High Availability clustering for mesos - azure

When using DC/OS on Azure, and I deploy a container, how can I guarantee if I launch 2 instances that they are on different physical machines (provided I have at least 2 agents).

This is not Azure specific, it applies to any DC/OS (and with it Marathon) setup: you use constraints for placement, in this case UNIQUE for hostname, see also the Marathon docs for details.


How to run a container infrequently but with high performance in Azure

I have some workload which needs to be run a few times per week. It requires some heavy computational work and runs about one hour (with 16 cores and 32gb memory). It is possible to run it in a container.
Azure offers many different possibilities to run containers. (I have no knowledge of most of the Azure services, so my conclusions might be wrong.) Firstly, I thought Azure Container Instances is perfect for this scenario, but it only offers containers with up to 4 vCPU and 16gb memory. There is no need for orchestration with a single container, so Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Service Fabric come with too much overhead. Similarly, Azure Batch also offers computational clusters which are not needed for a single workload.
Which Azure service is the best fit for this use case?
While a "best fit" question is likely to be closed. Anyways, here's a suggestion.
Don't dismiss AKS. You can easily create a 1 node cluster using a VM that fits your required configuration. Using the standard SLA, you don't pay for the master node and you can stop your cluster after each run and stop being charged. No need to bother about orchestration, see this as a VM that has everything to run your container that you'll use like an ACI.

Hi can I have a custom script to be executed in AKS node group?

I would like to tweak some settings in AKS node group with something like userdata in AWS. Is it possible to do in AKS?
how abt using
The underlying Virtual Machine Scale Set (VMSS) is an implementation detail, and one that you do not get to adjust outside of SKU and disk choice. Just like you cannot pick the image that goes on the VMSS; you also cannot use VM Extensions on that scale set, without being out of support. Any direct manipulation of those VMSSs (from an Azure resource provider perspective) behind your nodepools puts you out of support. The only supported affordance to perform host (node)-level actions is via deploying your custom script work in a DaemonSet to the cluster. This is fully supported, and will give you the ability to run (almost) anything you need at the host level. Examples being installing/executing custom security agents, FIM solutions, anti-virus.
From the support FAQ:
Any modification done directly to the agent nodes using any of the IaaS APIs renders the cluster unsupportable. Any modification done to the agent nodes must be done using kubernetes-native mechanisms such as Daemon Sets.

What you cannot do when you use AKS over self-managed kubernetes cluster?

I'm deciding if I should provide use vanilla kubernetes or use Azure Kubernetes Service for my CI build agents.
What control will I lose if used AKS; SSH inside cluster? turning on and off the VMS? How about the cost, I see that AKS use the VM pricing, is there something beyond that
There are several limitations which come to my mind, but neither of them should restrict your use case:
You lose control over master nodes (control plane). Shouldn't be an issue in your use case, and I hardly imagine where this may be a limitation. You still can SSH into worker nodes in AKS.
You lose fine-grained control over size of worker nodes. Node pools become an abstraction to control size of the VMs. In a self-managed cluster you can attach VMs of completely different size to the cluster. In AKS all the nodes in the same pool must be of the same size (but you can create several node pools with different VM sizes).
It's not possible to choose node's OS in AKS (it's Ubuntu-based).
You're not flexible in choosing network plugins for k8s. It's either kubenet or Azure CNI. But that's fine as long as you're not using some weird applications which requre L2 networking, more info here
There are definitely benefits of AKS:
You're not managing control plane which is a real pain reliever.
AKS can scale its nodes dynamically, which may be a good option for bursty workloads like build agents, but also imposes additional delay during node scaling procedure.
Cluster (control and data planes) upgrades are just couple of clicks in azure portal.
Control plane is free in AKS (in contrast e.g. to EKS in Amazon), you pay only for the worker nodes, you can calculate your price here

What's the difference between primary and non-primary nodes in Azure Service Fabric?

I can't find any specific documentation that says what's the difference between primary node and a non-primary node, and how are they being used. Can somebody shed light on it? Thanks.
If you compare Service Fabric to other Orchestration Tools like Kubernetes, you will notice a small difference on how clusters are defined.
Kubernetes uses a concept of Master to host cluster management services, and Minion to host your application services(containers). Until version 1.1 it was not possible to run containers on the masters, because it had the idea that Master's should be isolated to avoid conflicting with containers running on it, like consuming too much memory, disk, cpu, and so on.
On Service Fabric this is a bit different. When you define a NodeType as Primary, what it means inside the cluster is that this NodeType will be responsible to host the Service Fabric Management Services(services needed to control the cluster health, orchestration and so on).
When you deploy a cluster via Azure Portal, depending on the durability tier (Bronze,Silver,Gold) you choose, it will require a certain number of nodes on Primary Node Type, to keep the cluster management healthy. For production workloads, 5 nodes the minimum recommended size for Primary NodeType or NonPrimary with stateful workloads in it. The minimum supported use VM SKU is Standard D1 or Standard D1_V2.
There is a catch for Primary Node-type, the change of VMSS Sku (Size) is not supported, you can do on your own risk, but is a recipe for disaster, because the risk of loosing management services is too high.
Non-primary NodeType, there is no overall difference other than these mentioned above. All NodeTypes will have a VMSS and a LoadBalancer(with an domain) being able to configure the access rules. All NodeType will have a limit of 100 nodes.
Compared to Kubernetes, SF does not add any constraints to prevent you deploying your services alongside the management services on primary nodes, Every node is part of a pool of resources(including the primary). So the default behaviour is deploy applications on every node available no matter the NodeType.
When you plan bigger clusters (100+ nodes), it is important that you take that in account, and isolate your Primary NodeType from your workloads, and remove the pressure on your management services nodes.
Having multiple node types can be useful in these situations:
You want to run services exposed to the internet & services not exposed. The first set would run on a node type (VMSS) attached to the Load Balancer and the second on a scale set that isn't.
You need to run services for certain customers on premium hardware and trials on cheaper hardware. The first set would run on nodes with lots of CPU, lots of RAM. The second on lower SKU's.
You want to build a cluster that exceeds the max node count that one VMSS can hold.
Or you need to add scale sets on the fly, to support huge growth.
And: The primary nodes run your system services, the secondaries don't.
There is not much of a difference. Nodes of different node types all share the same characteristics of a Service Fabric Cluster. They all participate in load balancing etc.
Except for one thing: system services run om the nodes of the primairy node type only (source):
Primary node type is where the system services run, so the VM SKU you choose for it, must take into account the overall peak load you plan to place into the cluster. Here is an analogy to illustrate what I mean here - Think of the primary node type as your "Lungs", it is what provides oxygen to your brain, and so if the brain does not get enough oxygen, your body suffers.
An important purpose of node types is to constraint service placement to specific node types. For example, you can have several node types, one uses VM's with higher cpu capacity and one with focus on amount of memory. The you can place memory resource hungry services on one node type and cpu intensive services on the other.

Proper setup for high-availability Azure VMs

I would like to achieve a high-availability scenario on two VMs in Azure.
I understand and can follow the directions here:
However, my question is this: are the two VMs supposed to be exact replicas of each other, so that when one goes down, the other takes over? Or does the Availability Set look after this, so that the two VMs can have totally different content and still utilise each others' free resources?
If you're working with Virtual Machines (currently in Preview), then each VM lives in its own VHD. You can make additional instances by creating a VM from an image you build, but at that point, the new VM lives in its own VHD and the actual disk image will then deviate from any other instance as time goes forward. Of course, if each VM is created from the same image, with the same initialization tasks, etc., then they'd have the same software as well. You'd be responsible for upgrading software versions on all the VMs. If you then put these multiple Virtual Machines in an Availability Set, you'd be assured that the Host OS (underlying OS at machine-level) for the VMs you have would not be updated at the same time. You'd also know that different VMs in the Availability Set would be situated in different racks, network segments, etc.
More on Availability Sets: Within an Availability Set, you may have any variety of Virtual Machines - Linux, Windows, different functionality. And... you may define more than one Availability Set.
In the PaaS world, where you set up a Cloud Service with Web and/or Worker roles, those VMs are spawned the exact same way. So adding instances means adding more of the equivalent VMs. If the disk crashed, a new VM would be created just like the others. There are no persistent changes to those OS disks. In the case of Cloud Services, there's fault domains and upgrade domains, which are very similar to availability sets.
