I'm using ubuntu 16.04 on vmware player. The shared folder is enabled and is visible on /mnt/fghs. But, the owner(root) can't be changed by chown. How to change it? Please, advice me.
Additionally, some person said the owner could be changed after modifying /etc/fstab. But, I couldn't find any information in /etc/fstab like .host :/ /mnt/hgfs vmhgfs defaults 0 0. When I add the line into /etc/fstab file, wmware can't be start up.
probably a little bit late, but anyway.
Firstly, unmount your shared folder:
sudo umount /mnt/hgfs
then run:
vmhgfs-fuse .host:/ /mnt/hgfs -o uid=1000 -o gid=1000 -o umask=0033
where you should consider change uid and gid to yours. Remember that:
id -u
id -g
will return your current user and group ID.
Take a look to vmhgfs-fuse --help for more options ;)
Resolved. Use allow_other option to grant access.
vmhgfs-fuse -o allow_other .host:/ /mnt/hgfs
see unix.stackexchange.com: vmhgfs-fuse-permission-denied-issue
You can try those steps
sudo su
touch /bin/remount_hgfs
chmod a+x /bin/remount_hgfs
echo '#!/bin/sh -e' >> /bin/remount_hgfs
echo 'umount /mnt/hgfs' >> /bin/remount_hgfs
echo 'mount /mnt/hgfs' >> /bin/remount_hgfs
echo '.host:/ /mnt/hgfs vmhgfs rw,ttl=1,uid=33,gid=33,nobootwait 0 0' >> /etc/fstab
line=`wc -l /etc/rc.local | cut -f1 -d' '`; sed -i "${line}ish /bin/remount_hgfs" /etc/rc.local
I want to add sudo infront of every command(like the title says) but I don't want to make sudo - i / sudo su -
I want that you enter a "sudo mode" but you can keep working like a normal user.
So I can perfectly implement my /etc/sudoers file in my system.
I had following idea: (its a concept not finished it has many flaws i dislike but maybe it helps to get an idea):
prompt:"sudo mode prompt>"
while : ; do
read -e -p "$prompt" command
$(sudo $command)
I don't like that variant so do you know some scripts/programs?
This should get what you want to achieve :
prompt="sudo mode prompt>"
while : ; do
read -p "$prompt" -r command
sudo bash -c "$command"
I have this script:
sudo mysqldump -c -u username -p1234 dbname > $VAR
But if i run this script I get this error:
: Protocol error 3: mysql-export.sh: cannot create eric.sql
But if I don't use the variable, but just this:
sudo mysqldump -c -u username -p1234 dbname > eric.sql
... it is working well. What do I wrong?
The problem was that the script had Windows style line breaks (I used notepad). After I used Nano the write the script it was solved.
Thanks for the answers!
sudo can change $PATH variable, depend on your security policy.
-E The -E (preserve environment) option will override the env_reset
option in sudoers(5)). It is only available when either the match-
ing command has the SETENV tag or the setenv option is set in sudo-
You could add the full path of the file, or remove sudo in that script.
This should also work:
sudo PATH="$PATH" mysqldump -c -u username -p1234 dbname > $VAR
In the following script in Upstart, I'm unable to read /etc/shadow in pre-script phase, unless I use $(echo mypass | sudo -S cat /etc/shadow | grep myusername)
The script works fine if I provide my sudo pass, but I'm wondering if there is a way to do this without having to write my pass in the conf file?
description "Starting Node with Upstart and Forever"
start on filesystem or runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [06]
expect fork
respawn limit 5 30
console output
setuid myusername
env HOME=/home/myusername
env ARGS_FILE=/etc/shadow
. /etc/shadow
cd $HOME
exec forever start -a -l /tmp/forever.log -o /tmp/forever.stdout.log -e /tmp/forever.stderr.log --watch --watchDirectory /home/myusername/myapp/server /home/myusername/myapp/server/server.js
end script
pre-start script
# cur=$(echo mypass | sudo -S cat /etc/shadow | grep myusername) -> this works
cur=$(cat $ARGS_FILE | grep myusername) -> this doesn't work
if [ "$ori" = "$cur" ]
then encfs code
else rm -rf somefile
end script
There is a good reason why shadow is accessible only by root: Anybody who can change it can easily get root access. Given some time, oldish MD5 passwords can even be calculated. Bottom line: don't fiddle with /etc/shadow unless you absolutely have to. Basically, this reduces the need to changing passwords.
I am not too sure what you are trying to achieve, but doing a grep $username /etc/passwd should give you all information you need except for the hashed password.
And upstart scripts don't have to be run as root. It is perfectly fine to run a daemon as whichever user. This is achieved using the setuid stanza (there is an according setgid). So you install the service as root and let it drop privileges.
Another option would be to use a user-job. Make sure you enable user-jobs.
Whatever you do : Don't fiddle with /etc/shadow!
I had been trying to clear cache in a remote server and i got these commands.
First login as root user and execute
sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
But I had to automate this in a script, so i used this
ssh user#ipaddress "sudo su; sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches";
But I am not able to get the root user privileges by sudo su and I thought removing sudo su and instead use
ssh user#ipaddress "sudo sync;sudo echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches";
But this says it dose'nt have enough permissions.
What am I missing??
When you do this sudo echo 3 > .... only echo will be with "sudo" user permissions, redirection is with current user.
try something like this :
ssh user#ipaddress "sudo sh -c \"sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches\"";
Use tee as an alternate to redirection that works well with sudo:
ssh user#ipaddress 'echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches > /dev/null'
The redirection to /dev/null is optional, if you want to avoid "3" being echoed to your terminal as well.
Also If you experience this message
>> sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
as I had, you can fix it by editing /etc/sudoers and comment Defaults requiretty -> #Defaults requiretty.
When I changed my current user to admin using
sudo su admin
I found that the environment variable changed too. What I intend to do is to change my user to admin with the env not changed.
Then I found a command as follows:
sudo bash -c "su - admin"
This command does indeed what I want, but I googled about bash -c, with no clue to why this command can do that for me. Could anyone give me a clear explanation? Thanks a lot.
first you should read the sudo manpage and set theses options in the /etc/sudoers file or you can do it interactively (see second below).
default sudoers file may not preserve the existing $USER environment unless you set the config options to do so. You'll want to read up on env_reset because depending on your OS distribution the sudo config will be different in most cases.
I dont mean to be terse but I am on a mobile device..
I do not recommend using sudo su .. for anything. whomever is sharing sudo su with the public is a newb, and you can accomplish the same cleaner with just sudo.
with your example whats happining is you are starting a subshell owned by the original user ("not admin") . you are starting the subshell with -c "string" sudo has the equivelant of the shell's -c using -s which either reads the shell from the arg passed to -s or the shell defined in the passwd file.
second you should use:
$ sudo -u admin -E -s
much cleaner right ? :)
-u sets the user, obviously
-s we just explained
-E preserves the orig user env
see for yourself just
$ echo $HOME # should show the original users /home/orig_user
$ env
your original env is preserved with none of that sudo su ugliness.
if you were interested in simulating a users login without preserving the env..
$ sudo -u user -i
or for root:
Might require -E depending on distro sudoers file
$ sudo -s
$ sudo -i
-i simulates the login and uses the users env.
hopefully this helps and someone will kindly format it to be more readable since im on my mobile.
bash with -c argument defines below.
-c string
If the -c option is present, then commands are read from string. If there are arguments after the string, they are assigned to the positional parameters, starting with $0.
Thanks & Regards,