Docker NodeJs for ReactJs - node.js

I'm trying to create a container for my ReactJs project with nodejs. At first, it seems to be success, but am not able to access it through the port.
Following is my Dockerfile
Command I ran
docker build -t <your username>/node-reactjs .
docker run -p 9090:3333 -d <your username>/node-reactjs
As you can see, the container created successfully
I even tried to go inside the container and curl localhost:3333, it did return me the js file
I tried googling around, and many ways but seems like cant make it to work. I even tried the docker-compose way, but even worse. Cant even create the container.
Would really appreciate if someone can help me out on this.
Btw, is this the correct way to do for ReactJs?

After some hard time, I finally found the way to get it to work.
Thanks to this Connecting webpack-dev-server inside a Docker container from the host
All I need to do is to add a parameter to the start script in the package.json as following
Noticed the
That's what missing.


Logs file is empty in spring boot application docker container

I have a spring-boot application running inside a docker container & its working fine. But the thing is application log file is empty inside the docker container.
In logback-spring.xml log path has been configured to /var/log.
When I go to /var/log directory inside the docker container, I can see log file has been created like "myservice.log"
but when I "cat" the file to see the content, that is completely empty.
Also when I execute
docker logs <container-id>
it returns nothing.
And also I checked the docker root directory in the server.
that is also empty.
my Dockerfile has the following structure.
From private-docker-repo/openjdk:11-jre-slim
WORKDIR /opt/services
COPY target/my-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/services/my-service.jar
CMD java -Dserver.port=61016 -jar my-service.jar
EXPOSE 61016
What can be the reason for being the log file is empty here. Highly appreciate if anyone can point me out.
Edit - when I deploy the same jar using a linux systemd service logs are just writing fine. I want to know why the same jar not printing any logs inside the docker container
Thanks in advance..!
are you sure that your application running? Get into the docker container and check whether it's running, seems to me it's not started.
I solved this just by replacing the CMD command with ENTRYPOINT. Now the logs are printing just fine. I did some search on the difference between CMD and ENTRYPOINT but still I cant understand how that affect the logging of a container. So if anyone can add a comment what could be happened, that's great not only for me but for the other who will see this question in future.
Thank you :)

Deploy OpenLdap using docker

How can I deploy openldap server using docker I tryed this command but the image doesn't exist
docker run --name isva-openldap --detach ibmcom/verify-access-openldap:latest
Search dockerhub for openldap. I see a few, like bitnami/openldap. I've been using osixia/openldap with some success. That one seems to come up in most searches when I need help too.
The ibmcom/verify-access-openldap one seems to be an extension of the osixia one.

JHipster + Angular + MongoDB + Docker: beginner question

I would like to have some guidance about what is supposed to be the best development workflow with JHipster.
What I did expect:
With one docker-compose command, I could up and run everything the project needs (in this case, MongoDB, Kafka, backend, etc.);
When modifying front-end, saving the modified files, could fire livesync (ng serve --watch?).
What I did find:
The one command option that I found (docker-compose -f src/main/docker/app.yml up -d), which I guess that depends of a ./mvnw package -Pprod verify jib:dockerBuild before, does not livesync and seems that is not compatible with the individual execution of front-end with npm run start - application started this way points to different backend's modules ports (?).
I have experience with Angular and MongoDB (and a little with Docker), but I'm super new to JHipster and am trying to understand what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance!
For development workflow, you should start the dependencies individually. The app.yml will start the app's Docker image with the prod profile, useful for testing locally before deploying.
Start Containers for Mongo and Kafka
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/mongodb.yml up -d
docker-compose -f src/main/docker/kafka.yml up -d
Start the backend
Start frontend live-reload
npm start
If Docker is not accessible on localhost, you may need to configure application-dev.yml to point to the Docker IP.

Connection refused when accessing web app through Docker

I'm pretty new to Docker, so I'm trying to take a node web app that I've written and Docker-ize it. The app is open source, so you can find it and the Dockerfile here: Paw-Wars
So you don't have to click through, the Dockerfile is here:
FROM mhart/alpine-node
ADD . .
RUN npm install
COPY config.json /src/config.json
CMD npm run docker
So I open up the Docker Quickstart Terminal (I'm on Mac OS X), go to my path, and build it:
docker build -t paw-wars .
After it builds, I run it:
docker run paw-wars
And it spins up just fine and says it's listening on port 5050. I get the ip from docker-machine ip default, and try to connect to it on port 5050, but I get connection refused. Most searches I've done trying to solve this tell me that I need to make sure to use the correct IP, but I'm almost positive I'm doing that. Not really sure what I'm doing wrong. It's not in the repo, but I've also tried binding to in my app (index.js), but that didn't work either.
The issue is that you MUST specify a port in your docker run command. I thought that using EXPOSE in your dockerfile is sufficient, but it's not. That's just to get the port exposed internally.
docker run -p 5050:5050 paw-wars worked great.

Creating an environmental variable within Docker container when starting up

How would I get the ip address of a mongo container and set it as environmental variable when creating a node image?
I've been running into an issue with conflicting tech stacks: keystone.js, forever, and docker. My problem is that I need to set up an environmental variable for a separate mongo container which would seem easy to do by running a shell script when I start up the container that includes:
export MONGO_URI="mongodb://${MONGODB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR}:27017/(db_name)"
The issue comes with starting the keystone app. Normally I would place it in the same script and call it with docker run but this project we need to use forever. Command would be forever keystone.js. There is an issue with this in that the docker container drops immediatly. If I start the app with a simple forever start rather than going to the script the app starts up fine but the env variable needed is not set. It's hard coded in the docker image but of course this is not a good solution as the ip of the mongodb may change in the future and then on the node container restart it would not be able to find the db. See a couple of possibilities:
Switch to just using a node keystone.js, would loose the functionality of the forever start (which will restart the app if there is a critical failure). Tested and this works but maybe someone knows a way to make forever work or a viable alternate?
Find a way to set the above export from the docker file when creating the image. Haven't been able to get this to work but I do know the name that the mongdb is going to use no matter what if that helps
Any help is most appreciated.
The best way is to use docker link this provides you a hostname + your environmental variables.
docker run ... --link mongodb:mongodb ..
Also you can use the command line option from run
docker run -e MONGO_URI="mongodb://${MONGODB_PORT_27017_TCP_ADDR}:27017/(db_name)"
An Option for dynamic dns would be SkyDNS + SkyDock.
