Redmine error log fatal:not a git repository - gitlab

I installed redmine on git server (gitlab), which is our main git server (same machine).
When I add the repository (through gitlab) information in redmine web,
The redmine log says:
/usr/local/redmine/log/production.scm.stderr.log <
fatal: Not a git repository: '/data/gitlab/git-data/repositories/woojs/RedmineTestProject.git/'
But when I check the whether bare or non-bare using git command, I get this:
root#gitserver:/data/gitlab/git-data/repositories/woojs/RedmineTestProject.git# git rev-parse --is-bare-repository
I tried to change some things related to permissions: Changing owner to www-data and changing permissions to 777. It's still not working.

Similar to this old thread, check the account which runs for redmine: does that account has the right to access /data/gitlab/git-data/repositories/woojs/RedmineTestProject.git? (or anything under /data/gitlab/git-data/repositories/?)
This usually is a right access issue.


How to upload projects on gitlab by user?

We are using Gitlab (7.5.3).
I created a Repository, but I want to upload my project to it.
I've looked on the repository page for an upload button of some kind but I haven't seen anything of the sort.
I've looked at the links provided so far but I'm still getting nowhere. They mention command line, is that Windows command line ?
I am able to upload through Git GUI, how to upload without Git GUI?
And when I login to user account through putty ,it shows
login as: root
root#'s password:
Last login: Tue May 26 12:20:10 2015 from
![grep: write error]
Does anyone knows how we can solve these issue?
If you have Git GUI, you probably also have Git Bash which provide command line support for git inside Windows.
You can use this Git Bash to upload your project. For this, you just need some git command, and you don't have to log in the Gitlab's server (I supposed it's why you tried). This command are provided by Gitlab when you create a new project and want to upload it.
First open Git Bash. Then :
cd c:\Users\Me\..\my_project\ # Go to your project directory in Windows
git init # Initialize this directory as a git repo
git remote add origin git#your_gitlab_server_ip:your_username/your_project_name.git
git push -u origin master` # Send your code to your Gitlab instance
It's also a good idead to provide to git some info about you. This infos will be displayed by Gitlab :
git config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
Remember that with Gitlab the only interaction between your git's repo and Gitlab should happend through the git command, and not with login to this server.
Try this 4 step push project to gitlab --> open command line.
cd to/path/local
git init
git remote add anything_name name http://scmgit.ktb/username/projectname.git
git push -u test anything_name master
Hope is save you day.

Git push to cPanel account - Push did not update modified file

SOLUTION BELOW - How to use git to push to cpanel server
I finally got somewhere with setting up Git between my localhost (WAMP setup on Windows 8.1) and my Linux server (CentOS 6.6 x64 with cPanel 11.46.2).
Locally I created a bare clone: git clone --bare my_project my_project.git
NOTE: my_project is an example name, not the real name, and from this doc here:
I copied the my_project.git folder to my server's root directory /home/myuser/public_html/
so now in the root directory I have:
This is one area I am unsure of. Do I have to do an init (using putty) on my server in the public_html directory? I read something about a bare init? I just want to push (from my PC) the website I already have under Git control, to the server. When I make a change to 1 file, push that change to the server so it's updated live with a push. The website is DONE and ready to be live. I have already manually moved back and forth for live testing on the server. My last step is to get the Git setup correctly, so any further changes I can just push them to the server without the need of FTP.
I added a remote origin: git remote add origin ssh://
I tried to push to it, and got "Permission denied (publickey)". I already had an id_rsa and key locally on my PC, so I copied them and renamed them to id_rsa.myname (where myname is my first name). I then copied them to the .ssh folder through FTP (FTP as cpanel user, and it's the directory your dumped into, above public_html), same as /home/myuser/.ssh/ directory.
Once they where there, I added them to 'authorized_keys' using Putty logged in as the cpanel user (my private ppk) by doing:
cd .ssh
cat id_rsa.myname >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
After doing that, a push appeared to work. Because I was having a key/auth issue, I used Git Gui version, which was setup and worked fine locally. I added the origins through Git Bash though. When I did "Remote > Push" in the Gui version, I got:
Pushing to ssh:// gistrybank.git
stdin: is not a tty
To ssh://
44ae034..0388a05 master -> master
updating local tracking ref 'refs/remotes/origin/master'
Before doing the push, the only file modified (diff from the bare clone I transferred to the server) was my .gitignore file. I added 2 more exclusions to it, and committed it locally. So I was trying to push the change in that file. After I did the push, it said "success" in green and appeared to work. However, when I check the file in FileZilla, the .gitignore file is not the updated one that I just committed locally.
I think I am close, but missed a step somewhere. I tried to be as descriptive as possible.
And putting the source on GitHub is not an option as the client does not want the source public, and does not want to pay for the private repos. I should be able to push from my local setup to the cPanel server so I don't have to transfer thousands of files every time. I actually transfer a zip file, and unzip on the server lol.
Server Info
cPanel 11.46.2 build 0
CentOS 6.6 x86_64 kvm build01
Yes, Git is setup on the server, and working, and git --version reports:git version 1.7.1
Git on my PC: git version 1.9.4.msysgit.2
Thank you in advance.
Thanks to #VonC I was able to get this to work :)
You need somewhere for your git repo to sit. I created a 'git-repos' folder in '/home/cpaneluser/git-repos' to house my repos for this cpanel user.
First step is to create a bare repo: - I only followed the first step, basically created the bare repo 'my-project.git'
Before putting it on your server, rename 'my-project.git/hooks/post-receive.sample' to just 'post-receive' so it will be ran. Edit it with your editor, and add the line that #VonC gave us in his chosen answer:
umask 0022
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/cpaneluser/public_html GIT_DIR=/home/cpaneluser/git-repos/my-project.git git checkout -f
Note: I am using cpanel, so your path's may be different, and your umask could be different. 0022 is for 0644 file permissions. Without the umask, I was getting 500 Internal Server Errors, because the files were created with 0664 permissions instead.
Using FTP or whatever you like, copy the 'my-project.git' bare repo to your server to '/home/cpaneluser/git-repos'. Then go into 'my-project.git/hooks' and change the permissions of post-receive to have execute permissions. For me, 0744 worked fine. This was the magic sauce :)
Locally, add your remote (must be in your git project): git remote set-url origin ssh://
Now if you try to push now, it won't put the files in 'public_html' because the git tree (terminology?) matches and is up to date. If they are up to date, it seems to skip over executing your 'post-receive' hook. That means your bash script never ran, and it never checked out the files to your working tree.
We need to manually run the 'post-receive' bash script to create all the files of our project in the 'public_html' directory.
cd to '/home/cpaneluser/git-repos/my-project.git/hooks'
Run: ./post-receive
Boom, all your files are in 'public_html'. Now you can work locally, then push to your cpanel server as expected :)
I had a similar problem with my cPanel account, git was set up but for some reason I couldn't push to it. After a lot of head-banging I realized that the root of the problem is like you pointed out that although git is set up, the repo is empty so there's nothing for it to track.
This happens when you set up an empty repo in cPanel and then try pushing a local repo that you've already created, as opposed to cloning it first from github or your local repo (which is what happened to me because for some reason I couldn't access my github from the cPanel git interface even though I had set up a SSH key)
The simple solution that I found is to manually clone the repo using the terminal in your cPanel account
On your cPanel dashboard, under the "advanced" section, you'll find the terminal. You'll get a warning saying that you could mess up your server if you don't know what you're doing, click ok and you're in.
Now you just have to clone your repo the same way you would if you're cloning onto a local machine.
Navigate to where git was set up in your cPanel
cd repositories/<nameOfYourRepo>
And run the clone command
git clone <URLofYourGithubReop>
You'll be asked for your github username and password if it's a private repository
And that's it, you're good to go
What you have copied (my_project.git) is a bare repo, meaning one without a working tree (the actual checked out files).
Read for instance "Git workflow - Setting up a build process".
That means pushing to if won't change anything in /home/myuser/public_html/
The missing piece is a post-receive hook (in /home/myuser/public_html/my_project.git/hooks/post-receive, make sure it is executable: chmod +x), in order to checkout the repo in /home/myuser/public_html/.
GIT_WORK_TREE=/home/myuser/public_html GIT_DIR=/home/myuser/public_html/my_project.git git checkout -f

Auto Deploying with Git

I am wondering if anyone has a better strategy for this scenario.
I am currently hosting my own remote git repo on the same box as the webserver.
All git repos are under the git user.
sudo -uwww-data -gwww-data git --git-dir=/var/www/website/.git --work-tree=/var/www/website pull
I have a cron job running as root every minute that executes this command. The git repo in the web folder is cloned from the same box to git's home dir where it's stored instead of through ssh.
So my question: Since git doesn't own the web files, it can't move the site using a git hook. I would assume I don't want git to have sudo, nor would that work via a git hook, right? Is there something that will deploy the site faster than every minute? I don't want the operation to be very expensive.
Is there some kind of daemon root could run and listen for some kind of notification? Like having it watch a file's last modified time?
Note that this article (in French, translated through Google) reports that sudo works with your approach:
change sudo to allow the gitosis user to use this command as www-data.
To do this, by running "visudo" add the line:
git ALL = (www-data) NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/pullhere
Then, in each repository where necessary, add the next hook in a post-receive file:
sudo -u www-data /usr/local/bin/pullhere /html/u/user/here
eg in / home/git/repositories/projet1.git/hooks/post-receive
This might interest you if you're still looking at a way to perform automatic deploys after a git push: (with the git-runner-deploy gem).

Installing git repository on Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 -- SSH problems

I have been banging my head against a wall for a while now, and none of the people in my immediate vicinity know more than I do at this point.
My office has a lab box that they want to use for a central git repository -- mainly for testing various things. They also, of course, want me to get some experience setting up git so that we can possibly set up other git instances later.
I am running Windows 7 with an OEL 5.7 VM, and the box is running OEL 5.5. From my VM, I SSHed into the lab box and started tinkering. After installing git and gitosis, I have managed to get the instance working locally. I can see the git repository just fine, and if I try to clone it locally, it all works like a dream. But if I try to SSH in from my VM, it either A.) kicks me out with fatal: 'testproject.git' does not appear to be a git repository or B.) kicks me out with Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic), depending on how I invoke git.
Example: I configured the access to a test project I created (and tested locally) as follows:
[group team]
writable = testproject
members = oracle#RCSDB cwerness cwerness#localhost cwerness#localhost.localdomain
This is my first experience setting up a git repository, so I wanted to cover my bases regarding remote users. Thus, the redundancy in the members section.
When I try to clone the repository with my username only, I get
[cwerness#localhost Desktop]$ git clone cwerness#
Cloning into testproject...
Enter passphrase for key '/home/cwerness/.ssh/id_rsa':
fatal: 'testproject.git' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
If, however, I try to clone the repository with more information, I get
[cwerness#localhost Desktop]$ git clone "cwerness#localhost.localdomain"#
Cloning into testproject...
Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
I have all the public keys stored in the /keydir folders. The repository was created and is owned by the user oracle, and I have tried all permutations of that user and its domain in the above clone commands as well, to no effect. Additionally, I tried setting up a ~/.ssh/config file like this
Host labbox
User cwerness
IdentityFile /home/cwerness/.ssh/id_rsa
Again, I tried all the different ways to connect, from both users. Nothing is giving me any more information than I already had.
The box is set up to authenticate SSH connections via public keys, and that works fine. I can SSH into the box as cwerness with no problems.
This is getting to be a huge headache for me, and I'd like it if someone could tell me exactly HOW I am being stupid, if not a way to fix this problem.
git clone cwerness# will look in the home directory for the user cwerness but you state you put the repository in /home/oracle/repositories. Try git clone cwerness#

Deploy with git pull on webserver on /var/www/vhosts

Can I create with git files owned by root without using root to push?
I use git user to push on the webserver. But /var/www is owned by root or www-data with no write access for other user.
I can pull in an other directory and use "hook/post-receive" but still this hook is executed with the git user...
For the moment I log in the webserver and do a sudo git pull origin. But it will be more efficient if I was hable to do a git pull server from my laptop.
Just putting my comment here as answer, since as far as I know, it will completely fix the problem:
Make a symlink in /var/www to a map owned by the git user (e.g. /home/git/www). Then push your files to this /home/git/www map. No problems with permissions anymore.
My solution was to give all files to git by way of the www-pub group with read permission for everyone—except settings files with the MySQL password.
I push to /home/git/repository/project and checkout to /var/www/project using hook/post-receive.
