Inno Setup : Displaying a Bitmap Image in a `NotebookPage` or `NotebookForm` - inno-setup

Hello I made an Inno Setup Script which has a custom uninstaller forms during uninstall of the program.
Those uninstaller forms are created by me according to the way described in this post(question):
Custom Uninstall Page (not MSGBOX).
But creating Custom Forms like that is looking bit bad because there is no way to display any kind of "IMAGE" in those.
I want to display one sameBitmap Image in all of my notebook pages whose displayed after pressing "Yes" to the message box Are you sure....?.
Displaying this in a Notebook Page is very hard.How can I do this?
My Bitmap Image should be in the bottom of the Notebook Page.
An image of the first Notebook Page I created.
Thanks in Advance.

Put the image outside of the notebook and make sure the notebook does not cover the space reserved for the image. This is the way the installer wizard is implemented.
Or just clone the image on all pages.
To add a new image, use TBitmapImage.Create. See for example: inno setup bmp image appear on a single page


WiX Installer placing checkbox below custom bitmap image on dialog

I've added the "Launch program" checkbox on the final card of the installer, but for some reason WiX is placing the checkbox below the custom bitmap instead of on top of it with the other text. Can someone point me in the right direction to getting the checkbox directly below the other text instead of below the background image?
I followed the tutorial on this page to add the checkbox:
I came across this page on the WiX toolset docs. Basically, it says that the checkbox with the grey background is a common complaint and there's a workaround mentioned, but not a way to remove the background.
And a common complaint: no, the checkbox can't have a transparent background. If you have a bitmap in the background, it will be ugly, just like in our example above. The only workaround is to reduce the width of the checkbox to the actual box itself and to place an additional static text (these can be made transparent) adjacent to it.
EDIT (for completeness): It looks like my initial guess on what was going on with the bitmap image wasn't accurate, based on the above-quoted page. Closing this as answered.

How to display image in kivymd without text?

I am developing simple GUI program using kivymd.
I tried to display image with Image List but ImageList occurs some problems so I need another widget that displays image.
I searched on kivymd but I found only Image List.
Is there some good widget that displays Image?
What I need:
I have to display image from url.
I don't want Image button. Just image.
I don't want any text on image.
Please help me. Thanks.
You can use AsyncImage. AsyncImage fetches images from url and show them when they are loaded. You can even add a loading screen of your own too. Also, I assume you want to show multiple images in a layout like in ImageList. So what you can do is create a GridLayout and inside that grid layout you can add multiple Async Images. You can check docs here

set window icon tkinter macosx

This line works fine for my Windows program.
When i run this same file on the Mac OS X, I get a blank page instead of my icon.
Here is the windows line:
I have searched relentlusly for an answer I want this icon to work on both platforms. self is the root Tk window if your wondering if it's root or not.
Note: I have tried using icns, .xbm , .gif by loading a photo image and setting thru window attributes all produce the same blank page on the mac.
After 5 days of searching, and this post having been viewed at least 15 times I went directly to the tk/tcl documentation. If I understand this correctly, apparently there is no way to properly set the icon for mac OS X without using special library or other sort of hacks. It would be nice if there were a mac specific documentation for the tkinter library but alas there isn't that I have found. here is the part of the documentation I found:
wm iconphoto window ?-default? image1 ?image2 ...? Sets the titlebar
icon for window based on the named photo images. If -default is
specified, this is applied to all future created toplevels as well.
The data in the images is taken as a snapshot at the time of
invocation. If the images are later changed, this is not reflected to
the titlebar icons. Multiple images are accepted to allow different
images sizes (e.g., 16x16 and 32x32) to be provided. The window
manager may scale provided icons to an appropriate size. On Windows,
the images are packed into a Windows icon structure. This will
override an ico specified to wm iconbitmap, and vice versa.
On X, the images are arranged into the _NET_WM_ICON X property, which
most modern window managers support. A wm iconbitmap may exist
simultaneously. It is recommended to use not more than 2 icons,
placing the larger icon first.
On Macintosh, this currently does nothing.
if anyone has a working solution please post this. I want to accomplish this so that any system can open a freshly installed python and run my application without installing any additional library.
#GarryHurst This is not a solution but I sort of get the idea now:
On Mac, TK decided that the icon will never appear on the window title bar.
Instead, it shows up as the app's Dock icon.
It's most probably a by-design or won't fix issue on their side.
It is showing the icon of the file you are putting in the directory so setting the file to be an app will set the window icon to be the icon of that app.
for example:
root.iconbitmap("/Users/homedir./Desktop/Test apps/")
tk window with icon
I have a coup. Why not change mind, like this.
The emoji library is enough to choose a good-looking icon.
We can do that.:-D

Image Overlay in SharePoint

I am trying to create a Microsoft SharePoint page which will contain an image and then there will be a lot of other clickable images on top of it. I am familiar with how to do this using HTML and CSS, but from what I can tell, SharePoint does not allow this type of image placement. Can anyone give me some pointers on how to do this?
I was originally trying to just insert images onto the page editor, and then manually try to drag one image onto another. This didn't work. But then after some experimenting I found the Insert Code Snippet tool, which I then constructed a custom HTML image of exactly what I want. Worked perfectly.

How to create a custom installshield dialog skin?

I am trying to create an InstallScript project using InstallShield 2013 Authoring Tool. So far I have just been using the default dialog boxes and skins. Now I need to now customize them to fit my needs, but I am finding the links in the help documentation to be lacking or broken. I was wondering if anyone knows how to create custom dialog skins or can point me in the right direction.
under "Project Assistant" tab, select "Installation Interview".
click on "Use custom images on dialogs" to specify your own images to replace "full screen image" and the "banner image" for the dialog.
large image size can be set to 499x312; banner can be set to 499x68 (if original theme used is 'Classic' or similar.)
till now, the dialog screen should look pretty good. But you will notice the installshield opening image (flash screen) is still using a default theme image. to solve that, create your own image (GIF format) to replace it, the size should be 157x312. use this image to replace the original 'setup.gif' under the folder:
C:\Program Files\InstallShield\2013\Support\Themes\Classic Theme.
(once again, all the image sizes and locations mentioned are based on the assumption that 'Classic theme of the dialog box is used)
You can download Skin Customization Kit from Flexera Software Product and License Center
