node async call return data in response - node.js

I am new to nodejs so I have a basic question and this is my scanrio
I have a javascript client which is making a http request to a node server to read a value from the database.
Once the node server receives the request it makes a simple db call and returns the data to the client in the response, and this is where the problem is.
router.get('/state', function(req, res){
var result = dbServer.makeDBCall();//Before this line executes and returns the result the next line executes
The database call from the node server is asynchronous, therefore before the result is returned the node server has already sent a blank response to the client. What is the standard/acceptable way of getting this achieved, I know I can block the node thread using async, but then the whole purpose of node is gone right?

It depends on what kind of database node module you are using.
Other than the standard callback approach, there are also the promise way. The pg-promise library is 1 of those kind.
See sample code:
this.databaseConnection.makeDBCall('your query...')
.then(function(dbResponse) {
// Parse the response to the format you want then...
.catch(function(error) {
// Handle error
#spdev : I saw 1 of your comments about you being worried about how Node actually knows who to reply the response to, especially when there are multiple requests.
This is a very good question, and to be honest with you - I don't know much about it as well.
In short the answer is yes, Node somehow handles this by creating a corresponding ServerResponse object when a HTTP request comes through. This object seems to have some smartness to tell the Nodejs network stack how to route itself back to the caller when it gets parsed as data packets.
I tried Googling a bit for an answer but didn't got too far. I hope the ServerResponseObject documentation can provide more insight for you. Share with me if you got an answer thanks!

Try below code.
router.get('/state', function(req, res){
var result = dbServer.makeDBCall(function(err,result){
if(!err) {
Hope this Help.

The dbServer.makeDBCall(); must have a callback that runs when the statement completes executing.
Something like -
dbServer.makeDBCall({query: 'args'}, function(err, result){
if (err) // handle error
You return the response from db from that callback function.
Learn more about callback from here-
nodeJs callbacks simple example


make nodejs http get call in synchronous way

I was asked a question in an interview. below is the question.
const JsonFromHTTPCall = function(){
// make get request to some api url and return json object.
// code below is not editable
let result = JsonFromHTTPCall();
console.log("result ", result);
I am not finding a way to make console.log statement wait until I get the result from http call.
Please give me a way to solve it.
Thanks in advance.
Nodejs does not offer synchronous networking in any way. All built-in networking is asynchronous. Therefore, you cannot directly return a value from a function retrieved via networking. Instead, you need to communicate back the result either via a callback function, an event you trigger or a returned promise.
For a summary of this issue see this highly active question/answer:
How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?
There is a gross hack that involves using a synchronous child process and having it do the networking for you, but it's unlikely that is what they were asking for in your interview.
So, the main answer to the question is that "nodejs does not offer synchronous networking" and further "you cannot change an asynchronous result into a synchronous result". Therefore the proper way to code this is to use nodejs asynchronous coding techniques.
The cleanest way I know of to make http get calls is using a library such as request-promise() or my newer favorite got() and use the promise interface plus async/await to make a nice clean code path:
const got = require('got');
async function getSomeJSON(url) {
let data = await got(url).json();
return data;
getSomeJSON(myURL).then(data => {
console.log("got my data");
}).catch(err => {

nodejs - multiple async http requests

I have just started my journey with nodejs and would like to create a simple nodejs app that needs to:
- first request/get some initial data from via http,
- use received json to do another set of requests (some can be done in parallel, some needs to be executed first and data received will be used to create valid url).
Taking into account that nodejs is asynchronous and based on callbacks, I am wondering what is the best way to achieve this in order to have 'clean code' and not mess up with the code too much.
Thanks for any hints / guidelines, Mark
Maybe check out the Async library. Has a lot of built in functionality that seems to accomplish what you're looking for. Couple of useful ones right off the bat might be "async.waterfall" and "".
Agreed that this is subjective, in general the way to go is promises, there are native promises:
Native Promise Docs - MDN
For your particular question, imo, the npm module request-promise offers some great solutions. It is essentially a 'Promisified" version of the request module:
It will allow you to GET/POST/PUT/DELETE and follow up each request with a .then() where you can continue to do more calls like so:
-this code first GETS something from a server, then POSTS something else to that server.
function addUserToAccountName(url, accountName, username, password){
var options = assignUrl(url); // assignUrl is not in this code
.get(options) //first get
.auth(username, password)
.then(function(res) {
var id = parseId(, accountName); //parse response
return id;
.then(function(id) {
var postOptions = Object.assign(defaultSettings, {url: url + id + '/users'}) // then make a post
.auth(username, password)
.then(function(response) {
.catch(function(err) {
You can just keep going with the .then() whatever you return from the previous .then() will be passed in to the function.

NodeJs request handling on server side

Hi all Currently My System take multiple request as in queue but when first request take too much time than another requested person have to wait until it's not closed Like FCFS (First come First Serve) algorithm.
Now I want something Like that If 5 Request in queue than Next request has give an error server is too much busy right now Please try after some time.
Please let me know any other Technic that can handle request better than these or any other IDEA please share your thoughts May it's Helpful.
I don't think its a good idea to serve only one request at a time. Servers are for handling multiple requests. But if you want to limit requests to 5 you can use use closure variable to achieve the same. e.g. this express router:
var noOfActiveReq = 0;
router.get('/handle', function (req, res) {
if(noOfActiveReq > 5) {
return next(new Error("server is too much busy right now Please try after some time"));
db.get(, function(err, result){
if(err) return next(err);

Why can't we do multiple response.send in Express.js?

3 years ago I could do multiple res.send in express.js.
even write a setTimeout to show up a live output.
response.send('<script class="jsbin" src=""></script>');
response.send('<html><body><input id="text_box" /><button>submit</button></body></html>');
var initJs = function() {
$('.button').click(function() {
$.post('/input', { input: $('#text_box').val() }, function() { alert('has send');});
response.send('<script>' + initJs + '</script>');
Now it will throw:
Error: Can't set headers after they are sent
I know nodejs and express have updated. Why can't do that now? Any other idea?
Found the solution but res.write is not in api reference
Maybe you need: response.write
res.send implicitly calls res.write followed by res.end. If you call res.send multiple times, it will work the first time. However, since the first res.send call ends the response, you cannot add anything to the response.
response.send sends an entire HTTP response to the client, including headers and content, which is why you are unable to call it multiple times. In fact, it even ends the response, so there is no need to call response.end explicitly when using response.send.
It appears to me that you are attempting to use send like a buffer: writing to it with the intention to flush later. This is not how the method works, however; you need to build up your response in code and then make a single send call.
Unfortunately, I cannot speak to why or when this change was made, but I know that it has been like this at least since Express 3.
res.write immediately sends bytes to the client
I just wanted to make this point about res.write clearer.
It does not build up the reply and wait for res.end(). It just sends right away.
This means that the first time you call it, it will send the HTTP reply headers including the status in order to have a meaningful response. So if you want to set a status or custom header, you have to do it before that first call, much like with send().
Note that write() is not what you usually want to do in a simple web application. The browser getting the reply little by little increases the complexity of things, so you will only want to do it it if it is really needed.
Use res.locals to build the reply across middleware
This was my original use case, and res.locals fits well. I can just store data in an Array there, and then on the very last middleware join them up and do a final send to send everything at once, something like:
async (err, req, res, next) => {
res.locals.msg = ['Custom handler']
async (err, req, res, next) => {
res.locals.msg.push('Custom handler 2')

Meteor blocking clarification

According to the meteor docs, inserts block:
On the server, if you don't provide a callback, then insert blocks
until the database acknowledges the write, or throws an exception if
something went wrong. If you do provide a callback, insert still
returns the ID immediately.
So this would be wrong:
post: function (options) {
return Stories.insert(options)
I need to do this:
post: function (options) {
return Stories.insert(options, function(){})
Can somebody confirm that this is the case? The former will block the ENTIRE SERVER until the db returns?
Yeah, it will block, but not the entire server.
In Meteor, your server code runs in a single thread per request, not in the asynchronous callback style typical of Node. We find the linear execution model a better fit for the typical server code in a Meteor application.
So, if you are worried about that it will block the entire server as it will do in typical Node, don't be.
