Gmail API - Adding an attribute for each mail. Is it possible? - gmail

Let's suppose I want to create a tracking time web app and one of the features allows the user to track the time spent sending mails. So, when receiving or sending an email, there would be an option for indicating how long it took the user to send or read that email. Then, from the website of my web app (, the users could create custom charts and reports for listing, for example, all the emails that took him more than 10 minutes to read and were sent in June.
If I had in a database of mine all the emails, this would be as simple as create a column for each email storing that value.
So my question is: would it be possible with the current Gmail API do so?


How to have multiple approval areas in Azure Logic Apps?

In Azure Logic Apps, there is an action for Send Approval Email under Office 365 Outlook.
I want to have multiple approval options in the same email. Is there a way to do it?
I tried looping over and sending emails but that sends a new email every time with option to approve.
Currently, this is not possible in logic apps. You can send only 1 approval from logic apps. However, if it is must to use an approval connector you can build a logic app where you can send multiple emails and track the options through Storage account or you can simply use a send email connector and get the replies from users. Below is an alternative approach if it is must to use an approval connector from logic apps.
I have used parallel branches to set a time for the responding by the user. If the user fails to select the options within the time limit the logic app fails. In my case I have used 1 minute. However you can even set time using Delay until and mention the specific date and time to respond back.
In the parallel step I'm sending the Approval email to the user and then I'm storing all the Lists of the blobs in storage account into a variable.
Note: This results to trigger multiple emails to the users
In the next step, I'm checking if the user's options has already been created by checking their mail id. If yes, it just stores the selected option by the user else it creates the file and then stores the selected options by the user.
In mail
In LogicApps Run
In storage account
Yes, you can have multiple approval in the To configuration with multiple email ID's separated by semicolons of the Send approval email action of the office 365 connector.
Once it is approved you can get the email ID of the person who has approved the request using the property UserEmailAddress and other details of the output of your Send approval email connector.

Intermittently Delay in Receiving Email Messages by Gmail Api

I'm facing intermittently delay with polling email messages via Gmail API from GSuite user's inbox. Those calls origin from automatic jobs and use multiple G-Suite users to disperse the work and avoid reaching Quota limits.
However, there are still delay of at least 3 minutes in reading the email. Investigating message email headers showed neither errors (429) or delay time, nor quota limits are being reached.
I examined the push notification method and I'm limited to use it.
Are limit units calculated according to domain rather than per G-Suite user so I'm indeed reach quota?
What else can cause those delays?
The Gmail API has usage limits per method and per user.
Email sending limits are calculated per user per day, not per domain.
Limit units are calculated from all requests made from your application per day
You can check your quota in the Cloud console, choosing your project and API (in this case Gmail).
In my case, I could clearly see the email inside the 'Sent' folder but the recipient had not got any email, so I knew the limits for using the API had not been crossed. It was spam protection taking a ton of time to figure out if the sent email was spam or not. The most common case would be if your emails are all similar with a link in them. I removed the hyperlink in my template email notification and it started working again without any delay.

Implement billing email reminders

I would like to implement automatic email notification system for recurring billing in Nodejs. E.g. when subscription is about to expire in 5 days or in 24 hours I want to send an email reminder for a user.
I am using Sendgrid as mailing service. Sending an email is a easy task. Question is what is the best practice for implementing such workflow.
I imagine that cronjob could be setup to run every hour or so.
Script is executed that finds all the users with subscriptions which expires in 5 days or 24 hours. Doing so would lead to sending notification every time cronjob is run. I have to track which users are notified already to avoid duplicated emails.
You should create a cron job for that, like I said in comment, daily. After you find and sent emails you can check sendgrid api to make sure email has been delivered.
You can also make a web hook to check that
the rest of implementation in logic.

Mass Emails Getting Rejected by Google

I need help automating mass emails I'm sending daily.
I'm trying to send out automated mass emails through a Gmail account (My Business uses Google Apps). I built a Java program that allows me to enter my credentials (gmail username & password), Subject Line, Email List, and enter is a body template. The program then sends out emails one at a time to each of the contacts which are in a comma delimited list. This isn't spam as I'm getting the users to submit their email address.
I got this Mail Delivery Message today: "Technical details of permanent failure: Message rejected." I read that Google will only allow a maximum of 100 recipients to any message through its smtp gateway - and there's a maximum of 500 messages in any 24 hr period.
I need a new strategy. How do I build a program to automate sending of ~100-200 emails a day? Do I need to be buying IP's, SMTP Servers, write a new PHP application? I need a place to start because this is out of my scope.
Gmail is not designed for email marketing as you have seen. In the past I have used a Google App Engine account for sending tens to hundreds of thousands of emails (because that was where the domain was managed), but that can be a pain to manage.
You could consider using a service that specializes in email marketing. I have heard good things about Campaign Monitor and MailChimp. Plus MailChimp can integrate into Google Apps.
We use but I was looking at switching to Google when we switch to Google Apps in the near future. I'll have to drill in a bit more. IN the meantime, give authsmtp a try.
Google specifically rejects this type of behavior/use of their system.
I would suggest trying a system that is built for this type of activity such as MailChimp or Aweber.

How can I modify browser to control DOM of any loaded document?

I want to login in gmail account automatically. Then want to create a mail through contents of a text file. Then select Email addresses from Database one by one and send mail through GMail account and everything should be absolutely automatic.
I mean. I have a list of thousands of emails and I want to send all of them a personalized mail through GMail account. But I don't want to create 500 mails per day manually. I want to do this thing automatically. So I think, I should create a system which have following Algorithm.
1 Automatically login to GMail account.
2 Automatically compose a new mail.
3 Automatically select an email address from my database.
4 Automatically Paste content in composing mail.
5 Automatically click on the send button to send the mail
6 Again automatically follow steps 2 to 6 until all emails are not sent.
I can do all these things if I can control the Web Browser because without controlling the browser, I can't do all these things. I want to know, How can I achieve this and through which language?
Automated testing tools can do the trick. Try WatIn. WebLoad could also work. You can automate access to a site and the clicks with it. You should be able to leverage that to send out your emails.
