nodejs, get locale of OS - node.js

in python with getdefaultlocale I can get the locale
>>> import locale
>>> locale.getdefaultlocale()
('es_ES', 'UTF-8')
in nodejs exists some similar?

Unfortunately, it's not as straightforward as it seems. The docs tells the whole story. There's also os-locale that it might be helpful.
But if you happen to be running a simulated browser environment, you can try this:
console.log('navigator.language:', navigator.language);


AttributeError: module 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial'- Python3.8

This is my first project with Python, which I wrote online by, (disclaimer: I have very little programming experience), it's supposed to turn on an LED when I receive a message, but this error appears when I run it (I am running it on Windows 10, 64 bits).
import imaplib
import getpass
import email
import time
import serial
import os
**ser = serial.Serial("COM3", 9600)**
It says that in the bolded line, 'serial' has no attribute 'Serial', what can I do in order to fix it?
Thanks in advance and sorry for any dumb mistake I may have committed. for whatever reason interprets import serial as the package 'serial', not 'pyserial', even if you manually specify pyserial as a requirement. This is just an idiosyncrasy with the virtual machine as far as I can tell. Run it on your local machine with pyserial installed and it should work fine.

Getting Desktop path with different system languages in python3

I want to use os.path.join, but I am pretty confused.
At some part of my program I have:
import os
desktop = os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE'], 'Desktop')
But, I want to use os.path.join in different Windows computers which have different system languages.
I am looking forward to "know" the best way to change the 'Desktop' variable depending on the system language.
The winshell module has has a desktop() function that should return the correct value for any locale:
>>> import winshell
>>> winshell.desktop()

Encoding error using google adwords api

I am using the google adwords api. Currenlty my only code is:
from googleads import adwords
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
This results in an error displaying Your default encoding, cp1252, is not UTF-8. Please run this script with UTF-8 encoding to avoid errors.
I am using Python 3.6, which should be UTF-8 by default. What is the source of this error/how is it avoided?
It turns out that this is actually a warning emitted by googleads whenever the default encoding returned by locale.getdefaultlocale() is not UTF-8.
If your script runs without issues, I feel that you can safely ignore it. Otherwise it might be worth a try to set a different locale at the beginning of your code:
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, NEW_LOCALE)
I take it that you are running Windows, so I'm not sure what the proper locale definitions are. On Linux, you could use en_US.UTF-8, but that's probably not going to work for you.
Try importing the _locale module.
import _locale
_locale._getdefaultlocale = (lambda *args: ['en_US', 'UTF-8'])

Encoding issue with python3 and click package

When the lib click detects that the runtime is python3 but the encoding is ASCII then it ends the python program abruptly:
RuntimeError: Click will abort further execution because Python 3 was configured to use ASCII as encoding for the environment. Either switch to Python 2 or consult for mitigation steps.
I found the cause of this issue in my case, when I connect to my Linux host from my Mac, the set the SSH session locale to my Mac locale (es_ES.UTF-8) However my Linux host hasn't installed such locale (only en_US.utf-8).
I applied an initial workaround to fix it (but It had many issues, see accepted answer):
import locale, codecs
# locale.getpreferredencoding() == 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'
if codecs.lookup(locale.getpreferredencoding()).name == 'ascii':
os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.utf-8'
EDIT: For a better patch see my accepted answer.
All my linux hosts have installed 'en_US.utf-8' as locale (Fedora uses it as default).
My question is: Is there a better (more robust) way to choose/force the locale in a python3 script ? For instance, setting one of the available locales in the system.
Maybe there is a different approach to fix this issue but I didn't find it.
If you have python version >= 3.7, then you should not need to do anything. If you have python 3.6 see the original solution.
EDIT 2017-12-08
I've seen that there is a PEP 538 for py3.7, that will change the entire behavior of python3 encoding management during startup, I think that the new approach will fix the original problem:
IMHO the changes targeted to python 3.7 for encoding issues, should have been planed years ago, but better late than never, I guess.
EDIT 2015-09-01
There is an opened issue (enhancement),, that will allow to change the encoding in a created (not-used) stream easily (sys.std*). But is targeted to python 3.7 So, we'll have to wait for a while.
Original solution that targets python version 3.6
NOTE: this solution should not be needed for anyone running python version >= 3.7 see PEP 538
Well, my initial workaround had many flaws, I got to pass the click library check about the encoding, but the encoding itself was not fixed, so I get exceptions when the input parameters or output had non-ascii characters.
I had to implement a more complex method, with 3 steps: set locale, correct encoding in std in/out and re-encode the command line parameters, besides I've added a "friendly" exit if the first try to set the locale doesn't work as expected:
def prevent_ascii_env():
To avoid issues reading unicode chars from stdin or writing to stdout, we need to ensure that the
python3 runtime is correctly configured, if not, we try to force to utf-8,
but It isn't possible then we exit with a more friendly message that the original one.
import locale, codecs, os, sys
# locale.getpreferredencoding() == 'ANSI_X3.4-1968'
if codecs.lookup(locale.getpreferredencoding()).name == 'ascii':
os.environ['LANG'] = 'en_US.utf-8'
if codecs.lookup(locale.getpreferredencoding()).name == 'ascii':
print("The current locale is not correctly configured in your system")
print("Please set the LANG env variable to the proper value before to call this script")
#Once we have the proper locale.getpreferredencoding() We can change current stdin/out streams
_, encoding = locale.getdefaultlocale()
import io
sys.stderr = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stderr.detach(), encoding=encoding, errors="replace", line_buffering=True)
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.detach(), encoding=encoding, errors="replace", line_buffering=True)
sys.stdin = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdin.detach(), encoding=encoding, errors="replace", line_buffering=True)
# And finally we need to re-encode the input parameters
for i, p in enumerate(sys.argv):
sys.argv[i] = os.fsencode(p).decode()
This patch solves almost all issues, however it has a caveat, the method shutils.get_terminal_size() raises a ValueError because the sys.__stdout__ has been detached, click lib uses that method to print the help, to fix it I had to apply a monkey-patch on click lib
def wrapper_get_terminal_size():
Replace the original function termui.get_terminal_size (click lib) by a new one
that uses a fallback if ValueError exception has been raised
from click import termui, formatting
old_get_term_size = termui.get_terminal_size
def _wrapped_get_terminal_size():
return old_get_term_size()
except ValueError:
import os
sz = os.get_terminal_size()
return sz.columns, sz.lines
termui.get_terminal_size = _wrapped_get_terminal_size
formatting.get_terminal_size = _wrapped_get_terminal_size
With this changes all my scripts work fine now when the environment has a wrong locale configured but the system supports en_US.utf-8 (It's the Fedora default locale).
If you find any issue on this approach or have a better solution, please add a new answer.
It's an aged thread, however this answer might help other in the future or myself. If it's *nux
env | grep LC_ALL
if it's set, do the follows. That's all of it.
unset LC_ALL
If you are running python 3.6 then you will still get this error. Here is a simple solution that the authors of click recommend:
# before your python code executes set two environment variables
export LANG=en_US.utf8
export LC_ALL=en_US.utf8
NOTE: replace the values with whatever your locale is configured to
NOTE: this solution is even given in the PEP 538 document seen here.
I haven't found this simple method (re-exec script with proper environment before doing anything) so I'll add it for future travellers using old Python version for some reason. Add it bellow imports to be that first :
if os.environ["LC_ALL"] != "C.UTF-8" or os.environ["LANG"] != "C.UTF-8":
[os.path.realpath(__file__)] + sys.argv,
{"LC_ALL": "C.UTF-8", "LANG": "C.UTF-8"})

python 3.3 basic error

I have python 3.3 installed.
i use the example they use on their site:
import urllib.request
response = urllib.request.urlopen('')
html =
the only thing that happens when I run it is I get this :
I know I am a rookie but I figured the example from python's own website should be able to work.
It doesn't. What am I doing wrong?Eventually I want to run this script from the website below. But I think urllib is not going to work as it is on that site. Can someone tell me if the code will work with python3.3???
I think I see what's probably going on. You're likely using IDLE, and when it starts a new run of a program, it prints the
line to tell you that a fresh program is starting. That means that all the variables currently defined are reset and/or deleted, as appropriate.
Since your program didn't print any output, you didn't see anything.
The two lines I suggested adding were just tests to figure out what was going on, they're not needed in general. [Unless the window itself is automatically closing, which it shouldn't.] But as a rule, if you want to see output, you'll have to print what you're interested in.
Your example works for me. However, I suggest using requests instead of urllib2.
To simplify the example you linked to, it would look like:
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
resp = requests.get("")
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text)
