Android Studio layout editor skill and setting - android-layout

When positioning view using android studio layout editor(Design View)
Editor shows possible reference, is there a shortcut to skip or select through references?
Is there a tools attribute to set a view not to be a positioning reference?
Where are the settings specific to layout editor?
centerVertical constrain
reference unwanted


Android Studio Customization

Android Studio is my preferred IDE but I've been wanting to customize to my preferences. Two things that I haven't been able to change to my desire is the navigation bar (where there is file, edit, view, navigate,... menus) background color and the sidebar (where the project files are listed) background color in the Dracula theme. Does any Android Studio diver know how to change them?

Is it possible to add an attribute like textSize to the Common Attributes section in Android Studio's Layout Editor?

I'm trying to move frequently-used attributes higher in Layout Editor.

AutoSizing in VisualStudio for Xamarin.iOS

Don't we have "AutoSizing" feature in VisualStudio for Xamarin.iOS?. I believe it's available in Xamarin Studio.
In Property When you uncheck the AutoLayout. then sizing will be the default behavior of Xib files.
If you are facing problem with Visual studio storyboard then open your storyboard in Xcode and do whatever you want, there you can do autosizing easily. I would prefer to use Xcode only for any UI creation instead of Visual Studio layout editor.
Click on the .storyboard file => click on one viewcontroller => properties => Layout tab

Switching TabHost Tabs in Android Studio UI Designer

How can I switch between the tabs of a TabHost in the UI Designer for inserting content? Is there a keyboard shortcut or something else
I found a way to visualise any tab using TabHost in the UI Designer. Is probably not the best way, but it works.
1. Go to the Component Tree, where you have all the elements of the UI.
2. Inside the FrameLayout that TabHost automatically creates for you, there are the tabs.
3. If you change the order of the tabs just drag and dropping in the Component Tree, you get to see the one that is placed in the first position.
According to this answer there is no way to change the tabs of a TabHost. That question refers to IntelliJ; I don't know if it applies to Android Studio.
Also, it seems that TabHost has been replaced by FragmentActivity and ActionBar. See Android how can i replace the deprecated tabhost? for a discussion.
It is defined as "Select next Tab in multi-editor file" in Settings -> Keymap.
On Windows it seems to default to CRTL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT or ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT. On my Mac it defaults to CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT/LEFT.
Note that Studio doesn't allow the default Keymap to be edited so you will first need to copy the default and give it a new name.
Also see Shortcut to switch between design and text in android studio.
By mouse, select the FrameLayout then long left click on any space in it.

What is this "pull down" icon in Visual Studio 2012 text editor used for?

The icon below shows at the top of the vertical scrollbar in Visual Studio 2012's text editor. When I drag it down, another page shows behind the current visible page. It looks like a copy of it. (I am using dark theme)
What is it used for? I don't know what the feature is called, therefore I couldn't search for it. I am not sure if it's native to VS 2012 or it's from one of the VS add-ons I am using.
Sometimes the icon disappears. Why?
It's for split viewing of a file. So you can view part of the file and edit another part.
It's a common feature in advanced text editors.
