SUBJECT_1 to Test Message
SUBJECT_1="Test Message"
It worked, but I receive only Test instead of Test Message and in the mail I could see two more email ids in the To like Message#domain.com and -r#domain.com
I have not implemented the mail body yet, once subject issue fixed will implement the same in body because Body will also have Japanese characters.
Please help me with this error, how to resolve and what am i doing wrong
There's a list of things you need help with here, more than I want to to handle exhaustively on a sunny Saturday afternoon. But some hints.
Quote your variables.
"$SUBJECT_1" is a single string, whereas $SUBJECT_1 is a list of space-separated words. The second word is your email recipient, and subsequent options are also recipients.
The basic idea is that you need to include encoding data in the subject, because email headers are only supposed to include 7-bit ASCII.
Here is a hint at how you put special characters in your Subject line.
Here is another hint.
Here is the RFC that describes in lurid detail what you need to do. Asking your favourite search engine for information about "utf8 email subject" and "rfc1522" is probably a good idea.
Email client.
Finally, rather than learning how to use MIME, consider using mutt instead of mailx to send your mail. Mutt has a -a option to add attachments, making it WAY easier than constructing your own headers and body, which I'm not even sure you'd be able to do with mailx in the first place.
