I would like to know if you can import the interface used for XPages (oneui) inside the application without the need to have to referencing the server or extend it.
Thank you

Since 8.5.3 OneUI has been delivered via an OSGi plugin on the server. Most modern XPages applications are being built using bootstrap look and feel instead, which is again in the OSGi plugin for XPages Extension Library on OpenNTF. IBM have also moved away from OneUI for IBM Verse and for responsive XPages have adopted bootstrap. I'm not aware of anyone who has tried to pull those into an NSF, and I would not advise it. You may hit Java security exceptions with some of the code, mapping between resources may not work, and there are an immense number of Java classes and other resources. And if you do hit any issues, you are unlikely to find much help to solve them.


Is there a javadoc library for all current extlib packages?

Yesterday a customer asked me whether there is some kind of javadoc library available for all the extlib control objects, like we have it for the standard Xpage related controls:
All I could say was "have a look at XpagesExt.nsf and see how they did it...". Which is quite a lame answer, I feel. So I spent half this morning googling but couldn't find anything. Anyone having a link for me?
I've added it to the OpenNTF XPages Knowledge Base, in the General space, but also cross-linked from the Extension Library space. You can find the XML definitions for components and complex types as well as the JavaDoc for Extension Library. I will endeavour to keep it up to date as releases come out (it's not onerous, so should not be an issue).
I will take forward an action for the next OpenNTF board meeting to see if we can host Javadocs for this online on the OpenNTF site somewhere (as well as other OpenNTF projects). It looks like there's not a way to host them within Confluence (the product used for the Knowledge Base), but that should not be a barrier. We may also be able to add Extension Library into the build process to automate the generation and publishing.

XPages for iPhone6: Which controls or framework do you use?

Just got a request for a fresh XPages project where an existing traditional Domino Web application should be modernized and mobilified (iPhone 6 being the target).
I'm comfortable with Boostrap, especially Mark Leuksinks add-on, and that is my first gut feeling.
On the other hand I'm aware of specific Mobile Controls, both from IBM and from Teamstudio, and was wondering if there is a 'best way' you would recommend.
I can pretty much control everything on the server. I'm aiming for quickest effect for minimum effort.
TeamStudio tools are good if you want offline or do other development that does offline (XControls can also be used online, so could give consistent look and feel and development experience).
XPages Mobile Controls require a single XPage in order to get transitions. So if it's a large application, that can make the XPage quite cumbersome. You need to become comfortable with the settings on each mobile page, to know when to refresh and when not to.
If you're familiar with Bootstrap and can "encourage" the end users towards your preference, then as a developer, that would make sense to me (leveraging existing skills means quicker development).
If you're comfortable with Bootstrap and responsive design, we'd certainly encourage going down that route. I take it you are aware that Bootstrap is now part of the XPages Extension Library on OpenNTF ? It was first released there in Nov 2014 and has been continuously updated since. And it will migrate to the core XPages runtime as part of the next GA release
I would use the DAS components and let Domino read/write JSON and implement the frontend using the IONIC framework. It uses AngularJS as JS framework, is conceptually not that different from Bootstrap l, but has all the hooks (using Cordova) to use native phone features.

what are the major Difference between ordinary notes applications and a Xpage applications

I am new to Xpages application,
can any body tell me what are the major Difference between ordinary notes applications and a Xpage applications, so that i can understand and start from the bassics if any body helps.
Thanks in advance.
That's a very high level question.
You can create web applications using XPages. XPages "is based on web development languages and standards including JavaScript, Ajax, Java, the Dojo Toolkit, Server-side JavaScript and JavaServer Faces" (source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XPages).
In order for you to start with XPages I will suggest that you read the following book:
Mastering XPages: A Step-by-Step Guide to XPages Application Development and the XSP Language
I will also suggest that you look at the available resources and videos on XPages.info.
Have a look at my blog post on available resources for XPages too:
There's also a whitepaper on maximising the benefits of Domio 8.5.3 with XPages http://www.intec.co.uk/update-whitepaper-maximising-the-benefits-of-xpages-in-8-5-3/
Basically, it allows you to develop for browser and Notes Client with a consistent interface. In my experience, after the learning curve, developing for web in XPages is significantly quicker than developing for web in traditional Domino. The Extension Library reduces the time further, as do resources from OpenNTF. Plus with the Extension Library you can develop for mobile browsers using XPages as well.
There is a browser plugin coming in 8.5.4 which will allow traditional Notes Client applications to be used from a browser. However, I doubt you'll get as nice a user experience from that as you could get from XPages.
I would say Partial Refesh, Works on almost any device and Speed.
go to http://www.tlcc.com/admin/tlccsite.nsf/pages/free-xpages-training and we (TLCC) have a free course that introduces you to XPages and explains what they are as well as gets you started on your first XPage.

Wicket vs GWT - Advice needed

I am developing a Java EE based web application. We have a very limited time to come up with a alpha version and trying to decide on a web framework to use. It has to be something easy to learn but powerful. Standard JSP/Servlet is not an option here due to the time it takes for the development. Appreciate if anyone could advice. Current options are Wicket and GWT. (JSF is also an option)
Wicket is component-based and comes with a bunch of standard components (like pagination, auto-complete, data grids, form handling etc.). If you want to create a standard panel (with the possibility for easy re-use) just create your HTML fragment to use a template (with wicket:id attributes wherever you want to bind dynamic content or sub-components) and a corresponding Java file. Furthermore, you can attach specific CSS and JS files.
In my opinion, Wicket development is good value (functionality) for money. And you get a lot of built-in AJAX functionality without even writing (not reading) any JS. E.g., change the model for a component, attach the component to an AjaxRequestTarget and the panel is automagically repainted via DOM manipulation.
For a quick overview and intro I recommend Wicket in Action by Dashorst & Hillenius. (And don't miss out on other great resources.)
Everything depends on your application. I don't have experience with Wicket, not much with JSF. I have big experience with GWT.
GWT is good if your application has to be mostly dynamic. In GWT you can change everything on the page not even calling the server. GWT is compiled to Javascript. On the other hand, if you have big project, it is quite frustrating if your application in development starts few minutes, because it has a lot of code to compile to Javascript. My opinion: it is not good for big projects.
If you don't need to change your pages so much client-side, I would use JSF2 (or Wicket, if I knew it).
Have a look at this comparison of Wicket and GWT, this may help you decide for yourself:
Wicket and GWT compared with code

Are JSF/Seam/Spring suited for non-enterprise work? (website, not "web application")

I'm starting work on a new website (sort of an e-commerce product comparison thing) and I'm trying to choose what technologies to build it on. I've ruled out PHP and I don't think I want to use Python or Ruby. I really like Java and Hibernate so I started looking into Java-based web technologies.
My problem is that all of the documentation and examples I've read can't seem to stop repeating the words "enterprise" and "web applications." I'm afraid of ending up with giant XML configuration files and business-oriented components while losing the ability to actually design the website. From what I've read of JSF, I like the idea of reusable components, but I still want the ability to customize individual pages. So my question is, are JSF/Seam/Spring well-suited for non-enterprise development? If not, what Java technologies are?
I have just started looking into JSF/Seam so please forgive me if this is an uninformed quesiton. Thanks in advance. :)
No problem. The JSF/Seam stack gives you all the customization you want, and it has very few XML files. In fact, it uses a lot of annotations to define entities and components, so you don't have to worry about writing tou much XML (it is one of the reason why Seam was invented).
JSF's standard components are rendered as simple HTML tags, while if you want to go AJAX and use Richfaces it will be a little harder to customize it, but nothing dramatic. I can assure you that for the view part, you can write whatever you want in your webpages.
Here's a nice reference of how the JSF tags are rendered.
For the model and DB part, the JPA framework gives you the ability to work with simple Java Objects, and sometimes using it in an "enterprise" context with legacy schema is even more difficult, so don't worry.
For a simple website you may safely skip the EJB part, this will help you writing a more cleaner project structure. You can package all your website in a simple .WAR file.
As for the "enterprise" word, I think it is more related to the fact that the Java EE framework gives you the feature you may need in an enterprise context, (i.e. EJBs), but you can avoid them.
They don't bite.
