How to use a Service Worker With BASIC Authentication (NTLM, Negotiate) - ntlm

I have been trying to use a service worker within a IIS hosted web site that caches some of the static content of the site. The site is an internal application that uses Windows Authentication. I have been able to register and run a service worker without too much hassle, but as soon as I open the caches and start adding files to the cache, the promise fails with an authorisation failure. the returned HTTP result is 401 Unauthorised. This is the usual response for the first few requests until the browser and the server are able to negotiate the authorisation.
I will post some code soon that should help with the explanation.
var staticCacheName = 'app-static-v1';
console.log("I AM ALIVE");
this.addEventListener('install', function (event) {
console.log("AND I INSTALLED!!!!");
var urlsToCache = [
//...many js files to cache
event.waitUntil( (cache) {
}).catch(function (error) {

This is just a guess, given the lack of code, but if you're doing something like:'my-cache').then(cache => {
return cache.add('page1.html'); // Or caches.addAll(['page1.html, page2.html']);
you're taking advantage of the implicit Request object creation (see section that happens when you pass in a string to cache.add()/cache.addAll(). The Request object that's created uses the default credentials mode, which is 'omit'.
What you can do instead is explicitly construct a Request object containing the credentials mode you'd prefer, which in your case would likely be 'same-origin':'my-cache').then(cache => {
return cache.add(new Request('page1.html', {credentials: 'same-origin'}));
If you had a bunch of URLs that you were passing an array to cache.addAll(), you can .map() them to a corresponding array of Requests:
var urls = ['page1.html', 'page2.html'];'my-cache').then(cache => {
return cache.addAll( => new Request(url, {credentials: 'same-origin'})));


How can I prevent my ServiceWorker from intercepting cross-origin requests?

I am trying to clean up some code on my application
I am using a ServiceWorker to enable the application to run offline -- however, I noticed that the ServiceWorker is intercepting cross-origin requests to The app makes these cross origin requests as a part of its normal operation.
You can see here how I am registering the ServiceWorker:
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js', {scope: "/"}).then(
(reg) => {
And inside the serviceworker.js code, I manually avoid caching any requests to
return fetch(event.request).then(response => {
const url = new URL(event.request.url);
const isServerStorage = url.pathname.startsWith('/storage');
const isVersion = url.pathname == "/version";
const isBackblaze ='');
const isPut = event.request.method == "PUT";
if(!isServerStorage && !isVersion && !isBackblaze && !isPut) {
... // cache the response
However, this seems silly, I wish there was a way to limit the ServiceWorker to only intercept requests for the current origin.
I already tried inserting the origin into the scope property during registration, but this didn't work:
navigator.serviceWorker.register('/serviceworker.js', {scope: window.location.origin}).then(
(reg) => {
It was behaving the same way. I am assuming that perhaps this is because there are CORS headers present on the responses from, making those requests "technically" within the "scope" of the current origin ?
One idea I had, I could serve a permanent redirect from / to /static/index.html and then configure the serviceworker with a scope of /static, meaning it would only cache resources in that folder. But that seems like an ugly hack I should not have to do.
Is there a clean and "correct" way to do this??
As far as I can tell, the answer is, you can't do this. the serviceworker api won't let you.
Someone explained it to me as "the scope for the serviceworker limits where FROM the requests can be intercepted, not where TO the requests can be intercepted. So in otherwords, if I register a serviceworker at /app/, then a javascript from / or /foo/ will be able to make requests without them being intercepted.
It turns out that actually what I REALLY needed was to understand how service worker error handling works.
In the old version of my app, when the fetch() promise rejected, my code would return null.
return fetch(event.request).then(response => {
}).catch( e => {
return null;
This was bad news bears and it was causing me to want to skip the serviceworker. what I didn't understand was; its not the serviceworkers fault per se as much as the fact that my serviceworker did not handle errors correctly. So the solution was to handle errors better.
This is what I did. I introduced a new route on the server called /error that always returns the string "serviceworker request failed".
http.HandleFunc("/error", func(response http.ResponseWriter, request *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprint(response, "serviceworker request failed")
And then I made sure to cache that endpoint when the service worker is installed.
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
event.waitUntil(clients.get(event.clientId).then(client => {
return => {
return cache.addAll([
Finally, when the serviceworker fetch() promise rejects, I fall back to returning the cached version.
return fetch(event.request).then(response => {
}).catch( e => {
return caches.match('/error');
I got the idea from the MDN serviceworker example project which does a similar thing and simply returns a cached image of darth vader if the fetch() promise rejects.
This allowed me to gracefully handle these errors and retry instead of silently failing. I simply had to make sure that my code does the right thing when it encounters an http response that matches the literal string "serviceworker request failed".
const requestFailedBytes = app.sjcl.codec.bytes.fromBits(app.sjcl.codec.utf8String.toBits("serviceworker request failed"));
var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.onloadend = () => {
if(app.cryptoService.uint8ArrayEquals(new Uint8Array(httpRequest.response), requestFailedBytes)) {
The fetch event in the service worker has a property on the request called "mode." This property allows you to check if the mode was set to "cors."
Here is an example of how to prevent cors requests.
self.addEventListener('fetch', (e) =>
if(e.request.method !== 'GET')
return false;
if(e.request.mode === 'navigate')
return false;
else if(e.request.mode === 'cors')
return false;
const response = this.fetchFile(e);

How to query the gitlab API from the browser?

Just to give some context, I'd like to implement a blog with gitlab pages, so I want to use snippets to store articles and comments. The issue is that querying the API from the browser triggers a CORS error. Here is the infamous code:
const postJson = function(url, body) {
const client = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url);
client.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
client.onreadystatechange = () => {
if (client.readyState === 4) {
client.status === 200
? resolve(client.responseText)
: reject({status: client.status, message: client.statusText, response: client.responseText})
postJson('', `query {
project(fullPath: "Boiethios/test") {
snippets {
nodes {
blob {
}`).then(console.log, console.error);
That makes perfect sense, because it would allow to fraudulently use the user's session.
There are several options:
Ideally, I would like to have an option to disable all form of authentication (particularly the session), so I could only access the information that is public for everybody.
I could use a personal access token, but I'm not comfortable with this, because the scopes are not fine-grained at all, and leaking such a PAT would allow everybody to see everything in my account. (doesn't work)
I could use OAuth2 to ask for every reader the authorization to access their gitlab account, but nobody wants to authenticate to read something.
I could create a dummy account, and then create a PAT. That's the best IMO, but that adds some unnecessary complexity. (doesn't work)
What is to correct way to query the gitlab API from the browser?
After some research, I have found this way to get the articles and the comments. The CORS policy was triggered because of the POST request with a JSON content. A mere GET request does not have this restriction.
I could recover the information in 2 times:
I created a dummy account, so that I could have a token to query the API for my public information only,
Then I used the API V4 instead of the GraphQL one:
// Gets the snippets information:
.then(response => response.json())
// Gets the comments of a snippet:
.then(response => response.json())

What is the reason for using GET instead of POST in this instance?

I'm walking through the Javascript demos of pg-promise-demo and I have a question about the route /api/users/:name.
Running this locally works, the user is entered into the database, but is there a reason this wouldn't be a POST? Is there some sort of advantage to creating a user in the database using GET?
// index.js
// --------
app.get('/api/users/:name', async (req, res) => {
try {
const data = (req) => {
return db.task('add-user', async (t) => {
const user = await t.users.findByName(;
return user || t.users.add(;
} catch (err) {
// do something with error
For brevity I'll omit the code for t.users.findByName(name) and t.users.add(name) but they use QueryFile to execute a SQL command.
EDIT: Update link to pg-promise-demo.
The reason is explained right at the top of that file:
Do not re-use the HTTP-service part of the code from here!
It is an over-simplified HTTP service with just GET handlers, because:
This demo is to be tested by typing URL-s manually in the browser;
The focus here is on a proper database layer only, not an HTTP service.
I think it is pretty clear that you are not supposed to follow the HTTP implementation of the demo, rather its database layer only. The demo's purpose is to teach you how to organize a database layer in a large application, and not how to develop HTTP services.

How to implement this in nodejs?

I am new to nodejs and working on a proof of concept just for fun.
I have a cloud directory of user information (like username, password and other info). This cloud directory can be used to authenticate a user only via restful API (i.e. no direct connectivity using LDAP or JDBC etc.).
To build an LDAP interface for this cloud directory. To start with I am interested only in authentication (LDAP bind).
Intended Flow:
LDAPClient initiates a standard LDAP simple BIND request:
Host: host where my nodejs app will run
Port: 1389 (port that my nodejs app will be bound to)
Username: a user from cloud directory
Password: user's password
This request is received by my NodeJS app (I am using ldapjs module).
// process ldap bind operation
myLdapServer.bind(searchBase, function (bindReq, bindRes, next) {
// bind creds
var userDn = req.dn.toString();
var userPw = req.credentials;
console.log('bind DN: ' + req.dn.toString());
Within the above callback, I must use http.request to fire a restful API (POST) to the cloud directory with the details I received from the BIND request (i.e. username, password).
If restful api response status is 200 (auth success), then I must return success to the LDAPClient, else I must return invalid credentials error.
return next();
Console.log("returning error");
return next(new ldap.InvalidCredentialsError());
Is this possible using NodeJS? Asking because of the nesting involved as evident above (calling of REST API from within a callback). Also since this is an authentication operation, this is meant to be a blocking operation(?)
Thanks Klvs, my solution is more or less like the one you posted. Please have a look at the snippet below:
// do the POST call from within callback
var postRequest = https.request(postOptions, function(postResponse) {
console.log("statusCode: ", postResponse.statusCode);
if(postResponse.statusCode!=200) {
console.log("cloud authentication failed: "+postResponse.statusCode);
return next(ldapModule.InvalidCredentialsError());
} else {
postResponse.on('data', function(d) {'POST result:\n');
process.stdout.write(d);'\n\nPOST completed');
return next();
// write json data
postRequest.on('error', function(e) {
console.error("postRequest error occured: "+e);
Successful authentication works fine, however, failed authentication does not send any response back to the LDAPClient at all. My client just times out instead of showing authentication failure error. I do see the "cloud authentication failed: " log message on the Node console, which means the below statement is not doing what I intend it do:
return next(ldapModule.InvalidCredentialsError());
Note that the above statement works when I remove the rest call etc, and just return the error back to the client.
Am I missing something?
Of course it's possible in nodejs. If I understand you want to make an authenticating request to a server and have it either fail or succeed.
const request = require('request')
// process ldap bind operation
myLdapServer.bind(searchBase, function (bindReq, bindRes, next) {
// bind creds
var userDn = req.dn.toString();
var userPw = req.credentials;
console.log('bind DN: ' + req.dn.toString());{username: userDn, password: userPw}, (err, res, body)=>{
if(err) {
console.log("returning error");
next(new ldap.InvalidCredentialsError());
} else {
Is that what you're looking for? If so, you just need to get accustom to callbacks.

How to include access-token in the HTTP header when requesting a new page from browser

The similar question was asked by someone else (here) but got no proper answer. Since this is basic and important for me (and maybe for someone else as well), I'm trying to ask here. I'm using Node.js+Express+EJS on the server side. I struggled to make the token authentication succeeded by using jsonwebtoken at the server and jQuery's ajax-jsonp at the web browser. Now after the token is granted and stored in the sessionStorage at the browser side, I can initiate another ajax request with the token included in the request header, to get the user's profile and display it somewhere in the 'current' page. But what I want is to display a new web page to show the user's profile instead of showing it in the 'current' page (the main/index page of the website). The question is:
How to initiate such an HTTP GET request, including the token in the HTTP header; and display the response as a new web page?
How the Node.js handle this? if I use res.render then where to put the js logic to verify the token and access the DB and generate the page contents?
Or, should we say the token mechanism is more suitable for API authentication than for normal web page authentication (where the web browser provides limited API)?
I think the answer to this question is important if we want to use the token mechanism as a general authentication since in the website scenario the contents are mostly organized as web pages at the server and the APIs at the client are provided by the browser.
By pure guess, there might be an alternative way, which the ajax success callback to create a new page from the current page with the response from the server, but I have no idea of how to realize that as well.
By calling bellow code successfully returned the HTML contents in customer_profile.ejs, but the client side ajax (obviously) rejected it.
exports.customer_profile = function (req, res) {
var token = req.headers.token;
var public_key = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve() + '/cert/public_key.pem');
var decoded = jwt.verify(token, public_key);
var sql = 'SELECT * FROM customer WHERE username = "' + decoded.sub + '"';
util.conn.query(sql, function (err, rows) {
if (!err) {
for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
res.render('customer_profile', {customer_profile: rows[i]});
I am trying to find a solution to this as well. Please note, I am using Firebase for some functionality, but I will try to document the logic as best as I can.
So far what I was able to figure out is the following:
Attach a custom header to the HTTP request client-side
// landing.js - main page script snippet
function loadPage(path) {
// Get current user's ID Token
.then(token => {
// Make a fetch request to 'path'
return fetch(`${window.location.origin}/${document.documentElement.lang}/${path}`, {
method: 'GET',
headers: {'X-Firebase-ID-Token': token} // Adds unverified token to a custom header
.then(response => {
// As noted below, this part I haven't solved yet.
// TODO: Open response as new webpage instead of displaying as data in existing one
return response.text();
.then(text => {
.catch(error => {
Verify the token according to your logic by retrieving the corresponding header value server-side
// app.js - main Express application server-side file
// First of all, I set up middleware on my application (and all other setup).
// getLocale - language negotiation.
// getContext - auth token verification if it is available and appends it to Request object for convenience
app.use('/:lang([a-z]{2})?', middleware.getLocale, middleware.getContext, routes);
// Receives all requests on optional 2 character route, runs middleware then passes to router "routes"
// middleware/index.js - list of all custom middleware functions (only getContext shown for clarity)
getContext: function(req, res, next) {
const idToken = req.header('X-Firebase-ID-Token'); // Retrieves token from header
if(!idToken) {
return next(); // Passes to next middleware if no token, terminates further execution
admin.auth().verifyIdToken(idToken, true) // If token provided, verify authenticity (Firebase is kind enough to do it for you)
.then(token => {
req.decoded_token = token; // Append token to Request object for convenience in further middleware
return next(); // Pass on further
.catch(error => {
console.log('Request not authorized', 401, error)
return next(); // Log error to server console, pass to next middleware (not interested in failing the request here as app can still work without token)
Render and send back the data
// routes/index.js - main router for my application mounted on top of /:lang([a-z]{2})? - therefore routes are now relative to it
// here is the logic for displaying or not displaying the page to the user
router.get('/console', middleware.getTranslation('console'), (req, res) => {
if(req.decoded_token) { // if token was verified successfully and is appended to req
res.render('console', responseObject); // render the console.ejs with responseObject as the data source (assume for now that it contains desired DB data)
} else {
res.status(401).send('Not authorized'); // else send 401 to user
As you can see I was able to modularize the code and make it neat and clear bu use of custom middleware. It is right now a working API returning data from the server with the use of authentication and restricted access
What I have not solved yet:
As mentioned above, the solution uses fetch API and result of the request is data from server (html) and not a new page (i.e when following an anchor link). Meaning the only way with this code now is to use DOM manipulation and setting response as innerHTML to the page. MDN suggests that you can set 'Location' header which would display a new URL in the browser (the one you desire to indicate). This means that you practically achieved what both, you and I wanted, but I still can't wrap my head around how to show it the same way browser does when you follow a link if you know what I mean.
Anyways, please let me know what you think of this and whether or not you were able to solve it from the part that I haven't yet
