Can't see DataStax in Services - cassandra

First I had DataStax 3.7 installed and everything was fine but later I have downgraded to 2.2 and now I have reinstalled datastax 3.7 but i can't see it in services. I can open my datastax and connect to external clusters but I can't start my cassandra server and so Can't connect to local host.
How to solve this issue?


Connect PowerBI Desktop with Apache Spark local machine installation

Can someone guide me how to connect PBI Desktop to APACHE SPARK installed on a local windows machine? What should be the server details I should pass?
I have read thrift connections are very slow so would want to avoid them unless they are the only choice.
Edit -
Based on the suggestion, I tried to set up thrift connection following the below link -… . Mine is a windows installation. Given paths seems to be for linux? I cant see a hive-site.xml file under /spark/conf folder. I also dont see a /apachehive/conf folder in my spark installtion. My spark installation is the latest version of spark release available. Please guide.
You have to use the thrift server as it is required if you want to connect via ODBC or JDBC. This is the only way to connect from Power BI to Apache Spark.

Cassandra ODBC Datastax working with Cassandra 2.1 but not 3.0 in Windows

I have tried connecting to a remote Cassandra from Windows 10 using the latest Simba-Datastax ODBC Driver (trial version). I was successful with Cassandra 2.1 (I connected to a Cassandra docker actually) but failed with Cassandra 3.0.15 and 3.11. I have installed the driver and I am able to see it in the Windows Data sources tool (64 bits), under the System DSN tab.
When I specify the host, port and keyspace of my Cassandra 3.0 docker (exactly the same values that work allright for me with the Cassandra 2.1 docker) and press the "Test..." button to launch the connectivity test, I am getting a strange error that "not even procol version 1 is available".
According to this web site, Simba says the driver is compatible with Cassandra 3.X. Could you think of any reason why this fails but 2.1 is successful? :-(
PS: I see other people complaining here but with a different error message (No hosts available for the control connection)
I fixed it! I think I was using a wrong version of the driver - I was using Datastax driver which apparently does not work for Cassandra 3.X. I have now downloaded the latest version of the ODBC driver from the Simba website (30-day trial version) and it is working :-)
The confusion came from the fact that I thought the Datastax driver and the Simba driver were the same as I read somewhere that "Simba and Datastax have partnered to develop a driver...".
Thank you very much Aaron anyway.

Unable to Connect apache Cassandra on local machine

I am new to Apache Cassandra, i had just install a Apache Cassandra 3.9.0(64-bit) on my local windows 8.1 64- bit laptop along with No-SQL manager for Cassandra.
When i tried to register server an error message displayed as "None of the hosts tried for query are available".
Can anyone help me out.

DataStax OpsCenter v5.2.4 Create Cluster Error

Using DataStax OpsCenter v5.2.4 (currently the latest) installed using AMI ami-8f3e2bbf provided by DataStax and following DataStax's instructions on how to create a cluster on EC2, all DSE nodes fail during creation with this error:
Install Errored: Could not find a matching version for package dse-libpig
Is there a work around for this?
Note that during the process I selected Package: DataStax Enterprise 4.8.1, which is the latest available in the list at this time.
I faced the same issue and taking a clue from BrianC's comment resolved by removing a trailing '#' in my datastax account password

Unable to connect Cassandra Test Cluster

I have created 1 node Cassandra cluster (datastax enterprise) on Ubuntu, to which I am able to connect via cqlsh but when i try to connect via OpsCenter or from VS2012 via c# driver I get error like "Unable to connect to cluster" or "All host tried for query are in error", can anyone help me with this error?
I installed the datastax Enterprise following the instructions as given at "…; and have all keys with their default value in yaml file except the cluster name. When I run cqlsh it connect with this message:
Connected to fptestcluster at localhost:9160.
[cqlsh 4.1.1 | Cassandra | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0]
But as specified in original question, with OpsCenter and C# driver I am not able to connect.
I found the fix for this, I had to change "listen_address" and "rpc_address" to the IP of machine rather than localhost and then it works, thanks everyone.
