Pre-populating Template Default Tabs with REST API - docusignapi

Unable to pre-populate default tabs for Company and Title, but textTabs user_name works just fine. I can also change locked property of the fields but not the value.
params = {
"accountId" : ACCOUNT_ID,
"emailSubject": "Test Sign",
"emailBlurb": "Auto generated",
"templateId": POWERFORM_ID,
"templateRoles": [{
"clientUserId" : str(user_id),
"roleName": "Recipient",
"name": name,
"email": email,
'company': 'test',
'Company': 'test21',
"tabs": {
"companyTabs": [{
"tabLabel": "Company",
"value": 'this is a test',
"textTabs": [{
"tabLabel": "user_name",
"value": user_name,
"titleTabs": [{
"value": title,
"required": "true",
"tabLabel": "Title",

The Original Poster is correct in his answer. I'm expanding on it:
The list of tabs and their descriptions.
Some tabs enable values to be entered by the signer. Those tabs' values can be preset either through the web browser or via the API.
Other tab types use information that is already "known" by the DocuSign platform. These tabs cannot have their value updated on a per-tab basis by the API or via the browser. In some cases, the info might be settable using a different technique. Eg, the Full name tab uses the signer's name, which is set elsewhere in the request.
Here is the list of tabs and whether you can set their values in the tab definition or not:
Approve Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the recipient to approve documents in an envelope without placing a signature or initials on the document. If the recipient clicks the Approve tab during the signing process, the recipient is considered to have signed the document. No information is shown on the document for the approval, but it is recorded as a signature in the envelope history.
Checkbox Tab: [Can set value] Place this tab on the document in a location where the recipient can select a yes/no (on/off) type option.
Company Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the recipient’s company name to appear.
Date Signed Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the date the recipient signed the document to automatically appear.
Date Tab: [Can set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the recipient to enter a date. Date tabs are single-line fields that allow date information to be entered in any format. The tooltip for this tab recommends entering the date as MM/DD/YYYY, but this is not enforced. The format entered by the signer is retained. If you need a particular date format enforced, DocuSign recommends using a Text tab with a Validation Pattern and Validation Message to enforce the format.
Decline Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want to give the recipient the option of declining an envelope. If the recipient clicks the Decline tab during the signing process, the envelope is voided.
Email Tab: [Can set value] This is a single-line fields that accepts any characters.
Email Address Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on a document where you want the recipient's email, as entered in the recipient information, to appear.
Envelope ID Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the envelope ID for to appear. Recipients cannot enter or change the information in this tab, it is for informational purposes only.
First Name Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on a document where you want the recipient's first name to appear. This tab takes the recipient's name, as entered in the recipient information, splits it into sections based on spaces and uses the first section as the first name.
Formula Tab: [Can set value (via formula field)] This tab is used to add a calculated field to a document. Envelope recipients cannot directly enter information into the tab; the formula tab calculates and displays a new value when changes are made to the reference tab values. The reference tab information and calculation operations are entered in the "formula" element. See the Using the Calculated Fields Feature quick start guide or DocuSign Service User Guide for more information about formulas.
Full Name Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the recipient’s name to appear.
Initial Here Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab where the recipient must initial the document. This tab can be set to be optional.
Last Name Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on a document where you want the recipient's last name to appear. This tab takes the recipient's name, as entered in the recipient information, splits it into sections based on spaces and uses the last section as the last name.
List Tab: [Can set value] This tab has a list of options that a recipient can select. The listItems parameter is used to set the options that can be selected.
Note Tab: [Can set value] Place this tab on the document where you want to add a note for the recipient on a document.
Number Tab: [Can set value] This tab is a field where the recipient can enter numbers and decimal (.) points.
Radio Group Tab: [Can set value] This group tab is used to place radio buttons on a document. The radios parameter is used to add and place the radio buttons associated with the group and only one radio button can be selected in a group.
Sign Here Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab where the recipient must sign the document. This tab can be set to be optional.
Signer Attachment Tab: [Can’t set value] The signer attachment is where the recipient initiates the process of adding supporting documents to an envelope.
SSN Tab: [Can set value] This tab is a single-line field where the recipient can enter numbers. A SSN can be typed with or without dashes.
Text Tab: [Can set value] This tab is a field where the recipient can enter any type of characters.
Title Tab: [Can’t set value] Place this tab on the document where you want the recipient’s title to appear.
Zip Tab: [Can set value] This tab is a single-line field where the recipient can enter numbers.

The documentation is not clear about this but I will assume default tabs can not be edited and are pre-filled from envelope or user's account. Only textFields seem editable.


DocuSign Envelope draft tab values not showing up initially after populating data

We are using the DocuSign API to update the text tab values of a draft envelope that was created from a template so that once the envelope status is updated to 'sent' and the envelope is sent off to the first signer, the signer sees the values that were added to the text tabs (the values will be locked). When we test this out and the envelope is sent to the signer, the text tabs are initially empty and only once they click "Finish" and the envelope is sent to the other signers does the values that were used show as expected to the other signers.
Ideally, we'd like this first signer to be able to view the populated values to make sure they are correct before it gets sent to the next signer. Below is the request body we are sending to /envelopes/{ENVELOPE_ID}/recipients/{RECIPIENT_ID}/tabs to update the values.
Any ideas why the text tabs values start off as blank? When we do the same thing for auto-placed tabs on an uploaded document (so not a template), everything works fine.
"value":"John Doe",
Sounds like you're looking for Settings > Sending Settings > When an envelope is sent, write the initial value of the field for all recipients.

Same text tab for multiple signers

Is it possible for two or more signers to share the same text tab, so that either of them can complete the tab, but if the first signer completes the tab the second signer can edit the entered value, and if the first signer didn't enter a value the second signer can? I'm trying to do this with tabs positioned by anchor text, but at signing time the second signer sees an empty text entry block positioned on top of whatever the first signer entered, rather than seeing a text block filled with the previous entry.
Ideally, I'd like to make it so this is a required tab for the envelope as a whole, but optional for any individual signer -- that is, one of the signers has to fill this in, but we don't care which.
Set the property textTab.Shared = true so that all recipients can view and edit the tab value.
Documentation here
Making TextTab mandatory for a specific signer
textTab.required = true
Other signers can still edit the textTab if shared=true, but it will not be mandatory for other signers.
Making TextTab Mandatory for all Signers
shared = true
requireAll = true

DocuSign api - checkbox tab original vs new value for completed envelope

I'm using REST api for getting envelope tabs for completed envelope. Text tabs have "original value" and "value" to determine if the tab was modified. How to determine if a checkbox tab was modified by recipient? I can see the final value of the checkbox, but there is no indication that it was modified (sender can check it before sending envelope). Same for radio group tabs as well. The changes show up as highlighted in "View Data Changes" for the completed envelope. How to determine which checkbox/radiogroup tabs were updated by recipient, using REST api?
The Rest API hasn't exposed such functionality to check who modified the Tab Value

Docusign How to set a locked tag view by all recipients

I want to create tags that are view by all recipients, but at the same time are locked.
For example, A document with 4 recipients (3 signers and 1 CC) send in orders 1,2,3,4. I want a tag allowing the sender to enter the contract unit price, obviously the sender wants to allow all recipients be able to see the tag with the contract price, but do not wan any of the recipients manipulating or changing the data.
I considered using the NOTE tag or is better to use a regular text tag with the Edit by All feature on but with the data in lock mode?
Set the "Display SecureField initial value to all recipients" account setting to CHECKED in order for all recipients to see the value populated in these tabs. Mark the tabs as 'locked' in order to prevent any of the recipients from editing the values.

Extracting Attachments from Signer Attachment Tabs

We have created a new template with option to add Attachments using Signer Attachment tabs.
Please let us know how we can programmatically retrieve the Attached files from the envelope using API, we tried using RequestDocumentPDFs() method, but it doesn’t provide us to which “Signer Attachment” tab the document belongs to, since we have multiple “Signer Attachment” tabs.
Option A (Checkbox 1 tab) – If the user selects, we will ask “Signer Attachment 1” tab to upload the related document.
Option B (Checkbox 2 tab) – If the user selects, we will ask “Signer Attachment 2” tab to upload the related document.
Option C (Checkbox 3 tab) – If the user selects, we will ask “Signer Attachment 3” tab to upload the related document.
It doesn't appear that DocuSign gives you a way to programmatically correlate an attached file with the specific Attachment tab that was used to supply the attachment. However, in the specific scenario that you describe it seems like you could get the info you need not by evaluating the attached document, but by instead evaluating the checkbox tabs:
If Option A (Checkbox 1 tab) is selected, then the attachment supplied by the signer correlates to Signer Attachment 1 tab.
If Option B (Checkbox 2 tab) is selected, then the attachment
supplied by the signer correlates to Signer Attachment 2 tab.
If Option C (Checkbox 3 tab) is selected, then the attachment
supplied by the signer correlates to Signer Attachment 3 tab.
This approach would suffice for the (simple) scenario that you describe, but obviously would be insufficient in cases where you are collecting multiple attachments in various places throughout the envelope.
