Parallel deployment of express nodejs application to multiple application servers - node.js

I have a express/node js web application deployed on a Linode stack.
I have my 2 application servers running Ubuntu 14.04, which are accessed behind 2 Haproxy load balancers again running on Ubuntu 14.04.
Let us call Application server 1 => APP1 and Application server 2 => APP2
Currently, I deploy manually by
Removing APP1 entry from haproxy.cfg of both the load balancers and restarting.
Update the code on APP1
Remove APP2 entry from haproxy.cfg of both the load balancers and put APP1 entry back
Restart APP1
Update code on APP2
Put the APP2 entry back in both haproxy.cfg's and restart
Restart APP2
I follow this process so that at any point of time the users of our web application get consistent data even during deployment, i.e both the instances of app server are not running a different copy of the code.
I am moving to automated deployment system and the 2 options I have looked at for deployment are Capistrano and Shipit JS.
They both provide ways to mention multiple servers in their configuration, for e.g in capistrano
role :app, "APP1", "APP2"
and in Shipit JS
shipit.config.servers = ['APP1', 'APP2']
So, my question is how do these libraries make sure that both the servers are updated parallely before they are restarted? Is there a way by which they lock incoming requests to these servers during updation ?
Do these deployment systems work only for simple Client - App Server architecture or they can used in systems where there is a load balancer?
Any explanation would be invaluable. I have tried my best to explain the situation here.If you need more input please mention below in the comments.


How to make flask app use public ip on azure vm [duplicate]

Setting up Flask with uWSGI and Nginx can be difficult. I tried following this DigitalOcean tutorial and still had trouble. Even with buildout scripts it takes time, and I need to write instructions to follow next time.
If I don't expect a lot of traffic, or the app is private, does it make sense to run it without uWSGI? Flask can listen to a port. Can Nginx just forward requests?
Does it make sense to not use Nginx either, just running bare Flask app on a port?
When you "run Flask" you are actually running Werkzeug's development WSGI server, and passing your Flask app as the WSGI callable.
The development server is not intended for use in production. It is not designed to be particularly efficient, stable, or secure. It does not support all the possible features of a HTTP server.
Replace the Werkzeug dev server with a production-ready WSGI server such as Gunicorn or uWSGI when moving to production, no matter where the app will be available.
The answer is similar for "should I use a web server". WSGI servers happen to have HTTP servers but they will not be as good as a dedicated production HTTP server (Nginx, Apache, etc.).
Flask documents how to deploy in various ways. Many hosting providers also have documentation about deploying Python or Flask.
First create the app:
import flask
app = flask.Flask(__name__)
Then set up the routes, and then when you want to start the app:
import gevent.pywsgi
app_server = gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer((host, port), app)
Call this script to run the application rather than having to tell gunicorn or uWSGI to run it.
I wanted the utility of Flask to build a web application, but had trouble composing it with other elements. I eventually found that gevent.pywsgi.WSGIServer was what I needed. After the call to app_server.serve_forever(), call app_server.stop() when to exit the application.
In my deployment, my application is listening on localhost:port using Flask and gevent, and then I have Nginx reverse-proxying HTTPS requests to it.
You definitely need something like a production WSGI server such as Gunicorn, because the development server of Flask is meant for ease of development without much configuration for fine-tuning and optimization.
Eg. Gunicorn has a variety of configurations depending on the use case you are trying to solve. But the development flask server does not have these capabilities. In addition, these development servers show their limitations as soon as you try to scale and handle more requests.
With respect to needing a reverse proxy server such as Nginx is concerned it depends on your use case.
If you are deploying your application behind the latest load balancer in AWS such as an application load balancer(NOT classic load balancer), that itself will suffice for most use cases. No need to take effort into setting up NGINX if you have that option.
The purpose of a reverse proxy is to handle slow clients, meaning clients which take time to send the request. These reverse load balancers buffer the requests till the entire request is got from the clients and send them async to Gunicorn. This improves the performance of your application considerably.

Node.js multiple domain web hosting

I have a VPS server (ubuntu)
wanted multiple node.js sites to be running on it, thus multiple domains
Was trying out
kubernetes with ha and docker images(containers) per website /But memory consumption would increase and the deployment is complex.
What i Need
I don't care if the database instance is shared
each website can have a own database in the database instance.
Node.js must run in the background, has got some env variables.
Simplest routing based on domain names to node.js port like 3000, 4000, 5000 and so on ..
I would advise using NGINX as described here, Setting up an Nginx Reverse Proxy

Do I need a different server to run node.js

sorry if this is a wrong question on this forum but I am simply just stuck and need some advice. I have a shared hosting service and a cloud based hosting server with node.js installed. I want to host my website as normal but I also want to add real time chat and location tracking using node.js I am confused with what I am reading in several places because node.js is itself a server but not designed to host websites? So I have to run 2 different servers? One for the website and one to run node.js? When I setup the cloud one with a node.js script running I can no longer access the webpages.
Whats the best way for me achieve this as I am just going round in circles. Also is there a way I can set up a server on my PC and run and test both of these together before hand so I see what is needed and get it working as it will stop me ordering servers I dont need.
Many thanks for any help or advice.
Node can serve webpages using a framework like Express, but can cause conflicts if run on the same port as another webserver program (Apache, etc). One solution could be to serve your webpages through your webserver on port 80 (or 443 for HTTPS) and run your node server on a different port in order to send information back and forth.
There are a number of ways you can achieve this but here is one popular approach.
You can use NGINX as your front facing web server and proxy the requests to your backend Node service.
In NGINX, for example, you will configure your upstream service as follows:
upstream lucyservice {
keepalive 64;
The 8000 you see above is just an example, you may be running your Node service on a different port.
Further in your config (in the server config section) you will proxy the requests to your service as follows:
location / {
proxy_pass http://lucyservice;
You're Node service can be running in a process manager like forever / pm2 etc. You can have multiple Node services running in a cluster depending on how many processors your machine has etc.
So to recap - your front facing web server will be handling all traffic on port 80 (HTTP) and or 443 (HTTPS) and this will proxy the requests to your Node service running on whatever port(s) you define. All of this can happen on one single server or multiple if you need / desire.

Running two applications on Linux server and routing

I have got 2 applications:
Nodejs application and Angular application.
I would like to host them both on the same Linux server (Linode).
Also I have a DNS record for example :
I would like that when I navigate to it will navigate inside the linux server to the Angular application, and I should see the angular pages.
The nodejs application is a API application which I would like other people to make all the HTTP requests to
So the question is how to make the navigation inside the linux server?
Generally speaking to run multiple applications on a server. First you need to add an A record on your DNS record for
Then you can use nginx to handle the two applications. The way it will work is that each application will run locally on its own port and nginx will handle the url you provide and map it to the appropriate application. Check out this tutorial: Configure Nginx as a web server
In your situation you could serve the angular app from the node application.
Check this too: How to serve an angular2 app in a node.js server

Using AWS OpsWorks, how do I start my node application?

I've created a simple stack in AWS OpsWorks consisting of a Node app server Layer and an Elastic Load Balancer -- I'm trying to get my application to kick off on the deploy life cycle event. In other words, at some point I need the server to run node start
I have the built-in Chef recipes, summarized by life-cycle event below:
Setup: opsworks_nodejs
Configure: opsworks_nodejs::configure
Deploy: opsworks_nodejs, deploy::nodejs
But when I SSH into my instance and check for running node processes, nothing comes up. I'm diving into the individual recipes now, but would appreciate any help or guidance on this task.
If you're running with default OpsWorks Chef recipes, you must make sure that your main app file is named server.js and it's listening on ports 80 or 443.
See here for additional information -
