NodeJS project type is missing from PhpStorm - node.js

I am trying to setup Express.js project in PhpStorm IDE.
Here are things I've done:
Installed node and npm
Installed nodejs plugin in PhpStorm
When I try to create new project node js express app type is missing from the project list.
PhpStorm version: 10.0.0
OS: Windows 8

It's there for me:
Something must be wrong with NodeJS plugin (incompatible version, etc.). I'd suggest creating a support ticket


How to run angular Application without node.js

I want to create the Angular application using Visual Studio 2019 Angular template in core but without Node.js as External tool installation. I found that NuGet package manager also providing Node.js and NPM Packages for building Angular app.
So I created the core projected and selected Angular Template and add NuGet Node.js 5.3.0 that too is saying in readme.txt "Node.js itself is deployed by NuGet, so there is no need to install it locally on dev machines or build servers."
But when I tried to run the angular project then build is failing.
If anyone knows the solution with exact steps so please help me on this.
There is one extra step is required after the Nuget Node.js package installed in the project, which is missing in the node.js document.
Step: Add node.js installed path in PATH Environment Variable (One-time activity per dev system)
e.g: set PATH=%PATH%; C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\NodeJs
or node.js install path can be set manually in the PATH Environment Variable

Terminal not working in WebStorm 11.0.4 in Mac

I have already installed Node.js and I am able to run my existing project in Visual Studio or Sublime Text and terminal in Visual Studio is working perfectly fine.
But when I am trying to run the same project in WebStorm then terminal is not recognizing node, npm n all.
May be some setting is missing in WebStorm. Need help to resolve the same.
In WebStorm | Preferences for macOS, and click Node.js and NPM under Languages & Frameworks
The term local Node.js interpreter denotes a Node.js installation on your computer. You must write your local path for Node.js

could not open a nodejs project in intellij phpstorm and idea

Although I have installed the nodejs plugin in phpstorm IDE I cannot separately open a nodejs project.But I can open an empty project and run nodejs codes in there.
The main reason is to have the separate folder structure for nodejs project(specially when creating a nodejs express project).
Additionally, I cannot install the nodejs plugin in the IDEA too.
I have gone through their documentation but I couldn't find a solution to this.
Please help me with this.
Phpstorm version - 8.01
IDEA version - 2016.2.04

TypeScript version different from WebStorm to local

I've installed NodeJS v6.x on my Ubuntu 15.10 and TypeScript version is 1.8.10. When I'm looking for tsc version in my WebStorm settings I found 1.6.2.
How is it possible?
It use Webstorm bundled Typescript version.
You can change by go to Preferences / Languages & Frameworks / TypeScript and select Edit close to Typescript version

Nodejs cannot find module './layer' using express

I'm using nodejs with express and request. When I run it locally (on windows), it works, but when I upload it to my server it doesn't. I'm using visual studio with gitbucket and I also selected that visual studio should publish the files in the node_modules directory. I'm using the newest version of express (npm install express).
I don't know what this message is about because there is no directory 'layer' (although it works locally).
layer.js is required by express here:
Make sure you're properly npm installing on your remote server.
