Cloudflare page rules to serve static files without extension - node.js

I have managed to configure my Nginx (on top of Nodejs) to serve static files without the html extension (e.g. going to serves the about.html page) - with help from these past questions: how to serve html files in nginx without showing the extension in this alias setup and
But I am unable to figure out how to set up Cloudflare page rules to work with this setup (the current page rules are setup to include static html files as well as js, css, etc.).
How do I configure cloudflare to serve the about.html page when the user goes to, and also serve the team.html page when the user goes to Do I need to do anything special, or is the Nginx setup sufficient?

If CloudFlare caching of your static pages isn't required, there's no need for you do do anything, everything should work out of the box.
If you want CloudFlare to also cache those static pages, try setting up page rules to Cache Everything on your site:
Domain > Page Rules
Pattern: **
Custom Caching > Cache everything
Once you setup the page rules, CloudFlare should cache your static pages and should work. To clarify, your server is still serving the pages, not CloudFlare. With the page rules, you are simply instructing CF to cache what your server sends for, as opposed to fetching the page from your server for every visitor.
You can then add other Page Rules with higher priorities should you want to exclude certain endpoints from caching (e.g. an admin section). You won't need to do this if you're just hosting static HTML.
If this doesn't work, or if you need more control over what's being cached, check this CloudFlare support doc for more options.
Good luck!


Elastic Beanstalk Node Static Files are not Loaded

I am having trouble serving my static files on Elastic Beanstalk using NodeJS deployed on Linux 2. My local environment works, but my deployment is unable to serve the static files located in a top-level static folder called 'public'.
My configuration is as follows:
/images: public/images
/javascripts: public/javascripts
/stylesheets: public/stylesheets
I am certain that the configuration is processed correctly because I can view the results of the static file configuration within AWS UI. When I navigate to the home directory of my site (using http:// protocol), the HTML page is loaded, but the CSS and JS under the public directory is not. The error I get is as follows:
GET https://<domain name>/stylesheets/layout.css net::ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT
Note that the https:// protocol is used. From my understanding, the reason my local environment works is that my application serves the static files with the correct protocol. Here are my questions:
Why are my static files being served with protocol https:// when I request my home directory using http://?
I don't want to serve my static files through the application to reduce the number of requests to my application, noted here: Is there anything actually wrong with the configuration?
Issue was resolved. I am using Helmet JS for Content Security Policy (CSP), and it has a directive for converting insecure requests to secure ones: upgrade-insecure-requests. Make sure to remove that in the development phase for a site that is relying on http:// for content. Best practice is to use https:// when possible.

Force 200 response codes from Azure Static Website - SPA (Google won't index routes)

I have a React SPA that is being hosted as an Azure Static Website. The configuration is rather simple - html, js etc files are deployed to Azure Storage. I then enable the static website feature and expose this via a Verizon Premium CDN Endpoint.
The Static Website is configured to serve index.html as the index and error document. The issue that I am seeing here is that when a route is requested /faqs for example the response is a 404 with the index.html doc as the response body - this works fine in the browser but Google will not crawl it as it's seeing the response as a 404.
I wonder if there is anyway around this? Is there anyway to force 2** response codes?
Well after messing around trying to configure Azure to force status codes I found a solution, it's not ideal but it works and will be fine for now.
SOLUTION: I cloned my index.html as faqs (no extension so manually set content type) so that the respective version is served when requested. Happy days! Glad I only have a small number of public pages.
Since you have the CDN layer in front of your website, you can have the CDN deliver the index.html via a URL rewrite rather than relying on the static website's "error page" delivery mechanism. This holds up even if you have a variable number of routes in your application.
Configure a rule in your CDN's Rules Engine that takes any path without a file extension (since we want normal requests for assets or script/style files to return those actual files) and rewrites to /index.html. Re-write means the URL of the actual request remains the same, but the file that gets delivered comes from the rewritten URL.
See this article for more.

Using Microsoft Azure CDN with already existing site

I am fairly new to using CDN but i've found that there are two types of CDN.
You redirect your DNS to your CDN and they automatically take over the traffic as a proxy and do the caching and content delivery. No change in URLs and it's basically no work. Even hard to understand if my content is being delivered through CDN (you have to check headers or use website tools that look for it). Good example is CloudFlare
You do not redirect your DNS. You give it an origin server, then everything gets copied over to the CDN servers and you content is available on the new CDN URLs.
Now, i have a website with a lot of images. I want to use Microsoft Azure CDN. I created my profile (Standart Microsoft CDN) and created the CDN endpoint. I tested and it works fine
All good - my image is there, along wiht others
So what comes next? I have an image (img src tag) for example pointing to /images/example.png. It seems like i need to change it to
So my website has a lot of images and if i have to go and manually re-do all the img src tags it seems like a lot of work and what happens if i decide to move to another CDN or stop using CDN. So all this leads me to believe i might be missing a point here and not doing this correctly.
Is that the correct way a CDN like this should work? If yes, may i get some help on how can i achieve that with minimum amount of labour? re-doing all my css, js and images to the new URLs? I am using Joomla CSM.
Documentation out there on how to tackle or deal with something as easy as this are unbelievably limited.
Basically you are right. Mainly, CDN services will basically "pull" static content (for example images) from your website, and then serve them from multiple locations (servers) to your visitors from your provided CDN url. For example:
Your origin url
CDN url
If the URL was the SAME as your existing url, then it wouldn't really work as a CDN now would it. There are often options so that you can use your own subdomain, for example, but it's still a change of URL. Most CMS's will often have options, or at least plugins, to set CDN url for static assets, which will dynamically replace the paths to point to the CDN url. If you have set file paths manually, then these will need to be replaced manually also with the full CDN path.
There are a few hacks like server rewrite which might allow you to use the same URL, but this is not recommended to pursue. Generally speaking, using a CDN requires changing url to your static assets.
Option #2 is to use a reverse proxy CDN service like Cloudflare. This requires changing your nameservers to route ALL your traffic through Cloudflare, and then Cloudflare will work as a CDN for static assets without you having to change url paths. However, it must be noted that Cloudflare is much more than just a CDN, and you can't really control how your assets are cached on their CDN/servers.

Use cookie-free domains - subdomain solution not working

I'm trying to optimize an html webpage, and one of the suggestions from yslow is:
Use cookie-free domains There are 11 components that are not
So I followed one of the standard solutions I've seen and created a subdomain and put the images there.
But I'm still getting the exact same problem -- a cookie is still being delivered with each image, and same yslow message.
So how do I get this subdomain to be cookie free?
If you are using subdomain for cookie-free delivery then your main page has to use www prefix.
I had the same problem. The subdomain simply didn't work, so I used a different domain name and it solved the problem.
When the browser makes a request for a static image and sends cookies together with the request, the server doesn't have any use for those cookies. So they only create network traffic for no good reason. You should make sure static components are requested with cookie-free requests. Create a subdomain and host all your static components there.
If your domain is, you can host your static components on However, if you've already set cookies on the top-level domain as opposed to, then all the requests to will include those cookies. In this case, you can buy a whole new domain, host your static components there, and keep this domain cookie-free. Yahoo! uses, YouTube uses, Amazon uses and so on.
Another benefit of hosting static components on a cookie-free domain is that some proxies might refuse to cache the components that are requested with cookies. On a related note, if you wonder if you should use or for your home page, consider the cookie impact. Omitting www leaves you no choice but to write cookies to *, so for performance reasons it's best to use the www subdomain and write the cookies to that subdomain.
Source -
If you set your cookies on a top-level domain (e.g. all of your sub-domains (e.g. will also include the cookies that are set. Therefore, in this case, it is required that you use a separate domain name to deliver your static content if you want to use cookie-free domains. However, if you set your cookies on a www subdomain such as, you can create another subdomain (e.g. to host all of your static files which will no longer result in any cookies being sent.
For Wordpress you can use this config:
define("WP_CONTENT_URL", "");
define("COOKIE_DOMAIN", "");
Details -
You will need to move your static content over to the wp-content folder of your newly created subdomain!

Redirect in htaccess to limit sending of cookies

I would like to write a redirect to avoid cookies being sent on graphics & css files. I think what I want is to redirect html and php to www, and others to root, possibly keeping js on the www so scripts can process cookies. This is for Joomla installations that are not cookie aware and I don't want to have to change the template files etc. Related question, can I just redirect the no-cookie files to root if the html is sent to www, or do I need to create a subdomain (which would complicate the no-change policy for the templates)
For reference, here's another SO question along the same lines: .htaccess, YSlow, and “Use cookie-free domains”.
As the accepted answer in that question mentions, creating a redirect from a cookie domain to non-cookie domain would be counterproductive and result in extra round-trips.
I'm not familiar with Joomla, but if as you mentioned the goal is to not mess with the Joomla templates too much, you could do one of:
Register a new domain which is an alias (cname) to your original domain. For example if you already have, register and set it to point to Then adjust your templates to include static files from Those requests should be cookie-free.
Use Amazon CloudFront as a CDN. You would use their Custom Origin feature to pull files from your server as the origin. Then adjust your templates to refer to the CloudFront domain instead of yours.
Going down this path may or may not provide much benefit for your situation. You didn't mention it, but I would make sure to start with the higher impact performance rules like minimizing HTTP requests by combining static files, enabling gzip compression, optimizing images, and so on.
