Telerik Raid Grid view in window application - telerik-grid

User can't check checkbox in Radgrid View.
Suppose a grid has three rows and each row has a checkbox.
When the second row is checked, we need to verify if the first row is checked too.


Kendo UI For Angular2 - Grid Row Select

I have a working <kendo-grid> component with 10 visible rows over a data set of 34 rows (approx 4 pages). Sorting and selecting is working as expected.
<kendo-grid [data]="gridView"
[sortable]="{ mode: 'single' }"
Say I select second row. Then I sort the table and the selection stays on row two but of course it's highlighting a different record. It's always selecting the second row on the grid, which of course, it's what I want.
How do I clear the selected row in my (sortChange) event so at least the user isn't presented with a different selection that they one they already chose. I am open to some kind of data binding attribute for selected row that I could set to null or some property on gridView or even poking around inside #ViewChild .
Any help would be appreciated.
Normal Sort
Ascending Sort
Descending Sort
I had a similar question here: Select grid row item from code
Basically, you also need to select the grid row item from code without user interaction and this is currently not supported in the current beta build of the Kendo UI Angular2 controls.
In my application, I resort to triggering a click event on the row I want to select. :/
I do this in a case where I have 'up' and 'down' buttons to rearrange the grid and want to maintain my selection when I switch items.
var grid = document.getElementById('myGrid');
var rows = grid.getElementsByTagName('tr');
rows[idx].click(); // add one to the desired row index to skip the header row
Here's a (sloppy, minimal) Plunkr of this scenario:

CListCtrl items sorting when click on column header without using callback function

I have an mfc dialog-based application with a CListCtrl box in report view.
It has 4 columns, one is numeric value column and others are all text.
In my application I want to add sorting functionality when I click on any of the headers without using the callback function. And my list items are already populated in the listcontrol box from a database table when I start the application. Can anyone tell me how to do this?

How to get the selectManyCheckbox row entire values to the list using JSF and datatables

Select Many Check box items to Cart :
Declare check box first column of data
Declare the command button to the above the data
Once user click the check box current row data add to the list and this list data go to the Cart page
On click the check box current row data add to the list and on submit the button the entire list data go to the Cart page.
Thanks in Advance.
You can use primefaces datatable component for select one or more rows from a table and send this information to everywhere.
Take an example of this in showcase (the datatable have many others options too).

How to populate 2 combobox in DevExpress grid?

I am developing a website in which I am using DevExpress controls. I need to add a row using AddNewRow event of the grid. Everything is working fine i.e the data is being saved in the database. But now I need to have 2 comboboxes in the grid itself. One should be populated automatically when we need to add a new row and the second should be populated on the selectedIndexChanged of the first combobox.
The second combobox shold be populated using the selected value of first combobox.
How can i populate the second combobox.
Thanks in Advance
Take a look at the Cascading Combo Boxes demo. I believe that demonstrates exactly what you needed.
Related example:
How to implement cascaded combo box columns in ASPxGridView without using templates.

Collapsible Panels in jsf/primefaces

So what I want is this (Just the collapsible part):;jsessionid=238C388CE45C77A9B90898A82F2340EA
With 2 differences.
I want it in a datatable
I want to make a custom button that will control whether or not they are collapsed
Is this possible if so is there a good example I can go off?
i would start by
creating the dataTable as you want it to look with the row fully 'expanded'
put the data to be toggled in a panelGroup
put some sort of toggle on the row
put an effect on the panelGroup
put an action on your toggle to show/hide the panelGroup for the row
Some component libraries have this. they call them 'expandible rows', some display the data in the row, some render the row(s) below the 'parent' one.
One issue that i found (in earlier versions) is that when you had the data display in a separate row and you had a paginator set to show a set rows to display, it would bump the last row(s) when expanding the requested row to expand. I don't know if that is still the case.
