Samsung galaxy s6 dous no lte/4g option - samsung-mobile

I just bought a s6 dous and what I found is this that there no option for lte/4g after updating to android m. Someone please help me out

It allows both Sim slot to use 3G/4G, but only one at a time. I am using it now.
Hania Mehak | Oppo Mobile


Can not configure 5GHz WiFi band for Beaglebone AI

I am trying to configure 5GHz WiFi band for my new Beaglebone AI.
What I am doing is
cp /tmp/hostapd-bbai.conf to /etc/hostapd.conf
opening /etc/default/bb-wl18xx and changing USE_GENERATED_HOSTAPD to 'no'
in order to use /etc/hostapd.conf file instead of generated conf file from /tmp
this method works perfect for 'b' and 'g' but I can not configure to 'a' in order to use 5GHz band
Can anyone help me regarding this?
this is my hostapd.conf
New Beagle Bone AI WIFI stack is more powerful and its auto handle.
if still you facing issue regarding any other interfaces then please follow below link :
In this project you got .dts file and all pin muxing steps. Moreover i puts some example code in this project.

iOS 11 network change AVPlayer audio streaming bug

Revised Question (based on the now documented AVPlayer bug):
I found a workaround using this code as a base:
I found isWWAN flag can be used to check network type
var flags: SCNetworkReachabilityFlags = []
let isCellular = flags.contains(.isWWAN)
It seems to be a pretty reliable check.
So I can now derive a network type change and reboot the player.
...only took me about 80 hours to find this workaround ;|
I ran into the same problem when I updated to iOS 11. I filed a bug at Apple's Bug Reporter and Open Radar - rdar://35270862
I've edited my question with a workaround to resume playback after leaving or entering wifi.
If anyone has any info on how to fix this or exactly why this issue occurred in iOS11 please let us know.

Playing .mp3 file in WP8 device not working

I am using following example to record an audio on Windows 8 app: It uses the Windows Runtime Media API to record audio.
The example works nice but I have a problem. I use the example to record an audio, but if I try to play the recorded audio in a Windows Phone 8 device (tested on Nokia Lumia 820 and 920) using MediaElement control it doesn't work (I hear some noice similar to an alien conversation). It does work correctly on the WP8 emulator.
I have also tried to record an audio using the Sound Recorder app that comes with Windows 8 and I have the same problem: it doesn't hear correctly on Nokia Lumia 820 and 920.
This is the code I use the play the audio file in XAML:
MediaElement Name="media" AutoPlay="True" Source="XXX.mp3"
Do you have any idea why?
Many thanks.
As I, and many, many others have posted on Stack Overflow already, the Media Element is really buggy and is not suggested for playing any source that is dynamic.
Instead, follow this blog post that I wrote on playing sound effects on the Windows Phone
Playing SFX on The Windows Phone
This is the executive summary of the post
static Stream stream1 = TitleContainer.OpenStream("soundeffect.wav");
static SoundEffect sfx = SoundEffect.FromStream(stream1);
static SoundEffectInstance soundEffect = sfx.CreateInstance();
public void playSound(){

Getting positional audio in cocos2d v3

I'm having some trouble using OpenAL in cocos2d v3. Here's some context:
What I'm using: Xcode 5 + cocos2d v3 + iPhone 5 (iOS 7).
What I want to do: Create a multi-audio-source scene with positional audio (just pan + volume for now).
Why didn't I use OALSimpleAudio? Couldn't get the various sources to change pan and volumes as the listener moves.
What have I done so far? I have loaded an ALBuffer with an audio file and queued that buffer in a ALSource. When I run the code, nothing ever plays. Right after the [soundSource play:soundBuffer ...] line, I have checked if the sound was playing with [soundSource playing] and got a negative response. Also tried to instantiate an ALListener, with the same position as the source, but nothing changed.
Any help regarding this problem would be appreciated. Any suggestions about what different approaches I should be looking forward to are welcome as well.
Thank You!

Directx11 SDK June(2010) Initialization on VC++ 2010

I hope I'm posting on the right forum for this!
Recently I have started programming with the Directx 11 June (2010) SDK on VC++ 2010, on a Dell LapTop with a NVidia GeForce GT 630M GPU and a Intel HD 4000 chip.
One of the things you do, is to try and enumerate available adapters and outputs, and so on. Here's an example:
IDXGIFactory1 *factory;
CreateDXGIFactory1(__uuidof(IDXGIFactory1), (LPVOID *)&factory);
IDXGIAdapter *adapter;
factory->EnumAdapters(0, &adapter);
When I run this, the desc structure contains the information for my Intel HD chip, and NOT the information for my GPU!
Now, when I open my NVidia control panel, and select the GPU as the preferred processor, and re-run the sample, I get the info for my GPU in desc - which is right! And also, when I then try to enumerate outputs for this adapter, I find that there is at least one.
My question is: Is there a way to accomplish this programmatically, like in the DirectX 11 SDK, so that I don't have to set the setting in my NVidia control panel?
I went through the SDK code (for EmptyProject11), and somehow they "grab" the GPU instead of the Intel chip. I commented out all the code in the WinMain function, and inserted the above code, and it still grabbed the GPU! Is it something to do with the Project Setup, environment variables, command line arguments, or....? I mean how do they do it!?!?!?
I would appreciate any insight into this matter.
You can run through all of the adapters presents and get information on them by looping through all possible adapters using the same function that you're already using:
unsigned int adapterindex = 0;
std::unique_ptr<IDXGIAdapter, ReleaseDirectX> dxgiadapter = null;
// Save the result of EnumAdapters to r, and then check if it's S_OK
while ( ( r = factory->EnumAdapters( adapterindex, &dxgiadapter ) ) == S_OK ) {
/* Work with your adapter here, particularly DXGI_ADAPTER_DESC */
Usually, you will have to choose the default one automatically or enumerate all of them and in some kind of settings panel let the user choose. The other way to do it is use the Adapter Description which has the most video memory. It's not a foolproof heuristic, but it's one I use to get the "best" (used liberally) video card for the system. More often than not, however, the default is the default for a reason.
Good luck!
