mongooseJS find returning all rows - node.js

On using mongoose find with a condition such as
var condition= $and:[{'Credentials.UserName' : 'param.uName'},
{'Credentials.Password' : 'param.Pwd'}]
Here param.uName and param.Pwd are actual values entered by the user, which is set within inverted comma programatically.
Its returning all records in the mongodb table.
On using
It always returns the first row everytime.
I am sure that am missing something. Where is it/What is it?
Am new to mongoose. Thanks in Advance.

you can try something like:
mongooseObject.find({condition}, function(err, data) {
if (err)
handle the error
else {
data should be an array of all matches


Why can I not remove the _id key from the results of my .find() query?

I have a query which looks as such:
collection.find({}, {_id: 0}).toArray((err, result) => {
io.sockets.connected[clients[client.length-1]].emit('update chart state', result);
My websocket is sending the data correctly to the client however the _id field is still present in the array of objects that I receive. Could someone point out to me what I am missing here?
Thank you
The find function takes only one parameter - the query. The returned value is a Cursor, which contains a project function. You can, therefore, use something like this:
collection.find({}).project({_id: 0}).toArray ...

MongoDB/Mongoose returning empty array

I'm currently working on a project with mongodb/mongoose, and every time I purposely query for something that does not exist in the DB, I am getting a response with an empty array. This is my code for using Express to set up an API and return the data found in the DB:
app.get('/api/:id', function(req, res) {
var id =;
Job.find({jobID: id}, function (err, foundJob) {
if (err) {
else {
However, every time I go to localhost:3000/api/67 (I have no object with jobID: 67 in the database yet), the console does not print the error. It gives me a JSON response with an empty array. Any ideas to why this is happening? The weird part is that when I change jobID: id to _id: id, it does give me an error. Why doesn't it do that for the jobID field?
EDIT: Just to clarify, the reason why I do not want this behavior is because my program will never print the error, even if a job in my DB doesn't exist with that specified jobID.
It does something different than you think it does.
Job.find({jobID: id}, ... )
What this really says is give me array with all the documents in collection "Job" that have field "jobID" equal to some value.
What if there is no such document? Well, then the array will be empty. Without any error, of course, what should be an error here? You asked for all documents (given some filter) and an array with all such documents was returned. It is just a coincidence that the size of the array is zero, because there are no such documents.
If you want to check whether there is no such document then check whether the array is empty.
I don't know why it is giving you error when you change JobID to _id; what error exactly is it?
If you are interested only in one document, then there is method findOne that returns only the first document (or null if no such documents exist) instead of an array.
About error when you try to find something by it's __id: It gives you a error because __id is not String, it's ObjectId. So you should search for document with that __id like this: _id: ObjectId(id)
About empty string: If you want to display some kind of different message you should check if db returned something or is it rather empty string that got returned. Something like this:
app.get('/api/:id', function(req, res) {
var id =;
Job.find({jobID: id}, function (err, foundJob) {
res.json("nothing found");
if (err) {
Edit: I didnt realize that you had check for error, I changed code.
Returning an empty string is normal behavior for mongoose. You should handle your response like this:
if (err) {
//handle error
} else if (foundJob) {
//work with your data
} else {
//nothing was found
The error you get with _id must be irrelevant and is probably due to an invalid query.

How to get data and count in one query in mongoose

I tried to get notification as well as the data in one query and i tried like below but this is giving only count,
Categories.find(item).count().exec(function (err, result) {}
Can anyone please suggest help.
You can't get your data like this way as #adeneo said in the comment.
Use find to get all records and then check length of records
Categories.find({query},function (err, result) {
var count=result.length;
You can use #abdulbarik method if you want to fetch all the records.
If you are using a limit on the amount of data you need and you want the full count you can do the following:
Categories.count(query, function (err, count) {

Loopback query which compares field values

Say i have the following Scheme
Product: {
Quantity: Number,
SelledQuantity: Number
Would it be possible to write a query where all the results returned are where Quantity=SelledQuantity?
If so, is there a way to use it when doing a populate? (Perhaps inside the match field in the opts object ?)
I use mysql connector.
yes as I understood your problem you can do this by following rest call.
this will give you the desired results.
This question is more related to MySQL query. But you can achieve it by javascript as follows:
Product.find({}, fuction(err, products) {
if(err) throw err;
//considering products as array of product. Otherwise you can get to depth for array of product.
var filteredProducts = products.filter(function(p1) {
return p1.Quantity === p1.SelledQuantity;
//Your desired output
This will be slow but will work for smaller database size. For more optimized answer, ask the question in mysql section with respect to database and table structure.

Why is not working in Sails.js?

Save() giving me error like "Object has no method 'save'"
if(err) return res.json(err);
cntry.image = 'images/countries/'+filename;{ console.log(err)});
Any Idea about how to save model within update query . ??
Assuming you're using Waterline and sails-mongo, the issue here is that update returns an array (because you can update multiple records at once), and you're treating it like a single record. Try:
if(err) return res.json(err);
if(cntry.length === 0) {return res.notFound();}
cntry[0].image = 'images/countries/'+filename;
cntry[0].save(function(err){ console.log(err)});
This seems to me an odd bit of code, though; why not just check for the presence of image in model before doing Country.update and alter model (or a copy thereof) accordingly? That would save you an extra database call.
When using mongoose (3.8) to update the database directly the callback function receives 3 parameters, none of then is a mongoose object of the defined model. The parameters are:
err is the error if any occurred
numberAffected is the count of updated documents Mongo reported
rawResponse is the full response from Mongo
The right way is, first you fetch and then change the data:
Country.findOne({id: req.param('country_id')}, function (err, country) {
// do changes
Or using the update method, the way you intended:
Country.update({id: req.param('country_id'), image: {$exists: false}}, {image: newValue}, callback)
