Node reply to tweet does not actually reply - node.js

I'm using the Twit Node library to reply to tweets in a stream and while it's working perfectly the tweeted reply does not show up as a reply on the timeline, instead, it appears as a standalone tweet, not linked to a prior conversation.
Here's my code:
function tweetEvent(eventMsg) {
var replyto = eventMsg.in_reply_to_screen_name;
var text = eventMsg.text;
var from = eventMsg.user.screen_name;
console.log(replyto + ' ' + from);
if( (text.indexOf('myhandle') >= 0) || (from != 'myhandle')) {
var reply = replies[Math.floor(Math.random() * replies.length)];
var newtweet = '#' + from + ' ' + reply;
function tweetIt(txt) {
var tweet = {
status: txt
}'statuses/update', tweet, tweeted);
function tweeted(err, data, response) {
if (err) {
console.log("Something went wrong!");
} else {
console.log("It worked!");

In order for the reply to show up in the timeline using the Twitter API, you need the following:
// the status update or tweet ID in which we will reply
var nameID = eventMsg.id_str;
Also needed is the parameter in_reply_to_status_id in your tweet status. See the updates to your code below and it should now preserve the conversation:
function tweetEvent(eventMsg) {
var replyto = eventMsg.in_reply_to_screen_name;
var text = eventMsg.text;
var from = eventMsg.user.screen_name;
// the status update or tweet ID in which we will reply
var nameID = eventMsg.id_str;
console.log(replyto + ' ' + from);
if( (text.indexOf('myhandle') >= 0) || (from != 'myhandle')) {
var reply = replies[Math.floor(Math.random() * replies.length)];
var newtweet = '#' + from + ' ' + reply;
function tweetIt(txt) {
var tweet = {
status: txt,
in_reply_to_status_id: nameID
}'statuses/update', tweet, tweeted);
function tweeted(err, data, response) {
if (err) {
console.log("Something went wrong!");
} else {
console.log("It worked!");


Accessing gmail from nodejs returns only message id

I keep trying to get the information for my messages, but I only get the id; the rest is undefined:
function list(auth) {
var gmail ='v1');
auth: auth,
userId: 'me',
}, function(err, response) {
if (err) {
console.log('The API returned an error: ' + err);
var messages = response.messages;
if (messages.length == 0) {
console.log('No messages found.');
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
var message = messages[i];
console.log('- '+ +' '+ message.threadId);

node js gettting error of activity timeout or database connection lost

I am using node js script to sync data(for multiple users) from GeoTab server APIs to my local db and using below code
var syncUsers = function () {
for (var i = 0; i < geotabUsers.length; i++) {
if (apiInstanse[geotabUsers[i].userId] == undefined)
apiInstanse[geotabUsers[i].userId] = new API(geotabUsers[i].apiUsername, geotabUsers[i].apiPassword, geotabUsers[i].apiDatabase, js_lang.GEOTAB_SERVER);
syncStatusData(apiInstanse[geotabUsers[i].userId], i, userInfo[geotabUsers[i].userId].statusDataFromVersion, geotabUsers[i].userId, userInfo[geotabUsers[i].userId].currentCompany, geotabUsers[i].apiUsername, geotabUsers[i].apiPassword, geotabUsers[i].apiDatabase);
var syncStatusData = function (api, i, fromVersion, userId, currentCompany, apiUsername, apiPassword, apiDatabase){
try {, {
typeName: js_lang.GEOTAB_STATUS_DATA,
resultsLimit: js_lang.GEOTAB_API_LIMIT,
fromVersion: fromVersion
}, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log('api Call Error:', userId);
console.log('apiUsername:', apiUsername);
console.log('apiPassword:', apiPassword);
console.log('apiDatabase:', apiDatabase);
console.log('Error', err);
apiInstanse[userId] = new API(apiUsername, apiPassword, apiDatabase, js_lang.GEOTAB_SERVER);
var insertStatus = [];
var sql = "INSERT INTO " + js_lang.TABLE_STATUS_DATA + " (companyId,dateTime,deviceId ,diagnosticId,value,version,uniqueId,userId,unitOfMeasure ) VALUES ?";
//iterate data
if ( != undefined)
for (var key in {
if (diagnosticList[[key]] == undefined)
var thisDate = moment(new Date([key].dateTime));
var thisDayDate = thisDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
//prepare data to insert
var insertRow = [
thisDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss"),[key],[key],[key].data,[key].version,[key].id,
var todayDate = moment(new Date());
var todayDayDate = todayDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
//send alert in case of current day data
if (todayDayDate == thisDayDate)
//send mails in case of high pressure
if (diagnosticList[[key]].unitOfMeasure == js_lang.GEOTAB_PRESSURE_UNIT_STR &&[key].data > js_lang.MAX_PRESSURE &&
alertTemplates[userId] != undefined)
console.log('alert time');
if (alertTemplates[userId] != undefined)
for (var templateIndex = 0; templateIndex < alertTemplates[userId].length; templateIndex++) {
var template = alertTemplates[userId][templateIndex];
var res = template.devices.split(",");
var index =,[key]
if (index)
var emailSubject = 'High Pressure Alert';
if (userDevices[userId][[key]].name != undefined)
var emailText = 'Vehicle:' + userDevices[userId][[key]].name;
var emailText = '';
var toEmails = template.emails;
var emailHtml = 'Vehicle:' + userDevices[userId][[key]].name + '<br>' + diagnosticList[[key]].name + ' <br> value:' +[key].data + ' ' + js_lang.GEOTAB_PRESSURE_UNIT_PA + '<br>\
' + js_lang.DATE_TIME + ':' + thisDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:ss");
//call mail function
sendEmail(toEmails, emailSubject, emailText, emailHtml);
if (insertStatus.length > 0)
connection.query(sql, [insertStatus], function (err) {
if (err)
throw err;
connection.query('UPDATE ' + js_lang.TABLE_USER + ' SET statusDataFromVersion = ? WHERE id = ?',
[data.toVersion, userId]);
else {
console.log('update user:', userId);
connection.query('UPDATE ' + js_lang.TABLE_USER + ' SET statusDataFromVersion = ? WHERE id = ?',
[data.toVersion, userId]);
if ((geotabUsers.length - 1) == i)
console.log('loop ended');
catch (e) {
var continueSync = function () {
setTimeout(function () {
geotabUsers = [];
userDevices = [];
diagnosticList = [];
userInfo = [];
alertTemplates = {};
}, 60000);
Its work fine for few iteration but getting random errors like
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Quit inactivity timeout
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: Connection lost: The server closed the connection.
I was getting this error while executing app on local, To remove problem I have used pm2 node module for process management.Now its working fine.

Getting Response of a function defined in another file in node.js

I have a socket function defined as
var funcs = require('./funcs');
socket.on(EVENT_ACCEPT_ORDER, function(data, callback)
data = JSON.parse(data);
var bookingId = data.bookingId;
var userId = data.userId;
console.log("Accepting booking...." + bookingId);
var query = "UPDATE bookings SET bookingStatus = " + BOOKING_STATUS_ACCEPTED + " WHERE id = " + bookingId + " AND bookingStatus = " + BOOKING_STATUS_IN_QUEUE;
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields)
console.log("mysql query error");
if(rows.changedRows > 0)
var indexOfUser = usersList.indexOf(userId);
if(indexOfUser > -1)
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId)});
callback({"message": "Success","error":true});
Funcs is defined as
module.exports = {
"getBooking": function (con, bookingId)
var query = "SELECT * FROM bookings WHERE id = " + bookingId + " LIMIT 1";
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields)
console.log("mysql query error");
else if (rows.length == 1)
var booking = rows[0];
var userId = rows[0]['userId'];
var query = "SELECT id, name, phone, imagePath FROM users WHERE id = " + userId + " LIMIT 1";
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields)
console.log("mysql query error");
else if (rows.length == 1)
booking['user'] = rows[0];
return booking;
Everything is running fine except
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId)});
in this function instead of booking, i am only getting
Why am i not getting the booking function result?
You are not getting the result, because the result of the callback function in con.query is not returned to the caller of getBooking. It is the asynchronous pattern, which you are not processing correctly.
The way it is supposed to work is that the getBooking gets an extra argument: a function to be called when data are available (in an internal asynchronous call to con.query). Such a function is then provided by the caller and in this function you do whatever you want with the data:
"getBooking": function (con, bookingId, callback) {
con.query(query, function(err, rows,fields) {
// instead of return booking do
callback(err, booking);
main module
// instead of
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId)});
// do
funcs.getBooking(con, bookingId, function(err, booking) {
callback({"message": "Success","error":false, "booking": booking});
I am afraid this is not the only issue in your code, but this should be the first to fix. Read further about processing asynchronous calls in general and specifically in node.js and fix other places in your code correspondingly.

Update Arrays in node.js on disconnection in

I am trying to create a new real time analytic connection. I have two types of users. Normal users and their drivers.
Here is the code for authorization
io.set('authorization', function(handshake, callback)
var userId = handshakeData.query.userId;
var type = handshakeData.query.type;
var accessKey = handshakeData.query.accessKey;
var query = "";
if(type = '')
query = 'SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ' + userId + ' AND accessKey = ' + accessKey;
query = 'SELECT * FROM drivers WHERE id = ' + userId + ' AND accessKey = ' + accessKey;
.on('result', function(data)
if(type == '')
var index = users.indexOf(userId);
if (index != -1)
var index = drivers.indexOf(userId);
if (index != -1)
socket.emit('failedAuthentication', "Unable to authenticate");
.on('end', function(){
socket.emit('failedAuthentication', "Unable to authenticate");
For disconnection i have this
socket.on('disconnect', function()
i want to remove the very userId i added on disconnect. How would i do that. can i append anything to socket or what should i do?
If you're just trying to remove the userId from your users and drivers arrays, you can do this:
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
// remove userId from users and drivers arrays
var index;
index = users.indexOf(userId);
if (index !== -1) {
users.splice(index, 1);
index = drivers.indexOf(userId);
if (index !== -1) {
drivers.splice(index, 1);
Or, you can DRY it up a bit:
function removeItem(array, item) {
var index = array.indexOf(item);
if (index !== -1) {
array.splice(index, 1);
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
removeItem(users, userId);
removeItem(drivers, userId);
This code assumes that you put this in the same closure where the userId variable is present. If you are not doing that, then you will probably need to put the userId as a property on the socket object so that it is accessible when you need it. You don't show the larger context of how your code is organized or where this event handler is located so we can't make a more specific recommendation without seeing that.

Notifying caller about error from callback in node.js on error from sqlite3 call

In node.js + sqlite3:
What is a good way to notify a caller from a callback about errors and get the caller to try again ? When we get a database locked error - would like to try and run the query again.
TestController.prototype.addDevices = function (number_of_devices, callback_after_all_devices_have_been_added) {
var controller = this;
var db = controller.connectToDb();
for(i = 0; i < number_of_devices; i++) {
db.each("SELECT api_key as ak FROM user_table ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1", function(err, row) {
//sometimes we get a SQLITE: database locked error
if (err !== null) {
console.log("Error found");
//i-- this will not work - but how do we do it then?
console.log("Error: " + err);
//code to process if we get an entry from the user_table ..
This is how I managed to solve this - added a retry counter and moved the problem code to its own function, passing in the epilogue as a callback. It works - but is this a good way?
(other than using promises or the async module?)
TestController.prototype.addDevices = function (number_of_devices, callback_after_all_devices_have_been_added) {
var number_of_users = 0;
var controller = this;
controller.pending_db_writes_for_device = number_of_devices;
for(i = 0; i < number_of_devices; i++) {
var api_key = controller.getRandomAPIKeyFromDB(10,function(access_key) {
var mac_address = controller.generateRandomMAC();
var friendly_name = Faker.random.array_element(["Washing Machine","Television","Dishwasher","Set top box"]);
var description = Faker.Lorem.sentence(5);
controller.registerDeviceWithAPI(mac_address, friendly_name, description, access_key, callback_after_all_devices_have_been_added);
TestController.prototype.getRandomAPIKeyFromDB = function (retry_counter, callback) {
var controller = this;
var db = controller.connectToDb();
console.log("Retry counter: "+ retry_counter);
db.each("SELECT api_key as ak FROM user_table ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1", function(err, row) {
if (err !== null) {
console.log("Error: " + err + "retry count: "+ retry_counter);
console.log("Error found");
if(retry_counter === 0) {
console.log("Bailing out after retry limit reached");
else {
console.log("Successfully got api key: " + row.ak);
