bash + Linux + how to ignore the character "!" - linux

I want to send little script to remote machine by ssh
the script is
sleep 1
but I get event not found - because the "!"
ssh "echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nsleep 1\reboot>'/tmp/file"
-bash: !/bin/bash\nsleep: event not found
how to ignore the "!" char so script will so send successfully by ssh?
remark I cant use "\" before the "!" because I get
more /tmp/file
sleep 1

Use set +H before your command to disable ! style history substitution:
set +H
ssh "echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nsleep 1\reboot>'/tmp/file"
# enable hostory expnsion again
set -H

I think your command line is not well formated. You can send this:
ssh 'echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nsleep 1\nreboot">/tmp/file'
When I say "not well formated" I mean you put ">" inside the "echo" and you forgot to add "n" before "reboot", and you put "\reboot", wich will be interpreted as "CR" (carriage return) followed by "eboot" command (which I don't think that exists).
But what did the trick here is to invert the comas changing (') with (") and viceversa.

Bash is running interactively (which means that you are feeding commands to it from the standard input and not exec(2)ing a command from a shell script) so you don't need to include the line #!/bin/bash in that case (even more, bash should just ignore it, but not the included bang, as it is part of the active history mechanism)
But why? the first two characters in an executable file (any file capable of being exec(2)ed from secondary storage, not your case) have a special meaning (for the kernel and for the shell): they are the magic number that identifies the kind of executable file the kernel is loading. This allows the kernel to select the proper executable loading routines depending on the binary executable format (and what allows you for example to execute BSD programs in linux kernels, and viceversa)
A special value for this magic numbers is composed by the two characters # and ! (in that order) that forces the kernel to read the complete first line of that file and load the executable file specified in that line instead, allowing you to execute shell scripts for different interpreters directly from the command line. And it is done on purpose, as the # character is commonly in shell script parlance a comment character. This only happens when the shell that is interpreting the commands is not an interactive shell. When the shell loads a script with those characters, it normally reads the first line also to check if it has the #! mark and load the proper interpreter, by replicating the kernel function that does this. Despite of being a comment for the shell, it does this to allow to treat as executables files that are not stored on secondary storage (the only ones the exec(2) system call can deal with), but coming from stdin (as happens to yours).
As your shell is running interactively and you do want to execute its commands without a shell change, you don't need that line and can completely eliminate it without having to disable the bang character.
Sorry, but the solution given about executing the shell with -H option will probably not be viable, as the shell executing the commands is the login shell in the target machine, so you cannot provide specific parameters to it (parameters are selected by the login(8) program and normally don't include arbitrary parameters like -H).
The best solution is to fully eliminate the #!/bin/bash line, as you are not going to exec(2) that program in the target. In case you want to select the shell from the input line (case the user has a different shell installed as login shell), it is better to invoke the wanted shell in the command line and pass it (through stdin, or making it read the shell script as a file) the shell commands you wan to execute (but again, without the #! line).
Its important to ensure you'll execute the whole thing, so it's best to pass all the script contents in the destination target, and once assured you have passed the whole thing to execute it as a whole. Then your #! first line will be properly processed, as the executable will be run by means of an exec(2) made from the kernel.
# this is the command we want to pass through the line
cat <<EOF | ssh user#target "cat >>/tmp/"
exit 0
# we have copied the script file in a remote /tmp/
# and we are sure it has passed correctly, so it's ready
# for local execution there.
# now, execute it.
# the remote shell won't be interactive, and you'll ensure that it is /bin/bash
ssh user#target "/bin/bash /tmp/" >remote_shell.out
A more sophisticate system is one that allows to to sign the shell script before sending, and verify the script signature before executing it, so you are protected against possible trojan horse attacks. But this is out of scope on this explanation.
Another alternative is to use the batch(2) command remotely and pass it all the commands you want executed. you'll get a sessionless executing environment, more suitable to the task you are demanding (despite the fact that you'll get the script output by email to the target user running the script)

Interactively, beware that ! triggers history expansion inside double quotes
from here:
my recommended solution is to use single quotes to define the string (and either escape single quotes \' or use double quotes " within the string):
ssh 'echo -e "#!/bin/bash\nsleep 1\reboot>"/tmp/file'


Proxying commands across a SSH connection

I'd like to be able to "spoof" certain commands on my machine, actually invoking them on a remote system. For example. Whenever I run:
cmd options
I'd like the actual command to be:
ssh user#host cmd options
Ideally I'd like to have a folder called spoof, add it to my PATH, and have an executable in there called cmd which does the spoofing. If I have a lot of commands, this could get tedious. Anyone have ideas of a good way to go about this? Such that I can add and remove a lot of commands in the future? And, I'd like to be able to pass all the arguments exactly (or as exact as possible) and every single command I want to spoof would just have the ssh user#host in front of it.
The reason for this is I'm running a container (specifically singularity) on my machine, and there are certain commands I don't really want to containerize, but still want to run from within the container. I've found I can get the functionality I want by just appending the ssh in front of it. Examples are sbatch and matlab which are a pain to containerize and I'm fine with just using ssh to call them. Files that these programs use are written to a bind point so the host machine can see them just fine.
The following script can be hardlinked under all the names of commands you wish to transparently proxy:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
printf -v str '%q ' "${0##*/}" "$#"
ssh host "$str"
SSH combines all its arguments into a single string, which is then executed by a remote shell. To ensure that the remote arguments are identical to the local one, the values need to be escaped; otherwise, somecommand "hello world" and somecommand "hello" "world" can be represented identically over-the-wire.
In an appropriately extended printf (including both bash and ksh implementations), %q is replaced with an escaped form of the corresponding value, which will be evaled back to the original (literal) text by if interpreted later.
printf -v varname stores the output of printf in a variable named varname without the overhead/inefficiency of a command substitutions. (In ksh93, varname=$(printf ...) is optimized to skip subshell overhead, so this is not necessary there).
$0 evaluates to argv[0], which is by convention the name of the command currently being run. (This can be overridden, but you trust your users to behave reasonably... right?)
${0##*/} is a parameter expansion which returns only content after the last / in $0 (should it in fact contain any slashes; otherwise, the original value is used unmodified).
"$#" refers to the exact argument vector passed to your script.

Get full command from shell script

I'm looking for a way to access the full command from shell script, e.g.
Assume I have a script called When I run it, the command line is passed to ruby as is (except the script itself is removed).
$ print ENV['HOME']
Is equivalent to
$ ruby -e "print ENV['HOME']"
When you run: print ENV['HOME']
...then, before is started, the shell runs string-splitting, expansion, and similar processes. Thus, what's eventually run is (assuming no glob expansion):
execvp("", {"", "print", "ENV[HOME]"});
If you have a file named ENVH in the current directory, the shell may treat ENV['HOME'] as a glob, expanding it by replacing the glob expression with the filename, and thus running:
execvp("", {"", "print", "ENVH"}); any event, what exists on the other side of the execv*-series call done to run the new program has no information which was local to the original shell -- and thus no way of knowing what the original command was before parsing and expansion. Thus, it is impossible to retrieve the original string unless the outer shell is modified to expose it out-of-band (as via an environment variable).
This is why your calling convention should instead require: "print ENV['HOME']"
or, allowing even more freedom from shell quoting/escaping syntax, passing program text via stdin, as with: <<'EOF'
print ENV['HOME']
Now, if you want to modify your shell to do that, I'd suggest a function that exposes BASH_COMMAND. For instance:
shopt -s extdebug
expose_command() {
return 0
trap expose_command DEBUG
...then, inside, you can refer to SHELL_COMMAND. Again, however: This will only work if the calling shell had that trap configured, as within a user's ~/.bashrc; you can't simply put the above content in a script and expect it to work, because it's only the interactive shell -- the script's parent process -- that has access to this information and is thus able to expose it.

How to know what script header to use and why it matters?

I infrequently have to write bash scripts for various unrelated purposes and while I usually have a good idea what commands I want in the script, I often have no idea what header to use or why I'm using one when I do find it. For example(s):
Standard shell script:
#!/usr/bin/env python
Scripts seem to work fine without headers but if headers are the standard, there's a reason for them and they shouldn't be ignored. If it has an effect, then it's a valuable tool that could be used to accomplish more.
Minimally, I'd like to know what headers to use with MySQL scripts and what the headers do on Standard, Python, and MySQL scripts. Ideally, I'd like a generic list of headers or an understanding of how to create a header based on what program is being used.
How the Kernel Executes Things
Simplified (a bit), there are two ways the kernel in a POSIX system knows how to execute a program. One, if the program is in a binary format the kernel understands (such as ELF), the kernel can execute it "directly" (more detail out of scope). If the program is a text file starting with a shebang, such as
#!/usr/bin/somebinary -arg
or what-have-you, the kernel actually executes the command as if it had been directed to execute:
/usr/bin/somebinary -arg "$0"
where $0 here is the name of the script file you just tried to execute. (So you can immediately tell why so many scripting languages use # as a comment-starter – it means they don't have to treat the shebang as special.)
PATH and the env command
The kernel does not look at the PATH environment variable to determine which executable you're talking about, so if you are distributing a python script to systems that may have multiple versions of python installed, you can't guarantee that there will be a
env, however, is POSIX, so you can count on it existing, and it will look up python in PATH. Thus,
#!/usr/bin/env python
will execute the script with the first python found in your PATH.
BASH, SH and Special Meanings for Invocation
Some programs have special semantics for how they're invoked. In particular, on many systems /bin/sh is a symlink to another shell, such as /bin/bash. While bash does not contain a perfectly POSIXLY_STRICT implementation of sh, when it is invoked as /bin/sh it is stricter than it would be if invoked as plain-old-bash.
MySQL and arg limitations
The shebang line can be length limited and technically, it can only support one argument, so mysql is a bit tricky – you can't expect to pass a username and database name to a mysql script.
#!/usr/bin/env mysql
use mydb;
select * from mytbl;
Will fail because the kernel will try mysql "$0". Even if you have your credentials in a .my.cnf file, mysql itself will try to treat "$0" as a database name. Likewise:
#!/usr/bin/mysql -e
use mydb;
select * from mytbl;
will fail because again, "$0" is not a table name (you hope).
There does not seem to be an appropriate syntax for directly executing a mysql script this way. Your best bet is to pipe the sql commands to mysql directly:
mysql < my_sql_commands
When the first line of a script starts with #!, that's what's called a "shebang". When that script is run as an executable, the operating system uses that line to determine how to run the script -- that is to say, to find the program with which the script should be executed.
It's incorrect that "scripts work fine without headers" -- if you don't have a shebang line, you can't be invoked using the execve() call, which means that many (most?) programs won't be able to execute your script. Sometimes invocation from a shell will try to use that shell itself in the absence of a shebang, but you can't trust that to be the case.
(There's an exception to that -- if someone starts your script by running sh yourscript or bash yourscript, the shebang line isn't read at all, and the script they chose is used; however, running scripts this way is a bad practice, as the author typically knows better than the user what the correct interpreter is).
In short:
If you want to use modern features, and you want the user to be able to override the shell version in use by putting a different release of bash earlier in their path, use #!/usr/bin/env bash
If you want to use modern features and ensure that you always run with the system shell, use #!/bin/bash
If you're going to write your script to strictly conform with POSIX sh, use #!/bin/sh
There's not a limited list of shebang lines we can give you, since any native executable (non-script program) can be used as a script interpreter, and thus be placed in a shebang. If you created a file called myscript with #!/usr/bin/env yourprogram, gave it executable permissions, and ran ./myscript foo bar, this would result in /usr/bin/env yourprogram myscript foo bar being invoked; yourprogram would be run by /usr/bin/env (after a PATH lookup), and would be responsible for knowing what to do with myscript and its arguments.
For an extremely detailed history of shebang lines and how they work across systems both modern and ancient, see

How do I pipe the output of an LS on remote server to the local filesystem via SFTP?

I'm logged into a remote server via SFTP at the command line. The folder I'm in contains hundreds of thousands of files. I need to get a list of these files in a text file so I can access them programmatically, as none of the PHP SFTP clients are able to return such a large list of files.
When I run an ls on the directory ( within the SFTP session ), it takes about 20 minutes for the file list to finally display.
I don't have write access on this server, so I can't pipe the output to a file on the remote server.
How can I pipe the output to a text file on my local machine ... or get a list of the files to my local machine some other way?
If you're willing to wait the 20 minutes for the data to scroll across your screen you can capture all the output using "script".
Call 'script' before you start your ssh or sftp session and it will capture all terminal output to your local disk. Type 'exit' to finish the capture.
script -- make typescript of terminal session
script [-akq] [-t time] [file [command ...]]
The script utility makes a typescript of everything printed on your ter-
minal. It is useful for students who need a hardcopy record of an inter-
active session as proof of an assignment, as the typescript file can be
printed out later with lpr(1).
If the argument file is given, script saves all dialogue in file. If no
file name is given, the typescript is saved in the file typescript.
If the argument command is given, script will run the specified command
with an optional argument vector instead of an interactive shell.
The following options are available:
-a Append the output to file or typescript, retaining the prior con-
-k Log keys sent to program as well as output.
-q Run in quiet mode, omit the start and stop status messages.
-t time
Specify time interval between flushing script output file. A
value of 0 causes script to flush for every character I/O event.
The default interval is 30 seconds.
The script ends when the forked shell (or command) exits (a control-D to
exit the Bourne shell (sh(1)), and exit, logout or control-D (if
ignoreeof is not set) for the C-shell, csh(1)).
Certain interactive commands, such as vi(1), create garbage in the type-
script file. The script utility works best with commands that do not
manipulate the screen. The results are meant to emulate a hardcopy ter-
minal, not an addressable one.
The following environment variable is utilized by script:
SHELL If the variable SHELL exists, the shell forked by script will be
that shell. If SHELL is not set, the Bourne shell is assumed.
(Most shells set this variable automatically).
csh(1) (for the history mechanism).
The script command appeared in 3.0BSD.
The script utility places everything in the log file, including linefeeds
and backspaces. This is not what the naive user expects.
It is not possible to specify a command without also naming the script
file because of argument parsing compatibility issues.
When running in -k mode, echo cancelling is far from ideal. The slave
terminal mode is checked for ECHO mode to check when to avoid manual echo
logging. This does not work when in a raw mode where the program being
run is doing manual echo.
Wu's answer is good if you do it remotely. Here is another option if you are logged onto the remote server and want to send the file back home to yourself:
Proper answer is here:
your_command | ssh username#server "cat > filename.txt"
If you have ssh access, that would be very easy:
ssh user#server ls > foo.txt
Otherwise, you can just redirect sftp's STDOUT and STDERR to a file. You have to type password and commands blindly though.
In my case following worked:
ssh user#server ls /path/to/source/folder/ > /path/to/destination/folder/filenames.txt
I wrote it in Git Bash. This will first ssh then list all files of source folder and then save the file names to the destination text file.
In this way you can also save the output to json file. Just change the file extension to json instead of txt.
For appending output just put ">>" instead of ">".

Shell Script - Linux

I want to write a very simple script , which takes a process name , and return the tail of the last file name which contains the process name.
I wrote something like that :
tail $(ls -t *"$1"*| head -1) -f
My question:
Do I need the first line?
Why isn't ls -t *"$1"*| head -1 | tail -f working?
Is there a better way to do it?
1: The first line is a so called she-bang, read the description here:
In computing, a shebang (also called a
hashbang, hashpling, pound bang, or
crunchbang) refers to the characters
"#!" when they are the first two
characters in an interpreter directive
as the first line of a text file. In a
Unix-like operating system, the
program loader takes the presence of
these two characters as an indication
that the file is a script, and tries
to execute that script using the
interpreter specified by the rest of
the first line in the file
2: tail can't take the filename from the stdin: It can either take the text on the stdin or a file as parameter. See the man page for this.
3: No better solution comes to my mind: Pay attention to filenames containing spaces: This does not work with your current solution, you need to add quotes around the $() block.
$1 contains the first argument, the process name is actually in $0. This however can contain the path, so you should use:
tail $(ls -rt *"`basename $0`"*| head -1) -f
You also have to use ls -rt to get the oldest file first.
You can omit the shebang if you run the script from a shell, in that case the contents will be executed by your current shell instance. In many cases this will cause no problems, but it is still a bad practice.
Following on from #theomega's answer and #Idan's question in the comments, the she-bang is needed, among other things, because some UNIX / Linux systems have more than one command shell.
Each command shell has a different syntax, so the she-bang provides a way to specify which shell should be used to execute the script, even if you don't specify it in your run command by typing (for example)
instead of
/bin/sh ./
Note that the she-bang can also be used in scripts written in non-shell languages such as Perl; in the case you'd put
at the top of your script.
