Swift SQLite Linux/Ubuntu - linux

Wanting to give Swift a try and cheaply as possible.
I'm running
Ubuntu 16.04
SQLite 3.11.0
Swift 3.0-dev
All is working, not pretty though, but I'm having a hell of a time connecting to SQLite within Swift.
Has anyone successfully connected and run a query against SQLite with this setup?
While I've seen a bunch of post for iOS solutions I'm not entirely sure these will work on Ubuntu. I wasn't sure if you could or needed to compile Objective-C on Ubuntu.

Since Objective-C as used on Apple's platforms is not well supported on Linux, I think a better approach might be to access the SQLite C API from Swift by either using a system module or bridging header. You might also want to wrap the SQLite API in a C library exposing a subset of the API that you need in a simplified form more suitable to be called from Swift. You would then invoke the wrapper by creating a system module for it (no system module is needed in this case for the SQLite API) or by using a bridging header.
The following may help:
Compile C code and expose it to Swift under Linux
Linking a C library and its supporting library in Swift (linux)


Can I create a native windows desktop application using Node.js

So I have heard of http://appjs.com/ and http://electron.atom.io/, but what I want to know can I create a native application using node.js?
From my understanding any language can call WINAPI, and it is possible due to that it's just a question if somebody is willing to create a wrapper for them? ( And possibly create equivalents in Linux / OSX )
I just want to know if my understanding is correct.
Thanks in advance!
As mentioned in the comments, there are already modules that do this by interfacing with the Windows API.
You can try node-ffi as well, a module for loading DLLs.

Conflict between OpenLDAP's libldap and Oracle's occi library

I'm writing a small tool to do some checks on the data from one Oracle database and on LDAP.
Thinking of performance I've decided to go with C/C++, therefore I'm using the open ldap library and the oracle occi library. Now putting together the wrappers for each library I noticed that functions from the ldap library fail if I link my program with the oracle library. Going further I see there are functions defined in the oracle library with the same name as they're defined in the openldap library.
Now I did not find much on web on this issue, some advise to link first with the ldap library but that doesn't do it, it doesn't fail on init() anymore but it doesn't go past connect().
I'm doing the developing on Linux (Ubuntu), and the libraries I use are all C.
Does anyone have any advice on this? There must be someone else that have had this issue.
Any thoughts are most welcomed.
Many thanks
Unless these functions are also API entry points you should be able to make it work by linking to both as shared libraries. Then each library will use its own version of the function and you don't get to see either version unless you call it yourself.
If the functions concerned are API entry points, i.e. LDAP APIs, there is something pretty odd going on.
You can resolve this issue by specifying "-lldap -llber" in linking stage.
Ensure that you have specified oracle libray at the end in the linking stage. ldap has dependency with liblber.

Is there a way to compile node.js source files? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is it possible to create desktop applications with node.js? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Is there a way to compile a node.js application?
I maybe very late but you can use "nexe" module that compile nodejs + your script in one executable: https://github.com/crcn/nexe
EDIT 2021: Nexe's latest release is from 2017 and it appears that development has otherwise slowed, so the more-widely-used alternative from Vercel should also be considered these days: pkg
Node.js runs on top of the V8 Javascript engine, which itself optimizes performance by compiling javascript code into native code... so no reason really for compiling then, is there?
You get a fully functional binary without sources.
Native modules also supported. (must be placed in the same folder)
JavaScript code is transformed into native code at compile-time using V8 internal compiler. Hence, your sources are not required to execute the binary, and they are not packaged.
Perfectly optimized native code can be generated only at run-time based on the client's machine. Without that info EncloseJS can generate only "unoptimized" code. It runs about 2x slower than NodeJS.
Also, node.js runtime code is put inside the executable (along with your code) to support node API for your application at run-time.
Use cases:
Make a commercial version of your application without sources.
Make a demo/evaluation/trial version of your app without sources.
Make some kind of self-extracting archive or installer.
Make a closed source GUI application using node-thrust.
No need to install node and npm to deploy the compiled application.
No need to download hundreds of files via npm install to deploy your application. Deploy it as a single independent file.
Put your assets inside the executable to make it even more portable.
Test your app against new node version without installing it.
There was an answer here: Secure distribution of NodeJS applications. Raynos said: V8 allows you to pre-compile JavaScript.
You can use the Closure compiler to compile your javascript.
You can also use CoffeeScript to compile your coffeescript to javascript.
What do you want to achieve with compiling?
The task of compiling arbitrary non-blocking JavaScript down to say, C sounds very daunting.
There really isn't that much speed to be gained by compiling to C or ASM. If you want speed gain offload computation to a C program through a sub process.
Now this may include more than you need (and may not even work for command line applications in a non-graphical environment, I don't know), but there is nw.js.
It's Blink (i.e. Chromium/Webkit) + io.js (i.e. Node.js).
You can use node-webkit-builder to build native executable binaries for Linux, OS X and Windows.
If you want a GUI, that's a huge plus. You can build one with web technologies.
If you don't, specify "node-main" in the package.json (and probably "window": {"show": false} although maybe it works to just have a node-main and not a main)
I haven't tried to use it in exactly this way, just throwing it out there as a possibility. I can say it's certainly not an ideal solution for non-graphical Node.js applications.
javascript does not not have a compiler like for example Java/C(You can compare it more to languages like PHP for example). If you want to write compiled code you should read the section about addons and learn C. Although this is rather complex and I don't think you need to do this but instead just write javascript.

Writing a Web Application in Haxe without Apache and PHP?

Haxe has Apache httpd modules and can compile to PHP code. These are 2 options I know to make a web application that runs on the server. You can start a http server with nekotools, but this is supposed to be used for development only.
Are there any more options?
I can always use the NekoVM from within a C or C++ program, running a web server or interfacing to FastCGI. Or compile to C++, using a FastCGI or web server library. But I want to hear about solutions that are actually used.
I have a VPS with nginx, so no mod_neko or mod_tora. PHP isn't a problem, but I'd rather wouldn't use it (for irrational reasons).
More correctly there is an Apache module for the nekoVM. (You do need necessarily haxe to produce neko binaries)
To your question:
As far as I know there is currently no possibility to use the C++ target for webserver application, but some people are playing arround with some stuff.
As you said, you could use PHP
mod_tora or mod_neko on a Apache setup. (Why not use Apache?)
OR: the probably most interessting thing for you be: Link 1 and Link 2 (neko as cgi / fastcgi)
hxNode uses node.js. Don't know if anybody uses hxNode, but node.js got some good press lately.
I'm continuing to keep hxNode up to date and expanding it with the node.js spec.
I'm using it for my own projects and debugging it as I come across stuff.
Currently, hxNode, has the node.js api defined in Haxe, this is the standard node.js asynchronous API. Also, I've started to recreate the Haxe standard API using this API, so for example, js.FileSystem has been implemented, this makes use of the fact that latest versions of node can call fs module syncronously.
Other things which I'm working on with this API, servlet's sitting on top, and mongo bindings based on chriskv's mongo native drivers.

GUI/TUI linux library

Is there any UI library that can be to build both a text user interface (ncurses) and graphical user interface (GTK? QT?) from the same source?
I know that debconf can be used with various frontends, I would like to build something similar but programmable.
The library that powers YaST independence to do ncurses, gtk and qt with one codebase provides what you are looking for, and it is not tied to YaST itself.
Actually libyui only requires the standard C++ library and phtreads (IIRC). The UI plugins require of course the respective libraries (Qt, ncurses). YaST uses libyui via a set of YCP bindings that export a YCP like API on top of libyui.
The library is a bit lowlevel (one layer below an event loop), my colleage Klaus Kämpf wrote about using it some time ago in his blog, including binding to scripting languages it using swig.
The only part that is SUSE specific is the packaging, so you would need to package it yourself. Stackoverflow did not allow me to link more than once. The code of the library is linked from Klaus blog. Replace libyui for "qt" and "ncurses" for the plugin's code.
Also google for "YaST Independence From YCP" to find a blog entry from Andreas Jäger on the subject.
you could write your program to uses ncurses, and then use PDCurses to convert it to an X11 application - as the readme advertise.
I know it because I've used it as portable curses, though I've never tested its X11 capabilities
Not exactly a library but you could consider writing a web app that degrades well to Lynx
The GoboLinux guys have created their own toolkit for python called AbsTK, they use it for their installer, which actually works really good. I have never used the toolkit myself, but the apps built with it seems solid.
There's Cursed GTK, but it seems a bit dated. I found some references to a port of Qt to ncurses called Qt Console, but it seems to have disappeared.
By using a library that targets both the text-mode and GUI environments, you have a big risk of getting stuck with the worst of both worlds.
You will be better off structuring your code using the MVC pattern, and providing separate views and controllers for each platform you target. Pushing all the logic down to the model classes has several other benefits:
The code will be easier to test because you are forced to keep the user interface out of the actual domain logic.
Your program can have user interfaces that have very little in common, e.g. a web UI, or an UI driven by speech.
You can run the program easily with no UI at all (i.e. script it) by accessing the model classes directly in the same way that the controller classes do.
I think what's used for configuring the linux kernel when compiling is dialog/cdialog/xdialog. But it's been a while since I've compiled a kernel, so my memory may be off. The most promising link I can find is this one for Xdialog.
Maybe tcl/tk would provide what you want http://www.tcl.tk/
Here's the page on interfacing with curses. There is a claim there of integration with ncurses.
