Making Data Validation List Searchable - excel

I need some help making a data validation list easier to search/use. I have about 600 supplier names in my data validation list and it makes it really tedious to have to scroll down to find the right one in alphabetical order. Is there any way to make the list searchable? Also, if possible to make searchable it needs to be searchable in each individual cell as a new record is added almost every day with the supplier name (selected from the drop down list) and some other information. I have tried a combo box but it doesn't seem to work or I'm not doing it right. Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you!

Use an ActiveX combo box and make sure the property MatchEntry is either 0 (match first letter) or 1 (match complete word).

Here is an answer to create a custom UserForm which allows you to search a long list of items:
Auto-Complete with only text and not numbers ComboBox Excel VBA
The following answer shows the possible implementation of a custom UserForm for data validation instead of the built-in data validation:
Multiple data validation criterias
So, if you combine the two you should have a working solution. Let me know if you need any further guidance.


Creating a spreadsheet with drop downs that work off of each other

I have 3 different planting suppliers. Each supplier has prices for each of my areas (States). Normally, I’ve used the tab called Combined Bids and done the arithmetic on my own.
Combined Bids
I’d like to make something where I can choose from dropdowns and it give me the price based on the dropdowns I choose.
For instance, if I chose Alabama, Reforestation Specialists, Loblolly, 8x10, and Hoedad on the “Interface” tab it would return $52.06.
I’ve tried using IF statements in the data validation, but I never seem to get it correct. Thought about a Lookup table but I don’t know.
How would you do it? Any information or help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much. I'd be happy to share the spreadsheet as well. I didn't see a place to upload it. Again thanks!
You can create a drop down list using Data Validation
and then get the value using the VLOOKUP function
This is something you might want to look into.

Data Validation without Drop Down List

I'm wondering if it is at all possible to use Data Validation in Microsoft Excel (2007) without creating a Drop Down list.
I'm currently creating a seating plan for work. I want the user to have the ability to freely type in the name in a cell (Desk). There are 7 teams of approximately 10-12 people. so finding a name in a long list would take up too much time. however the name typed in the cell has to be be an exact match from a list stored else where in the spreadsheet. The reason for this is i use a formula to show if everyone has been seated or not.
if a name is typed in and its not an exact i would like for an error message to pop up.
Any ideas if this is even possible?
im open to VBA. but a complete noob when it comes to VBA.
Thanks in advance.
To get DV without the drop-down, use the Custom > Formula option. Here is an example:
Only the set defined by the formula will be accepted and no drop-down will appear when the cell is clicked.

Excel: Create a dropdown menu from a dynamic list without duplicates

The question pretty much says it I guess. For detailed information:
I have a range of cells (F3:F2000) in which there can be names filled in. I want to be able to count the amount of times, a name has been mentioned. I am doing this with =COUNTIF(...), which is not the problem and works perfectly fine. But I want to be able to have a cell with a dropdown menu in which you can choose from all names mentioned in F3:F2000. My approach so far is to create a dynamic list, and then use this for the dropdown menu. But obviously it just uses all the entries and therefore I get a bunch of the same names. So how do I remove the duplicates? I assume this has to be done in the dynamic list.
Here is my formula for the dynamic list:
And for those stuck with german excel like me :(, the german version:
Take a look at this posting, I think it answers your question.

SharePoint Web Parts can not be connected via hyperlink fields

In short:
I'm trying to filter an XSLTListViewWebPart based on what is selected in another XSLTListViewWebPart. Using a String field as connection this is working fine. Using a hyperlink field no data is displayed.
In more detail:
I have two lists, say Accounts and Projects. Both have a hyperlink field accountURL.
All accounts have different accountURLs. Different projects can have the same value for accountURL. Both are displayed on a page using the XSLTListViewWebPart.
The simple goal is to filter the Projects list based on which item is selected in the Accounts list using the accountURL field. So I established a web part connection using the acountURL as a filter. Alas, when an item in the Accounts list is selected no items are showwn in the Projects list although I double checked that there are matching values.
When using a string field instead of a hyperlink field for accountURL everything works like a charm. Problem is, I need the hyperlink field.
Is this desired behaviour? Do you have any suggestions for a workaround?
(I already tried converting the hyperlink field to a string field via a calculated column which did not work out either.)
All was and is to be done in the web interface or SP-Designer. Coding a WSP is not an option for this problem. As I'm not quite familiar with the correct terminus technicus I use field and column interchangeably.
All help is greatly appreciated.
Someone on the Microsoft forum suggested the following workaround which does its job well:
Add a hidden text column to both lists.
Use a workflow which is triggered on item creation and update to copy the value of the hyperlink column to the hidden text column.
Connect both webparts using the hidden column as filter.
Nonetheless, I still wonder whether it is possible to use hyperlink columns or other special columns for filtering. I also had the problem that I cannot use a person column as lookup.
Does anyone know if whether there ist some kind of overview
which column types can be used for filtering/formulas/lookup/...?

Joining sharepoint 2007 lists in a web view based on a common key field

So - I'm making a data view that is to contain a list. This list has a field that will be used to match up against two other lists. If there is an entry for this value, it should show the value from the other list, otherwise show a link to add a new one.
So, what I need to do is make a data source consisting of the rows from list 1, and fill in the Ticket field with a value from the Tickets table matching the ID value from list 1. The same should be done for the Change Type field.
Can anyone point me in the right direction to accomplish this? I've found a few tutorials, but they seem to be for showing all the data together and not match up on any specific columns for linkage.
Thank you
What you are aiming at is not available in SharePoint out of the box.
There are two approaches you can look at:
Create your own custom lookup field template for single/multiple field
selection with some sort of field
editor. Create your own controls and
program the associated code behind
Use some existing custom solutions. One such sample is on codeplex:
SharePoint Filtered Lookup Field
