Why Architecture menu in visual studio 2012 Premium does not work - visual-studio-2012

Architecture menu in visual studio 2012 Premium does not work. It is showing me in disable mode.I checked in customize menu but toolbar added in Disable form. I can not generate the "Visualize Code Dependencies on Dependency Graphs".
Is there any option without upgrading Visual studio 2012 from Premium to Ultimate Architecture menu work.?

No, it is an Ultimate only tool.

Architecture menu in Visual Studio show only with Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate edition.To use this option/feature need to buy Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate edition.


Unable to locate Font Manager in Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012

Cannot find Font Manager in Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2012 under Tools Menu as shown here.
Any idea where I can find it in Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (Ultimate)?
The Font Manager you refer to is for Blend, not for Visual Studio.

Intellitrace not available for VS 2012 Professional edition?

If so, how do i turn it on? I don't see it under Tools-> Options
If not, anywhere I can download it?
Here is the product matrix from the Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 site.
It shows that it is only available for the Ultimate edition.
Are you sure your coworker has it on Pro?
Intellitrace is not available in Microsoft Visual Studio Professional version, intellitrace is available in Visual Studio Ultimate edition only.
Yes, you can have Intellitrace in Visual Studio 2013 Professional, because there is a bug in Visual Studio licencing system. It happen in some circumstances.

Sequence Diagram context menu absent in Visual Studio 2012 but was there in VS2010

I used to be able to generate sequence diagrams in Visual Studio 2010 by right-clicking within a function and selecting the appropriate menu option.
I just installed Visual Studio Premium 2012 (11.0.51106.01 Update 1)
and that menu option is not available. My project is in C#.
We had one other VS2012 patch in our library that I installed as well, but that did not produce the desired result.
According to this comparison page, Sequence Diagrams (and UML in general) can only be created by Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate. The Premium edition can only read them.

Is Tools > Create GUID removed in Visual Studio 2012?

In Visual Studio 2010, there was a Create GUID entry in the Tools menu. I used it all the time for SharePoint Development.
Has Tools > Create GUID been removed in Visual Studio 2012? I don't see it and resorted to Powershell [System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString()
No it's there... at least it's available in Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate.
If missing try adding it via Tools -> External Tools and add:
%Installation Path%\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\Tools\guidgen.exe
EDIT: It's probably installed with Visual C++.
If you have Resharper installed you can just type nguid and hit Tab inside Visual Studio. You can even choose format you want.

Visual Studio 2012 UI customization

Are there any add-ins available that let you customize the UI look and feel for Visual Studio 2012 IDE?
This extension gives you basic control over the VS2012 colour palette:
Unfortunately there's no control over icons, appearance/roundness of windows etc in this extension however.
Visual Studio 2012 Color Theme Editor is for you, as Daniel said.
There is also an open source project that can restore VS 2010 icons in VS 2012 :
Visual Studio Icon Patcher.
I wouldn't use it anyways, as it's more a hack, than a real solution.
