c++ programs on computers without visual studios - visual-c++

My friend and I are making a game using C++ and the sfml graphics library. We are almost done, but every time we manually put the .exe (and necessary assets) on a computer that doesn't have visual studios installed it gives an error. The error is: The program can't start because MSVCP120D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem. After making a copy of the .dll file and placing it in the local application folder, it came up with another error: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b). I've seen a few posts on stack over flow and other resources, but the questions are usually lacking in detail and go unanswered.

You need to download the Visual C++ Redistributable Package for Visual Studio 2013 (VC++ v12) and install it.


Visual Studio 2013 no C++ templates Modify install doesn't fix

I'm forced to use Visual Studio 2013 for a class, and I need to use c++ within it. I have downloaded and installed VS 2013 Professional with Update 5, however there is no option to create a C++ project. I have already attempted to repair and modify the install to include c++. The checkbox for c++ is selected on this modify isntall screen, and it seems to go through the motions of adding the c++ requirements. However, C++ still doesn't show up as an option in new templates. I have already tried running 'devenv /installvstemplates" from the command line, that seemed to add some files to the directory but still no c++ support. Can anyone shed any light on this? Thank you for your time

Recompile on save isn't working

I started a Node.js project on Visual Studio 2017 Community on my PC at home, just to test a few things out and play around.
When I begin "debugging" (as in get Visual Studio to compile and launch the website), any changes I make and save to files are not reflected until I restart the entire debugging process. I've Node.js projects through Visual Studio on other computers, and they seemed to recompile the individual files as they were saved, reflecting any changes immediately. I can't seem to find anything online that would suggest a solution, I guess Visual Studio/node.js is a pretty rare combination.
My Visual Studio Community 2017 installation on Windows 10 is fairly slim. In terms of components:
Cloud, database, and server:
Connectivity and publishing tools
Web Deploy
Code tools: Developer Analytics tools
Debugging and testing: JavaScript diagnostics
Development activities:
JavaScript and TypeScript language support
Node.js support
SDKs, libraries, and frameworks: TypeScript 2.5 SDK
Would anyone how I can make Visual Studio recompile each file on save while debugging? It's definitely possible, I'm probably just missing something!
I've since figured that this is not native functionality for VisualStudio to recompile each time an application-dependent file is changed. There are, however, packages available that can allow Node to do this, such as Nodemon.

Compile SFML 2.1 for Visual Studio Express 2013 Windows Desktop

I am new to C++ programming, so I thought to get into it by getting familiar with SFML.
I downloaded Visual Studio 2013 Express Windows Desktop.
Then I realized that there is no SFML for VS2013.
So I have to compile/built it for me and I downloaded CMake.
When compiling it regarding some of the many tutorials on the internet, I get to the point, when I have to build in VS2013 with the "SFML_STATIC" flag.
Thus before, I build it successfully for the shared libs.
When I generate in CMake against the generator "Visual Studio 12 2013", it will create five projects:
It starts off with a problem that 4 of 5 projects are corrupt, so I have to manually fix the .vcxproj files.
After that I reload the projects and I start building the solution.
I do get linker errors, telling me he/she/it cannot find several files:
and some SFML specific files.
I have found out that those files are in a location where in VS2013 the variable #(WindowsSdkDir) points to. But still those .dlls are note found, see
I also have found that there are some issues with this for VS2013 targeted at MS.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Did anyone built it successfully?
Many thanks in advance. I appreciate your help.

How do I make Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express executable files independent of c++

Whenever I try to build a windows executable file in Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express and use the created program, Microsoft Visual C++ always boots up, I want to create an executable file, just like any other windows program without having to go through Microsoft Visual C++. Any information on this would be GREATLY appreciated, Thank You
When you have build you program you have to copy the executable to the destination PC. When your C++ program is in the file hello.cpp compiled in the project moin.vcproj yoi have to copy the moin.exe to the target. There you start the moin.exe. The executable can be placed in any folder.
The C++ compiled program requires that the C++ run-time library is installed. Very often it's already there. But you have problems to run the executable you need to install the correct redistributable package.
Depending on the target CPU you used you need the x86 or the x64 distributable:
Edit: If you don't want to deploy your program you just use the Windows Explorer, browse to the folder where Visual Studio has created the moin.exe, and double start it with a double click. The right mouse key can offer you more possibilities like creating a shorcut.
The search function of the Explorer might help here. If you didn't change the output directory you will find the .exe somehwere below the place where your .vcproj is located.

Visual Studio through MSDN: Can they know it is not mine?

So, I was arguing with a great friend of mine about Visual Studio 2012 and Microsoft being able to detect which one you used. According to him if you get your hands on a direct MSDN download of Visual Studio 2012 Professional, and you end up creating an app, like a game or something, and then you submit it to the Windows App Store, they will never know which visual studio version you truly used to develop the App, or if you were the owner of it or not.
Is he right? Because I thought Visual Studio some how left a footprint behind on the .exe file letting Microsoft know about licensing information. Or should I go apologize to him for calling him a f...ing liar.
If you guys say it does leave a print, can you show some proof, or a link to read more about it? Thanks guys.
Your friend is likely correct. Why would MS bother when they make freely available all the tools you need to compile your program. You can build .Net applications without the Visual Studio IDE. See this related question
Is it possible to install a C# compiler without Visual Studio?
