Unable to open Excel document after deleting Mac OSX Keychain - excel

I deleted my Mac OSX (El Capitan) Keychain. Everything except the certificates. Now, when I go to open an Excel .xlsx doc Excel reports:
"Can't open This_File.xlsx. This workbook is either deleted or not currently accessible."
I've verified that the file is present via Terminal. If anyone can help figure out how to open this file I would certainly appreciate it.

Since I deleted my keychain all of my Microsoft Office credentials that were tied to my work domain were also deleted, hence, I did not notice that I wasn't "signed in" to Excel (2016). Once I signed in to Excel, which then redirected me to a domain authentication page, Excel still did not let me open my workbook from the "recent documents" GUI. I had to open terminal and execute:
open /path/to/my/excel_workbook.xlsx
And then it opened. I hope this might help someone else in the future.


Links in excel stop working when file is saved

I was emailed an excel file with a number of links to install direct printer queues. If I open the excel attachment directly from the email the links work, but if I save the attachment to my desktop the links no longer work and I get an error “Cannot open the specified file”.
If I copy the link into Windows explorer, it works fine. Is there a way to ensure the links still work from excel when the file is saved in a shared location so anyone with access to the file can click on the links without having to copy the link into Windows explorer?

Excel VBA To Filecopy from Sharepoint to Network Folder No Longer Working

In my Excel VBA Code, I had a simple command to copy a file from my internal Sharepoint Site to a local network drive.
source_file = "//intranet.gbop.org/CR/PublicFiles/3218.pdf"
dest-File = "I:\AFB Info\3218.pdf"
FileCopy source_file dest_file
Last Week the above worked fine. After I updated my Windows Password, the above now fails with a
Run-time error "75"
Path/File access error
I have a ticket into my help desk but can anyone opine whether it was because of the password reset?
Absolutely because of the password reset, VBA may be using your old credentials, as you have manually entered them into the VBA.
Just scan through the connection code and see if that has a copy pasted version of your Credentials (Also don't do that, unsecure AF if any one gets a copy of your Excel, they have a backdoor to your Sharepoint in your VBA)...
This may help if that is the case
If you are however using the linked version and are still getting the error then Helpdesk will need to update your Sharepoint to match your Microsoft login, which is odd because that should be happening by default which is why I think you maybe stored them in the VBA.

Excel VBA Userform won't work on all computers

I have made a user's form using VBA excel code. Its working fine on my laptop however when I tried it on my office computer it doesn't work. I emailed the file to myself and downloaded it from Outlook in the office. Its a .xlsm file. It gives me an error message that macros have been disabled. I have already changed settings to enable macros and allow VBA projects. I reopened excel and checked again it still doesn't work. The downloaded file from outlook, when I click visual basic, it doesn't show me any user form or code at all. Not sure why.
My whole code is present in the user form part (file in a personal laptop). There is a button on "sheet 3" which basically opens the user form. Not sure if it's saving the code only locally on my computer. As per my understanding if it's saved in the file it should be a part of it even if its opened on any other computer. My laptop version is office 365 and office one is 2016. I am not an advanced user. Kindly advise what is the error out here.

Links to Excel files are opening differently for different users

I have a link to an Excel file that opens in Excel Online. When opening it, some users are getting prompted to open the file in Excel 2016 and some users are getting prompted to open with 'Url:Excel Protocol. Due to network restrictions, all users who are prompted to open with 'Url:Excel Protocol' are not able to open the document. I need everyone to be prompted to open in Excel 2016. Any way to make this consistent for all users? I appreciate any ideas! Thanks!
Here is how my link is formatted: /sites/TEAMSite/TEST%20Documents/TEST_742/FY18%20TEST%20Doc%20TEST%20Rev2.xlsm?Web=1

Excel VBA help documentation install

How can VBA help full, offline accessible documentation install into Microsoft Excel 2013?
I have tried to download this: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40326, but I cannot open help sections.
I have already tried to modify my installation, but cannot find any options related to this in setup.
Trick to open the file is double click the file. One pop-up as per image shown below will appear.
Please uncheck the tick mark ie remove it in the check-box Always Ask before opening the file.Then open it. It will be opened with its contents. HTH
Edit :
I am able to open these documents by trick adopted by me. Screen shots shown here.
After opening Excel Developer Help File I am getting the index on the left side and selected page opened on the right side which can be fully navigated. Please let me know what you are looking for. Apart from this There is an opening page where references to web url's are presented.
In a connected world security updates are a fact of life for a Long time. Microsoft have done a mighty job of securing Windows starting with XP SP2 released in Aug 2004. Since then a string of updates have reduced the humble CHM to the status of a humble local help system. It's a shame but we have had to move on.
Please note and make sure downloading your CHM's to a local drive!
Because files downloaded off the Internet - including ZIP files and CHM files contained in those zip files - are marked as as coming from the Internet and so can potentially be malicious, so do not get browsing rights on the local machine.
A explicitly 'unblock' of your downloaded CHM file may solve your problem. Please try in Windows Explorer and in a local drive (!) before going the next installation steps for Office 2013:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to your download folder
Find your CHM file
Right click and select Properties
Click the Unblock button on the General tab
Here's what the dialog looks like:
I remember (not sure) the Unblock button may appear in NTFS filesystems only.
