Opencart Kingstore lite href variable undefined - opencart2.x

I am using OpenCart 2.2.0 with Kingstore Lite theme
At the order history when i try to view the details of one order i do get the error message:
:Undefined index: href in catalog/view/theme/kingstorepro/template/account/order_list.tpl on line
This is the line:
<td class="text-right"><a href="<?php echo $order['href']; ?>"
and the route is : index.php?route=account/order
How can i fix ? is at the controller or at the model ? how can i find and fix?

Try below code instead of above -
<td class="text-right"><a href="<?php echo $order['view']; ?>"
Hope this will help you.


I've upgraded my php but <? ?> codes started to not work?

I've upgraded my php. But all of sudden none of my code is working now. It shows me <? ?>. PHP tags suddenly started to not work. Why, and how can I fix it?
The solution is easy. I'll share it but let me first tell you that using <? ?> short tags are not suggested.
Please from now on try to use full <?php ?> tags.
And solution is short_open_tag = On in your php.ini

Opencart twig files doesnt change

I'm using opencart 3.0.2 and when i change twig files it doesn't appear on site for example there is a code like this:
<div class="compare">
<button type="button" title="{{ button_compare }}" onclick="compare.add('{{ product.product_id }}');"<span>{{ button_compare }}</span></button>
and I delete this code from file but it doesn't make any change on the site.

Image not rendering in md format file in Gitlab

I have a directory called "features" in the root and inside this directory has image "state_transitation.JPG" and document ""
I am trying to add an image "state_transitation.JPG" to the md extension document "" in my repository by using markdown below:
![alt text](./state_transitation.JPG)
![alt text](/state_transitation.JPG)
![alt text](state_transitation.JPG)
<img src="state_transitation.JPG" />
I tried all above options but this is giving page could not be found error. 404
Both and image file are in same path/directory.
What is the correct way to display an image in gitlab
I think that the first option should work, assuming they are in the same folder. I made an example repostiory here that works.
Source of the file:
Hello World
Output in GitLab:

selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: File not found: /path/to/file

the html part looks like this:
<form action="/upload/select-single/" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken" value="U3Uh3EAYWXaWEiNaWC3zcCQutQe8hGM53u4BTx810o08t1GwOfIJI2ayHCFQFySw">
<label for="id_file_field">File field:</label>
<input id="id_file_field" name="file_field" type="file" multiple="" required="">
<input id="submit" type="submit" value="submit">
the selenium test like this:
btn_choose_file = self.browser.find_element_by_id("id_file_field")
# write file path to field
# to check that I really selected the field, I tried -> and it works
btn_choose_file.send_keys('/path/to/file') # -> THIS is the line which seems to cause the problem
# click submit
unfortunately when the test is executed this error is raised
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: File not found: /path/to/file
this due to the part where the file path is send to the input element with btn_choose_file.send_keys('/path/to/file')
note: the real '/path/to/file' is the following
/Users/udos/development/trails/processfile/gpx_data/test_data/suite 001 - val poschiavo/Bernina - Le Prese.gpx (the file exists and I copied the path from the IDE)
very odd behaviour. this test was running before, somehow I managed to break it...
any suggestions what the cause could be?
UPDATE downgrading Firefox from version 55.0.2 to 54.0.1 "fixed" the issue.see ->
One way to work around the issue is to replace all "/" occurances in the filename with "\" ("\\" in python).
This work at least on Windows.
After this bug i installed and used chromewebdriver. Worked like firefox driver and all my tests run smoothly. I suggest you try it at least it worked like a charm for me
this error was due to an update of Firefox to version 55.0.2 (which automatically happened 2 days ago because I have automatic updates configured)
the following geckodriver issue pointed me into this direction probably this issue was reintroduced in 55.0.x...
I then downgraded my Firefox version to 54.0.1 as described in article make sure to disable automatic updates as described in that article.
with this, the selenium tests are running again.

how to link a library path while invoking an application in linux

I am currently working on graphviz in linux environment and i am new to linux.
By using the below command i am trying to generate an svg file from the below listed input dot file.(i have installed graphviz 2.38.0) and the current user is having full access to the machine.
dot -Tsvg -o Check_Svg.svg Check_Svg.txt
digraph g {
graph[size="15,5" nodesep=1 ranksep=1 ];
node[color="#56B9F9" shape="oval" style="filled" penwidth="2.5" fontname="Helvitica-Outline" fontsize="25" ];
edge[penwidth="2.5" fontsize="30" ];
Example_01[fontcolor="white" color="#56B9F9" label=<<table border="0"><tr> <td>Example_Application</td></tr><tr><td>Case1</td></tr><tr><td>Case2</td></tr></table>> fontsize=35 ];
Example_02[color="#FDC12E" label=<<table border="0"><tr><td>Example_02</td></tr><tr> <td>Case2</td></tr></table>>];
Example_01->Example_02[label=<<table border="0"><tr><td>Example_01 to Example_02</td> </tr><tr><td>1 Relationship</td></tr></table>> headport="nw" ];
Legend [color="#96B9F9" fontsize="30" ,shape=none, margin=0, label=<
<TD> ( ) </TD>
<TD align="left"> Cases </TD>
<TD> * </TD>
<TD align="left"> Relationship </TD>
When i executed the command to generate a svg output from a dot file, i am getting the below error.
Warning: Not built with libexpat. Table formatting is not available.
in label of node Example_01
in label of node Example_02
in label of node Legend
in label of edge Example_01 -> Example_02
The output svg file is getting created, but wrongly. Instead of the html label, the node name itself is coming in the diagram.
The output svg from the above dot file
I have installed libexpat, in my linux machine, at /usr/local/lib.
Please suggest me how to invoke the libexpat, so that i can generate the actual output from my linux environment.
Thanks in advance !!!
Configure first sees if the expat-config program is in your path.
If not, it tries building against the library with
the various user-supplied -I and -L paths. If it still can't find your
libexpat, you can use the --with-expatincludedir
and --with-expatlibdir to specify where the include file and library reside.
Obviously, all this depends on having libexpat installed. You'll need to
find it, or just install it yourself.
By the way, you needn't configure, build and run to check for a missing
feature. When configure finishes, it should
list which optional pieces are available.
Hiii, i got the answer for my above question.
Actually for linking a library to one particular application, we need to install that library before the installation of the application.
So here i installed expat-2.0.1 and then installed graphviz2.38.0 and the issue is sorted out.
Thank you !!
