installing php56w-gd error - linux

I have installed PHP 5.6 in an amazon Instance in AWS.
PHP 5.6.22 (cli) (built: Jun 1 2016 21:46:41)
Copyright (c) 1997-2016 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v2.6.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2016 Zend Technologies
I needed to install a module php56w-gd for image processing. However upon doing so when I run php I encounter this warnings.
PHP Warning: Module 'calendar' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'curl' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'fileinfo' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/5.6/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/5.6/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'gettext' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib64/php/5.6/modules/' - /usr/lib64/php/5.6/modules/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'iconv' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'json' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'shmop' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'SimpleXML' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'sockets' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'tokenizer' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'xml' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
PHP Warning: Module 'zip' already loaded in Unknown on line 0
I tried to uninstall it and reinstall but the same issue continues. The php56w-gd is also not working properly because the file is nowhere found.
Heres what I did to install the extension
yum install php56w-gd
Loaded plugins: priorities, update-motd, upgrade-helper
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package php56w-gd.x86_64 0:5.6.22-1.w6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: php56w-common(x86-64) = 5.6.22-1.w6 for package: php56w-gd-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package php56w-common.x86_64 0:5.6.22-1.w6 will be installed
--> Finished Dependency Resolution
Dependencies Resolved
Package Arch Version
php56w-gd x86_64 5.6.22-1.w6
Installing for dependencies:
php56w-common x86_64 5.6.22-1.w6
Transaction Summary
Install 1 Package (+1 Dependent package)
Total download size: 1.4 M
Installed size: 9.1 M
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y
Downloading packages:
(1/2): php56w-common-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64.rpm
(2/2): php56w-gd-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64.rpm
Running transaction check
Running transaction test
Transaction test succeeded
Running transaction
Installing : php56w-common-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64
warning: /etc/php.ini created as /etc/php.ini.rpmnew
Installing : php56w-gd-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64
Verifying : php56w-gd-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64
Verifying : php56w-common-5.6.22-1.w6.x86_64
php56w-gd.x86_64 0:5.6.22-1.w6
Dependency Installed:
php56w-common.x86_64 0:5.6.22-1.w6
Please share your thoughts.

You must edit your php.ini (or extensions.ini) file and comment-out the extensions that are already compiled-in.
To see which extensions are compiled-in to your PHP binary, run:
php -m


Issue when installing lablgtk with opam

I'l trying to install a package ( that use opam to install several libraries. However, two libraries failed to install: lablgtk and cairo2-gtk.I tried to install these two directly via opam (opam install labgtk) but got the same error:
User configuration:
~/.profile is already up-to-date.
[NOTE] Make sure that ~/.profile is well sourced in your ~/.bashrc.
[ERROR] There already is an installed switch named 4.08.0
[NOTE] Package camlzip is already installed (current version is 1.11).
[NOTE] Package magic-mime is already installed (current version is 1.2.0).
[NOTE] Package cairo2 is already installed (current version is 0.6.2).
[NOTE] Package odoc is already installed (current version is 2.0.0).
[NOTE] Package dune is already installed (current version is 2.9.1).
The following actions will be performed:
∗ install lablgtk 2.18.11
∗ install cairo2-gtk 0.6.2
===== ∗ 2 =====
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] y
<><> Processing actions <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
⬇ retrieved cairo2-gtk.0.6.2 (cached)
⬇ retrieved lablgtk.2.18.11 (cached)
[ERROR] The compilation of lablgtk.2.18.11 failed at "./configure --prefix /home/alr/.opam/4.08.0
#=== ERROR while compiling lablgtk.2.18.11 ====================================#
# context 2.1.1 | linux/x86_64 | ocaml-base-compiler.4.08.0 |
# path ~/.opam/4.08.0/.opam-switch/build/lablgtk.2.18.11
# command ~/.opam/opam-init/hooks/ build ./configure --prefix /home/alr/.opam/4.08.0 LABLGLDIR=/home/alr/.opam/4.08.0/lib/lablgl
# exit-code 1
# env-file ~/.opam/log/lablgtk-16902-8d49b3.env
# output-file ~/.opam/log/lablgtk-16902-8d49b3.out
### output ###
# [...]
# checking native dynlink... checking for pkg-config... /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/pkg-config
# checking for GTK+ - version >= 2.0.0...
# *** 'pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0' returned 2.24.33, but GTK+ (2.24.32)
# *** was found! If pkg-config was correct, then it is best
# *** to remove the old version of GTK+. You may also be able to fix the error
# *** by modifying your LD_LIBRARY_PATH enviroment variable, or by editing
# *** /etc/ Make sure you have run ldconfig if that is
# *** required on your system.
# *** If pkg-config was wrong, set the environment variable PKG_CONFIG_PATH
# *** to point to the correct configuration files
# no
# configure: error: GTK+ is required
<><> Error report <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
┌─ The following actions failed
│ λ build lablgtk 2.18.11
╶─ No changes have been performed
<><> lablgtk.2.18.11 troubleshooting ><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
=> This package requires gtk+ 2.0 development packages installed on your system
File "dune", line 4, characters 29-39:
4 | (libraries lablgtk2 cairo2 cairo2-gtk camlzip magic-mime)
Error: Library "cairo2-gtk" not found.
pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0returns 2.24.33
echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATHreturns empty path.
echo $PKG_CONFIG_PATHreturns /home/alr/.opam/4.08.0/lib/pkgconfig:
File /etc/ contains the following line: include /etc/*.conf
I am using WSL2 on Windows10 with Ubuntu18.04. libgtk2.0-dev is already installed.
I guess there is an error in path to library but cannot figure out how to solve it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Unable to build Tensorflow from source MacOS High Sierra

I've followed all the steps in the official guide. Except I built it using:
$ bazel build -c opt --copt=-mavx --copt=-mavx2 --copt=-mfma --copt=- msse4.1 --copt=-msse4.2 --config=opt -k //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
And during ./config I've set the right paths and disabled Google Cloud Platform, Hadoop, XLA, VERBS, OpenCL, CUDA, MPI support.
Macbook Pro 13 inch (mid 2014)
CPU: Intel Core i5 (4278U)
High Sierra (10.13.2)
Clang Version: clang-900.0.39.2
Bazel Version: 0.9.0
Conda Version: 4.4.3
Python: 3.6.3
All the packages are upto date. This worked perfectly fine 2 months ago on this machine. For some strange reasons it doesn't build anymore now. I'm just posting a part of the error list here:
WARNING: Config values are not defined in any .rc file: opt
ERROR: Skipping 'msse4.1': no such target '//:msse4.1': target 'msse4.1' not declared in package '' defined by /Users/rakshithgb/Documents/Tensorflow/tensorflow/BUILD
WARNING: Target pattern parsing failed.
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_rakshithgb/fde7bc60972656b0c2db4fd0b79e24fb/external/com_googlesource_code_re2/BUILD:96:1: First argument of 'load' must be a label and start with either '//', ':', or '#'. Use --incompatible_load_argument_is_label=false to temporarily disable this check.
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_rakshithgb/fde7bc60972656b0c2db4fd0b79e24fb/external/com_googlesource_code_re2/BUILD:98:1: name 're2_test' is not defined (did you mean 'ios_test'?)
ERROR: /private/var/tmp/_bazel_rakshithgb/fde7bc60972656b0c2db4fd0b79e24fb/external/com_googlesource_code_re2/BUILD:100:1: name 're2_test' is not defined (did you mean 'ios_test'?)
And it ends like this:
ERROR: /Users/rakshithgb/Documents/Tensorflow/tensorflow/tensorflow/core/kernels/BUILD:550:1: Target '#local_config_sycl//sycl:using_sycl' contains an error and its package is in error and referenced by '//tensorflow/core/kernels:debug_ops'
WARNING: errors encountered while analyzing target '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package': it will not be built
INFO: Analysed target //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package (203 packages loaded).
INFO: Found 0 targets...
ERROR: command succeeded, but there were errors parsing the target pattern
INFO: Elapsed time: 12.763s, Critical Path: 0.02s
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
Has anyone else had this issue? How do I fix it? I've uploaded the entire error log on GitHub Tensorflow issue page. #15622
Ok it looks like the new bazel version isn't compatible with the current Tensorflow release. It looks like the fix will be issued in the next release. According to this thread on GitHub - #15492
The temporary fix that worked for me was to build it using --incompatible_load_argument_is_label=false in the bazel command. So my build command now looks like this:
$ bazel build --config=opt --incompatible_load_argument_is_label=false //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package

Chef build error on AWS Linux AMI

In the last few days we've had a previously working AWS Cloud Formation and associated Chef script start failing. At this point there does not seem to be any identifiable reason for this. If anyone has any insights as to the potential cause and/or solution to this we'd love to hear it. Below is the error log from chef-client.log:
[2015-03-26T23:20:31+00:00] INFO: Processing execute[resize2fs /dev/xvda1 2>/dev/null] action run (base::default line 26) [2015-03-26T23:20:31+00:00] INFO: execute[resize2fs /dev/xvda1 2>/dev/null] ran successfully [2015-03-26T23:20:31+00:00] INFO: Processing yum_package[git] action install (base::default line 29) [2015-03-26T23:20:34+00:00] INFO: Processing yum_package[htop] action install (base::default line 30) [2015-03-26T23:20:34+00:00] INFO: yum_package[htop] installing htop-1.0.1-2.3.amzn1 from amzn-main repository [2015-03-26T23:20:38+00:00] INFO: Processing directory[/var/builds/dependencies/] action create (base::common_dependencies line 9) [2015-03-26T23:20:38+00:00] INFO: directory[/var/builds/dependencies/] created directory /var/builds/dependencies/ [2015-03-26T23:20:38+00:00] INFO: Processing s3_file[/var/builds/dependencies/deploy_key] action create (base::common_dependencies line 14) [2015-03-26T23:20:38+00:00] INFO: Processing chef_gem[rest-client] action install (dynamically defined)
================================================================================ Error executing action `install` on resource 'chef_gem[rest-client]'
------------------------------------ Expected process to exit with [0], but received '1'
---- Begin output of /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem install rest-client -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v "1.8.0" ---- STDOUT: Successfully installed netrc-0.10.3 Building native extensions. This could take a while... STDERR: WARNING: You don't have /.chefdk/gem/ruby/2.1.0/bin in your PATH,
gem executables will not run. ERROR: Error installing rest-client:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/ruby -r ./siteconf20150326-4306-ptf6fb.rb extconf.rb checking for main() in -lstdc++... *** extconf.rb failed
*** Could not create Makefile due to some reason, probably lack of necessary libraries and/or headers. Check the mkmf.log file for more details. You may need configuration options.
Provided configuration options:
--without-stdc++lib /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:467:in `try_do': The compiler failed to generate an executable file. (RuntimeError) You have to install development tools first.
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:552:in `try_link0'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:567:in `try_link'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:753:in `try_func'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:984:in `block in have_library'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:929:in `block in checking_for'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:351:in `block (2 levels) in postpone'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:321:in `open'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:351:in `block in postpone'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:321:in `open'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:347:in `postpone'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:928:in `checking_for'
from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/2.1.0/mkmf.rb:979:in `have_library'
from extconf.rb:2:in `<main>'
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in /.chefdk/gem/ruby/2.1.0/gems/unf_ext-0.0.6 for inspection. Results logged to /.chefdk/gem/ruby/2.1.0/extensions/x86_64-linux/2.1.0/unf_ext-0.0.6/gem_make.out
---- End output of /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem install rest-client -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v "1.8.0" ---- Ran /opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem install rest-client -q --no-rdoc --no-ri -v "1.8.0" returned 1
Cookbook Trace:
--------------- /etc/chef/local-mode-cache/cache/cookbooks/s3_file/providers/default.rb:8:in `block in class_from_file'
Compiled Resource:
# Declared in
chef_gem("rest-client") do action :install retries 0 retry_delay 2 default_guard_interpreter :default package_name "rest-client" version "1.8.0" timeout 900 gem_binary "/opt/chefdk/embedded/bin/gem" end
The rubygem rest-client was updated recently:
1.8.0 - March 24, 2015 (122 KB)
This adds a dependency to http-cookie gem, which resolves in dependencies to domain_name, unf and unf_ext which needs a C++ compiler and libstdc++ (, Requirement)
For CentOS this means: yum install gcc-c++ libstdc++-devel
I created an issue on their bug tracker (

Can't install ggplot2 at debian 7.6 in R

Today i'm trying to install a good library for visualization and create graphics, named "ggplot2", but i actually have a problems with installation!
There what i have in output:
Installing package into ‘/home/hamsternik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified)
also installing the dependencies ‘munsell’, ‘scales’, ‘testthat’
trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 91026 bytes (88 Kb) opened URL ==================================================
downloaded 88 Kb trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 40093 bytes (39 Kb) opened URL ==================================================
downloaded 39 Kb trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 40777 bytes (39 Kb) opened URL ==================================================
downloaded 39 Kb trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip' length 2351447 bytes (2.2 Mb) opened URL ==================================================
downloaded 2.2 Mb * installing source package ‘munsell’ ... ** package ‘munsell’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Error : package ‘colorspace’ was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install it ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘munsell’ * removing ‘/home/hamsternik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/munsell’
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘munsell’ had non-zero exit status * installing source package ‘testthat’ ... ** package ‘testthat’ successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** R ** inst ** preparing package for lazy loading Error : package ‘digest’ was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install it ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘testthat’ * removing ‘/home/hamsternik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/testthat’
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘testthat’ had non-zero exit status ERROR: dependency ‘munsell’ is not available for package ‘scales’ * removing ‘/home/hamsternik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/scales’
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘scales’ had non-zero exit status ERROR: dependency ‘scales’ is not available for package ‘ggplot2’ * removing ‘/home/hamsternik/R/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-library/3.1/ggplot2’
Warning in install.packages : installation of package ‘ggplot2’ had non-zero exit status The downloaded source packages are in ‘/tmp/RtmpDEeNck/downloaded_packages’
I actually use a debian-stable system (v.7.6) and the next decision was to install "r-cran-ggplot2" in the console.
And when i install them, i think about i having this library, but when i write in Rstudio: library(ggplot2), i take next message: Error: package ‘ggplot2’ was built before R 3.0.0: please re-install it
But i have a the up-to-date version - 3.1.1!
I really don't find any good answers for that question! PLeas, help!
OK, problem is actually done!
All what i make - remove all packages, including 'R-cran-.*' and again install it, but not install all packages which i find by the search command in konsole. I install only r-base, next i install R studio. Thus i can straightforwardly install every package with dependencies and they will be actually installed!

Installing Perl's WWW::Mechanize::Firefox on OpenSuSE 11.4 - resulting in some annoying errors

Running OpenSuSE 11.4 - and trying to install WWW::Mechanize::Firefox.
Well I guess that I am missing MAKE (which is obviously GNU make - isn't it?)
See the following...
cpan[1]> install WWW::Mechanize::Firefox
Going to read '/root/.cpan/Metadata'
Database was generated on Fri, 09 Dec 2011 00:28:36 GMT
Running install for module 'WWW::Mechanize::Firefox'
Running make for C/CO/CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.58.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/C/CO/CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.58.tar.gz ok
Scanning cache /root/.cpan/build for sizes
............................................................................DONE Going to build C/CO/CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.58.tar.gz
(Re)Creating lib/WWW/Mechanize/Firefox/
Can't locate HTML/Selector/ in #INC (#INC contains: /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.12.3 /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.3/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.12.3 /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/i586-linux-thread-multi /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3 . lib) at ./examples/../lib/WWW/Mechanize/ line 10.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at ./examples/../lib/WWW/Mechanize/ line 10.
Compilation failed in require at examples/ line 32.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite HTML::Selector::XPath 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MozRepl::RemoteObject 0.27 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Object::Import 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Shell::Command 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Task::Weaken 0 not found.
Writing Makefile for WWW::Mechanize::Firefox
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
---- CORION/WWW-Mechanize-Firefox-0.58.tar.gz ----
Task::Weaken [requires]
Object::Import [requires]
Shell::Command [requires]
MozRepl::RemoteObject [requires]
HTML::Selector::XPath [requires]
Running make test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 'Task::Weaken'
Running make for A/AD/ADAMK/Task-Weaken-1.04.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/A/AD/ADAMK/Task-Weaken-1.04.tar.gz ok Going to build A/AD/ADAMK/Task-Weaken-1.04.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Task::Weaken
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
'YAML' not installed, will not store persistent state
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Running install for module 'Object::Import'
Running make for A/AM/AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/A/AM/AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz ok Going to build A/AM/AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite MRO::Compat 0 not found.
Writing Makefile for Object::Import
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
---- AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz ----
MRO::Compat [requires]
Running make test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 'MRO::Compat'
Running make for F/FL/FLORA/MRO-Compat-0.11.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/MRO-Compat-0.11.tar.gz ok Going to build F/FL/FLORA/MRO-Compat-0.11.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for MRO::Compat
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Running make for A/AM/AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz
Has already been unwrapped into directory /root/.cpan/build/Object-Import-1.002-0gvgp8 Going to build A/AM/AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz
Warning: Prerequisite 'MRO::Compat => 0' for 'AMBRUS/Object-Import-1.002.tar.gz' failed when processing 'FLORA/MRO-Compat-0.11.tar.gz' with 'make => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited.
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Running install for module 'Shell::Command'
Running make for F/FL/FLORA/Shell-Command-0.06.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/F/FL/FLORA/Shell-Command-0.06.tar.gz ok Going to build F/FL/FLORA/Shell-Command-0.06.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for Shell::Command
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Running install for module 'MozRepl::RemoteObject'
Running make for C/CO/CORION/MozRepl-RemoteObject-0.28.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/C/CO/CORION/MozRepl-RemoteObject-0.28.tar.gz ok Going to build C/CO/CORION/MozRepl-RemoteObject-0.28.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite IPC::Run 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite JSON 2 not found.
Warning: prerequisite MozRepl 0.06 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Task::Weaken 0 not found.
Writing Makefile for MozRepl::RemoteObject
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
---- CORION/MozRepl-RemoteObject-0.28.tar.gz ----
MozRepl [requires]
IPC::Run [requires]
Task::Weaken [requires]
JSON [requires]
Running make test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 'MozRepl'
Running make for Z/ZI/ZIGOROU/MozRepl-0.06.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/Z/ZI/ZIGOROU/MozRepl-0.06.tar.gz ok Going to build Z/ZI/ZIGOROU/MozRepl-0.06.tar.gz
*** Module::AutoInstall version 1.03
*** Checking for Perl dependencies...
[Core Features]
- Carp::Clan ...missing.
- Class::Accessor::Fast ...missing.
- Class::Data::Inheritable ...missing.
- Data::Dump ...missing.
- Data::JavaScript::Anon ...missing.
- File::Spec ...loaded. (3.3101)
- Module::Pluggable::Fast ...missing.
- Net::Telnet ...missing.
- Template ...missing.
- Template::Provider::FromDATA ...missing.
- Text::SimpleTable ...missing.
- UNIVERSAL::require ...missing.
- URI ...loaded. (1.58)
==> Auto-install the 11 mandatory module(s) from CPAN? [Y/n] y
*** Since we're running under CPANPLUS, I'll just let it take care
of the dependency's installation later.
*** Module::AutoInstall configuration finished.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite Carp::Clan 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Class::Accessor::Fast 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Class::Data::Inheritable 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Data::Dump 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Data::JavaScript::Anon 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Module::Pluggable::Fast 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Net::Telnet 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Template 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Template::Provider::FromDATA 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite Text::SimpleTable 0 not found.
Warning: prerequisite UNIVERSAL::require 0 not found.
Writing Makefile for MozRepl
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
---- ZIGOROU/MozRepl-0.06.tar.gz ----
Module::Pluggable::Fast [requires]
Template::Provider::FromDATA [requires]
Class::Accessor::Fast [requires]
Data::Dump [requires]
Class::Data::Inheritable [requires]
Text::SimpleTable [requires]
Template [requires]
Carp::Clan [requires]
Data::JavaScript::Anon [requires]
Net::Telnet [requires]
UNIVERSAL::require [requires]
Running make test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 'Module::Pluggable::Fast'
Running make for M/MR/MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/M/MR/MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz ok Going to build M/MR/MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: prerequisite UNIVERSAL::require 0 not found.
Writing Makefile for Module::Pluggable::Fast
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
---- MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz ----
UNIVERSAL::require [requires]
Running make test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 'UNIVERSAL::require'
Running make for M/MS/MSCHWERN/UNIVERSAL-require-0.13.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/M/MS/MSCHWERN/UNIVERSAL-require-0.13.tar.gz ok Going to build M/MS/MSCHWERN/UNIVERSAL-require-0.13.tar.gz
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for UNIVERSAL::require
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Running make for M/MR/MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz
Has already been unwrapped into directory /root/.cpan/build/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19-iMlazZ Going to build M/MR/MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz
Warning: Prerequisite 'UNIVERSAL::require => 0' for 'MRAMBERG/Module-Pluggable-Fast-0.19.tar.gz' failed when processing 'MSCHWERN/UNIVERSAL-require-0.13.tar.gz' with 'make => NO'. Continuing, but chances to succeed are limited.
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make install
Make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
Running install for module 'Template::Provider::FromDATA'
Running make for B/BR/BRICAS/Template-Provider-FromDATA-0.12.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/B/BR/BRICAS/Template-Provider-FromDATA-0.12.tar.gz ok
---- Unsatisfied dependencies detected during ----
---- BRICAS/Template-Provider-FromDATA-0.12.tar.gz ----
ExtUtils::MakeMaker [build_requires]
Running make test
Make had some problems, won't test
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running make install
Make had some problems, won't install
Delayed until after prerequisites
Running install for module 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker'
Running make for M/MS/MSCHWERN/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.62.tar.gz
Fetching with LWP:
Checksum for /root/.cpan/sources/authors/id/M/MS/MSCHWERN/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.62.tar.gz ok Going to build M/MS/MSCHWERN/ExtUtils-MakeMaker-6.62.tar.gz
Using included version of JSON::PP::Compat5006 (1.09) because it is not already installed.
Using included version of version (0.88) as it is newer than the installed version (0.82).
Using included version of ExtUtils::Manifest (1.58) as it is newer than the installed version (1.57).
Using included version of Parse::CPAN::Meta (1.4401) as it is newer than the installed version (1.40).
Using included version of CPAN::Meta::YAML (0.003) because it is not already installed.
Using included version of JSON::PP (2.27104) because it is not already installed.
Using included version of CPAN::Meta (2.112150) because it is not already installed.
Using included version of File::Copy::Recursive (0.38) because it is not already installed.
Using included version of Version::Requirements (0.101020) because it is not already installed.
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Writing Makefile for ExtUtils::MakeMaker
Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json
Can't exec "make": Datei oder Verzeichnis nicht gefunden at /usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/ line 2026.
make -- NOT OK
Running make test
Can't test without successful make
Running make test
Any idea what I need to do to fix these problems?
update: many many thanks for the helpful answers; here some additional informations:
cpan[1]> o conf
$CPAN::Config options from '/usr/lib/perl5/5.12.3/CPAN/':
commit [Commit changes to disk]
defaults [Reload defaults from disk]
help [Short help about 'o conf' usage]
init [Interactive setting of all options]
applypatch []
auto_commit [0]
build_cache [100]
build_dir [/root/.cpan/build]
build_dir_reuse [0]
build_requires_install_policy [yes]
bzip2 [/usr/bin/bzip2]
cache_metadata [1]
check_sigs [0]
colorize_debug undef
colorize_output [0]
colorize_print undef
colorize_warn undef
commandnumber_in_prompt [1]
commands_quote undef
connect_to_internet_ok [1]
cpan_home [/root/.cpan]
curl [/usr/bin/curl]
dontload_hash undef
dontload_list undef
ftp [/usr/bin/ftp]
ftp_passive [1]
ftp_proxy []
ftpstats_period undef
ftpstats_size undef
getcwd [cwd]
gpg [/usr/bin/gpg]
gzip [/usr/bin/gzip]
halt_on_failure [0]
histfile [/root/.cpan/histfile]
histsize [100]
http_proxy []
inactivity_timeout [0]
index_expire [1]
inhibit_startup_message [0]
keep_source_where [/root/.cpan/sources]
load_module_verbosity [none]
lynx []
make []
make_arg []
make_install_arg []
make_install_make_command []
makepl_arg []
mbuild_arg []
mbuild_install_arg []
mbuild_install_build_command [./Build]
mbuildpl_arg []
ncftp []
ncftpget []
no_proxy []
pager [less]
password undef
patch []
patches_dir undef
perl5lib_verbosity [none]
prefer_installer [MB]
prefs_dir [/root/.cpan/prefs]
prerequisites_policy [follow]
proxy_pass undef
proxy_user undef
randomize_urllist undef
scan_cache [atstart]
shell [/bin/bash]
show_unparsable_versions [0]
show_upload_date [0]
show_zero_versions [0]
tar [/bin/tar]
tar_verbosity [none]
term_is_latin [1]
term_ornaments [1]
test_report [0]
trust_test_report_history [0]
unzip [/usr/bin/unzip]
0 []
1 []
2 []
3 []
4 []
use_sqlite [0]
username undef
version_timeout [15]
wait_list undef
wget [/usr/bin/wget]
yaml_load_code [0]
yaml_module [YAML]
look forward to hear from you again !! And ineeed - i cant wait to use mecha on this machine.
By the looks of it, you do indeed need to install GNU make on your machine. If any of those modules needs a C compiler, you'll need to install the C development system - which may be quite a number of packages.
The chances are that if you want to install an alternative make program, it will also work. The easiest one to find, though, will be GNU make.
One of the key items on your CPAN configuration is 'prerequisite_policy [follow]'; that is the most sensible choice. If a prerequisite module is missing, it will be installed automatically. Your trace shows this happening; some of the modules needed are missing, so it tries to install them before installing WWW::Mechanize::Firefox.
The problem is that it keeps failing to find 'make'. If you have not got 'make' installed, you need to install it. If you have it installed, you need it on your PATH. I do note that your config contains:
make []
make_arg []
make_install_arg []
make_install_make_command []
My CPAN configuration (actually on MacOS X 10.7.2, but I don't think that matters) includes:
make [/usr/bin/make]
make_arg []
make_install_arg [UNINST=1]
make_install_make_command [/usr/bin/make]
If you have make installed, set at least the two command names to the correct path (might be /usr/local/bin/make, perhaps, or /usr/bin/make). The UNINST=1 bit means that code will remove stuff that is no longer needed (because it is out of date) that is in a different directory than where it is about to install the new stuff. It is a bit arcane, but I've had it like that for a decade or more, AFAICR. (Mostly, these days, I use CPANPLUS rather than CPAN.)
