SSIS Error code: 0x80040E37 - excel

There is a dataflow task,which consists of excel source and sql destination.When executing dataflow task alone it is runing good.If i execute this dataflow taks inside a a for each loop ,it gives below error
[Excel Source [17]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_OLEDBERROR. An OLE
DB error has occurred. Error code: 0x80040E37.
[Excel Source [17]] Error: Opening a rowset for "'Sheet Data$'"
failed. Check that the object exists in the database.
[SSIS.Pipeline] Error: "Excel Source" failed validation and returned
validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
Have anybody got similar problem!?

The sheet which SSIS is trying to open in your Excel file does not exist.

I had the same problem. And as I found out the reason was the read-only property.
When I added before Data Flow Task task: File System Task where I set Excel property ReadOnly=False it started working.
Here are some screens. I hope it can help someone. :)

In my case this error was due to a referenced Named Range in the Excel book's Name Manager being deleted.

I don't know if this will help with an Excel source component, but in case it does:
To resolve this, I just had to go into the Data Flow task, into the Excel component (source component for the original poster, destination component for me), and in the 3rd drop-down, re-select the "Name of the Excel sheet:" Then the package ran without error.
I guess the tab names initially generated by the SSIS Import and Export Wizard -- tab names that matched the table names -- were TOO LONG: my "create table" step (Prep SQL task) continues to show those long tablenames, but in the spreadsheet the tab names are truncated, and in the Excel component of the Data Flow task, I had to select the spreadsheet tab name ending with "$".
(Note re' my initial answer:
In my case, I initially thought it was a problem with the mappings (re-mapping was one of the things I did, when the problem went away), but...
When it happened again, I discovered that the only necessary step was the other thing I did -- the re-selection of the Excel spreadsheet name.)

I solved this issue by creating a new sheet to the file, selecting that new one, clicking "preview" and selecting back the official one.
Seems like when you change files or something the package is still referencing the old one. Doing what I mention below will solve the issue.


MS Access Error: "External table not in the expected format" when trying to open linked table which previously worked

I have some queries in my Access database which pull data from Excel files that appear in the database as linked tables. They have worked just fine, until suddenly and inexplicably I was getting the error "External table is not in the expected format," when trying to access them.
I thought it might have to do with the fact that I was using a macro-enabled workbook, but it was fine before. I do have a mail merge set up in Word which is linked to the database, and using one of the aforementioned queries.
It turns out that the issue was due to the mail merge document. Once I saved and closed the mail merge file in Word and tried accessing the queries and tables again in Access, the error was no longer appearing.
It seems that if a Word mail merge is connected to the database, this error may appear. I am not sure as to why a more appropriate error is not appearing; after testing it seems to happen regardless of whether the linked file is a macro-enabled workbook or not.
In short, as Olivier put it, the file was locked by Word. A simple issue, but not exactly clear given the error message (unless you follow Andre's logic that the expected format is a non-locked file, hahah).
I hope this helps someone else!
My form is hooked to a query. The "not in expected format" message happens when the query is set up as a "snapshot". When I changed to "dynaset", the form started to work as expected.

Error debugging SSIS (excel source, data conversion, OLE DB destination)

I am having issues creating a good data flow from Excel Source to SQL DB in BIDS 2010. I'm using 32-bit runtime, i have windows authentication on the SQL Server. I'm trying to send the data to a table that has no relationships or constraints at all. My excel file is .xls and I've tried doing this to SS2012 and SS2008R2 databases, getting the same errors back.
Here's my Package Validation Error:
Error at Data Flow Component [SSIS.Pipeline]: "component "Source for Excel Connection Manager" (1)" failed validation and returned validation status "VS_ISBROKEN".
Error at Data Flow Component [SSIS.Pipeline]: One or more component failed validation.
Error at Data Flow Component: There were errors during task validation.
Please check at this URL, I have commented earlier today.
BIDS Package Error's on Truncate while EXPORTING to flat file
Some suggestion as well:
1) Check the Data type in excel source. If the Source data type is different Convert or cast them as it is in Database.
2) Map the column correctly. Check if there are not null field in the destination.
3) Make sure you change the Project properties to RUN64bits to FALSE
This may not relate, but I was getting a very similar error while trying to write data to Excel from global tables. Turned out to be an issue with the Connection Manager for the database. I had to set "RetainSameConnection" to True and it started working right away. Again, this may be unrelated to your issue, and this is several months later, but it could be a solution for someone else that runs into the problem.
Again this may not be the case always but for me the excel was corrupted.
I followed these steps after wasting 3 hours:
tried to open the source excel file, it didn't open and prompted the file is corrupted.
recreated the excel file from the source, saved as excel (.xlsx) file
recreated the connection manager and edited excel source
and everything works fine.

InfoPath cannot run the specified query

For my form I had a database sql table called DeliveryAddress.
I had linked it to a combobox which had some rules to show the fields in textboxes.
That worked great.
Then I got a new updated list so I removed the table on the server and replaced it with the new one. I also called it DeliveryAddresses.
I removed the dataconnection from the form and created a new one.
I changed the ruling of the combobox for the fields.
Then I published the form.
Now I cannot open the published form any more.
I get this error:
The query cannot be run for the following DataObject: DeliveryAddress
InfoPath cannot run the specified query.
[0x80040E37][Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server] Invalid object name 'dbo.DeliveryAddress'.
When I preview the form, there is no problem.
I have checked all the source files, but the name DeliveryAddress is nowhere to be found.
But still, it's trying to open it somewhere, somehow.
Before I changed the name of the table, I got a simular error, it couldn't find a field that was in the original table but isn't anymore in the new one.
How can I solve this problem?
Spent hours trying to find the solution and then just after I posted the question on StackOverflow, I manage to solve it.
I realized that every time you open a new version of a form, it first loads the precious one from an earlier moment and then checks if the version is different.
But because the database changed, the old version couldn't open and that is where the above error occurs.
I went to this (old) webpage and removed all the files from the infopath formcache.
As I have Win7, the path to the formcache is:
Appdata is a hidden folder, so you will have to make it visible first!
I hope this will help future users with a similar problem.

ssis excel source cannot acquire connection manager at DESIGN time

I have an SSIS (super)package that consists of several (about) 40 packages, each of which has several data flow tasks, most of them loading some excel data to a sqlserver database. So I have several excel source connection managers, one per excel file.
This has always worked fine until recently : I have to change an excel source in one of my packages (a column was added in the excel which has to be loaded in the destination sqlserver table) but I cannot edit the excel source in SSIS : when I click on "columns" I get an error box "DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER". So this is a design time issue, not a run time problem. I've seen a question like this one on stackoverflow but no answer. Anyone has an idea ?
I' ve already removed office 2007 and reinstalled office 2003 on my machine, but this didn't help
it has nothing to do with 64bit mode, which I've read about here
Is there some limit on the number of connection managers in ssis ?
Most of my connection managers were created with copy/paste and hence they have the same Id, although they point to different excel files. Could this be a problem ?
I should also mention that the package runs without any problems, so it's only "editing/changing" the package that doesn't work. For the moment I circumvent this problem by disabling the data flow that should change and by replacing it with a sql statement that hardcoded inserts the data from the excel into the destination table.
Maybe another intersting thing to mention : I can create a new package and add and change excel sources without problems, but then again, when I try to copy this excel source in my package, I cannot edit it.
Did you try to check the advanced options on the Source Connection?
Right click on the component and select "Show Advanced Editor..."
Select the column mappings tab and press the Refresh button.
This should point out that the XLS connection has some additional columns or that the file that you are pointing at, cannot be pre-validated at runtime.
I'm not sure if this will work but try the Work Offline option in the SSIS menu in BIDS/VS. What this should do is not validate the connection before you edit the component. It might be able to get you into the component.

How to update report in access with bound dataset automatically?

I have a single entry output from a paradox table which is imported into Access. Now I have created a report and done the databinding within the report to the dataset from Paradox. When work is done in Paradox the single entry output changes...
How do I open up access and have the values from the report update automatically without having to reimport the table manually?
The objective is that when access is opened the report comes up immediately for inspection before printing.
Use a linked table instead of importing the data (assumes a provider for paradox is available, which seems likely).
Linking directly to the Paradox table should work. The way to do what you asked, automating the import, would be to run DoCmd.TransferDatabase in either an autoexec macro or in the OnLoad event of your report. You would probably want to start with a delete query to reset the table too.
Link table to Paradox file through GetData on menu. You select the file from the route directory where your db files are and select. Maintain a link and bind the date relationships to the dataset. As you update using the Paradox database the tables in Access will update also. You musn't run the db and access the same time otherwise jet engine won't work.
From the design view of the report, go to the property sheet and the Event tab. Find the On Load event and click the elipsis button. Select Code Builder if presented with the Choose Builder dialog. This will drop you into the VBA editor in the Report_Load event. Edit to look something like this:
Private Sub Report_Load()
DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Paradox 7.x", "c:\yourdata\yourfile.tbl", acTable, "SourceTable", "YourAccessTable"
End Sub
I'm not sure on the specifics for the Paradox version, the file naming convention, etc. (I only dabbled with Paradox briefly and don't remember it's specifics). Watch the intellisense or put the cursor on TransferData and press F1 to get the Help for the TransferDatabase method for reference.
Ahead of the TrasferDatabase statement you might want to run something like:
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE FROM TableName"
That will blow out the destination table on the Access side ahead of the load from the Paradox side.
