Sharepoint to replace a fileshare - sharepoint

Is Sharepoint my best option to replace an aging network of fileshares? There's approx 1TB of data residing among 3 fileshares (1 DFS, 2 NAS boxes). A document management system is in place for new things - the file shares are now just read-only archives/legacy. Our users would simply need to be able to search for and open the documents.
Users are finding it difficult to locate their documents in the file shares and windows search does not often help. Sharepoint was suggested as something which would play nicely with Office documents (99% of the content) and have a good search facility.
Not being a Sharepoint Developer or having had any training on it, I'm getting a little lost. I have set up a test server to try it out using SP2013. I have managed to index each of my file shares and have created a search page. However, results aren't consistent with the indexted items. I assume I need to somehow get the relevant metadata from the files but I have no idea how to go about this.
Could anyone suggest some resources for help on this subject (my searches have mainly turned up paid-for Sharepoint addons or outdated blogs) and any experience of doing something similar? Also happy for any suggestions on ways to achieve this using other software/platforms.

I went with Microsoft Search Server 2010 in the end.

Sharepoint is basically optimized to be a document manager. I think you don't need to buy or donwload addons.
For your problem, metadata are the key! You need to properly specify the metadata.
I give you the theory of a plan document management in SharePoint 2013 :
A nice introduction to metadata :
Be careful to use the Microsoft documentation for the beginning. From my experience, its difficult to start with this documentation because you have several things in it. There is also good books/ebooks that you can find easily to start well, and probably more simplified than MS documentation.


Can someone point me the best way to integrate/connect sharepoint to TYPO3?

I'm currently working on a project requesting to integrate or connect Sharepoint to TYPO3.
Share point will somehow replace the fileadmin of TYPO3.
So what I mean by "integrate" or "connect" is the following points:
To display lists of documents from sharepoint on TYPO3 pages through the TYPO3 BE by using some tag or category. In short accessing sharepoints document in the TYPO3 BE.
To be able through TYPO3 to search documents from Sharepoint. And to filter them by type or category. And of course to display the results.
I found some references on the web.
The obvious one was the sharepoint connector SPTools of TYPOTYCOON but it seems dead as there are no fresh news on the website and no activity on the twitter account.
I found also two extensions on the TER (WSS/MOSS Reader and WSS/MOSS Writer) last uploaded December 2010. Surely outdated - Did anyone ever used them? have some feedback?
I found also some references about CMIS and the TYMIS extension but couldn't find it on the TER.
That's why I come to you, hoping you have some solution, useful feedback or lead at least...
Starting in TYPO3 6.0 the new File abstraction Layer (FAL) [1.] was introduced. This gives you the possibility to split the file storage from the files used in TYPO3. As the result fileadmin might contain any number of virtual mount points of any supported storage. Multiple (local, WebDAV) FAL drivers come preinstalled and there is an Amazon S3 driver at [2.]. I am not aware of any FAL driver development for Sharepoint. So this might be up to you to resolve, but these hints should get you started.

Determine How Much Space Each Site is Using - Windows Sharepoint Services

Our content database for WSS is growing out of control. I'd like to be able to do some reporting that will show which sites are using the most space, as well as what documents or document libraries are using the most storage space. These types of features doesn't appear to be built into Windows Sharepoint Services so I'll need a tool or some way to query for this information.
Thanks for any ideas.
There are multiple ways of getting the information, one of the easiest is most probably via this tool: SharePoint Space Monitor
(the link I had is now dead, but you can still find the software online)

SharePoint site space usage

I would like to find out how much space my group's SharePoint site uses (files + version history). However, I only have administrative access to my site, not the entire SharePoint instance, so I have to come up with my own solution. I'm interested in the total, but usage per individual file is also fine.
I've googled everything I could think of but couldn't find much that would help. SharePoint programming seems out of the question since I don't have access to the machine. SharePoint Web Services looked promising but none of the services provided seem to give me what I need. I also found a VBA library that lets me list the versions of a document: Office.DocumentLibraryVersion. However, this type does not include a "size" property - why not?
Anyway, I would be happy with either of the following solutions:
A library or API to be used from VBA, VB, or C# (or any other language, for that matter)
A SharePoint Web Service that provides file size/space usage information
A completely crazy script that uses http to iterate through all the folders/files/versions in the library and does insane pattern matching to figure out the size of each file, then adds them together and returns the grand total (SharePoint du)
I figured SO is the best forum for this question, but a non-programmatic solution is just as welcome. Basically, anything you can come up with would help. At this point, even "this is not possible" would be useful.
Thanks in advance.
There is a hidden page that does this... Cannot find it right now.
Check the 1033 directory and similar to /layouts/usage.aspx.
That page links to /layouts/storman.aspx. Unfortunately that page does not work if your site collection does not have a quota.
Go to Site Settings / Site Usage Report.
If what you are looking for is not there, I don't think you can do it with your level of access.
got to siote actions--> site administration-->site usage reports-->
you can get the site usgae report
if you want to get it in excel chart--> open your site in sharepoint designer-->site-->reports-->usage-->then you can get
usage summary
monthly summary
daily summary
daily page hits

To Create an Employee directory

We are researching the various options that exist in our environment to create an Employee Directory. We have a SharePoint portal, AD and recently moved from Lotus Notes to Exchange. Our current employee search is a custom Notes DB that has since been retired.
Since moving to SharePoint an year ago, we've used a custom list using SharePoint Profiles that are updated from AD. But the simple list interface isn't very user friendly and is very slow. Sone of the requirements include type-ahead, pictures, and details of skills/certifications and other demographic information etc. We are considering building an ASP.NET or SilverLight application that can consume the information in the SharePoint list. With the introduction of Outlook and the Global Address List, we are now wondering if it might be easier to build something within Outlook.
Has anybody traveled a similar path and what would you advice us to do?
Microsoft has a huge set of offerings for Collaboration and Social Computing in Sharepoint.
See this document, pages 8 and 9 for information about features related to an employee directory, including details of skills/certifications and other demographic information.
A la carte availability of individual features (such as People Profiles and People Search) and pricing may be an issue, but you may want to look into buying something rather than building it (if you can get the pieces you want for a price you can afford).
Sharepoint can connect with Outlook to keep the lists synchronized if you want to use outlook. And there are definitely a lot of different ways to change the way the lists are presented in the Sharepoint portal to make them more user-friendly. Having those details on the portal will certainly be a boon when combined with the powerful search and indexing features in SharePoint so you can identify employees based on their profile details easily.
We use the people search for this pretty effectively. We populate data in AD, then connect profile properties to AD attributes. That's only if you have MOSS, though. If you're working with WSS, you'll have to build something more custom.
One gotcha, though, is that the People Search out of the box doesn't easily do partial searches (i.e. searching for "john" doesn't match "johnson"). That's a big downer in my mind. You can use Ramon Scott's approach of a Content Editor Webpart with a form and some Javascript to work around it, and you can also get there via the advanced search box (albeit indirectly), but it sure would be nice if it were easy to make the default search box do partial name searches.
I recently just discoverd a somewhat easy visual basic script that draws information from the active directory where you can specify which OU to draw from where it displays all user information in a simple .HTM page. it includes a search bar, recognizes patterns (address) (company telephone number) etc... If you would like i can post it for you. you only need to fill in a few sections (display name for directory, OU, OU display, and tags) and you can always change the way things look too.
This should be taken care of by using the My Site feature that's available within SharePoint. You will then be able to search SharePoint users by skills, certifications, projects, and educational qualification.
Please refer to the SharePoint Planning and Deployment material on TechNet for more info.

Easiest way to extract SharePoint list data to a separate SQL Server table?

What is the easiest way to scrape extract SharePoint list data to a separate SQL Server table? One condition: you're in a work environment where you don't control the SQL Server behind the SharePoint Server, so you can't just pull from the UserData table.
Is there there any utilities that you can use to schedule a nightly extract?
Is Microsoft planning any improvement here for "SharePoint 4"?
Update Jan 06, 2009:
For servers where office is not installed you will need:
this download
There is a SSIS SharePoint task you can use to grab the data info a regular dataflow:
Scraping? As in screen scraping? Are you serious? ;)
2 Options
SharePoint Object Model -
SharePoint Web Services -
specifically the Lists web service
The web services is how Excel/Access communicate with SharePoint to integrate with its lists.
In fact a bit of Google foo gives these two results :-
Connecting SQL Reporting Services to a SharePoint List
Accessing SharePoint List Items with SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services
The 2 minute answer is to use Data Synchronisation Studio from Simego ( ) just point it at your List and database and it will sync all the changes.
There is an ADO.NET adapter for MOSS 2007/2010 and WSS 3.0/4.0 available which goes under the name Camelot .NET Connector for Microsoft SharePoint. It enables you to query lists in SharePoint through standard SQL language, using SharePoint as a data layer.
Besides from the connector, there will be a large number of open source tools and utilities available, such as webparts for exporting data to various formats (XML, MySQL, ..), Joomla plugins, synchronization services, etc.
See for more details and to watch webcasts. BendSoft is currently looking for beta-testers and encourage all feedback from the community.
SELECT * FROM My Custom SharePoint List
INSERT INTO Calendar (EventDate,EndDate,Title,Location) VALUES ('2010-11-04 08:00:00','2010-11-04 10:00:00','Morning meeting with Leia','Starbucks')
DELETE FROM Corp Images WHERE Image Name = 'marketing.jpg'
I had written a full article about this with step by step screenshot procedures. It does not use any third party components only SQL BI Tools and Sharepoint. Have a look here
As Ryan said I would also suggest using object model / web services to store data to separate SQL database. I think that the best approach is to write an event handler that will trigger on your least and copy the data user inserted/updated.
Regarding your query about "SharePoint 4", Bill Gates made some remarks at SharePoint Conference 2008. He suggests enriching SQL tables with SharePoint data, and goes on to mention several other potentially cool things. What exactly he means and whether it will help solve your problem in the future is hard to say until we start seeing betas of WSS4 / MOSS 14.
I would go with the simego software, but i dont have the money, maybe a 15 days trial is enough!
If you have MOSS installed, the Business Data Catalog can be setup from the Sharepoint Central Administration to automagically synchronize data for you. This is a very powerful product and is included with MOSS. I love it when a client has it enabled so I can take advantage of it.
But some don't and for myself, I've found that if they don't have BDC running and available, inevitably they don't give developers many rights to SQL Server so SSIS is generally out of the question (but maybe that's just me). No problem; for those I'll pull together a lightweight EXE that runs on a scheduled task that queries Lists.asmx and pushes changes to a SQL Server table. Fairly trivial stuff for a simple list where nothing is deleted. Get yourself Visual Studio 2008, CAML Builder, and prepare for a good time. The Lists.asmx results is a little funny in that a list's row's fields are each a single node with a lot of attributes, with no child nodes ... something like this off the top of my head ... just remember that when coding ...
<z:row ows_Id="1" ows_Field1="A1" ows_Field2="B1"/>
<z:row ows_Id="1" ows_Field1="A2" ows_Field2="B2"/>
Complications in code occur with copying lists where items are deleted, or where there is a parent/child relationship between SP lists. You'd think I'd have some code to send you, but I haven't bothered putting together something I could reuse.
I'm sure there's other ways of handling it, but the scheduled task EXE so far has been reliable for me for multiple apps for multiple years.
i wrote some code to achieve it, you can find it over here
extract data from moss 2007
Depending on the exact nature of the data you need to insert, it may be possible to just use the auto generated RSS feed to get the information you want, a process will need to read the rss and formulate a query.
Otherwise a consoleapp/service could use the object model to do the same thing, but with more control over field information.
I wish something like this was much easier to do. Something that didn't need SSIS and was boiled down to a console tool that reads a xml config file for source/target/map info.
