Oracle database using Python - python-3.x

How to avoid creating table again and again in python using Oracle database?
Every time I call the function CREATE table query is executed and data is not inserted because the table already exists.
import cx_Oracle
import time
def Database(name,idd,contact):
con = cx_Oracle.connect('arslanhaider/12345#AHS:1521/XE')
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE Mazdoor(Name varchar(255),EmpID INT,ContactNo INT)")
cur.execute("INSERT INTO Mazdoor VALUES(:1, :2, :3)",( name,idd,contact))
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Mazdoor")
data = cur.fetchall()
for row in data:
except cx_Oracle.Error:
if con:
if con:
while True:
n=input("Enter Name::")
i=input("Enter Idd::")
c=input("Enter Contact No::")
print("Record Successfully Stored......\n\n")

"Obviously, (koff, koff ...) you must know what you are doing!"
If you ask Oracle to CREATE TABLE, knowing in advance that the table might already exist, then your logic should at least be prepared ... through the use of multiple try..except..finally blocks as appropriate, to handle this situation.
If the CREATE TABLE statement fails because the table already exists, then you can be quite sure that an exception will be thrown, and that you, in the relevant except clause, can determine that "this, indeed, is the reason." You might reasonably then choose to ignore this possibility, and to "soldier on."


mariadb python - executemany using SELECT

Im trying to input many rows to a table in a mariaDB.
For doing this i want to use executemany() to increase speed.
The inserted row is dependent on another table, which is found with SELECT.
I have found statements that SELECT doent work in a executemany().
Are there other ways to sole this problem?
import mariadb
connection = mariadb.connect(host=HOST,port=PORT,user=USER,password=PASSWORD,database=DATABASE)
cursor = connection.cursor()
query="""INSERT INTO [db].[table1] ([col1], [col2] ,[col3])
VALUES ((SELECT [colX] from [db].[table2] WHERE [colY]=? and
[colZ]=(SELECT [colM] from [db].[table3] WHERE [colN]=?)),?,?)
[col2]= ?,
[col3] =?;"""
When running the code i get the same value for [col1] (the SELECT-statement) which corresponds to the values from the from the first tuplet.
If SELECT doent work in a executemany() are there another workaround for what im trying to do?
Thx alot!
I think that reading out the tables needed,
doing the search in python,
use exeutemany() to insert all data.
It will require 2 more queries (to read to tables) but will be OK when it comes to calculation time.
Thanks for your first question on stackoverflow which identified a bug in MariaDB Server.
Here is a simple script to reproduce the problem:
CREATE TABLE t1 (a int);
>>> cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO t1 VALUES \
(SELECT a FROM t2 WHERE a=?))", [(1,),(2,)])
>>> cursor.execute("SELECT a FROM t1")
>>> cursor.fetchall()
[(1,), (1,)]
I have filed an issue in MariaDB Bug tracking system.
As a workaround, I would suggest reading the country table once into an array (according to Wikipedia there are 195 different countries) and use these values instead of a subquery.
countries= {}
cursor.execute("SELECT country, id FROM countries")
for row in cursor:
countries[row[0]]= row[1]
and then in executemany
cursor.executemany("INSERT INTO region (region,id_country) values ('sounth', ?)", [(countries["fra"],) (countries["ger"],)])

Error writing Spark DataFrame to Redshift with Psycopg2: Can't pickle psycopg2.extensions.cursor objects

I can connect to Redshift with psycopg2 by:
import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect(host=__credential__.host_redshift,
cur = conn.cursor()
Also, I can update the existed table in the database with:
SET col2='updated_target_row'
WHERE col1='target_row';
Now, I'd like to update the table in Redshift with Rows from Spark DataFrame. I looked up and found a pretty recent question about it (which, I'd like to justify for, is not duplicated with another question at all).
The solution seems pretty straightforward. However, I cannot even pass the Row object to a method involved the cursor.
What I am trying now:
def update_info(row):
SET col2='updated_target_row'
WHERE col1='target_row';
And I got error:
TypeError: can't pickle psycopg2.extensions.cursor objects
Interestingly, this doesn't seem to be a common issue. Any help is appreciated.
Full error msg can be found in pastebin.
I have tried instead of rdd.foreach and got no luck.
Connection objects and cursors are not serializable and cannot be send to the workers. You should use foreachPartition:
def update_info(rows):
conn = psycopg2.connect(...)
cur = conn.cursor()
for row in rows:

sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: year

Using SQLite3 and got this error:
sqlite3.OperationalError: no such column: year
SQLite3 newbie over here.
Really confused right now as to what part of the code went wrong...
import sqlite3
def connect():
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS book (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, title text, author text, year integer, isbn integer)")
def search(title="",author="",year="",isbn=""):
cur.execute("SELECT * FROM book WHERE title=? OR author=? OR year=? OR isbn=?",(title,author,year,isbn))
return rows
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!!!
Make sure that you have that column.
To list all the columns of the table book:
sqlite3 books.db
and after that:
.schema book
If you don't have a column with the name year you can add it by altering the table, or you can delete your old table and create it again.
One possibility is that no such column exists (the message is correct) because you already created the table, in an earlier version of your code which didn't have that column, so the CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS silently returns.
You could very this manually by examining .schema in interactive sqlite3.
And/or you could cover the possibility in your code by checking the table structure with e.g.
SELECT * FROM sqlite_master;
If it's not correct, you could use ALTER TABLE book ADD COLUMN ... - if you wanted to rename a column, it's more complicated: SQLite Query Language: ALTER TABLE

How to copy one database table data to another database table sqlite3 python

i have two database #1 is tripplanner.db and the #2 is trip.db .I want to add trip.db table 'restaurants' data to db # 1 tripplanner.db table 'restaurants'(which is empty now). I am using sqlite which is builtin in python.
Help me please.And tell me how i can execute this in python.
import sqlite3
import os
conn = sqlite3.connect('trip.db')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS things")
c.execute("ATTACH DATABASE ? AS db2", (os.path.join('data', 'db', 'trip_tripplanner.db'),))
c.execute("SELECT things FROM db2.sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name='things'")
c.execute("INSERT INTO trip.things SELECT * FROM db2.things")
This code is what i have tried so far by seeing posts in stackoverflow.but it is giving me error because i don't know what is 'data' in os.path.join('data').

Count number of rows in Pysqlite3

I have to code on python sqlite3 a function to count rows of a table.
The thing is that the user should input the name of that table once the function is executed.
So far I have the following. However, I don't know how to "connect" the variable (table) with the function, once it's executed.
Any help would be great.
def RT():
import sqlite3
conn= sqlite3.connect ("MyDB.db")
table=input("enter table name: ")
cur = conn.cursor()
cur.execute("Select count(*) from ?", [table])
for row in cur:
print str(row[0])
Columns and Tables Can't be Parameterized
As explained in this SO answer, Columns and tables can't be parameterized. A fact that might not be documented by any authoritative source (I couldn't find one, so if you you know of one please edit this answer and/or the one linked above), but instead has been learned through people trying exactly what was attempted in the question.
The only way to dynamically insert a column or table name is through standard python string formatting:
cur.execute("Select count(*) from {0}".format(table))
Unfortunately This opens you up to the possibility of SQL injection
Whitelist Acceptable Column/Table Names
This SO answer explains that you should use a whitelist to check against acceptable table names. This is what it would look like for you:
import sqlite3
def RT():
conn = sqlite3.connect ("MyDB.db")
table = input("enter table name: ")
cur = conn.cursor()
if table not in ['user', 'blog', 'comment', ...]:
raise ... #Include your own error here
execute("Select count(*) from {0}".format(table))
for row in cur:
print str(row[0])
The same SO answer cautions accepting submitted names directly "because the validation and the actual table could go out of sync, or you could forget the check." Meaning, you should only derive the name of the table yourself. You could do this by making a clear distinction between accepting user input and the actual query. Here is an example of what you might do.
import sqlite3
acceptable_table_names = ['user', 'blog', 'comment', ...]
def RT():
Client side logic: Prompt the user to enter table name.
You could also give a list of names that you associate with ids
table = input("enter table name: ")
if table in acceptable_table_names:
table_index = table_names.index(table)
def RT_index(table_index):
Backend logic: Accept table index instead of querying user for
table name.
conn = sqlite3.connect ("MyDB.db")
cur = conn.cursor()
table = acceptable_table_names[table_index]
execute("Select count(*) from {0}".format(table))
for row in cur:
print str(row[0])
This may seem frivolous, but this keeps the original interface while addressing the potential problem of forgetting to check against a whitelist. The validation and the actual table could still go out of sync; you'll need to write tests to fight against that.
