Class 'Input' not found - search

I am trying to implement smart search engine for my Laravel 5.2 app.
Here is the tutorial of Laravel 4 and I want to implement in Laravel 5:
but I am stuck in ApiSearchController and I am getting:
Class 'Input' not found
Here is my Controller
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use Input;
use App\Http\Requests;
class ApiSearchController extends Controller
public function index()
$query = e(Input::get('q',''));
if(!$query && $query == '') return Response::json(array(), 400);
$products = Product::where('published', true)
$categories = Category::where('name','like','%'.$query.'%')
->get(array('slug', 'name'))
// Data normalization
$categories = $this->appendValue($categories, url('img/icons/category-icon.png'),'icon');
$products = $this->appendURL($products, 'products');
$categories = $this->appendURL($categories, 'categories');
// Add type of data to each item of each set of results
$products = $this->appendValue($products, 'product', 'class');
$categories = $this->appendValue($categories, 'category', 'class');
// Merge all data into one array
$data = array_merge($products, $categories);
return Response::json(array(

Yes I Found Sollution
This i use and success
in config.php
'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class,
in Controller
use Input;

You need to add aliases in config/app.php add line to aliases
'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class,


Codeigniter 4 with drag/drop multiple image uploader, validation

I am using a drag/drop image uploader script with my Codeigniter 4 project and it works well and I can use standard CI4 rules for validating file size, type, etc. but I need to check the max number of files being uploaded. I tried creating a custom rule but the data array does not contain the files. How should this be handled?
Below is test code in my controller when the form is submitted.
public function test_do()
$validation = \Config\Services::validation();
$rules = ['business_images' => ['label' => 'business image(s)',
'rules' => 'validate_images[business_images]']
$error = $validation->getError('business_images');
echo 'Error - >'.$error;
echo 'good';
The image rule class is as follows.
class ImageRules
public function validate_images($str, string $fields, array $data, ?string &$error = null): bool
if(count($data['business_Images']) > 2)
$error = 'Too many files';
return false;
return true;

Builder could not be converted to string

Need help, I want to sum one column in codeigniter4 but I get this error:
Error: object of class CodeIgniter\Database\MySQLi\Builder could not be converted to string
This is my model:
public function tot_crew_wni_arr() {
return $this->db->table('tbl_est_arr')->selectSum('crew_wni_arr');
at controller
$data = array(
'tot_crew_wni_arr' => $this->Model_home->tot_crew_wni_arr(),
return view('layout/v_wrapper', $data);
This is my view:
<h3><?= $tot_crew_wni_arr ?></h3>
Your model function should look something like this:
public function tot_crew_wni_arr() {
$db = \Config\Database::connect();
$builder = $db->table('tbl_est_arr');
return $builder->selectSum('crew_wni_arr')->get();

In EasyAdmin 3 configureActions method how do I get the current entity?

I wish to add an action to another to the index action with a predefined filter.
To build the filter I need the get current entity in the configureActions method.
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
$adminUrlGenerator = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);
$url = $adminUrlGenerator
->set('filters', [
'agent' => [
'comparison' => '=',
'value' => 2194, // How to get current entity here??
$viewRelatesSites = Action::new('viewRelatedSites', 'Sites', 'fa fa-file-invoice')
$actions->add(Action::DETAIL, $viewRelatesSites);
$actions->add(Action::EDIT, $viewRelatesSites);
return $actions;
How can I get the entity here?
To get the current entity the AdminContext is needed.
The best place to get this with the entity set is in a BeforeCrudActionEvent.
final class AgentCrudActionEventListen implements EventSubscriberInterface
private AdminUrlGenerator $adminUrlGenerator;
private AdminContextProvider $adminContextProvider;
public function __construct(AdminUrlGenerator $adminUrlGenerator, AdminContextProvider $adminContextProvider)
$this->adminUrlGenerator = $adminUrlGenerator;
$this->adminContextProvider = $adminContextProvider;
public static function getSubscribedEvents(): array
return [
BeforeCrudActionEvent::class => 'onBeforeCrudActionEvent',
public function onBeforeCrudActionEvent(BeforeCrudActionEvent $event): void
$crud = $event->getAdminContext()->getCrud();
if ($crud->getControllerFqcn() !== AgentCrudController::class) {
$entity = $this->adminContextProvider->getContext()->getEntity();
if (!$entity) {
$url = $this->adminUrlGenerator
->set('filters', [
'agent' => [
'comparison' => '=',
'value' => $entity->getPrimaryKeyValue(),
$viewRelatedSites = Action::new('viewRelatedSites', 'Sites', 'fa fa-file-invoice')
$actions = $crud->getActionsConfig();
$actions->appendAction(Action::DETAIL, $viewRelatedSites->getAsDto());
$actions->appendAction(Action::EDIT, $viewRelatedSites->getAsDto());
After a day looking for the current entity into my AbstractCrudController, I found this :
$currentEntity = $this->getContext()->getEntity()->getInstance();
Since EasyAdmin 3 events are discouraged per the docs:
Starting from EasyAdmin 3.0 everything is defined with PHP. That's why it's easier to customize backend behavior overloading PHP classes and methods and calling to your own services. However, the events still remain in case you want to use them.
public function configureActions(Actions $actions): Actions
// Create your action
$viewRelatedSites = Action::new('viewRelatedSites', 'Sites', 'fa fa-file-invoice');
//set the link using a string or a callable (function like its being used here)
$viewRelatedSites->linkToUrl(function($entity) {
$adminUrlGenerator = $this->get(AdminUrlGenerator::class);
$url = $adminUrlGenerator
->set('filters', [
'agent' => [
'comparison' => '=',
'value' => $entity->getId()
return $url;
$actions->add(Crud::PAGE_INDEX, $viewRelatedSites);
return $actions;

How do I make the has_many selector drag and drop sortable with fuelCMS 1.4?

I have created a model and added the $has_many for selecting multiple products. This is working fine but I am unable to make the selected products sortable by drag and drop. I know this is possible I have seen it. But I am unable to find anything in the documentation that shows how to get this done. Here is my model:
<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
* This model handles setting up the form fields for our contact form
class Products_category_model extends Base_module_model {
public $required = array('name', 'published');
public $has_many = array('products' => array(FUEL_FOLDER => 'Products_model'));
function __construct()
This will provide the list of records for display in the Admin Panel
Note how the "excerpt" will display, but truncated
Because we are using some MySQL functions in our select statement,
we pass FALSE in as the second parament to prevent CI auto escaping of fields
function list_items($limit = null, $offset = null, $col = 'name', $order = 'asc', $just_count = false)
$this->db->select('id, name, published', FALSE);
$data = parent::list_items($limit, $offset, $col, $order);
return $data;
function form_fields($values = array(), $related = array())
$fields = parent::form_fields($values, $related);
return $fields;
class Product_category_model extends Base_module_record {
So it is very simple I discovered. I added this in the form fields function:
// Makes the has many drag and drop sortable.
$fields['products']['sorting'] = TRUE;
$fields['products']['after_html'] = "<div style=\"clear:both;font-style:italic\">NOTE: you can sort selected product to your choosing by clicking on the product and then dragging it into the desired placement in the list</div>";

lumen - LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage() is always 1

With lumen, I have the problem that this is always 1, also when I go to /artikel?page=2:
the complete code:
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Illuminate\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;
class ArtikelController extends Controller {
public function index()
$dir = '../resources/views/artikel/';
$files = array_diff(scandir($dir), array('..', '.'));
$artikel = array();
foreach($files as $k => $v)
$id = substr($v,0,1);
$artikel[$id]['id'] = $id;
$artikel[$id]['name'] = substr($v,0,strpos($v,'.blade.php'));
//Get current page form url e.g. &page=6
$currentPage = LengthAwarePaginator::resolveCurrentPage();
//Create a new Laravel collection from the array data
$collection = new Collection($artikel);
//Define how many items we want to be visible in each page
$perPage = 2;
//Slice the collection to get the items to display in current page
$currentPageResults = $collection->slice($currentPage * $perPage, $perPage)->sortByDesc('id')->all();
//Create our paginator and pass it to the view
$paginatedResults = new LengthAwarePaginator($currentPageResults, count($collection), $perPage);
return view('artikel', ['artikel' => $paginatedResults]);
I can't find the mistake. What could be the reason? (I have also updated to "laravel/lumen-framework": "5.1.*")
You can use this simple way to get your current page:
$currentPage = (int) app('request')->get('page', $default = '0');
