How node script can run in my current bash context (process)? - node.js

In bash You can source or . to run some bash script in your current context. So if you have e.g. file foo with alias bar='echo bam' in it and when You run it like
$ . foo
it will source this alias from file foo into your current context.
I know if I normally run node script with first line like #!/usr/bin/env node then this script is run in sub-shell or as separate process. I want to avoid this and make node script act on my current bash process (context).
How can I run node script that alter my current bash context?
ps: Any example is good. Node script can only change my directory but again it must happen in my current bash context.
ps2: Sub question: If it's impossible in node (and it's very hard for me to believe in this) or it's very complicated then is it possible in other language? Like PHP, Java, Ruby (I don't ask for C because it's obvious :) and if so please give me some example.

I've struggled with this same problem when writing my Node implementation of wd. AFAIK there is no way to do what you want to do for reasons already known to you. However, if you want to use node in a sourced shell script, there is a way around it, kind of.
So you can't source a node script, but what you can do is execute node scripts in a sourced shell script. Performance isn't great, but it works. For example, you can't put process.chdir('/tmp'); in a node script and expect it to change the current working directory in your current process. But what you can do is make a node script that console.logs a directory and execute that in a sourced shell script with something like cd $(node myscript.js). For an example of this, check out the code in my project I linked above. There I use a bash function to source a shell script of a globally installed npm module which then executes JS to change the current dir (at least, in bash and zsh). It's not exactly pretty, but it works.
I know it's not the answer you were looking for, but it's as close as I've found a way to use node to manipulate the current bash context. I actually found this question because I was just trying to refactor and look for a better way to do this.. If I ever do find that better way I'll let you know ;-)


How to execute a shell program taking inputs with python?

First of all, I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 and Python 3.8.
I would like to run a program that takes command line inputs. I managed to start the program from python with the os.system() command, but after starting the program it is impossible to send the inputs. The program in question is a product interface application that uses the CubeSat Space Protocol (CSP) as a language. However, the inputs used are encoded in a .c file with their corresponding .h header.
In the shell, it looks like this:
starting the program
In python, it looks like this:
import os
os.system('./build/csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1')
os.system('cmp ident') #cmp ident is typically the kind of command that does not work on python
The output is the same as in the shell but without the "cmp ident output", that is to say it's impossible for me to use the csp-client#
As you can probably see, I'm a real beginner trying to be as clear and precise as possible. I can of course try to give more information if needed. Thanks for your help !
It sounds like the pexpect module might be what you're looking for rather than using os.system it's designed for controlling other applications and interacting with them like a human is using them. The documentation for it is available here. But what you want will probably look something like this:
import pexpect
p = pexpect.spawnu("/home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1/build/csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1")
p.sendline("cmp indent")
I'll try and give you some hints to get you started - though bear in mind I do not know any of your tools, i.e. waf or csp-client, but hopefully that will not matter.
I'll number my points so you can refer to the steps easily.
Point 1
If waf is a build system, I wouldn't keep running that every time you want to run your csp-client. Just use waf to rebuild when you have changed your code - that should save time.
Point 2
When you change directory to /home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1 and then run ./build/csp-client you are effectively running:
/home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1/build/csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
But that is rather annoying, so I would make a symbolic link to that that from /usr/local/bin so that you can run it just with:
csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
So, I would make that symlink with:
ln -s /home/augustin/workspaceGS/gs-sw-nanosoft-product-interface-application-2.5.1/build/csp-client /usr/local/bin/csp-client
You MAY need to put sudo at the start of that command. Once you have that, you should be able to just run:
csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
Point 3
Your Python code doesn't work because every os.system() starts a completely new shell, unrelated to the previous line or shell. And the shell that it starts then exits before your next os.system() command.
As a result, the cmp ident command never goes to the csp-client. You really need to send the cmp ident command on the stdin or "standard input" of csp-client. You can do that in Python, it is described here, but it's not all that easy for a beginner.
Instead of that, if you just have aa few limited commands you need to send, such as "take a picture", I would make and test complete bash scripts in the Terminal, till I got them right and then just call those from Python. So, I would make a bash script in your HOME directory called, say csp-snap and put something like this in it:
# Extend PATH so we can find "/usr/local/bin/csp-client"
# Tell client to take picture
echo "nanoncam snap"
# Exit csp-client
echo exit
} | csp-client -k/dev/ttyUSB1
Now make that executable (only necessary once) with:
chmod +x $HOME/csp-snap
And then you can test it with:
If that works, you can copy the script to /usr/local/bin with:
cp $HOME/csp-snap /usr/local/bin
You may need sudo at the start again.
Then you should be able to take photos from anywhere just with:
Then your Python code becomes easy:

Setting system variable using Node

I have been working on a node script that does the installation of external dependencies and was wondering if its possible to set the PATH variable using Node.
For example, If I want to install Go using script, I can execute command brew install Go and this works but when I do export GOPATH=$PATH, this is never set.
I also tried using process.env but this also does not work. Also my assumption with process is that it must run in a sandbox. So it will not update/ set anything outside.
So the question is, can I do this? If yes, how?
It is not possible in any programming language. At least on Unix (BSD, MacOS, Illumos etc.) and Linux, I'm not sure about Windows.
As a security feature, Unix processes are designed such that they cannot touch the environment of their parent's process. Only the parent process can influence the environment of their children.
When you are on a command line you are running a shell program (either Bash or Korn Shell or TCSH or Fish etc.). When you execute something on the command line such as a node.js script or Google Chrome or Minecraft these programs will be the children to your shell program. On Unix and Linux these child programs inherit their parent's environment.
That is why you can export environment (global) variables and your programs can access them. However, this relationship is one-way and it was designed that way on purpose.
You may notice that in shell scripts you can "save" commands to set environment variables in a file. For example in Bash you sometimes see people do this:
export HELLO "World"
However, this will not work if you execute the script as a script:
$ bash
$ echo $HELLO
<--------------------- nothing is displayed here
the variable is not exported
You sometimes see people do this instead:
$ .
$ echo $HELLO
And you may wonder how that works. Well.. in some shell languages the dot command imports the script instead of executing the script as a separate process. Think of it like import or require() in javascript.
Of course, Bash does not understand javascript syntax. It also does not understand C++ or Java or Ruby or PHP. It only understands Bash syntax.
So the longer answer is it is not possible in any programming language except for the language of the shell you are using (eg. if you are using Fish you need to write a script in Fish syntax or if you are using Ksh you need to write a script in Korn syntax).

Linux basics - automating a script execution

When beginning to work, I have to run several commands:
source work/tools
cd work/tool
source tool
Off course, doing this a few times a day is really annonying, so I tried to make a bash script tool where I put these commands and put it in /user/bin to run it with command
However, there is a problem. When i run the script and then try to work by typing some of the tool-based commands, it does not work.
I figured out, that it is fine, since if I make a script and then run it, the script seems to run in the same terminal window, but what it really does is, that it behaves as if it created a "hidden window" for its execution and after termination of the script, the "hidden window" terminates too. So I am asking - is there a way to automatize the source command?
I have tried using xterm -hold -e command, but it runs the programmed script in the new window. Obviously, I don't want that. How can I achieve running it in the current window?
Don't put files like that in /usr/bin. As a general rule you don't want to mess with the distribution owned locations like that. You can use /usr/local/bin if you need a system-wide location or you can create a directory in your home directory to hold things like this that are for your own usage (and add that to the $PATH).
What you've noticed is that when run as a script on its own (tool, /path/to/tool, etc.) that the script runs in its own shell session (nothing to do with terminal windows as-such) and you don't want that (as the changes the script makes don't persist to your current shell session).
What you want to do instead is "source"/run the script in your current session. Which you are already doing with that set of commands you listed (source work/tools is doing exactly that).
So instead of running tool or /path/to/tool instead use source /path/to/tool or . /path/to/tool.
As fedorqui correctly points out you don't even need a script for this anywhere as you can just make a shell function for this instead (in your normal shell startup files .bashrc, etc.) and then just run that function when you need to so that setup.
Be careful to use full paths for things when you do this though since you, presumably, want this to work no matter what directory you happen to be in when you run it.
It doesn't create a new hidden window, nor does it create a terminal. What happens is that if you're running a script, normally it runs on a new shell process. The script you're running is supposed to modify the shell environment, but if you're running the script in a new shell process, that shell process's environment is the one that gets modified, instead of your shell environment.
Scripts that needs to modify the current shell environments usually must be run with the source command. What you need to do is to run the script in the current shell. So you should do source /path/to/tool.
If you want to be able to source the script with just tool, put this in your alias file/shell startup (check your distro doc where the file is, but it's usually either .bash_aliases or .bashrc):
alias tool="source /path/to/tool"

shell export variable not come into effect

I (on mac osx) often use
export http_proxy=
to proxy http connection to get a highed download speed. To make things easy, I wrote a shell file named to do this:
export http_proxy=
Before I downlaod, I execute shell command, but I found it did't not come into effect.It lost http_proxy variable in current commnad window(terminal). I must type export command in current terminal,it will come into effect.
So I want to know what's reason for this and a solution? thanks.
Running a shell script "normally" (with for example) results in that running in a sub-process so that it cannot affect the environment of the parent process.
Using . or source will run the shell script in the context of the current shell, so it will be able to affect the environment, using one of the following:
Another possibility (if you're using bash at least) is to create an alias to do the work for you. You can use something like:
alias faster='export http_proxy='
so that you can then simply type faster on the command line and it will export that variable (in the context of the current shell).
You could also allow for one-shot settings such as:
alias faster='http_proxy='
and then use:
faster your_program
which would translate into:
http_proxy= your_program
That's a bash way to set a variable for just the one invocation of a command.
The export variable will only apply to the script -- if you want it to apply to the shell, you need to use source, and execute the script like so:
. ./
source ./
Note the "." in the first example -- the dot follow by space means the script will apply to the shell.
The reason why your script does not work has been explained by Drakosha & how to make your script work has been explained by Anothony. But with the export in the script you need to source your script each time you open a new terminal. A better solution will be to add the export in .bash_profile or .bashrc
Hope this helps!
When executing a shell script a new shell is launched, the script is executed, and the shell dies. That's why you don't see the variable defined in your shell.
I suggest using an alias for the same purpose.

Scripting on Linux

I am trying to create a script that will run a program on each file in a list. I have been trying to do this using a .csh file (I have no clue if this is the best way), and I started with something as simple as hello world
echo "hello world"
The problem is that I cannot execute this script, or verify that it works correctly. (I was trying to do ./testscript.csh which is obviously wrong). I haven't been able to find anything that really explains how to run C Scripts, and I'm guessing there's a better way to do this too. What do I need to change to get this to work?
You need to mark it as executable; Unix doesn't execute things arbitrarily based on extension.
chmod +x testscript.csh
Also, I strongly recommend using sh or bash instead of csh, or you will soon learn about the idiosyncrasies of csh's looping and control flow constructs (some things only work inside them if done a particular way, in particular with the single-line versions things are very limited).
You can use ./testscript.csh. You will however need to make it executable first:
chmod u+x testscript.csh
Which means set testscript to have execute permissions for the user (who ever the file is owned by - which in this case should be yourself!)
Also to tell the OS that this is a csh script you will need put
#! /path/to/csh
on the first line (where /path/to/csh is the full path to csh on your system. You can find that out by issuing the command which csh).
That should give you the behvaiour you want.
EDIT As discussed in some of the comments, you may want to choose an alternative shell to C Shell (csh). It is not the friendliest one for scripting.
You have several options.
You can run the script from within your current shell. If you're running csh or tcsh, the syntax is source testscript.csh. If you're running sh, bash, ksh, etc., the syntax is . ./ Note that I've changed the file name suffix; source or . runs the commands in the named file in your current shell. If you have any shell-specific syntax, this won't work unless your interactive shell matches the one used by the script. If the script is very simple (just a sequence of simple commands), that might not matter.
You can make the script an executable program. (I'm going to repeat some of what others have already written.) Add a "shebang" as the first line. For a csh script, use #!/bin/csh -f. The -f avoids running commands in your own personal startup scripts (.cshrc et al), which saves time and makes it more likely that others will be able to use it. Or, for a sh script (recommended), used #!/bin/sh (no -f, it has a completely different meaning). In either case, run chmod +x the_script, then ./the_script.
There's a trick I often use when I want to perform some moderately complex action. Say I want to delete some, but not all, files in the current directory, but the criterion can't be expressed conveniently in a single command. I might run ls >, then edit tmp.h with my favorite editor (mine happens to be vim). Then I go through the list of files and delete all the ones that I want to leave alone. Once I've done that, I can replace each file name with a command to remove it; in vim, :%s/.*/rm -f &/. I add a #!/bin/sh at the top save it, chmod +x, then ./ (If some of the file names might have special characters, I can use :%s/.*/rm -f '&'/.)
