firebase custom user signup - node.js

I'm still a newbie in firebase so i might not have the right understanding of this excellent service.
I'm building a blogging mobile app in a client-server architecture in which most if not all the logic are done server-side. all the client does is request and display the result. the client-server communication will be in REST API. and post-processing data then will be pushed to firebase.
keep in mind that this is all still a work in progress and i still don't have an actual working setup yet.
my questions are:
1. is this possible?
2. is this good practice?
a 2nd architecture I'm thinking is to have the client talks with firebase directly and have the nodejs process any events coming from firebase.
same 2 questions as above3. which is better?
mind you i'm also a newbie in nodejs and just start to learn nodejs for this purpose.
Many Thanks in Advance


Signaling mechanism for webRTC using simpleWebRTC js library and backend in django

I am trying to build video conferencing web application where multiple people can join the call and there will be video/audio/data transmission. I researched a lot for this. What i understand is we can achieve this using webRTC protocol. I started doing research for js libraries and i came to know for simpleWebRTC. I want to develop with backend as a django. I tried to run sample demo code from but i am not able to establish connection with which is simplewebRTC signaling sandbox server.
I tried with node express server as well, but still i got the same error:- net::ERR_FAILED. This error occured in simplewebrtc-with-adapter-js while making connection.
What would be the correct technologies to achieve this type of functionality?
Front-end webRTC libraries:- simplewebRTC/ EasyRTC/ Any else apis?
Signaling mechanism:- What and how can we use to connect with webRTC?
Backend:- Node js/Django?
I still confused with the signaling protocols/STUN/TURN servers as we have to define the servers by our self. simpleWebRTC is not providing that which we can use in production.
Any help would be much appreciated!
I just started a video calling and chat application as well. open-easyrtc, no problems so far, their demo just works after npm install.
As for signaling servers, since I just started I haven't concerned myself much about them but the most I can make out of it is it's used for exchanging information like video metadata, network information, etc. open-easyrtc comes with public STUN and TURN servers, not sure about the limitation especially if you're going to have a lot of users.
It's also possible to deploy your own, I'm looking at learning more about coturn
once I finished developing my application.
You can use simple-peer, a simple library for webrtc. Here is an example project with multiple users project, DEMO.

RealTime CRUD Application with nodejs /express and mongodb

I wish to create a realtime crud application, using node.js and express as the backend with MongoDB as the database in order to serve flutter frontend
I tried searching on google and GitHub, I found, but just for chat applications. my goal is to make a mobile app with synchronized data (like apps using firebase) using node js and MongoDB as Backend. Thank you!
Socket.Io is a good option for real-time communication. In fact it is a very popular choice. Socket.IO is not created to build chat application. Most of the time, as an example of real-time app everyone bring the concept of chatting. Main purpose of Socket.IO is to transfer data in real-time. It can be any data.
If you are new to this world then I would suggest you to take a look at FeathersJS. You can switch from REST to Real-time or vice versa anytime you want with a couple of lines of code change. A lot of things are hidden from you to make your development easier. Their documentation is good as well.
And the fun part is, FeathersJS is based on ExpressJS and you can choose database driver as you want (mongoose is available as an option).

ReactJS and a backend

I am new to React. I created a simple login form and sign up form.
I am a little confused about using a backend. I've Googled it (lol) and I've seen a large variety of answers from using AWS to creating another project with NodeJS/Express.
For a beginner, what is the best approach? What confuses me is that I am handling all the routing in my React app. The tutorials that I've seen appear to handle routing in the NodeJS/Express portion.
Like Chris mentioned your question is to broad to answer, but I'll try to propose some general directions which may help you to pursue building a back-end.
There is not really a best approach. I suggest you look into several courses and tutorials on what web technologies suits best for the type of application you want to build. Start first by selecting which framework would provide the most productive and scale-able workflow for you. This is depended on various factors of your envisioned application and your current skill-set. Then follow along tutorials and read documentation of each separate technology first to get a good understanding of each building block. When grasping how everything functions individually, looked in complete full stack tutorials to see how everything works together and how you connect your front-end to your back-end.
I chose for a Nodejs RESTfull API myself using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, Reactjs and Nodejs), but you can also look into python (django, flask) or PHP back-ends as well.
Some good Youtubers to get you started:
They provide many up to date tutorials for different web-technologies so you can make an informed decision yourself of what you want to adapt to.
Keep in mind there is a lot to work with when you just getting started, but at some point things will become familiar after using it over and over again and it becomes less overwhelming.

Django channel vs node

I want to develop a real time chat application and also want to show real time graph/chart.I am confused to choose technology.I heard a lot of good things about nodejs and also heard about django channel.Can you suggest me to choose from one of them for my project?
There need a special feature though.I need to run a cron job to get data from external web service and broadcast it to all clients.
Thanks in advance
Django channels is fantastic at broadcasting and creating a chat application. I have successfully used Channels with Websocket and Redis to create a chat application. I am not sure about scalability, but since you're here with this question there may be a chance that your app may not reach a large enough usage frequency to make that an issue.

Store Node.js IM App conversations in MongoDB properly

I'm Developing (yet another) Node,js + Express + Socket.IO Facebook/like Instant Messaging app.
The server-side is mostly complete, but I was looking for a proper way to store and retrieve conversations and I thought I could give MongoDB a try.
I've never worked before with noSQL databases before, so I would like some suggestions on how to deal, mainly, with the writing the proper way.
I was thinking in creating entries containing the user chatting and the chatlines with a timestamp, something simple.
Any thoughts?
Though this does not exactly address the app you are looking to build, 10gen (to company that supports mongodb) has released a video of a presentation walking through the creation of an IRC chat server. This is a very long and very extensive presentation and should cover most of the material that will be relevant for you in building your app. Definitely seems to me like the best resource for you to get started with.
Hope this helps!
