I want to send a data from html page to nodejs server.I want by pressing a button "desactivate my account" a prompt window apperas and when a user enter yes the username of connected user was sent to server to destroy the model from the database.
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-3 control-label">Username:</label>
<div class="col-md-8">
<input class="form-control" id="username" name="username" value=<%= user.username %> type="text">
<div class="form-group">
<label class="col-md-3 control-label"></label>
<div class="emaillogin">
<a class="btn btn-default email-signin-button" role="button" onclick="desactive()"><i class="fa fa-trash-o fa-fw"></i> <span class="network-name" >Desactivate my account</span></a>
<script src="socket.io/socket.io.js"></script>
function desactive(){
var desactiv=prompt("Are you sure to desactive your account?");
var maj=desactiv.toUpperCase();
if(maj =="YES"){
var socket=io.connect();
var user1=$("#username").value;
The problem with the function mentioned below I can't send the username of the user I got null in the server side.However the user.username was displayed on the html page.what's my mistake?
jQuery object doesn't have value property - it's $("#username").val(); method
var socket=io.connect();
var user1=$("#username").val();
// not
var user1=$("#username").value;
I want make a Notification sender for my website I use Notification Object and socket.io.I create a Page to write title and body of notification .
notification is working and send notification to user that online in website.
but I want sent to offline user too.
I make this site useing vuejs and nodejs in back-end.
This is my socket that send notification in to server :
export default{
socket: io("http://localhost:2000"),
I get title and text of this form :
<div class="content-wrapper" style="min-height: 915.8px;">
<section class="content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-md-6">
<div class="box box-info">
<div class="box-header with-border">
<h3 class="box-title">ارسال نوتیفیکیشن </h3>
<!-- /.box-header -->
<!-- form start -->
<form class="form-horizontal">
<div class="box-body">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputEmail3" class="col-sm-2 control-label">سرتیتر</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputEmail3" placeholder="سرتیتر" v-model="title">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="inputPassword3" class="col-sm-2 control-label">متن</label>
<div class="col-sm-10">
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="inputPassword3" placeholder="متن " v-model="text">
<!-- /.box-body -->
<div class="box-footer">
<button type="submit" #click.prevent="sendNotification" class="btn btn-info pull-right">ارسال</button>
<!-- /.box-footer -->
this is my socket.io code in Nodejs :
let express = require('express');
let app=express();
let http = require('http').createServer(app);
let io = require('socket.io')(http);
io.on('connection', socket => {
and I get above event in to vuejs file And send Notification:
socket.on("sendNotification", body => {
const not=new Notification(body.title,{
anyone can help show notifications sent offline to users after they are online
I'm new to StackOverflow. I have started an electron project and I want to implement inside it the ability for the user to upload files using FTP. I've googled a bit and I've found a nice node module jsftp that is fit all my needs. The problem is that I'm new to electron and node coding, and I don't know how to manage the file upload. I've tried to use a standard file input but without success. My question is, how I can implement the file selection from the user and then upload the selected file to the FTP server?
Here is my code snippet:
<!-- Upload form row -->
<div class="row justify-content-center" id="">
<div class="col-8">
<form method="POST" action="/process-form" enctype="multipart/form-data" id="file-uploader">
<div class="form-row">
<div class="col-6">
<label for="file_name">File name</label>
<input type="text" class="form-control" id="file-name" name="file_name" placeholder="Nome file" />
<div class="col-6">
<label>Select file</label>
<div class="custom-file">
<input type="file" class="custom-file-input" name="uploaded_file" id="customFile" />
<label class="custom-file-label" for="customFile">Seleziona file</label>
<div class="col-12">
<label for="file_description">Description</label>
<textarea class="form-control" name="file_description" placeholder="Descrizione"></textarea>
<div class="col-12">
<button type="submit" name="upload_file" class="btn btn-link" id="process-form">UPLOAD</button>
JS code:
<!-- init app and xhr requests-->
<script type="text/javascript">
const jsftp = require('jsftp');
const bsCustomFileInput = require('bs-custom-file-input');
let ftp;
var host = $('#host-field').val();
var user = $('#user-field').val();
var pass = $('#password-field').val();
ftp = new jsftp({
host: host,
port: 21, // defaults to 21
user: user, // defaults to "anonymous"
pass: pass, // defaults to "#anonymous"
ftp.list('public_html', (err, res) => {
var formData = new FormData($('#file-uploader')[0]);
var filename = $('#file-name').val();
ftp.put(formData, "mysubdomain.testing.net/"+filename+".jpeg", err => {
console.log("File transferred successfully!");
I am just stuck in a problem and also don't know whether the question is correct or not.
I am working on a node express js, using ejs templating engine.
I have created certain endpoints (say login(POST) endpoint) which are generic endpoints.
Now I want to create a new application which uses should use these endpoints and render the view according to the result of these endpoints.
Lets say I have a generic endpoint for login
router.post('/user/login', function (req, res) {
var userLoginId = req.body.username;
var currentPassword = req.body.password;
UserLogin.findOne({userLoginId: userLoginId, currentPassword: currentPassword}, function (err, usr) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error in User login');
} else {
if (!usr) {
console.log('Please enter valid username and password');
} else {
And I am using this login.ejs file
<div class="container panel panel-primary">
<h2 class="h2 text-center">Login</h2>
<form class="form-horizontal" name="loginForm" method="post" action="/user/login">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="username" class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-2 control-label">UserName</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="text" name="username" class="form-control" id="username" placeholder="username">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="password" class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-2 control-label">Password</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="password" name="password" class="form-control" id="password" placeholder="Password">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-4">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-">Sign in</button>
Now I want to use this code and want to login to the system.
If the user login is successful I want to redirect to dashboard page else same login page.
On executing this code the api returns me the JSON response and from this response how can I decide to whether to redirect on dashboard page or login page.
Please help if more input is needed please put a comment.
I would instead of doing a form request to login, do a AJAX request to login and then use something like jQuery to do the AJAX request and response. Alternatively you could do something like the following.
router.get('/login', function(req, res){
res.render('login', {});
router.post('/login', function (req, res) {
var userLoginId = req.body.username;
var currentPassword = req.body.password;
UserLogin.findOne({userLoginId: userLoginId, currentPassword: currentPassword}, function (err, usr) {
if (err) {
console.log('Error in User login');
// res.status(500).type('application/problem+json').send();
res.status(500).render('login', { error : 'Error finding password'})
} else {
if (!usr) {
console.log('Please enter valid username and password');
// res.status(404).type('application/problem+json').send();
res.status(404).render('login', { error : 'Please enter valid username and password'})
} else {
For the login.ejs file i would conditionally render the error.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<div class="container panel panel-primary">
<h2 class="h2 text-center">Login</h2>
<%if (locals.error) { %>
<%= error %>
<% } %>
<form class="form-horizontal" name="loginForm" method="post" action="/user/login">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="username" class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-2 control-label">UserName</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="text" name="username" class="form-control" id="username" placeholder="username">
<div class="form-group">
<label for="password" class="col-sm-offset-2 col-sm-2 control-label">Password</label>
<div class="col-sm-4">
<input type="password" name="password" class="form-control" id="password" placeholder="Password">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="col-sm-offset-4 col-sm-4">
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-">Sign in</button>
I'm building an express app which comprises ejs and bootstrap for rendering views, node and express for server side and mongodb for storage.
I have a form (contained in a modal) in which I can post data. After submitting the form, the values are saved to mongodb.
Here's the snippet for edit:
<td><%= cats.image %></td>
<td><a type="button" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#editCategory" href="#">Edit</a>
// without using the modal above, I'll have to create a new page to edit only one item
// I think it's a waste of page space and bad UX, so I am going with the modal
<!--<a href="/admin/categories/edit-category/<%= cats._id %>">--> // I want to get the values from this id and show in the modal
<!--<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm">Edit</button>-->
When I click on the edit button, I want to get the id of the item and retrieve it's values to display in the modal.
Here's the full modal view:
<!-- Edit Category Modal -->
<div class="modal fade" id="editCategory" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel">
<div class="modal-dialog" role="document">
<div class="modal-content">
<form action="/admin/categories/edit-cateory/<%= %>" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="modal-header">
<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"> <span aria-hidden="true">×</span> </button>
<h4 class="modal-title" id="myEditCategoryLabel">Edit Category</h4>
<div class="modal-body">
<div class="form-group">
// this value should come from the category id but don't know how to pass it
<input value="<%= %>" name="title" class="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Category Title"> <br>
<label>Upload Image</label>
<input class="form-control selImg" type="file" accept="image/*" onchange="showImage.call(this)">
<img src="#" class="imgPreview" style="display: none; height: 100px; width: 100px">
<div class="modal-footer">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</button>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Save Edits</button>
How can I pass the data from mongodb to the modal using ejs?
Any help will be much appreciated.
Store your ID somewhere: hidden inputs or data-attributes.
<tr data-id="<%= cats.id %>">
<td><%= cats.image %></td>
<a type="button" class="edit" href="#">Edit</a>
Then, create an onclick event handler such that, upon clicking on the button,
it will fetch the extra data via AJAX and open the modal dynamically after you get a response.
$('a.edit').click(function (e) {
var tr = $(this).closest('tr'),
modal = $('#editCategory');
// make AJAX call passing the ID
$.getJSON('/admin/categories/get-cateory/' + tr.data('id'), function (data) {
// set values in modal
modal.find('form').attr('action', '/admin/categories/get-cateory/' + tr.data('id') );
modal.find('[name=title]').val( data.title );
// open modal
You will need to create a route for fetching a single object (I'll leave that to you)
app.get('/admin/categories/get-cateory/:id', function (req, res) {
// TODO: fetch data using passed ID
// once you have the data, simply send the JSON back
I am getting an uncaught reference error for a variable 'profile_image' that isn't used in the page render when attempting to check GET variable 'message' for 'error'. The 'profile_image' is used in the 'partials/header' however this particular render is using 'partials/header-shadow'. I am using a similar <% if //condition {} %> on another page with the same partials and it works okay, and if I remove the <% if //condition {} %> statement from this page it works okay too. I can't figure out why this particular page doesn't work, any ideas?
here is the EJS:
<% include partials/index-header-shadow %>
<div class="container">
<div class="col col-1-1">
<div class="wrapper no-scroll">
<div class="signup-form">
<div class="signup-form-inner">
<h3>Sign Up</h3>
<% if ( message == "error") { %>
<span class="error">This email is already being used, you can login to your account by clicking the link below</span>
<% } %>
<form action="/sign_up" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name" placeholder="Username" required/>
<span class="error">Please enter a username</span>
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="Email Address" required/>
<span class="error">Please enter a valid email address</span>
<input type="password" name="password" pattern=".{6,}" placeholder="Password (minimum 6 characters)" required/>
<span class="error">Please enter a password</span>
<input type="hidden" name="profile_image" value="images/profile_images/user_icon.png"/>
<input type="submit" name="submit" class="submit-btn" value="Sign Up" />
<div class="login-link">
Already have an account? Log in here
<% include partials/footer %>
And here is the Server Render:
/* GET Sign_Up page. */
function(req, res){
title: 'Utasko | Sign Up',
/* GET Sign_Up POST data. */
app.post('/sign_up', passport.authenticate('signup', {
successRedirect: '/login?message=success',
failureRedirect: '/sign_up?message=error'
You need to pass the message parameter. in your case
function(req, res){
title: 'Utasko | Sign Up',