Keeping track of history in ghci - haskell

How does history management work in GHCI or other Haskell-based REPLs? Since Haskell is a pure language, I guess it's implemented using a monad, perhaps the state monad.
Kindly note I'm a beginner in Haskell, so please provide a detailed explanation rather than just linking to the source.

This is a simplified example of how a program might keep a history of commands entered by the user. It basically has the same structure as the number guessing game, so once you understand that you should have no trouble understanding this:
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad
shell :: StateT [String] IO ()
shell = forever $ do
lift $ putStr "$ "
cmd <- lift getLine
if cmd == "history"
then do hist <- get
lift $ forM_ hist $ putStrLn
else modify (++ [cmd])
main = do putStrLn "Welcome to the history shell."
putStrLn "Type 'history' to see your command history."
execStateT shell []


How to output progress information in spite of Haskell's laziness? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
GHCi and compiled code seem to behave differently
(1 answer)
Closed 1 year ago.
Today I want Haskell to behave like any imperative language, look at this:
import Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Text.IO
import Data.Text
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
putStr "Reading data from file ..."
ls <- lines <$> readFile myFile
putStrLn " done."
putStr "Processing data ..."
let hmap = HashMap.fromList $ ls <&> \l -> case splitOn " " l of
[k, v] -> (k, v)
_ -> error "expecting \"key value\""
putStrLn " done."
Basically, the user should know what the program is doing at the moment. The result of this code is the immediate output of
> Reading data from file ... done.
> Sorting data ... done.
... and then it starts doing the actual work, the output defeating its purpose.
I am well aware that it's a feature. Haskell is declarative and order of evaluation is determined by actual dependencies, not by line numbers in my .hs-file. Thus I try the following approach:
putStr "Reading data from file ..."
lines <- lines <$> readFile myFile
putStrLn $ lines `seq` " done."
putStr "Processing data ..."
let hmap = HashMap.fromList $ ls <&> \l -> case splitOn " " l of
[k, v] -> (k, v)
_ -> error "expecting \"key value\""
putStrLn $ hmap `seq` " done."
The idea: seq only returns once its first argument has been evaluated to Weak Head Normal Form. And it works, kind of. The output of my program is now nothing for a while and then, once the work as been done, all the IO occurs.
Is there a way out of this?
EDIT: I changed the question in reply to Ben's answer. The imports should now make more sense and the program really runs.
DanielWagner commented about this related question:
GHCi and compiled code seem to behave differently
which indeed solves my problem.
putStrLn $ hmap `seq` " done."
does exactly what it's supposed to. I am only missing flushing stdout. So this actually does what I need:
putStr "Reading data from file ..."
hFlush stdout -- from System.IO
lines <- lines <$> readFile myFile
putStrLn $ lines `seq` " done."
putStr "Processing data ..."
hFlush stdout
let hmap = HashMap.fromList $ ls <&> \l -> case splitOn " " l of
[k, v] -> (k, v)
_ -> error "expecting \"key value\""
putStrLn $ hmap `seq` " done."
You haven't given us the actual code that you say has this behaviour:
The output of my program is now nothing for a while and then, once the work as been done, all the IO occurs.
How do I know it's not the code you're running? Your code doesn't compile in order to be run at all! A few problems:
You get a type error from lines, because it's in the standard Prelude but that version works on String, and you're working with Text.
You haven't imported splitOn from anywhere
The obvious splitOn to import is from Data.Text, but that has type Text -> Text -> [Text] i.e. it returns a list of Text splitting at all occurrences of the separator. You're obviously expecting a pair, splitting only on the first separator.
So at the very minimum this is code you were running in ghci after more imports/definitions that you haven't shown us.
Changing it as little as I could and get it to run gave me this:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Text.IO as StrictIO
import qualified Data.Text as Text
myFile = "data.txt"
main = do
putStr "Reading data from file ..."
lines <- Text.lines <$> StrictIO.readFile myFile
putStrLn $ lines `seq` " done."
putStr "Processing data ..."
let hmap = HashMap.fromList $ Text.breakOn " " <$> lines
putStrLn $ hmap `seq` " done."
I generated a very simple data file with 5,000,000 lines and ran the program with runhaskell foo.hs, and there are in fact noticeable pauses between the appearance of the reading/processing messages and the "done" appearing on each line.
I see no reason why all of the IO would be delayed appear at once (including the result of the first putStrLn. How are you actually running this code (or rather, the full and/or different code that actually runs)? In the post you've written it as input for GHCi rather than a full program (judging by the imports and IO statements at the same level, with no do block or definition of any top level functions). The only thought I had is that perhaps your data file is much smaller such that the processing takes a barely perceptible amount of time, and the initial startup processing of the Haskell code itself by ghci or runhaskell is the only noticeable delay; then I can imagine there being a slight delay followed by the printing of all the messages seemingly at once.

How to print paths using Haskell Turtle library?

To learn a bit about Turtle, I thought it would be nice to modify example from the tutorial. I chose to remove the reduntant "FilePath" from each line of the output thinking it would be a simple exercise.
And yet, despite author's efforts into making his library easy to use I nearly failed to use it to solve this simple problem.
I tried everyting I saw that looked like it would allow me to somehow lift >>= from IO into Shell: MonadIO, FoldM, liftIO, _foldIO with no success. I grew frustrated and only through reading Turtle source code I was able to find something that seems to work ("no obvious defects" comes to mind).
Why is this so hard? How does one logically arrive a solution using API of this library?
#!/usr/bin/env stack
-- stack --resolver lts-8.17 --install-ghc runghc --package turtle --package lens
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Turtle
import Control.Lens
import Control.Foldl as Foldl
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Text as T
main = do
homedir <- home
let paths = lstree $ homedir </> "projects"
let t = fmap (Control.Lens.view _Right . toText) paths
customView t
customView s = sh (do
x <- s
liftIO $ T.putStrLn x)
You don't lift >>= from IO into Shell. Shell already has a Monad instance that comes with its own >>= function. Instead you either lift IO actions into Shell with liftIO or run the shell with fold or foldM. Use sh to run the Shell when you don't care about the results.
I believe your example can be simplified to
main = sh $ do
homedir <- home
filepath <- lstree $ homedir </> "projects"
case (toText filepath) of
Right path -> liftIO $ T.putStrLn x
Left approx -> return () -- This shouldn't happen
As for the difficulty with getting a string back from a FilePath, I don't think that can be blamed on the Turtle author. I think it can be simplified to
stringPath :: FilePath -> String
stringPath filepath =
case (toText filePath) of -- try to use the human readable version
Right path -> T.unpack path
Left _ -> encodeString filePath -- fall back on the machine readable one
Combined this would simplify the example to
main = sh $ do
homedir <- home
filepath <- lstree $ homedir </> "projects"
liftIO $ putStrLn (stringPath filepath)
main = view $ do
homedir <- home
filepath <- lstree $ homedir </> "projects"
return $ stringPath filepath

Elegant haskell case/error handling in sequential monads

Because I oversimplified in my other question before, I would like to give a more clear example here.
How can I handle situations where I have to check for certian conditions in a sequential way without nesting multiple cases? With "sequential way" I mean getting a value (e.g. from stdin), checking this value for a certain condition and depending on the outcome getting another value and so on.
sequen :: IO String
sequen = do
a <- getLine
case a of
"hi" -> do
putStrLn "hello!"
b <- getLine
case b of
"how are you?" -> do
putStrLn "fine, thanks"
return "nice conversation"
_ -> return "error 2"
_ -> return "error 1"
I know that there are better ways to write such a chat bot, it should just demonstrate the sequential nature of the problem. As you can see, with every nested case, the code also gets indented deeper.
Is there a way to better structure such code? I'm thinking of handling the "errors" on one place and describing the "success-path" without the error handling distributed all over it.
Of course. This is precisely what EitherT was made for. You can get it from Control.Monad.Trans.Either in the eitherT package.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Either
main = do
e <- runEitherT $ do
a <- lift getLine
case a of
"hi" -> lift $ putStrLn "hello!"
_ -> left 1
b <- lift getLine
case b of
"how are you?" -> lift $ putStrLn "fine, thanks!"
_ -> left 2
return "nice conversation"
case e of
Left n -> putStrLn $ "Error - Code: " ++ show n
Right str -> putStrLn $ "Success - String: " ++ str
EitherT aborts the current code block whenever it encounters a left statement, and people typically use this to indicate error conditions.
The inner block's type is EitherT Int IO String. When you runEitherT it, you get IO (Either Int String). The Left type corresponds to the case where it failed with a left and the Right value means it successfully reached the end of the block.
I wrote a series of posts a while back going over my own learnings of the Either & EitherT types. You can read it here:
I use the errors package to get a bunch of nice helpers around using EitherT (left and right functions for instance to return lifted versions of Left and Right).
By extracting your potential failure conditions into their own helpers, you can make the mainline of your code read totally sequentially, with no case statements checking results.
From that post, you can see how the runEitherT section is a sequential chunk of work, it just happens to have the failure mechanics of EitherT. Obviously this code is fairly contrived to show how MaybeT plays inside of EitherT as well. In real code it'd just be the story you were wanting to tell, with a single Left/Right at the end.
import Control.Error
import Control.Monad.Trans
-- A type for my example functions to pass or fail on.
data Flag = Pass | Error
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Starting to do work:"
result <- runEitherT $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the first input please:"
initialText <- lift getLine
x <- eitherFailure Error initialText
lift $ putStrLn "Give me the second input please:"
secondText <- lift getLine
y <- eitherFailure Pass (secondText ++ x)
noteT ("Failed the Maybe: " ++ y) $ maybeFailure Pass y
case result of
Left val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Failed\n " ++ val
Right val -> putStrLn $ "Work Result: Passed\n " ++ val
putStrLn "Ok, finished. Have a nice day"
eitherFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> EitherT String m String
eitherFailure Pass val = right $ "-> Passed " ++ val
eitherFailure Error val = left $ "-> Failed " ++ val
maybeFailure :: Monad m => Flag -> String -> MaybeT m String
maybeFailure Pass val = just $ "-> Passed maybe " ++ val
maybeFailure Error _ = nothing
Since you are necessarily in the IO monad, you are better off using the IO monad's error handling capabilities instead of stacking an error monad on top of IO. It avoids all of the heavy lifting:
import Control.Monad ( unless )
import Control.Exception ( catch )
import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import System.IO.Error ( ioeGetErrorString )
main' = do
a <- getLine
unless (a == "hi") $ fail "error 1"
putStrLn "hello!"
b <- getLine
unless (b == "how are you?") $ fail "error 2"
putStrLn "fine, thanks"
return "nice conversation"
main = catch main' $ return . ioeGetErrorString
In this case, your errors are simply Strings, which are thrown by IO's fail, as a userError. If you want to throw some other type, you will need to use throwIO instead of fail.
At some point the EitherT package was deprecated (though transformers-either offers a similar API). Fortunately there's an alternative to EitherT that doesn't even require installing a separate package.
The standard Haskell installation comes with the Control.Monad.Trans.Except module (from the transformers package, which is bundled with GHC), which behaves almost identically to EitherT. The resulting code is almost identical to the code in Gabriella Gonzalez's answer, but using runExceptT instead of runEitherT and throwE instead of left.
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
main = do
e <- runExceptT $ do
a <- lift getLine
case a of
"hi" -> lift $ putStrLn "hello!"
_ -> throwE 1
b <- lift getLine
case b of
"how are you?" -> lift $ putStrLn "fine, thanks!"
_ -> throwE 2
return "nice conversation"
case e of
Left n -> putStrLn $ "Error - Code: " ++ show n
Right str -> putStrLn $ "Success - String: " ++ str
(Note that the aforementioned transformers-either package is in fact a wrapper for ExceptT designed for providing compatibility with code that still uses EitherT.)
Warning: fellow Haskell newbie answering.
You can avoid this sort of staircasing with the Maybe monad. Good example at the start of this chapter
However, you'd want something similar with a monadic Either (presumably there is one) since you're returning error codes.
The basic idea being that once you've got a "Left 1" error you'll short-circuit any future steps (because of lazy evaluation).

Haskell Best Practise: Early termination in Haskeline

I am using the Haskeline package and I want to get three strings in a row from the command line before I do anything and I have come up with what seems to be a neat solution to me. But I am sure that there might be a better way to do it. I am looking for best practices while using the Haskeline package. Please evaluate the merits of the following example code:
import System.Console.Haskeline
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
main :: IO ()
main = runInputT defaultSettings (runMaybeT getStrings) >>= print
getStrings :: MaybeT (InputT IO) (String, String, String)
getStrings = do
mone <- lift $ getInputLine "food> "
notNothing mone
mtwo <- lift $ getInputLine "drink> "
notNothing mtwo
mthree <- lift $ getInputLine "dessert> "
notNothing mthree
return (fromJust mone, fromJust mtwo, fromJust mthree)
notNothing a = guard (a /= Nothing)
As you can see it accomplishes the task of early termination but it looks a bit yucky still. I'm thinking of trying to convert the notNothing's and the getInputLine's into a single line like:
mone <- notNothing =<< lift $ getInputLine "food> " -- does not type check
Which I think does not look that bad. I think that is pretty clear and concise (though it does not type check so I will have to write a version that does).
However, this is the best I have come up with and my question finally is: How would you go about improving this code to be neater and more readily readable? Am I even on the right track?
Edit: If your guard is something other than 'a /= Nothing' then a nice helper function that I just discovered is:
myGuard s = guard (someConditionFunc s) >> s
Because then you can write (as luqui suggested):
mone <- myGuard =<< (lift $ getInputLine prompt)
Which is pretty cool. But if you are matching against only Nothing then TomMD's answer is better.
Why not just leverage the fact that fail _ = Nothing for the Maybe monad?
mthree <- lift $ getInputLine "dessert> "
notNothing mthree
Just mthree <- lift $ getInputLine "dessert> "
How about a helper function?
inputLine :: String -> MaybeT (InputT IO) String
inputLine prompt = do
m <- lift $ getInputLine prompt
case m of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> mzero
This can be shortened considerably using various tricks, but I wanted to be clear. Now you can just forget that getInputLine can fail, MaybeT takes care of that for you.

Better data stream reading in Haskell

I am trying to parse an input stream where the first line tells me how many lines of data there are. I'm ending up with the following code, and it works, but I think there is a better way. Is there?
main = do
numCases <- getLine
proc $ read numCases
proc :: Integer -> IO ()
proc numCases
| numCases == 0 = return ()
| otherwise = do
str <- getLine
putStrLn $ findNextPalin str
proc (numCases - 1)
Note: The code solves the Sphere problem but I didn't think posting the rest of the code would impact the discussion of what to do here.
Use replicate and sequence_.
main, proc :: IO ()
main = do numCases <- getLine
sequence_ $ replicate (read numCases) proc
proc = do str <- getLine
putStrLn $ findNextPalin str
sequence_ takes a list of actions, and runs them one after the other, in sequence. (Then it throws away the results; if you were interested in the return values from the actions, you'd use sequence.)
replicate n x makes a list of length n, with each element being x. So we use it to build up the list of actions we want to run.
Dave Hinton's answer is correct, but as an aside here's another way of writing the same code:
import Control.Applicative
main = (sequence_ . proc) =<< (read <$> getLine)
proc x = replicate x (putStrLn =<< (findNextPalin <$> getLine))
Just to remind everyone that do blocks aren't necessary! Note that in the above, both =<< and <$> stand in for plain old function application. If you ignore both operators, the code reads exactly the same as similarly-structured pure functions would. I've added some gratuitous parentheses to make things more explicit.
Their purpose is that <$> applies a regular function inside a monad, while =<< does the same but then compresses an extra layer of the monad (e.g., turning IO (IO a) into IO a).
The interesting part of looking at code this way is that you can mostly ignore where the monads and such are; typically there's very few ways to place the "function application" operators to make the types work.
You (and the previous answers) should work harder to divide up the IO from the logic. Make main gather the input and separately (purely, if possible) do the work.
import Control.Monad -- not needed, but cleans some things up
main = do
numCases <- liftM read getLine
lines <- replicateM numCases getLine
let results = map findNextPalin lines
mapM_ putStrLn results
When solving SPOJ problems in Haskell, try not to use standard strings at all. ByteStrings are much faster, and I've found you can usually ignore the number of tests and just run a map over everything but the first line, like so:
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O2 -optc-O2 #-}
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BS
main :: IO ()
main = do
(l:ls) <- BS.lines `fmap` BS.getContents
mapM_ findNextPalin ls
The SPOJ page in the Haskell Wiki gives a lot of good pointers about how to read Ints from ByteStrings, as well as how to deal with a large quantities of input. It'll help you avoid exceeding the time limit.
