I'm unable to use other fonts than the standard one in rrdgraph.
It may have to do with the fact, that this Alpine has no GUI (all the X-stuff), I don't know.
I found this issue https://bugs.alpinelinux.org/issues/1475 dealing with missing fonts, but installing those packages doesn't help.
This is my Dockerfile
FROM alpine:3.3
RUN apk --update add \
build-base python-dev \
ca-certificates python \
py-pip \
py-jinja2 \
py-dateutil \
py-tz \
py-requests \
py-pillow \
py-rrd && \
pip install --upgrade arrow \
websocket-client \
XlsxWriter && \
apk del build-base python-dev && \
rm -rf /var/cache/apk/* && \
echo "iot"
CMD ["/bin/sh"]
I added those font packages manually later on with a docker exec -it iot /bin/sh
I tried stuff like
# rrd_graph_fmt += ["--font", "LEGEND:8:'/home/user/data/fonts/Roboto-Regulars.ttf'"]
# rrd_graph_fmt += ["--font", "LEGEND:8:font-sony-misc"]
but it just doesn't work. I'm not even sure how to change the font globally by using environment variables. I tried (some stuff on the web with the env vars), but it didn't work.
I'd really love to use ttf fonts, but would settle with those in the packages if neccessary.
I'm using the rrdtool lib from the py-rrd package.
Does anyone have an idea on how to get this working?
RRDtool uses fontconfig to access fonts ... to see what fonts are available on your system you can use
to configure where fontconfig should look for fonts, you may want to edit /etc/fonts/... or ~/.fonts.conf.d in your homedirectory.
To refresh the list of fonts, run
Note that font support is independent of X11.
I have changed my image in docker from Alpine base image to node:14.16-buster, While running the code I am getting 'apk not found' error.
Sharing the codes snippet :
FROM node:14.16-buster
# ========= steps for Oracle instant client installation (start) ===============
RUN apk --no-cache add libaio libnsl libc6-compat curl && \
cd /tmp && \
curl -o instantclient-basiclite.zip https://download.oracle.com/otn_software/linux/instantclient/instantclient-basiclite-linuxx64.zip -SL && \
unzip instantclient-basiclite.zip && \
mv instantclient*/ /usr/lib/instantclient && \
rm instantclient-basiclite.zip
Can you please help here, what do I need to change?
The issue comes from the fact that you're changing your base image from Alpine based to Debian based.
Debian based Linux distributions use apt as their package manager (Alpine uses apk).
That is the reason why you get apk not found. Use apt install, but also keep in mind that the package names could differ and you might need to look that up. After all, apt is a different piece of software with it's own capabilities.
Buster images are based on the Debian version.
It doesn't support the APK default package manger is APT
For example you can do :
FROM node:15.14.0-buster-slim
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y \
curl \
jq \
git \
wget \
openssl \
bash \
tar \
net-tools && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
RUN mkdir /app && \
chown node:node /app
APK is part of the Linux alpine version you have to change the base version if you want to use the APK.
The buster node images are Debian based. buster is the release name for Debian 10 (11 will be bullseye).
Debian uses APT for packaging. apt-get can be used from scripts
apt-get update && apt-get install libaio1 curl
libnsl2 is not available in Buster, but you might not need it
I am trying to build a dockerfile but the problem is when it trying to build specifically cryptography is not building.
MY Dockerfile
FROM python:3.7-alpine
RUN apk update \
# psycopg2 dependencies
&& apk add --virtual build-deps gcc python3-dev musl-dev\
&& apk add postgresql-dev \
&& apk add build-base \
# Pillow dependencies
&& apk add jpeg-dev zlib-dev freetype-dev lcms2-dev openjpeg-dev tiff-dev tk-dev tcl-dev \
# CFFI dependencies
&& apk add libffi-dev py-cffi \
# Translations dependencies
&& apk add gettext \
# https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/django-admin/#dbshell
&& apk add postgresql-client \
# cairo
&& apk add cairo cairo-dev pango-dev gdk-pixbuf-dev poppler-utils
# fonts for weasyprint
RUN mkdir ~/.fonts
COPY ./fonts/* /root/.fonts/
# secret key (should be in docker-secrets, or we need to run minikube locally
RUN mkdir /etc/secrets
COPY secret.readme proxy_rsa_key* /etc/secrets/
# Requirements are installed here to ensure they will be cached.
COPY ./requirements /requirements
RUN pip install -r /requirements/local.txt
COPY ./compose/local/django/entrypoint /entrypoint
RUN sed -i 's/\r//' /entrypoint
RUN chmod +x /entrypoint
COPY ./compose/local/django/start /start
RUN sed -i 's/\r//' /start
RUN chmod +x /start
COPY ./compose/local/django/celery/worker/start /start-celeryworker
RUN sed -i 's/\r//' /start-celeryworker
RUN chmod +x /start-celeryworker
COPY ./compose/local/django/celery/beat/start /start-celerybeat
RUN sed -i 's/\r//' /start-celerybeat
RUN chmod +x /start-celerybeat
COPY ./compose/local/django/celery/flower/start /start-flower
RUN sed -i 's/\r//' /start-flower
RUN chmod +x /start-flower
ENTRYPOINT ["/entrypoint"]
when I try to build my dockerfile it shows:
Building wheel for cryptography (PEP 517): finished with status 'error'
ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1:
error: Can not find Rust compiler
ERROR: Failed building wheel for cryptography
I tried to solve but i couldn't. I am newbie in docker.Please help how to get rid of this problem.
cryptography < 3.5:
You can skip the rust installation and other related dependencies by adding the line below before apk add commands:
cryptography >= 3.5: Thanks #riptusk331
After this version rust will be required. Either install a specific version <3.5 or follow cryptography installation instructions. It is stated in the attached link that they are very aggressively explained in the docs.
Since the error is...
error: Can not find Rust compiler
...the solution is to install the rust compiler. You'll also need
cargo, the Rust package manager, and it looks like your Dockerfile
is missing openssl-dev.
The following builds successfully for me:
FROM python:3.7-alpine
RUN apk add --update \
build-base \
cairo \
cairo-dev \
cargo \
freetype-dev \
gcc \
gdk-pixbuf-dev \
gettext \
jpeg-dev \
lcms2-dev \
libffi-dev \
musl-dev \
openjpeg-dev \
openssl-dev \
pango-dev \
poppler-utils \
postgresql-client \
postgresql-dev \
py-cffi \
python3-dev \
rust \
tcl-dev \
tiff-dev \
tk-dev \
RUN pip install cryptography
Note that the above apk add ... command line is largely the same as
what you've got; I've just simplified the multiple apk add ...
statements into a single apk add execution.
pip install -U pip is what all I had to do
Some people might come here (Like I did) looking for a fix just for Python, not necessarily Alpine.
Several options are available, mentioned in the github issue. (only pick one of these)
You can install rust, as another answer mentioned
You can downgrade your cryptography version to 3.4.x
You can upgrade to pip version 19.1.1 or higher, which installs precompiled packages
I faced the same issue and in order to resolve it I tried out the following:
Answer provided by #larsks. RUN apk add cargo openssl-dev helped. But this resulted in a huge image size for me (>1GB). Best practice is to always target the bare-minimum with a small image size. This way, we don't expose ourselves to any external vulnerabilities.
Answer provided by Sabri Özgür, ENV CRYPTOGRAPHY_DONT_BUILD_RUST=1. This worked great!
Based on the comment added by #riptusk331 for the earlier answer, simply ignoring the Rust build may only work for now, as Cryptography 3.5+ will start requiring Rust.
My solution just to be safe was;
RUN pip install cryptography==3.4.6
This way, I managed to keep the image size at a considerably lower value while getting the build to pass.
Editing pyvenv.cfg by adding in my .env:
then doing pip install cryptography, solved my issue.
I have been using DEFAULT_GPU_IMAGE as my base image in Azure ML but now it started throwing the
ImportError: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory error when importing opencv.
Some answers here on stackoverflow say i need to run apt-get update on the image. specifically:
RUN apt-get update ##[edited]
RUN apt-get install 'ffmpeg'\
'libxext6' -y
Would you know where can i find the docker file to add the lines to or is there a way to patch the image during the deployment of the AKS service? (same way as pip and conda packages are possible to be installed during the deployment)
The base images for AzureML containers can be found in this github project.
This page also contains detailed documentation for the images.
Alternatively you can use "docker inspect" to get details of the image.
For example: docker inspect mcr.microsoft.com/azureml/base-gpu:latest
Then in the base image like this dockerfile just add packages you need along with other dependencies like in this:
# custom packages <------
apt-get install -y \
ffmpeg \
libsm6 \
libxext6 && \
# Install Common Dependencies
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends \
# SSH and RDMA
libmlx4-1 \
libmlx5-1 \
librdmacm1 \
libibverbs1 \
libmthca1 \
libdapl2 \
dapl2-utils \
openssh-client \
openssh-server \
iproute2 && \
# custom packages <------
apt-get install -y \
ffmpeg \
libsm6 \
libxext6 && \
# Others
apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
I am trying to take screenshot of my website inside puppetter, but the font is not printed properly, I am using a custom font. I am not sure if this line of code is not executing inside puppetter!
<link href="//fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Poppins:300,400,500,600,700%7CRoboto:300,400,500,600,700" rel="stylesheet">
I have tried to wait until document's font is ready, but still not working, the font still not applied
await page.evaluateHandle('document.fonts.ready');
I am using puppeteer built-in chromium browser.
I am using docker-compose, and I am giving sys_admin to cap_addattribute to this service .
Here is my dockerfile
FROM node:10.7.0-alpine AS base
ENV CHROME_BIN="/usr/bin/chromium-browser" \
RUN set -x \
&& apk update \
&& apk upgrade \
&& apk add --no-cache \
udev \
ttf-freefont \
chromium \
&& npm install puppeteer#1.10.0
RUN mkdir -p /app
COPY ./ /app/
CMD ["start"]
This is how it looks like inside docker
That is how the font in chrome
I post an issue on puppetter github account, and they said, it's probably chromium doesn't provide full support for all Arabic font, and they suggest to install chrome inside the container.
FROM node:10-slim
# Install latest chrome dev package and fonts to support major charsets (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai and a few others)
# Note: this installs the necessary libs to make the bundled version of Chromium that Puppeteer
# installs, work.
RUN wget -q -O - https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add - \
&& sh -c 'echo "deb [arch=amd64] http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list' \
&& apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y google-chrome-unstable fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst fonts-freefont-ttf \
--no-install-recommends \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
I use VIM a lot, and have previously been able to get +xterm_clipboard support working by using a script provided in a separate post on StackOverflow. I've re-installed Ubuntu on my machine, and have since migrated from Ubuntu 14.04.4 LTS (Wily) to Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial).
# Get the compile-dependencies of vim
sudo apt-get build-dep vim
# If you haven't got mercurial, get it
sudo apt-get install mercurial
# Get the source
hg clone https://vim.googlecode.com/hg/ vim_source
# Compile it
cd vim_source
./configure \
--enable-perlinterp=dynamic \
--enable-pythoninterp=dynamic \
--enable-rubyinterp=dynamic \
--enable-cscope \
--enable-gui=auto \
--enable-gtk2-check \
--enable-gnome-check \
--with-features=huge \
--with-x \
--with-compiledby="Your Name <youremail#domain.com>" \
make && sudo make install
However, this no longer works, and I can't make use of ",+,y to yank buffers to the system clipboard. I don't see anything obvious in the .configure output, but vim --version always shows -xterm_clipboard when I build it. How do I fix this?
You should have noticed that the source is no longer hosted on Google code via mercurial (hg) anymore, and has migrated to GitHub in the error messages generated by the provided script.
You'll need to use the new source tree, git, and some developer libraries will need to be installed in advance.
Code Listing (Updated for Ubuntu 18.04 and onward)
# Get the compile-dependencies of vim
sudo apt-get -y build-dep vim
# Install the "checkinstall" tool so the "make install" step is
# wrapped and the result is a .deb file that can be removed later by
# your package manager rather than having to hunt down every file deployed
# by "make install", which might not be possible if it overwrites existing
# system files.
sudo apt-get -y install checkinstall
# Install python dev
sudo apt-get -y install python3-dev
# Install xorg dev
sudo apt-get -y install xorg-dev
# Install git
sudo apt-get -y install git
# Get the source
git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git vim_source
# Remove ./configure cache in case we have to run this twice due to permissions
# related issues.
rm vim_source/src/auto/config.cache
# Compile it
cd vim_source
make clean distclean
./configure \
--enable-perlinterp=yes \
--enable-python3interp=yes \
--enable-rubyinterp=yes \
--with-python3-command=python3.6 \
--with-python3-config-dir=$(python3.6-config --configdir) \
--enable-cscope \
--enable-gui=auto \
--enable-gtk2-check \
--enable-gnome-check \
--with-features=huge \
--with-x \
--with-compiledby="DevNull <darkstar#/dev/null>"
# Build quickly (parallel jobs).
make -j$(nproc)
# Need root to install
sudo checkinstall