Suite/Advanced UI multiple packages - installshield

I have in my company many MSI installers that I want to unified them into a single MSI.
I understand Suite/Advanced UI project may fit that requirement.
I created a project, added 2 different packages and assign them features.
I want to view the features that each MSI has, maybe load it's dialog to the Suite project but I can't find a way to do that but only built a new dialog which will save properties and pass them to the sub MSI's.
If that is the only then what is the purpose of Suite project, I cant do that in a standard MSI or some C# code to run all my MSI's
Am I wrong?

There are multiple pieces to this question, so I'm going to answer them at a high level. That should help you figure out what you want more detail on so you can ask it in a new question.
It's possible to associate Suite/Advanced UI features with MSI features, but I don't really recommend it. There are a lot of caveats to the approach in that blog post. We've found that it typically works better to design your MSIs to be feature-level items, so that the entirety of any given MSI that is part of a Suite is either installed or skipped.
You are correct that is is not possible to dynamically explore the features of the MSI package. You can create pages with controls that reference Suite properties or features, but you're still back to the caveats of the above post.
The Suite/Advanced UI project is designed to unify the UI experience of installing multiple packages, whether carried locally or downloaded on demand. If they are all MSI packages, and you are willing to require Windows Installer 4.5, it can install them using transaction processing. You are absolutely correct that you could write your own bootstrap to do this, or to just script installing several MSI packages in a row, but doing so requires the usual trade-offs. (It may give a better fit, but it will likely take a lot more work if you want to replicate all the features already provided.)


What is the best approach of building SAP Hybris application from scratch?

I'm trying to build my first app on Hybris, but I'm not sure what is the best approach to build such applications. Let's say I sell flowers in my store. Currently there are 2 ways how to do it:
Create accelerator template and then reconfigure application.
Building app from the beginning.
The first solution may look very attractive, but I don't think it is better solution because:
Hybris doesn't provide an accelerator for my specific solution (flowers), application reconfiguration may take a lot of time.
Some accelerators contain more that one store - other stores should be removed.
The mess in the database. I have to spend time and understand which tables should be removed.
The second approach seems the most logical, but in this case I have some doubts, because the speed of development will be significantly reduced. Moreover, I think that developing a simple store on Spring Boot will be much faster than learning the Hybris platform's extensions and how they work together.
In this case, how should I start develop my application?
Honestly, I don't have experience with building complete SAP Hybris application from the scratch yet, but I have some experience related to development of the SAP Hybris extensions, so I'll try to provide my potential approach because I don't see many answers here.
I'd do it as follows:
Get the whole commerce suite
Run one of the recipe with the installer script (choose one, which will be the best for you - one of the most popular/common recipes is b2c_acc)
Remove unwanted extensions from the localextensions.xml file if necessary
Add another extensions, if you need them
Depending on your use case, create your own extension basing on the one of templates with ant extgen task inside the hybris/bin/platform/ dir (e.g. yacceleratorstorefront, ybackoffice, yempty, etc.)
Add your custom extension (or extensions) to localextensions.xml file
Start your development within your custom extension created out of available template
I know, it's kind of "specific" platform. I hope this answer will help a bit.

How do I create transferable dll's for a specific website functionality?

VS2013 update 5, MVC5 using Areas
I have a stand-alone function programmed for a website. The functionality is a specific user interface to collect survey responses in a particular way. It has several controllers, a model and a group of views. The functionality is completely contained in an Area of the project, except for the Shared _Layout file that provides the main menu for consistency.
'Is it possible for me to' / 'how do I' compile this Area into a single or set of .dll file(s) that I could then add conveniently to other websites? I'm assuming creating something for transfer/download is very standard functionality. For example, I used Elmah.MVC for this site. What I want to do is pretty much create a package that can be downloaded in a similar way to how we integrate Elmah.MVC into a site. (Be certain I'm not talking about creating error logging software, I'm only using Elmah.MVC as an example of software that is easily integrated into other website applications.)
I've never compiled any website functionality into a .dll(s) for use elsewhere and would appreciate either some specific guidance, or perhaps what would be easier is to provide a link with a good step by step tutorial or explanation for how to do this. Most of what I've found on the web describes bits and pieces of doing this, but it's not enough for me to feel confident with it.
It seems to me there are a lot of 'moving parts' to taking a particular piece of an MVC application and turning it into something that is easily added to other projects.
A particular issue I don't quite grasp is the difference in downloaded packages between getting code and getting just the .dll(s). For instance, when I download an MVC5 site, I get controllers, models and views, but when I download Elmah I get a .dll and no code files. Also, I do understand the concept of transforms, but I'm just struggling right now with even getting from my programmed application into a 'package' regardless of the transforms that make it easy to integrate into another website.
These are just some of my questions I have about how to perform this particular process in developing deliverable and/or shareable software.
What you are looking to do is create a portable MVC Area project. A Portable Area is a set of reusable multi page functionality can be dropped into an application to provide rich functionality without having to custom build functionality that is literally the same in every application. An MVC Portable Area is really just a dll that contains the views, controllers, scripts, etc… needed to use in a website that is either a Web Forms website or an MVC website. A developer can use them for a reusable widget or a complete engine. I have actually used them for both. Here is a link with some basic info to get started.

How is your approach for creating your own set of controls aka own Extensions Library?

What is your approach for creating your own set of controls aka own Extensions Library? After a few years of Xpages development we have a huge set of controls that are general purpose for building UI, some web services etc. (Probably as most other developers.) When we start a new project now we have to copy the entire stuff from one database to new one which involves controls, jars, css, images, JAVA code ... and then you completely loose control to maintain some central version of this controls & codes, everything is scattered among several projects/databases and things get messy fast.
We have thought about creating our own extension library as described here but there is not enough documentation for this topic and the entire development process is quite complicated (at least seems to me. I tried two times based on docs above going through eclipse plugin project -> feature project -> update site and still having some bugs around)
What is your experience and approach for creating and maintaining shared Xpages controls in your Domino environment? Is there some hidden feature we miss here that can help us?
Take a look at the XSP Starter Kit on OpenNTF and the XPages SDK to setup an eclipse environment for plugin development. You'll also want Eclipse IDE for RCP and RAP Developers. Install the starter kit and SDK into eclipse and you should be all set.
The starter kit is a sample plugin with all kinds of examples of phase listeners, components, etc. Once you want to deploy your plugin, create an update site from within eclipse and use the Update Site NSF available on your server install to place your update site. Once that's done, you can replicate that NSF to any other servers that may need the plugin.
For more information about the starter kit, take a look at this slide deck. There is also a github project for the starter kit. Documentation for the XPages SDK can be found here. And a video for setting up the SDK is available on youtube. Lastly, here's the documentation for setting up the update site NSF.
While we haven't gotten to that yet in XPages, our model for regular Notes design elements is to have a central template that contains the elements that are shared, with those specific design elements marked to inherit from that template. Sometimes, a database inherits design elements from two different central templates.
That way, those centrally controlled design elements remain the same in all databases.
I would recommend looking at some example's on github for how they have library/components setup. One of the more simpler examples that has just a single component built into a Library is Steve Pridemore's App Layout Extension..., Another good one is Nathan Freeman's Starterkit: Hopefully these will help you get the file structure down on which files you need and how they work.

Custom discovery with Web Platform Installer

I want to use the Web Platform Installer to perform installations and manage dependencies, but because we store version information in a database, the options for discovery that are supported by the WPI won't work for us.
Based on what I've learned so far setting up a custom feed, I don't even know how you would inject any sort of custom logic into the application, but I thought I'd better throw a question out here before I give up.
Is it possible to add custom logic for how the Web Platform Installer discovers which services have been installed?
As far as I've been able to tell, this is not possible. We ended up coming up with a custom solution to fit our needs.
For those interested, chocolatey ( is another great utility for custom installations.

Fighting with Protected Mode in Vista

Our application commonly used an ActiveX control to download and install our client on IE (XP and prior), however as our user base has drifted towards more Vista boxes with "Protected Mode" on, we are required to investigate.
So going forward, is it worth the headache of trying to use the protected mode API? Is this going to result in a deluge of dialog boxes and admin rights to do the things our app needs to do (write to some local file places, access some other applications, etc)?
I'm half bent on just adding a non-browser based installer app that will do the dirty work of downloading and installing the client, if need be... this would only need to be installed once and in large corporate structures it could be pushed out by IT.
Are there some other ideas I'm missing?
This client, is it a desktop application and not some software that runs inside the browser? In that case, please just supply a regular download installer application. My personal experience with browser-hosted installers is that they are just confusing and the few I have seen seemed to be poorly coded in some way.
If you use an MSI based installer I'm sure lots of Windows domain administrators will love you too, as Microsoft has tools to deploy MSI based installations onto large sets of machines remotely.
Its far better to do this right than put it off any longer. Vista is Microsoft's way of saying they aren't letting people get away with ignoring security issues any more and encouraging people to update their code.
I'm sure other users here will be able to point you are some MSDN best practices about writing ActiveX controls.
Have you checked out Microsoft's ClickOnce Deployment?
If I remember correctly you can embed a manifests which would help with dealing with protected modes automatically, saving you those headaches with the APIs.
I believe ClickOnce is geared for the same thing your ActiveX installer was designed to do.
Since you say your IT dept could push this out, I assume you could use this kind of technology as well.
Even though you might not be writing applications on the .NET CLR, you can use Visual Studio to generate those manifest and installers for you.
