Share data between node child processes - node.js

I have a small node script that gets ran in several node child processes, and I do not have access to the parent process.
The goal of the script is pretty simple, to return one element at random from an array. However, the element returned cannot be used by any of the other child processes.
The only solutions I can think of involve using redis or a database, and because this is such a tiny script, I would like to avoid that.
Here is an example of what I would like my code to look like:
var accounts = [acc1, acc2, acc3]
function() {
var usedAccounts = sharedStore.get('usedAccounts')
var unusedAccounts = filter(accounts, usedAccounts)
var account = getRandomAccount(unusedAccounts)
sharedStore.set('usedAccounts', usedAccounts)
return account
So far, the solutions I've thought of don't work because the sibling processes initially all get an empty list assigned to usedAccounts.

There are two problems you need to solve:
How to share data between multiple node processes without using the parent process to marshal data between them.
How to ensure that data is consistent across all the shared processes.
How to share data between multiple node processes.
Given your constraints with not wanting to use an external service (like Redis or another database service), and that nodejs doesn't have an easy way to use something like shared memory, a possible solution is to use a shared file between all the processes. Each process can read and write to a shared file, and use that that to get it's userAccount data.
The file could be JSON formatted and look something like this:
This would just be an array of userAccount objects, that also have a flag that indicate if the data is being read.
You app would:
Open the file
Read the file into memory
Iterate over the array
Find the first userAccount that is available
Set the accountUsed flag to true
Write the updated array back to the file
Close the file.
With having multiple processes reading and writing to a single resource is a well understood problem with concurrency called the Readers-Writers Problem.
How to ensure that data is consistent across all the shared processes.
To ensure data is consistent, you need to ensure that only one process can run the algorithm from above from start to finish at a time.
Operating Systems may provide exclusive locking of a file, but I nodejs has no native support for that.
A common mechanism would be to use a lockfile, and use it's existence to guard access to the datafile above. If it can't acquire a lock, it should wait a period of time, then attempt to reacquire the lock.
To acquire the lock:
Check if the lockfile exists.
If lockfile exists
Set a timer (setInterval) to acquire the lock
If the lockfile doesn't exist
Create the lockfile
If the lockfile creation fails (because it exists--race condition with another process)
Set a timer (setInterval) to acquire the lock
If the lockfile creation succeeds
Do GetAccountData();
Remove lockfile
This solution should work, but it's not without kludge. Using a synchronizing primative like a lock can cause your application to deadlock. Also using a timer to periodically acquire the lock is wasteful and can cause a race condition if not properly checking lock creation.
If your app crashes before it removes the lockfile, then you may create a deadlock situation. To guard against that, you might want to put a final unhandled exception handler to remove the lockfile if it was created by the process.
You will need to also make sure you only hold the lock long enough to do your serial work. Holding the lock for longer, will cause performance issues, and increase the likelihood of a deadlock.

I rather let each process have its own flat file that they can write. And each process will be able to read all the files written by all the processes concurrently or otherwise thus obviating need of lock-file.
Though you will have to figure out the logic as to how each process will write only its own file but reading all these files together brings out the source of truth


fs.createWriteStream over several processes

How can I implement a system where multiple Node.js processes write to the same file with fs.createWriteStream, such that they don't overwrite data? It looks like the default setup for fs.createWriteStream is that the file is cleared out when that method is called. My goal is to clear out the file once, and then have all other subsequent writers only append data.
Should I use fs.createWriteStream and then fs.appendFile? Or is there a way to open up a stream for each process, not just for the first process to open the file?
Should I use fs.createWriteStream and then fs.appendFile?
you can use either.
with fs.createWriteStream you have to change the flag like this:
flags: 'a+', // default is 'w' (just 'a' might be enough here, i'm not sure)
this should create the file if it doesn't exist or open it with write access if it exists and set the pointer to end. (append mode)
How to use fs.appendFile should be clear and it does pretty much the same.
Now the problem with multiple processes accessing the same file. Obviously only one process can open the same file with write access at the same time.
Therefore you need to wait for the file to be released if another process has the write access. You will probably need a library for that.
this one for example:
or this one:
you can also find alot more here:
or here:
I have not tried any of those libraries but the one I posted and several others on the list should do exactly what you need.
Writing on a single file from multiple processes, ensuring data integrity, it is a fairly complex operation that you can orchestrate using File locking.
However, you have two simpler approaches:
Writing on a temporary file for each process, and then concatenate
the files at the end of the operations.
Transmitting what you need to write to a dedicated, single process and delegate the writing execution to it. Keep in mind that sending messages among processes can be expensive.

Using threadsafe initialization in a JRuby gem

Wanting to be sure we're using the correct synchronization (and no more than necessary) when writing threadsafe code in JRuby; specifically, in a Puma instantiated Rails app.
UPDATE: Extensively re-edited this question, to be very clear and use latest code we are implementing. This code uses the atomic gem written by #headius (Charles Nutter) for JRuby, but not sure it is totally necessary, or in which ways it's necessary, for what we're trying to do here.
Here's what we've got, is this overkill (meaning, are we over/uber-engineering this), or perhaps incorrect?
require 'atomic' # gem from #headius
SUPPORTED_SERVICES = %w(serviceABC anotherSvc andSoOnSvc).freeze
module Foo
def self.included(cls)
cls.send :__setup
module ClassMethods
def get(service_name, method_name, *args)
__cached_client(service_name).send(method_name.to_sym, *args)
# we also capture exceptions here, but leaving those out for brevity
def __client(service_name)
# obtain and return a client handle for the given service_name
# we definitely want to cache the value returned from this method
# **AND**
# it is a requirement that this method ONLY be called *once PER service_name*.
def __cached_client(service_name)
def __setup
##_clients ={})
##_clients.update do |current_service|
SUPPORTED_SERVICES.inject({}).value) do |memo, service_name|
if current_services[service_name]
memo.merge({service_name => __client(service_name)})
require 'ourgem'
class GetStuffFromServiceABC
include Foo
def self.get_some_stuff
result = get('serviceABC', 'method_bar', 'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3')
puts result
Summary of the above: we have ##_clients (a mutable class variable holding a Hash of clients) which we only want to populate ONCE for all available services, which are keyed on service_name.
Since the hash is in a class variable (and hence threadsafe?), are we guaranteed that the call to __client will not get run more than once per service name (even if Puma is instantiating multiple threads with this class to service all the requests from different users)? If the class variable is threadsafe (in that way), then perhaps the{}) is unnecessary?
Also, should we be using an instead? Or again, is that not necessary?
If not (meaning: you think we do need the at least, and perhaps also the ThreadSafe::Hash), then why couldn't a second (or third, etc.) thread interrupt between the and the ##_clients.update do ... meaning the from EACH thread will EACH create two (separate) objects?
Thanks for any thread-safety advice, we don't see any questions on SO that directly address this issue.
Just a friendly piece of advice, before I attempt to tackle the issues you raise here:
This question, and the accompanying code, strongly suggests that you don't (yet) have a solid grasp of the issues involved in writing multi-threaded code. I encourage you to think twice before deciding to write a multi-threaded app for production use. Why do you actually want to use Puma? Is it for performance? Will your app handle many long-running, I/O-bound requests (like uploading/downloading large files) at the same time? Or (like many apps) will it primarily handle short, CPU-bound requests?
If the answer is "short/CPU-bound", then you have little to gain from using Puma. Multiple single-threaded server processes would be better. Memory consumption will be higher, but you will keep your sanity. Writing correct multi-threaded code is devilishly hard, and even experts make mistakes. If your business success, job security, etc. depends on that multi-threaded code working and working right, you are going to cause yourself a lot of unnecessary pain and mental anguish.
That aside, let me try to unravel some of the issues raised in your question. There is so much to say that it's hard to know where to start. You may want to pour yourself a cold or hot beverage of your choice before sitting down to read this treatise:
When you talk about writing "thread-safe" code, you need to be clear about what you mean. In most cases, "thread-safe" code means code which doesn't concurrently modify mutable data in a way which could cause data corruption. (What a mouthful!) That could mean that the code doesn't allow concurrent modification of mutable data at all (using locks), or that it does allow concurrent modification, but makes sure that it doesn't corrupt data (probably using atomic operations and a touch of black magic).
Note that when your threads are only reading data, not modifying it, or when working with shared stateless objects, there is no question of "thread safety".
Another definition of "thread-safe", which probably applies better to your situation, has to do with operations which affect the outside world (basically I/O). You may want some operations to only happen once, or to happen in a specific order. If the code which performs those operations runs on multiple threads, they could happen more times than desired, or in a different order than desired, unless you do something to prevent that.
It appears that your __setup method is only called when ourgem.rb is first loaded. As far as I know, even if multiple threads require the same file at the same time, MRI will only ever let a single thread load the file. I don't know whether JRuby is the same. But in any case, if your source files are being loaded more than once, that is symptomatic of a deeper problem. They should only be loaded once, on a single thread. If your app handles requests on multiple threads, those threads should be started up after the application has loaded, not before. This is the only sane way to do things.
Assuming that everything is sane, ourgem.rb will be loaded using a single thread. That means __setup will only ever be called by a single thread. In that case, there is no question of thread safety at all to worry about (as far as initialization of your "client cache" goes).
Even if __setup was to be called concurrently by multiple threads, your atomic code won't do what you think it does. First of all, you use{}).value. This wraps a Hash in an atomic reference, then unwraps it so you just get back the Hash. It's a no-op. You could just write {} instead.
Second, your Atomic#update call will not prevent the initialization code from running more than once. To understand this, you need to know what Atomic actually does.
Let me pull out the old, tired "increment a shared counter" example. Imagine the following code is running on 2 threads:
i += 1
We all know what can go wrong here. You may end up with the following sequence of events:
Thread A reads i and increments it.
Thread B reads i and increments it.
Thread A writes its incremented value back to i.
Thread B writes its incremented value back to i.
So we lose an update, right? But what if we store the counter value in an atomic reference, and use Atomic#update? Then it would be like this:
Thread A reads i and increments it.
Thread B reads i and increments it.
Thread A tries to write its incremented value back to i, and succeeds.
Thread B tries to write its incremented value back to i, and fails, because the value has already changed.
Thread B reads i again and increments it.
Thread B tries to write its incremented value back to i again, and succeeds this time.
Do you get the idea? Atomic never stops 2 threads from running the same code at the same time. What it does do, is force some threads to retry the #update block when necessary, to avoid lost updates.
If your goal is to ensure that your initialization code will only ever run once, using Atomic is a very inappropriate choice. If anything, it could make it run more times, rather than less (due to retries).
So, that is that. But if you're still with me here, I am actually more concerned about whether your "client" objects are themselves thread-safe. Do they have any mutable state? Since you are caching them, it seems that initializing them must be slow. Be that as it may, if you use locks to make them thread-safe, you may not be gaining anything from caching and sharing them between threads. Your "multi-threaded" server may be reduced to what is effectively an unnecessarily complicated, single-threaded server.
If the client objects have no mutable state, good for you. You can be "free and easy" and share them between threads with no problems. If they do have mutable state, but initializing them is slow, then I would recommend caching one object per thread, so they are never shared. Thread[] is your friend there.

One variable shared across all forked instances?

I have a Perl script that forks itself repeatedly. I wish to gather statistics about each forked instance: whether it passed or failed and how many instances there were in total. For this task, is there a way to create a variable that is shared across all instances?
My perl version is v5.8.8.
You should use IPC in some shape or form, most typically a shared memory segment with a semaphore guarding access to it. Alternatively, you could use some kind of hybrid memory/disk database where access API would handle concurrent access for you but this might be an overkill. Finally, you could use a file with record locking.
IPC::Shareable does what you literally ask for. Each process will have to take care to lock and unlock a shared hash (for example), but the data will appear to be shared across processes.
However, ordinary UNIX facilities provide easier ways (IMHO) of collecting worker status and count. Have every process write ($| = 1) "ok\n" or "not ok\n" when it END{}s, for example, and make sure that they are writing to a FIFO as comparatively short writes will not be interleaved. Then capture that output (e.g., ./ | tee /tmp/my.log) and you're done. Another approach would have them record their status in simple files — open(my $status, '>', "./status.$$") — in a directory specially prepared for this.

Is it ok to create shared variables inside a thread?

I think this might be a fairly easy question.
I found a lot of examples using threads and shared variables but in no example a shared variable was created inside a thread. I want to make sure I don't do something that seems to work and will break some time in the future.
The reason I need this is I have a shared hash that maps keys to array refs. Those refs are created/filled by one thread and read/modified by another (proper synchronization is assumed). In order to store those array refs I have to make them shared too. Otherwise I get the error Invalid value for shared scalar.
Following is an example:
my %hash :shared;
my $t1 = threads->create(
sub { my #ar :shared = (1,2,3); $hash{foo} = \#ar });
my $t2 = threads->create(
sub { print Dumper(\%hash) });
This works as expected: The second thread sees the changes the first made. But does this really hold under all circumstances?
Some clarifications (regarding Ian's answer):
I have one thread A reading from a pipe and waiting for input. If there is any, thread A will write this input in a shared hash (it maps scalars to hashes... those are the hashes that need to be declared shared as well) and continues to listen on the pipe. Another thread B gets notified (via cond_wait/cond_signal) when there is something to do, works on the stuff in the shared hash and deletes the appropriate entries upon completion. Meanwhile A can add new stuff to the hash.
So regarding Ian's question
[...] Hence most people create all their shared variables before starting any sub-threads.
Therefore even if shared variables can be created in a thread, how useful would it be?
The shared hash is a dynamically growing and shrinking data structure that represents scheduled work that hasn't yet been worked on. Therefore it makes no sense to create the complete data structure at the start of the program.
Also the program has to be in (at least) two threads because reading from the pipe blocks of course. Furthermore I don't see any way to make this happen without sharing variables.
The reason for a shared variable is to share. Therefore it is likely that you will wish to have more than one thread access the variable.
If you create your shared variable in a sub-thread, how will you stop other threads accessing it before it has been created? Hence most people create all their shared variables before starting any sub-threads.
Therefore even if shared variables can be created in a thread, how useful would it be?
(PS, I don’t know if there is anything in perl that prevents shared variables being created in a thread.)
PS A good design will lead to very few (if any) shared variables
This task seems like a good fit for the core module Thread::Queue. You would create the queue before starting your threads, push items on with the reader, and pop them off with the processing thread. You can use the blocking dequeue method to have the processing thread wait for input, avoiding the need for signals.
I don't feel good answering my own question but I think the answers so far don't really answer it. If something better comes along, I'd be happy to accept that. Eric's answer helped though.
I now think there is no problem with sharing variables inside threads. The reasoning is: Threads::Queue's enqueue() method shares anthing it enqueues. It does so with shared_clone. Since enqueuing should be good from any thread, sharing should too.

Thread-safety and concurrent modification of a table in SQLite3

Does thread-safety of SQLite3 mean different threads can modify the same table of a database concurrently?
No - SQLite does not support concurrent write access to the same database file. SQLite will simply block one of the transactions until the other one has finished.
note that if you're using python, to access a sqlite3 connection from different threads you need to disable the check_same_thread argument, e.g:
sqlite.connect(":memory:", check_same_thread = False)
as of the 24th of may 2010, the docs omit this option. the omission is listed as a bug here
Not necessarily. If sqlite3 is compiled with the thread safe macro (check via the int sqlite3_threadsafe(void) function), then you can try to access the same DB from multiple threads without the risk of corruption. Depending on the lock(s) required, however, you may or may not be able to actually modify data (I don't believe sqlite3 supports row locking, which means that to write, you'll need to get a table lock). However, you can try; if one threads blocks, then it will automatically write as soon as the other thread finishes with the DB.
You can use SQLite in 3 different modes:
If you decide to multi-thread mode or serialized mode, you can easy use SQLite in multi-thread application.
In those situations you can read from all your threads simultaneously anyway. If you need to write simultaneously, the opened table will be lock automatycally for current writing thread and unlock after that (next thread will be waiting (mutex) for his turn until the table will be unlocked). In all those cases, you need to create separate connection string for every thread (.NET Data.Sqlite.dll). If you're using other implementation (e.g. any Android wrapper) sometimes the things are different.
